Posted zcm123
private void FillBookmarksUsingOpenXml(string sourceDoc, string destDoc, Dictionary<string, string> bookmarkData) { string wordmlNamespace = ""; // Make a copy of the template file. File.Copy(sourceDoc, destDoc, true); //Open the document as an Open XML package and extract the main document part. using (WordprocessingDocument wordPackage = WordprocessingDocument.Open(destDoc, true)) { MainDocumentPart part = wordPackage.MainDocumentPart; //Setup the namespace manager so you can perform XPath queries //to search for bookmarks in the part. NameTable nt = new NameTable(); XmlNamespaceManager nsManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(nt); nsManager.AddNamespace("w", wordmlNamespace); //Load the part‘s XML into an XmlDocument instance. XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(nt); xmlDoc.Load(part.GetStream()); //Iterate through the bookmarks. foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> bookmarkDataVal in bookmarkData) { var bookmarks = from bm in part.Document.Body.Descendants<BookmarkStart>() select bm; foreach (var bookmark in bookmarks) { if (bookmark.Name == bookmarkDataVal.Key) { Run bookmarkText = bookmark.NextSibling<Run>(); if (bookmarkText != null) // if the bookmark has text replace it { bookmarkText.GetFirstChild<Text>().Text = bookmarkDataVal.Value; } else // otherwise append new text immediately after it { var parent = bookmark.Parent; // bookmark‘s parent element Text text = new Text(bookmarkDataVal.Value); Run run = new Run(new RunProperties()); run.Append(text); // insert after bookmark parent parent.Append(run); } //bk.Remove(); // we don‘t want the bookmark anymore } } } //Write the changes back to the document part. xmlDoc.Save(wordPackage.MainDocumentPart.GetStream(FileMode.Create)); } }
使用 OpenXML 和 Regex 在 Word Docx 中查找和替换撇号(')的问题