BlackHat Arsenal USA 2018 ToolsWatch黑客工具库

Posted ssooking


篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了BlackHat Arsenal USA 2018 ToolsWatch黑客工具库相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


Black Hat Arsenal USA 2018?—?The w0w lineup

After the huge success of Black Hat Arsenal USA 2017, @toolswatch has now announced the list of tools selected for Black Hat Arsenal USA 2018.

This time there were a huge number of proposals than expected, so the Arsenal team had a tough time selecting the tools.

NOTE: If you have submitted a proposal and didn’t get selected, don’t worry. Please do submit it again for Black Hat Arsenal EU 2018 / ASIA 2019. The rejected tools don’t necessarily mean that they aren’t good. Also the rejected tools are on the priority list for consideration in upcoming Black Hat Arsenal events.

Some of the selected tools are already present on GitHub and some are yet to be uploaded. This article contains the links to their respective repositories. The tools are arranged according to their tracks. If you like the tool, go to its repository and click Watch to keep updated on the latest commits and pushes.

Some tools will be updated during/after the Arsenal event. Links to the GitHub repositories of those tools will be eventually updated in this article.

If you feel that this article is missing links to some Arsenal tools hosted on GitHub, please comment so that it will updated.

NOTE: Arsenal Theater Demos are denoted using the Projector emoji?—????

android, ios and Mobile Hacking

Code Assessment


Data Forensics and Incident Response

Exploitation and Ethical Hacking


Internet of Things

Malware Defense

Malware Offense

Network Attacks

Network Defense

OSINT?—?Open Source Intelligence

Reverse Engineering

Smart Grid / Industrial Security

Vulnerability Assessment

Web AppSec

If you haven’t looked at the selected tools, check the below embed to view the complete details of the tools and its presenters.

以上是关于BlackHat Arsenal USA 2018 ToolsWatch黑客工具库的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章


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