roads that led into town
architecture geography
come up with a new paper topic
I am much more into history
they didn‘t build towns so much as they built trading posts
学生关于trade的作业进展不顺,问老师,学生的话题是关于shipping routes,她的专业是建筑学,同时也对历史学很感兴趣。学生说写作业的方法是用comparison,教授赞成她,并举了一个美国南北殖民地因地理位置不同导致发展不同的对比例子。北方城市紧凑,集中,有像grazing的活动。而南方相对建筑少,港口多,人口流动大。
段子2 tpo10-lecture3
磷元素在Land phase 和 water phase循环过程
1. 展开思路:
主要讲了一种 P-cycle,这个P-cycle主要包括2个Phase:
1) land phase
过程: rocks break down, then minerals(Ph: 磷) are into soil, then plants use Ph to grow, then animals eat these plants, and finally Ph returns to soil when animals die.
2) water phase
过程: Ph is into water and algae absorb Ph, then fish eats algae, and some Ph settles bottom of occian, and finally geological forces lift up to form a new land.
段子3 tpo43-lecture3
1 convince
2 misnomer
3 engaging
4 douche
5 He called the books boring, contrived and utterly humorless.
6 Geisel actually wrote it in response to an article written in 1954 by an acclaimed novelist, named John Hersey.
7 He had this canny knack for creating the illusion of great distance with some very simple shapes and lines.
8 pulitzer
9 Perhaps one reason his books weren’t taken seriously is that even though they often use rhyme you wouldn’t
call it a great poet.
10 grinch snichers
11 In fact, not only weren’t his books considered literature, but they weren’t always considered good school book.
Geisel typed into his fertile imagination and the result was
incredibly funny and engaging story line about a talking cat.
13 non-human characters was dismissed by many critics
段子4 tpo10-对话2- to full refund a book (想全额退买的书)
学生想全额退换书,管理员告诉他过了dealine了。学生问截止日期为什么是 Oct.1,她告诉学生这个时间大部分学生都决定自己想选的课了,for gear。学生同意这种说法。 学生说他情况特殊,能不能照顾下,管理说不行因为政策is rigid,然后得知退还的书是Jane bones写的后,她建议学生留着读,因为很好的一本书和还能作为下学期的学分。学生最后也同意了。
1 by October. 1st, the semester is for gear.
2 I think my professor really miscalculated.
3 syllabus was away too ambitious in my opinion.
段子5 tpo10-lecture3: fossil records and DNA test finding on ocean whales evolved from land creatures
文章一上来就说到 the mystery is to figure out how land dwellers evolved to ocean whales. 接下来教授说到了一个概念,missing link(意思缺少这方面的证据)。
但是,近些年有些 fossil records 被发现。在P国发现了Ana whale,还说它是 walking whale that swims,说它有four limbs(是不是walk证据?),还有 long skeleton structure(表明是aquatic creature)。接着说Bas whale,是ocean whales,并且 fossil records show that B whale has a set of bones,因此 B whale is the connection evidence that land whales evovle to ocean. A giant step!
接下来,DNA test 表明了 H 动物是whales的ancestor,但是 fossil recods却表明H动物是whales的比较远的亲戚,不是近亲。 It‘s a big shock! DNA test 还表明,S whale (有tooth)is closely related to toothless whales(such as blue whales), it‘s also suprise!.
1 ear area of the skull had characteristics seen only in aquatic mammals, specifically whales.
2 It clearly had four limbs that couldn‘t have been used for walking. It also had a long thin tail.
3 descendant = ancestor
段子tpo9阅读1 Coastal route to colony America
The fact lends strength to a theory
It‘ s also the wear and tear on the car. I mean the more you use a car going back and forth all the time, the more you have to do maintenance and repairs
Tpo40: c1 service standard
学生问老师关于sevice standard的问题。老师告诉他概念,service standard 作用是什么。还讲了difference between service standard and service design。 学生讲了一个参加party的经历,一个 instance of bad service standard。最后老师告诉他如何学service standard,要去实际的地方学习。
I thought you were gonna come up with a hypothetical business plan for an amusement park.
Tpo40 lec1 how to read art paper.
how to read art paper.
First: formal analysis, form(col), 还举例一个类似的例子说明formal analysis. At this first part, it mainly focuses on the abstraction representation and overview of what the work looks like.
Next part, analysis the individual desgin element and how to use these. Understand different parts relations.
Last part, beyond analysis, significant details conveny meaning, eg, boy innocence, but eye looks sad-> he is alone, though he is with toys.
Tpo42: Collapse of America cod population
Collpase of Cod, first talks about its so many in number. After 50Ys, fishing Cod is unprofitable. Improvement in fishing technology causes Cod to sustain themselves more difficultly. This leads to begin to mature for Cod at an earlier age. Cods live a shorter life so they reproduce earlier. Remember: none was actually growing faster. Two solutions to prevent overfishing, one is to abide fishing from other countries, but in local country the number of fishing cod is actually increasing.
1 so many that the first Europeans who fished there in the 17th century reported it was better than in New Finland, Canada.
2 so the fishing industry there did great
3 there were simply too many fishing vessels,
4 Prior to the population collapse, cod usually took about 8 to 10 years to fully mature, to start to reproduce, and they lived around 40 years total.
5 none was actually growing faster.
6 The smaller cods simply don‘t have the body mass to reproduce as many eggs.
7 maybe privatize the resources?
8 So they could be just as prone to overexploiting that resource as a group where lots of people have access to it.
9 By declaring an exclusive economic zone
10 However, the US and Canada wanted to expel foreign trollers only in order to increase the number of their own fishing fleets.
11 pass laws that regulate use of the resource.
12 But for regulation to be effective, penalties for breaking the law have to be large enough to deter violators.