Posted wyx666
BUG:请求不应该设置为全局环境,因此您需要使用request [‘flash‘]而不是jinja.flash,并且需要传request去渲染来使用get_flashed_messages。
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from sanic import Sanic from sanic_session import InMemorySessionInterface from sanic_jinja2 import SanicJinja2 app = Sanic() jinja = SanicJinja2(app) #把app传进去实例化jinja对象 session = InMemorySessionInterface(, @app.middleware(‘request‘) async def add_session_to_request(request): # before each request initialize a session # using the client‘s request await @app.middleware(‘response‘) async def save_session(request, response): # after each request save the session, # pass the response to set client cookies await, response) @app.route(‘/‘) async def index(request): request[‘flash‘](‘success message‘, ‘success‘) request[‘flash‘](‘info message‘, ‘info‘) request[‘flash‘](‘warning message‘, ‘warning‘) request[‘flash‘](‘error message‘, ‘error‘) request[‘session‘][‘user‘] = ‘session user‘ return jinja.render(‘index.html‘, request, greetings=‘Hello, sanic!‘) #可以直接渲染模板 if __name__ == ‘__main__‘:‘‘, port=8000, debug=True) #debug=True的时候,会显示sanic的图标
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