Posted cat-fish6
1 //向solr索引库中添加索引 2 public void addDoc() throws Exception { 3 //创建solr客户端的对象 4 HttpSolrClient client = new HttpSolrClient("http://localhost:8080/solr/core"); 5 //创建文档对象 6 SolrInputDocument sd = new SolrInputDocument(); 7 8 sd.addField("id", "001"); 9 sd.addField("product_name", "solr教程"); 10 sd.addField("product_catalog_name", "IT技术"); 11 sd.addField("product_description", "很厉害的技术"); 12 sd.addField("product_price", 299); 13 sd.addField("product_picture", "001.jpg"); 14 //把文档加入服务器 15 client.add(sd); 16 client.commit(); 17 }
1 public void delDoc() throws Exception { 2 //创建solr客户端的对象 3 HttpSolrClient client = new HttpSolrClient("http://localhost:8080/solr/core"); 4 client.deleteById("001"); 5 // client.deleteByQuery("product_name:青蛙"); 根据查询删除 6 client.commit(); 7 }
public void queryDoc() throws Exception { //创建solr客户端的对象 HttpSolrClient client = new HttpSolrClient("http://localhost:8080/solr/core"); //创建solr的查询对象 SolrQuery sq = new SolrQuery(); //设置查询条件 sq.set("q", "product_name:青蛙"); sq.set("fq", "product_price:[10 TO 100]"); sq.addSort("product_price",ORDER.asc); //查询 QueryResponse qr = client.query(sq); //获得查询结果 SolrDocumentList results = qr.getResults(); //获得查询的记录数 long numFound = results.getNumFound(); System.out.println("查询的记录数是 " + numFound); for (SolrDocument sd : results) { //获得文档域 String id = (String) sd.getFieldValue("id"); String product_name = (String) sd.getFieldValue("product_name"); String product_catalog_name = (String) sd.getFieldValue("product_catalog_name"); String product_description = (String) sd.getFieldValue("product_description"); double product_price = (double) sd.getFieldValue("product_price"); System.out.println("--------------"); System.out.println("id " + id); System.out.println("商品名字 " + product_name); System.out.println("商品类别名字 " + product_catalog_name); System.out.println("商品描述 " + product_description); System.out.println("商品价格 " + product_price); } }
1 public void queryDoc1() throws Exception { 2 //创建solr客户端的对象 3 HttpSolrClient client = new HttpSolrClient("http://localhost:8080/solr/core"); 4 //创建solr的查询对象 5 SolrQuery sq = new SolrQuery(); 6 //设置查询条件 7 sq.set("q", "product_name:青蛙"); 8 sq.set("fq", "product_price:[10 TO 100]"); 9 sq.addSort("product_price",ORDER.asc); 10 //开启高亮 11 sq.setHighlight(true); 12 sq.addHighlightField("product_name"); 13 sq.setHighlightSimplePre("<b>"); 14 sq.setHighlightSimplePost("</b>"); 15 //查询 16 QueryResponse qr = client.query(sq); 17 //获得查询结果 18 SolrDocumentList results = qr.getResults(); 19 //获得查询的记录数 20 long numFound = results.getNumFound(); 21 System.out.println("查询的记录数是 " + numFound); 22 for (SolrDocument sd : results) { 23 //获得文档域 24 String id = (String) sd.getFieldValue("id"); 25 String product_name = (String) sd.getFieldValue("product_name"); 26 String product_catalog_name = (String) sd.getFieldValue("product_catalog_name"); 27 String product_description = (String) sd.getFieldValue("product_description"); 28 double product_price = (double) sd.getFieldValue("product_price"); 29 System.out.println("--------------"); 30 System.out.println("id " + id); 31 System.out.println("商品名字 " + product_name); 32 System.out.println("商品类别名字 " + product_catalog_name); 33 System.out.println("商品描述 " + product_description); 34 System.out.println("商品价格 " + product_price); 35 //获得高亮的结构体 36 Map<String, Map<String, List<String>>> highlighting = qr.getHighlighting(); 37 if(highlighting != null){ 38 //根据id来获得某一个域的高亮的内容 39 Map<String, List<String>> map = highlighting.get(id); 40 //根据具体的域来获得高亮内容 41 List<String> list = map.get("product_name"); 42 if(list != null && list.size() > 0){ 43 //打印高亮内容 44 for (String str : list) { 45 System.out.println(str); 46 } 47 } 48 } 49 } 50 }