CVX notes

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CVX notes


1. PSD

M is positive semidefinite matrix (iff) all principal submatrices (P) of (M) are PSD

Note: This follows by considering the quadratic form (x^T Mx) and looking at the components of (x) corresponding to the defining subset of principal submatrix. The converse is trivially true.

M is PSD (iff) all principal minors are non-negative (所有主子式非负)

[ x^T M x = sum_{i,j}M_{ij}x_ix_j ]
于是取 (x) 为标准基 (e_i ~implies M_{ii} ge 0 implies mathbf{tr}(M) ge 0) , 再取(x)为零向量只有 i,j两个位置为 1,则
[ egin{gathered} x^T M x = M_{ii}M_{jj} - M_{ij}^2 ge 0 ~~(PSD) \implies M_{ij} le sqrt{M_{ii}M_{jj}} le frac{M_{ii} + M_{jj}}{2} end{gathered} ]

2. Matrix norm

General definition of a norm:技术分享图片

Matrix norm:技术分享图片

  • Frobenius norm: (|A|_F := sqrt{langle A,A angle_F} = sqrt{mathbf{tr}(A^*A)})
  • Induced norm: (|A|_p := sup_limits{|x|_p = 1} |Ax|_p)
  • Nuclear norm: (|A|_{nuclear} := sum sigma_i(A)) (奇异值之和)
  • Spectral norm: (|A|_{spectral} := lambda_1) (最大特征值)

Spectrial radius



3. Duality

Two ==equivalent== ways to represent a convex set:

  • standard representation: The family of points in the set
  • dual representation: The set of halfspaces containing the set (半平面的交集)

A closed convex set (S) is the intersection of all closed halfspaces (H) containing it.技术分享图片



Let (S subseteq mathbb{R}^n) be a convex set containing the origin. The polar of (S) is defined as follows
[ S^{circ} := {y ~|~ y^Tx le 1, ~forall x in S} ]


  • polar is one way of representing the all halfspaces containing a convex set
  • every halfspace (a^Tx le b) with (b eq 0) can be written as a “normalized” inequality (y^T x le 1), by dividing by (b)
  • (S^{circ}) can be thought of as the normalized representations of halfspaces containing (S)

Properties of the polar:

  1. (S^{circcirc} = S)
  2. (S^{circ}) is a closed convex set containing the origin
  3. When 0 is in the interior of (S), then (S^{circ}) is bounded
  4. When (S) is non-convex, (S^{circ} = (mathbf{conv}(S))^{circ}), and (S^{circcirc} = mathbf{conv}(S))



Polar duality of convex cones技术分享图片



  1. (K^{circcirc} = K)
  2. (K^{circ}) is closed and convex

Conjugation of convex functions
Let (f: mathbb{R}^n mapsto mathbb{R}cup{infty}) be a convex function. The ==conjugation== of (f) is
[ f^*(y) := sup_limits{x}(y^Tx - f(x)) ]

Properties of the conjugate

  1. (f^{**} = f)
  2. (f^*) is convex (supremum of affine functions of (y))


Convex sets

Convex functions


  1. affine is convex: (f(x) = a^T x+b)

    affine 既凸也凹

  2. 任何_范数_是凸的

    Proof: let (pi(x)) be a norm of (x), then技术分享图片

  3. (f) is convex (iff) epi((f)) is convex

1. Closed convex

A convex function (f) is called closed if its epigraph is a closed set.

  1. (f) which is convex and continuous on a closed domain is a closed function. (norms)
  2. all differentiable convex functions are closed with dom(f = mathbb{R}^n).
  3. 当考虑一个凸函数时,通常认为在dom(f)外取值为(infty)
  4. Jensen‘s inequality:技术分享图片
  5. Corollary:技术分享图片

    pf: (f(x) = f(sumalpha_i x_i) le sum alpha_i f(x_i) le max_limits{i} f(x_i))

2. Level sets


Note: the convexity of level sets does not characterize convex functions, but quasiconvex functions.

  1. convex (f) is closed (implies) all its level sets are closed

Some convex sets

  1. norm ball (({xin mathbb{R}^n | |x| le 1})) is convex and closed
  2. 椭球(({x | (x-a)^T Q (x-a) le r^2})) is convex and closed

    pf: (x^TQy := langle x, y angle) 满足内积的三条性质
    • bilinearity
    • symmetry
    • positivity
      上述三条性质 (iff) Q is PSD
  3. (epsilon)-neighborhood: 技术分享图片

3. Operations perserving convexity of functions

  1. stability under taking weighted sums: (f,g mapsto lambda f + mu g, ; lambda,mu ge 0)
  2. stability under affine substitutions of the argument: (x mapsto Ax+b) or (f(x) mapsto phi(x) = f(Ax+b))
  3. stability under taking pointwise sup: ({f_i}_{i in mathcal{I}} mapsto g(x) := sup_limits{i in mathcal{I}}f_i(x)), 凸函数族 ({f_i}_{i in mathcal{I}}) 逐点取上确界而成的函数也是凸的
  4. stability under partial minimization: (f(x,y)) jointly convex in ((x,y)), then (g(x) = inf_limits{y} f(x,y)) is convex (suppose g is proper, i.e., > -(infty) everywhere and is finite at least at one point)
  5. stability under perspective: (f(x) mapsto g(x,t) = tf(x/t), mathbf{dom}g = {(x,t) | x/t in mathbf{dom}f, t > 0})

4. Detect convexity

Necessary and Sufficient Convexity Condition for smooth function:

  • 一阶可微的光滑函数 (f) 是凸的 (iff) (f‘(x)) 单调非减
  • 二阶可微的光滑函数 (f) 是凸的 (iff) (f‘‘(x) ge 0)

subgradient property is characteristic of convex functions:技术分享图片

5. Subgradient


  • 技术分享图片
  • 技术分享图片
  • 技术分享图片
  • 技术分享图片

6. Optimality conditions


(x^* in mathbf{dom}f?) is the minimizer (iff?) (0 in partial f(x^*)?)

7. Strong convexity

A differentiable function f is strongly convex if
[ f(y) ge f(x) + abla f(x)^T(y-x) + frac{mu}{2} |y-x|^2 ]


  1. (f) is not necessarily differentiable, (see the equivalent definition)
  2. if (f) is non-smooth, gradient -> subgradient
  3. strong convexity (implies) strict convexity

Note: Intuitively speaking, strong convexity means that there exists a quartic lower bound on the growth of the function.

Equivalent definition
[ egin{align} &(i)~f(y)ge f(x)+ abla f(x)^T(y-x)+frac{mu}{2}lVert y-x Vert^2,~forall x, y. &(ii)~g(x) = f(x)-frac{mu}{2}lVert x Vert^2~ ext{is convex},~forall x. &(iii)~langle abla f(x) - abla f(y),x-y angle ge mu lVert x-y Vert^2,~forall x, y. &(iv)~f(alpha x+ (1-alpha) y) le alpha f(x) + (1-alpha) f(y) - frac{alpha (1-alpha)mu}{2}Vert x-y Vert^2,~alpha in [0,1]. &(v)~ abla^2 f(x) succeq mu oldsymbol{I} end{align} ]

Lagrange Duality

Consider an optimization problem in standard form (not necessarily convex)
[ egin{array}{ll} underset{x}{ ext{minimize}} & f_0(x) \text{subject to} & f_i(x) le 0, ~i=1,cdots,m ~ & h_i(x) = 0, ~i=1,cdots,p end{array} ]

The Lagrangian is
[ L(x,oldsymbol{lambda},oldsymbol{mu}) = f_0(x) + sum_{i=1}^m lambda_i f_i(x) + sum_{i=1}^p mu_i h_i(x) ]

The Lagrange dual function is defined as
[ g(lambda, mu) = inf_{x} L(x,lambda,mu) ]


Lagrange dual problem
[ egin{array}{ll} underset{lambda, mu}{ ext{maximize}} & g(lambda, mu) \text{subject to} & oldsymbol{lambda} succeq mathbf{0} end{array} ]

Weak duality
[ d^* le p^* ]

  • (d^*): optima of dual problem
  • (p^*): optima of primal problem
  • duality gap: (p^* - d^*)
  • always hold

Strong dualiy
[ d^* = p^* ]

  • constraint qualifications (implies) strong duality
  • Slater’s Constraint Qualification: a convex problem is strictly feasible (i.e., (exists ~x in mathbf{int} mathcal{D}: x in Omega))

Complementary slackness

KKT conditions



Tagent cone
Let M be a (nonempty) convex set and (x^* in M), the tagent cone of (M) at (x^*) is the cone
[ egin{split} T_M(x^*) &= {h in mathbb{R}^n | x^* + th in M, ; forall t > 0 } &= {y in mathbb{R}^n ~|~ y - x^* in M} end{split} ]


  • Geometrically, this is the set of all directions leading from (x^*) inside (M)
  • convex but not necessarily closed
  • fact: if (x^*) is a minimizer, then (forall h in T_M(x^*) implies h^T abla f(x^*) ge 0). (因为tangent cone里面都是可行解,所以必须不是下降方向)
  • (T_M(x^*) = mathbb{R}^n iff x^* in mathbf{int}M)

e.g. 多面体
[ M = {x | Ax le b} = {x | a_i^Tx le b_i, ; i = 1,dots,m} ]
the tangent cone at (x^*) is
[ T_M(x^*) = {h~|~a_i^T h le 0, ~forall i, ~a_i^T x^* = b_i} ]

Normal cone: the polar cone of tangent cone
[ N_M(x^*) = {g in mathbb{R}^n ~|~ langle g, y-x^* angle le 0, ~forall y in M} ]


  • normal cone is the polar to tangent cone, i.e.,
    [ egin{split} T_M(x^*) &= {g in mathbb{R}^n ~|~ langle g, y-x^* angle ge 0, ~forall y in M} N_M(x^*) &= {g in mathbb{R}^n ~|~ langle g, y-x^* angle le 0, ~forall y in M} end{split} ]
  • fact: if (x^*) is a minimizer, then (- abla f(x^*) in N_M(x^*)).
  • 技术分享图片

Algorithm convergence

~ Stepsize Rule Convergence Rate Iteration Complexity
Gradient descent
strongly convex & smooth (eta_t = frac{2}{mu + L}) (Oleft(frac{kappa -1}{kappa +1} ight)^t) (Oleft(frac{logfrac{1}{epsilon}}{logfrac{kappa+1}{kappa-1}} ight))
convex & smooth (eta_t = frac{1}{L}) (O(frac{1}{sqrt{t}})) (O(frac{1}{epsilon}))
(strongly) convex & smooth (eta_t = frac{1}{t}) (O(frac{1}{sqrt{t}})) (O(frac{1}{epsilon}))
Projected GD
convex & smooth (eta_t = frac{1}{L}) (O(frac{1}{sqrt{t}})) (O(frac{1}{epsilon}))
strongly convex & smooth (eta_t = frac{1}{L}) (Oleft((1-frac{1}{kappa})^t ight)) (O(kappalogfrac{1}{epsilon}))
Subgradient method
convex & Lipschitz (eta_t = frac{1}{sqrt{t}}) (O(frac{1}{sqrt{t}})) (O(frac{1}{epsilon^2}))
strongly convex & Lipschitz (eta_t = frac{1}{t}) (Oleft(frac{1}{t} ight)) (O(frac{1}{epsilon}))
Proximal GD
convex & smooth (w.r.t. (f)) (eta_t = frac{1}{L}) (O(frac{1}{t})) (O(frac{1}{epsilon}))
strongly convex & smooth (w.r.t. (f)) (eta_t = frac{1}{L}) (Oleft((1-frac{1}{kappa})^t ight)) (O(kappalogfrac{1}{epsilon}))

以上是关于CVX notes的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

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Gurobi + CVX + Matlab

matlab cvx安装出错,请问怎么解决

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