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设计模式(Design pattern),提供了在软件开发过程中面临的一些问题的最佳解决方案,是开发者




0x01 简 介

0x02 前提概要

0x03 单例模式之饱汉式

0x04 单例模式之饿汉式

0x05 单例模式之双锁判断

0x06 单例模式之静态内部

0x07 单例模式之枚举类

0x08 总 结

*0x01 简 介*

> *单例模式,顾名思义就是只有一个实例,并且她自己负责创建自己的对象,这个类提供了一种访问其

*0x02 前提概要*

	warning    这里我为了维持自己的代码风格,进行快速开发,将导入外部头文件 global.h

	copyright	Copyright (c) 2020 怪小子
	contact	https://www.cnblogs.com/shHome/
	version	v1.0
	file		global.h
	rief		Project global header file definition.
	details	This header file does not depend on any platform environment or language environment. It is 
				responsible for declaring some common interfaces or global methods.

	include	nothing
	author		怪小子
	date		2020/11/1
amespace	nothing
	attention	matters needing attention
	par		Modify log
	<tr><th>Date        <th>Version  	<th>Author    	<th>Description
	<tr><td>2020/11/1  	<td>1.0      	<td>26047 			<td>Create initial version


	rief  The header file precompiles the macro to prevent repeated inclusion.
			Refer to document name for specific definition form.
	eg		_<ProjectName>_<ModuleNmae>_<FileName>_H_.

#	if !defined(interface_attribute_inline)
	rief	inline Macro definition.
	li		Extending to inline keywords to improve code execution efficiency.
	li		In this way, it is easier to reconstruct the existing framework without affecting its stability.

			void setInterval(const Interval<int>& val) { m_interval = val; }
#		define interface_attribute_inline  inline
#	endif // !interface_attribute_inline

#	if !defined(interface_attribute_deprecated)
	rief	__declspec(deprecated) Macro definition.
	li		Extend to obsolete keywords to remind users to use secure interfaces.
	li		In this way, it is easier to reconstruct the existing framework without affecting its stability.

		// Remind that the interface is not secure because the setInterval_s interface should be used.
			void setInterval(const Interval<int>& val) { m_interval = val; }

			void setInterval_s(const Interval<unsigned int>& val) { m_interval = val; }
#		define interface_attribute_deprecated  __declspec(deprecated)
#	endif // !interface_attribute_deprecated

	rief	Quickly define the alias of data type, which makes it convenient for developers to import target
			data types when developing independent functional modules.
#		define STATEMENT_CLASS_ALIAS_NAME(classname,aligname)  typedef classname aligname

	warning    为了使我的代码不重复,我将声明一个测试父类,导入 basic.h

	copyright 	Copyright (c) 2020 Strange boy
	contact   	https://www.cnblogs.com/shHome/
	version   	v1.0
	file      	basic.h
	rief     	The parent class of all test class functions.
	details   	This class will replace the functional interface of all test classes.

	include   	std::memory,std::string
	author    	Strange boy
	date      	2020/11/1
amespace 	nothing
	attention 	matters needing attention
	par       	Modify log
	<tr><th>Date        <th>Version  	<th>Author    	<th>Description
	<tr><td>2020/11/1  	<td>1.0      	<td>26047 			<td>Create initial version


	rief  The header file precompiles the macro to prevent repeated inclusion.
			Refer to document name for specific definition form.
	eg		_<ProjectName>_<ModuleNmae>_<FileName>_H_.

#include "global.h"
#include <string>
#include <memory>

class BasicClass 
	BasicClass(const char* __name) : _classNameString(__name) { }
		rief	Get the class name of the object.
eturn class name.
	virtual interface_attribute_inline 
		std::string getClassNameString() const { return _classNameString; }
	const std::string _classNameString;

*0x03 单例模式之饱汉式*

	copyright 	Copyright (c) 2020 Strange boy
	contact   	https://www.cnblogs.com/shHome/
	version   	v1.0
	file      	Satiety.h
	rief     	Singleton pattern in design pattern -- test class declaration in Chinese style
	details   	sa class Satiety

	include   	std::memory,std::string
	author    	Strange boy
	date      	2020/11/1
amespace 	designer_mode
	attention 	matters needing attention
	par       	Modify log
	<tr><th>Date        <th>Version  	<th>Author    	<th>Description
	<tr><td>2020/11/1  	<td>1.0      	<td>26047 			<td>Create initial version


	rief  The header file precompiles the macro to prevent repeated inclusion.
			Refer to document name for specific definition form.
	eg		_<ProjectName>_<ModuleNmae>_<FileName>_H_.

	rief	Fullness: slightly different from starvation, fullness initializes the static class variable to
			nullptr in the construction method, which is created only when the instance reference object of
			the unique class is to be obtained.

	li NAMESPACE_SATIETY 		    : Scope macro definition declaration identity macro.
	li START_NAMESPACE_SATIETY	    : Expand scope macro.
	li END_NAMESPACE_SATIETY	    : End scope macro.
#	define START_NAMESPACE_SATIETY	namespace designer_mode{

#include "../../DesignPatterns/basic.h"


	rief 	The starved Chinese test code of singleton mode.
			The core code of this method is to privatize the construction method so that external
			variables of this class cannot be created at will. The "static hungryman * getobject()"
			interface must be used to obtain the instance reference object of this class. Keep it
			one when used.
			Lazy, as the name implies, instances are created only when they are used, "relatively lazy".
			Only when they are used can instances be checked to see if they exist. If they exist, they
			return and if they are not, they are created. There are two ways to write thread safety and
			thread insecurity. The difference is the synchronized keyword.

	ug    Before using this class, you must_ Mode:: satisfaction initialization. I did not create it 
			for the sake of code simplicity Satiety.cpp File, this operation should be placed in the 
			Satiety.cpp Implemented in.
			If this operation is omitted, code errors such as unresolved will be thrown at compile time.
class Satiety 
	: public BasicClass
	Satiety() :BasicClass("Satiety") {}
		rief Get object pointer of singleton mode.
eturn Return value not null is a valid object.
		see satiety*
	static Satiety* getObject() {

		if (!Satiety::_instanceObject) {

			Satiety::_instanceObject = new Satiety();
		return Satiety::_instanceObject;
	static Satiety* _instanceObject;


*0x04 单例模式之饿汉式*

	copyright 	Copyright (c) 2020 Strange boy
	contact   	https://www.cnblogs.com/shHome/
	version   	v1.0
	file      	HungryMan.h

	rief     	Singleton pattern in design pattern -- test class declaration in Chinese style
	details   	sa class HungryMan

	include   	std::memory,std::string

	author    	Strange boy
	date      	2020/11/1
amespace 	designer_mode

	attention 	matters needing attention
	par       	Modify log
	<tr><th>Date        <th>Version  	<th>Author    	<th>Description
	<tr><td>2020/11/1  	<td>1.0      	<td>26047 			<td>Create initial version


	rief  The header file precompiles the macro to prevent repeated inclusion.
			Refer to document name for specific definition form.
	eg		_<ProjectName>_<ModuleNmae>_<FileName>_H_.

	rief	Fullness: slightly different from starvation, fullness initializes the static class variable to
			nullptr in the construction method, which is created only when the instance reference object of
			the unique class is to be obtained.

	li NAMESPACE_SATIETY 		    : Scope macro definition declaration identity macro.
	li START_NAMESPACE_SATIETY	    : Expand scope macro.
	li END_NAMESPACE_SATIETY	    : End scope macro.
#	define START_NAMESPACE_HUNGRY_MAN	namespace designer_mode{

#include "../../DesignPatterns/basic.h"


	rief 	The starved Chinese test code of singleton mode.
			The core code of this method is to privatize the construction method so that external
			variables of this class cannot be created at will. The "static hungryman * getobject()"
			interface must be used to obtain the instance reference object of this class. Keep it
			one when used.
			It‘s also well understood from the name of the hungry Chinese style, which is "more
			frequent". The instance has been built during initialization. Whether you use it or not,
			you need to build it first. The advantage is that there is no thread safety problem,
			and the disadvantage is that memory space is wasted.

	ug    Before using this class, you must_ Mode:: satisfaction initialization. I did not create it
			for the sake of code simplicity Satiety.cpp File, this operation should be placed in the
			Satiety.cpp Implemented in.
			If this operation is omitted, code errors such as unresolved will be thrown at compile time.
class HungryMan
	: public BasicClass
	HungryMan() :BasicClass("HungryMan") {}
		rief Get object pointer of singleton mode.
eturn Return value not null is a valid object.
	static HungryMan* getObject() { return _instanceObject; }
	static HungryMan* _instanceObject;


	rief  cpp实现部分
#include "HungryMan.h"


/** Initialize instance object. */
HungryMan* HungryMan::_instanceObject = new HungryMan();


*0x05 单例模式之双锁判断*







