
Posted cyanic



Solved 23 / 39 A CodeForces 568D Sign Posts
Solved 24 / 28 B CodeForces 589B Layer Cake
Solved 24 / 35 C CodeForces 594C Edo and Magnets
Solved 23 / 25 D CodeForces 679D Bear and Chase
Solved 24 / 29 E CodeForces 685D Kay and Eternity
Attempted 20 / 24 F CodeForces 698D Limak and Shooting Points
Solved 24 / 27 G CodeForces 725E Too Much Money

Solved 25 / 60 A CodeChef NEO01 Chef and the Feast
Solved 24 / 39 B 51Nod 1053 最大M子段和 V2
22 / 26 C CodeForces 353E Antichain
21 / 28 D CodeForces 746F Music in Car
20 / 22 E CodeForces 521D Shop
17 / 19 F CodeForces 736E Chess Championship
15 / 17 G CodeForces 799E Aquarium decoration

Solved 18 / 28 G AtCoder 2668 Jigsaw
Solved 19 / 32 H AtCoder 2657 Mole and Abandoned Mine
Solved 19 / 35 C HYSBZ 1027 合金

Solved 24 / 37 A CodeForces 555E Case of Computer Network
Solved 25 / 31 B CodeForces 573C Bear and Drawing
Solved 22 / 28 C CodeForces 650E Clockwork Bomb
Solved 21 / 27 D CodeForces 718D Andrew and Chemistry
Solved 17 / 17 E CodeForces 765E Tree Folding
3 / 3 F CodeForces 776F Sherlock‘s bet to Moriarty
18 / 27 G HYSBZ 4242 水壶

Solved 26 / 33 A CodeForces 542A Place Your Ad Here
Solved 7 / 8 B CodeForces 571D Campus
22 / 33 C CodeForces 573D Bear and Cavalry
14 / 17 D CodeForces 626G Raffles
18 / 23 E CodeForces 679E Bear and Bad Powers of 42
Solved 6 / 8 F CodeForces 780G Andryusha and Nervous Barriers
20 / 21 G CodeForces 788E New task

Solved 27 / 33 A HYSBZ 1009 GT考试
Solved 25 / 32 B HYSBZ 4197 寿司晚宴
Solved 11 / 15 C 51Nod 1683 最短路
Solved 23 / 29 D 51Nod 1780 完美序列
Solved 17 / 25 E CodeForces 498E Stairs and Lines
2 / 9 F HihoCoder 1414 Rikka with Grid






JavaCollections 集合工具类
