Posted glassysky
vuepress博客主题—vuepress-theme-reco是一款简洁而优雅的 vuepress博客&文档主题。它既可以成为简洁而又不失美观的主题,又可以书写你的项目文档,看起来更有逼格。
主题追求极简,根据 vuepress 的默认主题修改而成,官方的主题配置仍然适用;
npx @vuepress-reco/theme-cli init
npm npm install @vuepress-reco/theme-cli -g
theme-cli init 在这里写你的博客名字
npm install
npm run dev
# 初始化
yarn global add @vuepress-reco/theme-cli
theme-cli init
首先 theme-cli init myblog
然后 他会让你输入博客标题,可以在这里写,也可以最后在config.js里写,所以我就直接敲回车,等以后在配置,
- [2/3] Edit package.json(node:4820) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Ca
nnot find module ‘D: est/myblog/docs/.vuepress/config.js‘
然后执行cd 你的博客名,进入到你的博客文件夹,在执行npm install安装依赖,可能会花一点时间,安装完成,就可以执行npm run devrun不能省略,等待出现localhost:8080,我们就可以在浏览器打开localhost:8080看到主题的效果。
module.exports = {
title: "vuepress-theme-reco", //这里是博客标题
description: ‘A simple and beautiful vuepress blog theme .‘, //博客描述
dest: ‘public‘, //博客部署时输出的文件夹
head: [
[‘link‘, { rel: ‘icon‘, href: ‘/favicon.ico‘ }], //favicon图标设置
[‘meta‘, { name: ‘viewport‘, content: ‘width=device-width,initial-scale=1,user-scalable=no‘ }]
theme: ‘reco‘, //vuepress挂载的主题
themeConfig: {
nav: [
{ text: ‘Home‘, link: ‘/‘, icon: ‘reco-home‘ }, //text:导航标题内容,icon:图标样式
{ text: ‘TimeLine‘, link: ‘/timeline/‘, icon: ‘reco-date‘ },
{ text: ‘Docs‘,
icon: ‘reco-message‘,
items: [
{ text: ‘vuepress-reco‘, link: ‘/docs/theme-reco/‘ } //item: 子导航
{ text: ‘Contact‘,
icon: ‘reco-message‘,
items: [
{ text: ‘GitHub‘, link: ‘‘, icon: ‘reco-github‘ }
sidebar: {
‘/docs/theme-reco/‘: [
type: ‘blog‘,
// 博客设置
blogConfig: {
category: {
location: 2, // 在导航栏菜单中所占的位置,默认2
text: ‘Category‘ // 默认 “分类”
tag: {
location: 3, // 在导航栏菜单中所占的位置,默认3
text: ‘Tag‘ // 默认 “标签”
friendLink: [
title: ‘午后南杂‘,
desc: ‘Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must.‘,
email: ‘‘,
link: ‘‘
title: ‘vuepress-theme-reco‘,
desc: ‘A simple and beautiful vuepress Blog & Doc theme.‘,
avatar: "",
link: ‘‘
logo: ‘/logo.png‘,
// 搜索设置
search: true,
searchMaxSuggestions: 10,
// 自动形成侧边导航
// sidebar: ‘auto‘,
// 最后更新时间
lastUpdated: ‘Last Updated‘,
// 作者
author: ‘reco_luan‘,
// 作者头像
authorAvatar: ‘/avatar.png‘,
// 备案号
record: ‘xxxx‘,
// 项目开始时间
startYear: ‘2017‘
* 密钥 (if your blog is private)
// keyPage: {
// keys: [‘your password‘],
// color: ‘#42b983‘,
// lineColor: ‘#42b983‘
// },
* valine 设置 (if you need valine comment )
// valineConfig: {
// appId: ‘...‘,// your appId
// appKey: ‘...‘, // your appKey
// }
markdown: {
lineNumbers: true
module.exports = {
base: ‘/glassyskyblog/‘,
locales: {
‘/‘: {
lang: ‘zh-CN‘
title: ‘远方有你伴余生‘,
description: ‘愿时光能缓,愿故人不散!‘,
dest: ‘public‘,
head: [
[‘link‘, { rel: ‘icon‘, href: ‘/favicon.ico‘ }],
[‘meta‘, { name: ‘viewport‘, content: ‘width=device-width,initial-scale=1,user-scalable=no‘ }]
theme: ‘reco‘,
themeConfig: {
author: ‘远方有你伴余生‘,
nav: [
{ text: ‘主页‘, link: ‘/‘, icon: ‘reco-home‘ },
{ text: ‘时间轴‘, link: ‘/timeline/‘, icon: ‘reco-date‘ },
{ text: ‘工具推荐‘,
icon: ‘reco-message‘,
items: [
{ text: ‘codeSandbox‘, link: ‘‘,icon: ‘reco-coding‘ },
{ text: ‘正则表达式手册‘, link: ‘‘, icon: ‘reco-coding‘ }
{ text: ‘关于‘,
icon: ‘reco-message‘,
items: [
{ text: ‘GitHub‘, link: ‘‘, icon: ‘reco-github‘ },
{ text: ‘博客园‘, link: ‘‘, icon: ‘reco-bokeyuan‘ },
{ text: ‘掘金‘, link: ‘‘, icon: ‘reco-juejin‘ },
{ text: ‘哔哩哔哩‘, link: ‘‘, icon: ‘reco-bilibili‘ },
{ text: ‘码云‘, link: ‘‘, icon: ‘reco-mayun‘ },
{ text: ‘Twitter‘, link: ‘‘, icon: ‘reco-twitter‘ }
sidebar: {
‘/docs/theme-reco/‘: [
type: ‘blog‘,
// 博客设置
blogConfig: {
category: {
location: 2, // 在导航栏菜单中所占的位置,默认2
text: ‘分类‘ // 默认 “分类”
tag: {
location: 3, // 在导航栏菜单中所占的位置,默认3
text: ‘标签‘ // 默认 “标签”
friendLink: [
title: ‘午后南杂‘,
desc: ‘Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must.‘,
email: ‘‘,
link: ‘‘
title: ‘远方有你伴余生‘,
desc: ‘愿时光能缓,愿故人不散!‘,
avatar: "",
link: ‘‘
logo: ‘/logo.png‘,
// 搜索设置
search: true,
searchMaxSuggestions: 10,
// 自动形成侧边导航
// sidebar: ‘auto‘,
// 最后更新时间
lastUpdated: ‘最后更新时间‘,
// 作者
author: ‘远方有你伴余生‘,
// 作者头像
authorAvatar: ‘/avatar.png‘,
// 备案号
record: ‘ 远方有你伴余生‘,
// 项目开始时间
startYear: ‘2017‘,
* 密钥 (if your blog is private)
// keyPage: {
// keys: [‘your password‘],
// color: ‘#42b983‘,
// lineColor: ‘#42b983‘
// },
* valine 设置 (if you need valine comment )
valineConfig: {
appId: ‘uVX1RdW5NvC6zEnfjERU7mAb-gzGzoHsz‘,// your appId
appKey: ‘DzzpF7cokBfNP107e5OjMKtQ‘, // your appKey
markdown: {
lineNumbers: true
plugins: [
//先安装在配置, npm install @vuepress-reco/vuepress-plugin-kan-ban-niang --save
theme: [‘blackCat‘, ‘whiteCat‘, ‘haru1‘, ‘haru2‘, ‘haruto‘, ‘koharu‘, ‘izumi‘, ‘shizuku‘, ‘wanko‘, ‘miku‘, ‘z16‘],
clean: false,
messages: {
welcome: ‘我是lookroot欢迎你的关注 ‘,
home: ‘心里的花,我想要带你回家。‘,
theme: ‘好吧,希望你能喜欢我的其他小伙伴。‘,
close: ‘再见哦‘
width: 240,
height: 352
//先安装在配置, npm install @vuepress-plugin-meting --save
‘meting‘, {
metingApi: "",
meting: {
server: "netease",
type: "playlist",
mid: "621465725"
}, // 不配置该项的话不会出现全局播放器
aplayer: {
lrcType: 3
//彩带背景 先安装在配置, npm install vuepress-plugin-ribbon --save
size: 90, // width of the ribbon, default: 90
opacity: 0.8, // opacity of the ribbon, default: 0.3
zIndex: -1 // z-index property of the background, default: -1
//鼠标点击特效 先安装在配置, npm install vuepress-plugin-cursor-effects --save
size: 3, // size of the particle, default: 2
shape: [‘circle‘], // shape of the particle, default: ‘star‘
zIndex: 999999999 // z-index property of the canvas, default: 999999999
//动态标题 先安装在配置, npm install vuepress-plugin-dynamic-title --save
showIcon: "/favicon.ico",
showText: "(/≧▽≦/)咦!又好了!",
hideIcon: "/failure.ico",
hideText: "(●—●)喔哟,崩溃啦!",
recoverTime: 2000
//图片放大插件 先安装在配置, npm install @vuepressplugin-medium-zoom --save
‘@vuepressplugin-medium-zoom‘, {
selector: ‘.page img‘,
delay: 1000,
options: {
margin: 24,
background: ‘rgba(25,18,25,0.9)‘,
scrollOffset: 40
//插件广场的流程图插件 先安装在配置 npm install vuepress-plugin-flowchart --save
//插件广场的sitemap插件 先安装在配置 npm install vuepress-plugin-sitemap --save
‘sitemap‘, {
hostname: ‘‘
[‘@vuepress/pwa‘, {
serviceWorker: true, //vuepress插件PWA 先安装在配置 npm install @vuepress/pwa --save
updatePopup: {
message: "发现新内容可用",
buttonText: "刷新"
["vuepress-plugin-nuggets-style-copy", {
copyText: "复制代码", //vuepress复制粘贴提示插件P 先安装在配置 npm install vuepress-plugin-nuggets-style-copy --save
tip: {
content: "复制成功!"
title: "远方有你伴余生の公告", //vuepress公告插件 先安装在配置 npm install @vuepress-yard/vuepress-plugin-window --save
contentInfo: {
title: "欢迎进来的小耳朵 ??????",
needImg: true,
imgUrl: "",
content: "喜欢博皮可以到博客园关注教程",
contentStyle: ""
bottomInfo: {
btnText: ‘关于‘,
linkTo: ‘‘
closeOnce: false