
Posted android-deli



public final class FileIOUtils {

    private FileIOUtils() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("u can‘t instantiate me...");

    private static final String LINE_SEP = System.getProperty("line.separator");

    private static int sBufferSize = 8192;

     * 将输入流写入文件
     * @param filePath 路径
     * @param is       输入流
     * @return {@code true}: 写入成功<br>{@code false}: 写入失败
    public static boolean writeFileFromIS(final String filePath, final InputStream is) {
        return writeFileFromIS(getFileByPath(filePath), is, false);

     * 将输入流写入文件
     * @param filePath 路径
     * @param is       输入流
     * @param append   是否追加在文件末
     * @return {@code true}: 写入成功<br>{@code false}: 写入失败
    public static boolean writeFileFromIS(final String filePath, final InputStream is, final boolean append) {
        return writeFileFromIS(getFileByPath(filePath), is, append);

     * 将输入流写入文件
     * @param file 文件
     * @param is   输入流
     * @return {@code true}: 写入成功<br>{@code false}: 写入失败
    public static boolean writeFileFromIS(final File file, final InputStream is) {
        return writeFileFromIS(file, is, false);

     * 将输入流写入文件
     * @param file   文件
     * @param is     输入流
     * @param append 是否追加在文件末
     * @return {@code true}: 写入成功<br>{@code false}: 写入失败
    public static boolean writeFileFromIS(final File file, final InputStream is, final boolean append) {
        if (!createOrExistsFile(file) || is == null) return false;
        OutputStream os = null;
        try {
            os = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file, append));
            byte data[] = new byte[sBufferSize];
            int len;
            while ((len =, 0, sBufferSize)) != -1) {
                os.write(data, 0, len);
            return true;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            return false;
        } finally {
            CloseUtils.closeIO(is, os);

     * 将字节数组写入文件
     * @param filePath 文件路径
     * @param bytes    字节数组
     * @return {@code true}: 写入成功<br>{@code false}: 写入失败
    public static boolean writeFileFromBytesByStream(final String filePath, final byte[] bytes) {
        return writeFileFromBytesByStream(getFileByPath(filePath), bytes, false);

     * 将字节数组写入文件
     * @param filePath 文件路径
     * @param bytes    字节数组
     * @param append   是否追加在文件末
     * @return {@code true}: 写入成功<br>{@code false}: 写入失败
    public static boolean writeFileFromBytesByStream(final String filePath, final byte[] bytes, final boolean append) {
        return writeFileFromBytesByStream(getFileByPath(filePath), bytes, append);

     * 将字节数组写入文件
     * @param file  文件
     * @param bytes 字节数组
     * @return {@code true}: 写入成功<br>{@code false}: 写入失败
    public static boolean writeFileFromBytesByStream(final File file, final byte[] bytes) {
        return writeFileFromBytesByStream(file, bytes, false);

     * 将字节数组写入文件
     * @param file   文件
     * @param bytes  字节数组
     * @param append 是否追加在文件末
     * @return {@code true}: 写入成功<br>{@code false}: 写入失败
    public static boolean writeFileFromBytesByStream(final File file, final byte[] bytes, final boolean append) {
        if (bytes == null || !createOrExistsFile(file)) return false;
        BufferedOutputStream bos = null;
        try {
            bos = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file, append));
            return true;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            return false;
        } finally {

     * 将字节数组写入文件
     * @param filePath 文件路径
     * @param bytes    字节数组
     * @param isForce  是否写入文件
     * @return {@code true}: 写入成功<br>{@code false}: 写入失败
    public static boolean writeFileFromBytesByChannel(final String filePath, final byte[] bytes, final boolean isForce) {
        return writeFileFromBytesByChannel(getFileByPath(filePath), bytes, false, isForce);

     * 将字节数组写入文件
     * @param filePath 文件路径
     * @param bytes    字节数组
     * @param append   是否追加在文件末
     * @param isForce  是否写入文件
     * @return {@code true}: 写入成功<br>{@code false}: 写入失败
    public static boolean writeFileFromBytesByChannel(final String filePath, final byte[] bytes, final boolean append, final boolean isForce) {
        return writeFileFromBytesByChannel(getFileByPath(filePath), bytes, append, isForce);

     * 将字节数组写入文件
     * @param file    文件
     * @param bytes   字节数组
     * @param isForce 是否写入文件
     * @return {@code true}: 写入成功<br>{@code false}: 写入失败
    public static boolean writeFileFromBytesByChannel(final File file, final byte[] bytes, final boolean isForce) {
        return writeFileFromBytesByChannel(file, bytes, false, isForce);

     * 将字节数组写入文件
     * @param file    文件
     * @param bytes   字节数组
     * @param append  是否追加在文件末
     * @param isForce 是否写入文件
     * @return {@code true}: 写入成功<br>{@code false}: 写入失败
    public static boolean writeFileFromBytesByChannel(final File file, final byte[] bytes, final boolean append, final boolean isForce) {
        if (bytes == null) return false;
        FileChannel fc = null;
        try {
            fc = new FileOutputStream(file, append).getChannel();
            if (isForce) fc.force(true);
            return true;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            return false;
        } finally {

     * 将字节数组写入文件
     * @param filePath 文件路径
     * @param bytes    字节数组
     * @param isForce  是否写入文件
     * @return {@code true}: 写入成功<br>{@code false}: 写入失败
    public static boolean writeFileFromBytesByMap(final String filePath, final byte[] bytes, final boolean isForce) {
        return writeFileFromBytesByMap(filePath, bytes, false, isForce);

     * 将字节数组写入文件
     * @param filePath 文件路径
     * @param bytes    字节数组
     * @param append   是否追加在文件末
     * @param isForce  是否写入文件
     * @return {@code true}: 写入成功<br>{@code false}: 写入失败
    public static boolean writeFileFromBytesByMap(final String filePath, final byte[] bytes, final boolean append, final boolean isForce) {
        return writeFileFromBytesByMap(getFileByPath(filePath), bytes, append, isForce);

     * 将字节数组写入文件
     * @param file    文件
     * @param bytes   字节数组
     * @param isForce 是否写入文件
     * @return {@code true}: 写入成功<br>{@code false}: 写入失败
    public static boolean writeFileFromBytesByMap(final File file, final byte[] bytes, final boolean isForce) {
        return writeFileFromBytesByMap(file, bytes, false, isForce);

     * 将字节数组写入文件
     * @param file    文件
     * @param bytes   字节数组
     * @param append  是否追加在文件末
     * @param isForce 是否写入文件
     * @return {@code true}: 写入成功<br>{@code false}: 写入失败
    public static boolean writeFileFromBytesByMap(final File file, final byte[] bytes, final boolean append, final boolean isForce) {
        if (bytes == null || !createOrExistsFile(file)) return false;
        FileChannel fc = null;
        try {
            fc = new FileOutputStream(file, append).getChannel();
            MappedByteBuffer mbb =, fc.size(), bytes.length);
            if (isForce) mbb.force();
            return true;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            return false;
        } finally {

     * 将字符串写入文件
     * @param filePath 文件路径
     * @param content  写入内容
     * @return {@code true}: 写入成功<br>{@code false}: 写入失败
    public static boolean writeFileFromString(final String filePath, final String content) {
        return writeFileFromString(getFileByPath(filePath), content, false);

     * 将字符串写入文件
     * @param filePath 文件路径
     * @param content  写入内容
     * @param append   是否追加在文件末
     * @return {@code true}: 写入成功<br>{@code false}: 写入失败
    public static boolean writeFileFromString(final String filePath, final String content, final boolean append) {
        return writeFileFromString(getFileByPath(filePath), content, append);

     * 将字符串写入文件
     * @param file    文件
     * @param content 写入内容
     * @return {@code true}: 写入成功<br>{@code false}: 写入失败
    public static boolean writeFileFromString(final File file, final String content) {
        return writeFileFromString(file, content, false);

     * 将字符串写入文件
     * @param file    文件
     * @param content 写入内容
     * @param append  是否追加在文件末
     * @return {@code true}: 写入成功<br>{@code false}: 写入失败
    public static boolean writeFileFromString(final File file, final String content, final boolean append) {
        if (file == null || content == null) return false;
        if (!createOrExistsFile(file)) return false;
        BufferedWriter bw = null;
        try {
            bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file, append));
            return true;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            return false;
        } finally {

    // the divide line of write and read

     * 读取文件到字符串链表中
     * @param filePath 文件路径
     * @return 字符串链表中
    public static List<String> readFile2List(final String filePath) {
        return readFile2List(getFileByPath(filePath), null);

     * 读取文件到字符串链表中
     * @param filePath    文件路径
     * @param charsetName 编码格式
     * @return 字符串链表中
    public static List<String> readFile2List(final String filePath, final String charsetName) {
        return readFile2List(getFileByPath(filePath), charsetName);

     * 读取文件到字符串链表中
     * @param file 文件
     * @return 字符串链表中
    public static List<String> readFile2List(final File file) {
        return readFile2List(file, 0, 0x7FFFFFFF, null);

     * 读取文件到字符串链表中
     * @param file        文件
     * @param charsetName 编码格式
     * @return 字符串链表中
    public static List<String> readFile2List(final File file, final String charsetName) {
        return readFile2List(file, 0, 0x7FFFFFFF, charsetName);

     * 读取文件到字符串链表中
     * @param filePath 文件路径
     * @param st       需要读取的开始行数
     * @param end      需要读取的结束行数
     * @return 字符串链表中
    public static List<String> readFile2List(final String filePath, final int st, final int end) {
        return readFile2List(getFileByPath(filePath), st, end, null);

     * 读取文件到字符串链表中
     * @param filePath    文件路径
     * @param st          需要读取的开始行数
     * @param end         需要读取的结束行数
     * @param charsetName 编码格式
     * @return 字符串链表中
    public static List<String> readFile2List(final String filePath, final int st, final int end, final String charsetName) {
        return readFile2List(getFileByPath(filePath), st, end, charsetName);

     * 读取文件到字符串链表中
     * @param file 文件
     * @param st   需要读取的开始行数
     * @param end  需要读取的结束行数
     * @return 字符串链表中
    public static List<String> readFile2List(final File file, final int st, final int end) {
        return readFile2List(file, st, end, null);

     * 读取文件到字符串链表中
     * @param file        文件
     * @param st          需要读取的开始行数
     * @param end         需要读取的结束行数
     * @param charsetName 编码格式
     * @return 字符串链表中
    public static List<String> readFile2List(final File file, final int st, final int end, final String charsetName) {
        if (!isFileExists(file)) return null;
        if (st > end) return null;
        BufferedReader reader = null;
        try {
            String line;
            int curLine = 1;
            List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
            if (isSpace(charsetName)) {
                reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file)));
            } else {
                reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file), charsetName));
            while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
                if (curLine > end) break;
                if (st <= curLine && curLine <= end) list.add(line);
            return list;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            return null;
        } finally {

     * 读取文件到字符串中
     * @param filePath 文件路径
     * @return 字符串
    public static String readFile2String(final String filePath) {
        return readFile2String(getFileByPath(filePath), null);

     * 读取文件到字符串中
     * @param filePath    文件路径
     * @param charsetName 编码格式
     * @return 字符串
    public static String readFile2String(final String filePath, final String charsetName) {
        return readFile2String(getFileByPath(filePath), charsetName);

     * 读取文件到字符串中
     * @param file 文件
     * @return 字符串
    public static String readFile2String(final File file) {
        return readFile2String(file, null);

     * 读取文件到字符串中
     * @param file        文件
     * @param charsetName 编码格式
     * @return 字符串
    public static String readFile2String(final File file, final String charsetName) {
        if (!isFileExists(file)) return null;
        BufferedReader reader = null;
        try {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            if (isSpace(charsetName)) {
                reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file)));
            } else {
                reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file), charsetName));
            String line;
            while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
            // delete the last line separator
            return sb.delete(sb.length() - LINE_SEP.length(), sb.length()).toString();
        } catch (IOException e) {
            return null;
        } finally {

     * 读取文件到字节数组中
     * @param filePath 文件路径
     * @return 字符数组
    public static byte[] readFile2BytesByStream(final String filePath) {
        return readFile2BytesByStream(getFileByPath(filePath));

     * 读取文件到字节数组中
     * @param file 文件
     * @return 字符数组
    public static byte[] readFile2BytesByStream(final File file) {
        if (!isFileExists(file)) return null;
        FileInputStream fis = null;
        ByteArrayOutputStream os = null;
        try {
            fis = new FileInputStream(file);
            os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            byte[] b = new byte[sBufferSize];
            int len;
            while ((len =, 0, sBufferSize)) != -1) {
                os.write(b, 0, len);
            return os.toByteArray();
        } catch (IOException e) {
            return null;
        } finally {
            CloseUtils.closeIO(fis, os);

     * 读取文件到字节数组中
     * @param filePath 文件路径
     * @return 字符数组
    public static byte[] readFile2BytesByChannel(final String filePath) {
        return readFile2BytesByChannel(getFileByPath(filePath));

     * 读取文件到字节数组中
     * @param file 文件
     * @return 字符数组
    public static byte[] readFile2BytesByChannel(final File file) {
        if (!isFileExists(file)) return null;
        FileChannel fc = null;
        try {
            fc = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r").getChannel();
            ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate((int) fc.size());
            while (true) {
                if (!(( > 0)) break;
            return byteBuffer.array();
        } catch (IOException e) {
            return null;
        } finally {

     * 读取文件到字节数组中
     * @param filePath 文件路径
     * @return 字符数组
    public static byte[] readFile2BytesByMap(final String filePath) {
        return readFile2BytesByMap(getFileByPath(filePath));

     * 读取文件到字节数组中
     * @param file 文件
     * @return 字符数组
    public static byte[] readFile2BytesByMap(final File file) {
        if (!isFileExists(file)) return null;
        FileChannel fc = null;
        try {
            fc = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r").getChannel();
            int size = (int) fc.size();
            MappedByteBuffer mbb =, 0, size).load();
            byte[] result = new byte[size];
            mbb.get(result, 0, size);
            return result;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            return null;
        } finally {

     * 设置缓冲区尺寸
     * @param bufferSize 缓冲区大小
    public static void setBufferSize(final int bufferSize) {
        sBufferSize = bufferSize;

    private static File getFileByPath(final String filePath) {
        return isSpace(filePath) ? null : new File(filePath);

    private static boolean createOrExistsFile(final String filePath) {
        return createOrExistsFile(getFileByPath(filePath));

    private static boolean createOrExistsFile(final File file) {
        if (file == null) return false;
        if (file.exists()) return file.isFile();
        if (!createOrExistsDir(file.getParentFile())) return false;
        try {
            return file.createNewFile();
        } catch (IOException e) {
            return false;

    private static boolean createOrExistsDir(final File file) {
        return file != null && (file.exists() ? file.isDirectory() : file.mkdirs());

    private static boolean isFileExists(final File file) {
        return file != null && file.exists();

    private static boolean isSpace(final String s) {
        if (s == null) return true;
        for (int i = 0, len = s.length(); i < len; ++i) {
            if (!Character.isWhitespace(s.charAt(i))) {
                return false;
        return true;





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