Posted janly
As a very small example, consider the field F24, defined by using polynomial representation with the irreducible polynomial f(x) = x4 + x + 1.
The element g = (0010) is a generator for the field . The powers of g are:
g0 = (0001) g1 = (0010) g2 = (0100) g3 = (1000) g4 = (0011) g5 = (0110)
g6 = (1100) g7 = (1011) g8 = (0101) g9 = (1010) g10 = (0111) g11 = (1110)
g12 = (1111) g13 = (1101) g14 = (1001) g15 = (0001)
In a true cryptographic application, the parameter m must be large
enough to preclude the efficient generation of such a table otherwise
the cryptosystem can be broken. In today‘s practice, m = 160 is a
suitable choice. The table allows the use of generator notation (ge)
rather than bit string notation, as used in the following example.
Also, using generator notation allows multiplication without reference
to the irreducible polynomial
f(x) = x4 + x + 1.
Consider the elliptic curve y2 + xy = x3 + g4x2 + 1. Here a = g4 and b = g0 =1. The point (g5, g3) satisfies this equation over F2m :
y2 + xy = x3 + g4x2 + 1
(g3)2 + g5g3 = (g5)3 + g4g10 + 1
g6 + g8 = g15 + g14 + 1
(1100) + (0101) = (0001) + (1001) + (0001)
(1001) = (1001)
The fifteen points which satisfy this equation are:
(1, g13) (g3, g13) (g5, g11) (g6, g14) (g9, g13) (g10, g8) (g12, g12)
(1, g6) (g3, g8) (g5, g3) (g6, g8) (g9, g10) (g10, g) (g12, 0) (0, 1)
These points are graphed below:

There are finitely many points on a curve over F2m .
Elements of the field F2m are m-bit strings. The rules for arithmetic in F2m can be defined by either polynomial representation or by optimal normal basis representation. Since F2m operates on bit strings, computers can perform arithmetic in this field very efficiently.
An elliptic curve with the underlying field F2m is formed by choosing the elements a and b within F2m (the only condition is that b is not 0). As a result of the field F2m having a characteristic 2, the elliptic curve equation is slightly adjusted for binary representation:
y2 + xy = x3 + ax2 + b
The elliptic curve includes all points (x,y) which satisfy the elliptic curve equation over F2m (where x and y are elements of F2m ). An elliptic curve group over F2m
consists of the points on the corresponding elliptic curve, together
with a point at infinity, O. There are finitely many points on such an
elliptic curve.