Tip of the Week #64: Raw String Literals

Posted zhangyifei216


篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了Tip of the Week #64: Raw String Literals相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

Tip of the Week #64: Raw String Literals

Originally published as totw/64 on 2013-12-09
By Titus Winters (titus@google.com)
Updated 2017-10-23
Quicklink: abseil.io/tips/64
“(?:”(?:\\\\"|["])*"|’(?:\\\\’|[’])*’)"; — A cat walking over the keyboard . . . or maybe what the fox says . . . no, actually just a highly- escaped regexp found in real C++ code.


幸运的是,有一个新的C++11的特性raw string literals,它消除了转义的需要。

The Raw String Literal Format

一个raw string literals具有如下的语法格式:

R"tag(whatever you want to say)tag"


const char concert_17_raw[] =
    "id: 17\\n"
    "artist: \\"Beyonce\\"\\n"
    "date: \\"Wed Oct 10 12:39:54 EDT 2012\\"\\n"
    "price_usd: 200\\n";
const char concert_17_raw[] = R"(
    id: 17
    artist: "Beyonce"
    date: "Wed Oct 10 12:39:54 EDT 2012"
    price_usd: 200)";

Special Cases

注意锁进规则,当遇到raw string literals可能会包含新行的情况,会让你面临如何对原始字符串的第一行进行锁进的尴尬的选择。因为protobuf的文本是忽略空白的,所以可以通过添加一个前导\\n来避免这个问题,但是不是所有的原始字符串的使用都如此宽容。


std::string my_string = R"foo(This contains quoted parens "()")foo";


raw string literals肯定不是我们大多数人的日常工具,但是有的时候善用这种新的语言功能会增加代码的可读性。因此下次当您试图搞清楚是否需要\\\\或者\\\\\\\\的时候,请尝试使用raw string literal替换。你的读者会感谢你,即使这样,正则表达式仍然很难。


以上是关于Tip of the Week #64: Raw String Literals的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

Tip of the Week #24: Copies, Abbrv

Tip of the Week #59: Joining Tuples

Tip of the Week #11: Return Policy

Tip of the Week #36: New Join API

Tip of the Week #61: Default Member Initializers

Tip of the Week #74: Delegating and Inheriting Constructors