Posted duanjt
‘ 第一行是表信息的描述,依次是:表名、表Code、表注释 ‘ 第二行开始是列的描述,分别是:列名、列Code、列数据类型、列注释 ‘ Excel的sheet名称统一为sheet1 ‘开始 Option Explicit Dim mdl ‘ the current model Set mdl = ActiveModel If (mdl Is Nothing) Then MsgBox "There is no Active Model" End If Dim HaveExcel Dim RQ RQ = vbYes ‘MsgBox("Is Excel Installed on your machine ?", vbYesNo + vbInformation, "Confirmation") If RQ = vbYes Then HaveExcel = True ‘ Open & Create Excel Document Dim x1 ‘ Set x1 = CreateObject("Excel.Application") x1.Workbooks.Open "E: able.xlsx" ‘指定 excel文档路径 x1.Workbooks(1).Worksheets("Sheet1").Activate ‘指定要打开的sheet名称 Else HaveExcel = False End If a x1, mdl sub a(x1, mdl) dim rwIndex dim tableName dim colname dim table dim col on error Resume Next set table = mdl.Tables.CreateNew ‘创建一个 表实体 For rwIndex = 1 To 1000 ‘ With x1.Workbooks(1).Worksheets("Sheet1") If .Cells(rwIndex, 1).Value = "" Then Exit For End If If rwIndex = 1 Then ‘ 表赋值 table.Name=.Cells(rwIndex, 1).Value table.Code=.Cells(rwIndex, 2).Value table.Comment=.Cells(rwIndex, 3).Value Else set col = table.Columns.CreateNew ‘创建一列/字段 col.Name = .Cells(rwIndex, 1).Value col.Code = .Cells(rwIndex, 2).Value ‘指定列名 col.DataType = .Cells(rwIndex, 3).Value ‘指定列数据类型 col.Comment = .Cells(rwIndex, 4).Value ‘指定列说明 If .Cells(rwIndex, 4).Value = "否" Then col.Mandatory = true ‘指定列是否可空 true 为不可空 End If If rwIndex = 2 Then ‘col.Primary = true ‘指定主键 End If End If End With Next MsgBox "生成成功" Exit Sub End sub
1. 第一行是表信息的描述,依次是:表名、表Code、表注释
2. 第二行开始是列的描述,分别是:列名、列Code、列数据类型、列注释
4.Excel的位置是:E: able.xlsx