
Posted archerzon



在退出系统,打印购物清单后,wait 2s再退出

 1 #Author:Archer Zon
 2 import time
 3 product_list = [
 4     (iPhone X, 5800),
 5     (Mac Pro, 10800),
 6     (Bike, 800),
 7     (Coffe, 31),
 8     (iWatch, 9800),
 9     (Archerzon Python, 120),
10 ]
11 salary = input("33[36;1mEnter your salary:33[0m")
12 shopping_list = []
13 exit_flag = False
14 if salary.isdigit():
15     salary = int(salary)
16     while not exit_flag:
17         for index,item in enumerate(product_list):
18             print(index,item)
19         user_choice = input("选择你要购买的商品:")
20         if user_choice.isdigit():
21             user_choice = int(user_choice)
22             if user_choice < len(product_list) and user_choice >= 0:
23                 p_item = product_list[user_choice]
24                 if p_item[1] < salary:
25                     shopping_list.append(p_item)
26                     salary -= p_item[1]
27                     print("You have bought 33[31;1m%s33[0m.Your current balance is 33[31;1m%s33[0m."%(p_item[0],salary))
28                 else:
29                     print("余额不足,仅剩33[31;1m%s33[0m.请及时充值!"%salary)
30         elif user_choice == q:
31             print("------shopping list------")
32             print("正在打印购买清单,请稍等...")
33             time.sleep(2)
34             for p in shopping_list:
35                 print(p)
36             print("Yout current balance is 33[31;1m%s33[0m"%salary)
37             print("打印完毕,即将退出系统...")
38             time.sleep(2)
39             exit_flag = True
40         else:
41             print("33[31;1mInvalid option!33[0m")
42 elif salary == q:
43     print("正在退出系统,请稍等...")
44     time.sleep(2)
45     pass
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