基于faro SDK 读取fls原始文件

Posted lovebay


篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了基于faro SDK 读取fls原始文件相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

  4 #include <iostream>
  5 //#include <atlsafe.h>
  6 //#include <windows.h> 
  7 //#include <cassert>
  8 #include <pcl/point_cloud.h>
  9 #include <pcl/io/pcd_io.h>
 10 #include <pcl/visualization/pcl_visualizer.h>
 12 using namespace std;
 13 typedef pcl::PointXYZRGBA PointT;
 14 typedef pcl::PointCloud<PointT> PointCloudT;
 16 #ifdef _WIN64
 17 // Yes - type is ‘win32‘ even on WIN64!
 18 #pragma comment(linker, ""/manifestdependency:type=‘win32‘ name=‘FARO.LS‘ version=‘1.1.701.2‘ processorArchitecture=‘amd64‘ publicKeyToken=‘1d23f5635ba800ab‘"")
 19 #else
 20 #pragma comment(linker, ""/manifestdependency:type=‘win32‘ name=‘FARO.LS‘ version=‘1.1.701.2‘ processorArchitecture=‘amd64‘ publicKeyToken=‘1d23f5635ba800ab‘"")
 21 #endif
 23 // These imports just defines the types - they don‘t determine which DLLs are actually loaded!
 24 // You can choose whatever version you have installed on your system - as long as the interface is compatible
 25 #import "C:WindowsWinSxSamd64_faro.ls_1d23f5635ba800ab_1.1.701.2_none_3592adf9356a0308iQopen.dll" no_namespace
 27 //... 
 29 int main()
 30 {
 31     CoInitialize(NULL);   //应用程序调用com库函数(除CoGetMalloc和内存分配函数)之前必须初始化com库
 32     // FARO LS Licensing 
 33     // Please note: The cryptic key is only a part of the complete license
 34     // string you need to unlock the interface. Please
 35     // follow the instructions in the 2nd line below
 37     BSTR licenseCode = L"FARO Open Runtime License
 38         //#include "../FAROOpenLicense"    // Delete this line, uncomment the following line, and enter your own license key here:
 40         L"
 41         L"The software is the registered property of FARO Scanner Production GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany.
 42         L"All rights reserved.
 43         L"This software may only be used with written permission of FARO Scanner Production GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany.";
 45     IiQLicensedInterfaceIfPtr liPtr(__uuidof(iQLibIf));
 46     liPtr->License = licenseCode;
 47     IiQLibIfPtr libRef = static_cast<IiQLibIfPtr>(liPtr);
 48     if (libRef->load("C:\Users\18148\Desktop\Scan_az001.fls\Scan_az001.fls") != 0)   //读取文件的全路径  切记
 49     {
 50         std::cout << "load  ScanData errer !!!" << std::endl;
 51         libRef = NULL;
 52         liPtr = NULL;
 53         return -1;
 54     }
 56     libRef->scanReflectionMode = 2;            //黑白灰度展示图像
 57     cout << libRef->scanReflectionMode << endl;
 58     //libRef->scanReflectionMode = 1;    //默认为1  可以为0 1 2三个模式。
 60     int ret = libRef->setAttribute("#app/ScanLoadColor", "2");    //设置为彩色 Load grey information instead of color 
 61     cout << "setAttribute" << ret << endl;
 63     //if (int ret = libRef->saveAs("C:\Users\18148\Desktop\img\ddb123.fws") != 0)    //可以存储为  fls,fws
 64     //{
 65     //    std::cout << "saveAs  ScanData errer !!!" << std::endl;
 66     //    return -1;
 67     //}
 68     //ret = libRef->extractStream("C:\Users\18148\Desktop\Scan_az001.fls\Scan_az001.fls", "ScanDataStream0", "C:\Users\18148\Desktop\img.fls");
 70     double x, y, z;
 71     double rx, ry, rz, angle;
 72     libRef->getScanPosition(0, &x, &y, &z);
 73     libRef->getScanOrientation(0, &rx, &ry, &rz, &angle);
 74     int numRows = libRef->getScanNumRows(0);
 75     int numCOls = libRef->getScanNumCols(0);
 77     std::cout << "numRows::" << numRows << std::endl;
 78     std::cout << "numCOls::" << numCOls << std::endl;
 79     std::cout << x << "," << y << "," << z << std::endl;
 80     std::cout << rx << "," << ry << "," << rz << "," << angle << std::endl;
 82     PointCloudT::Ptr cloud_pointsPtr(new PointCloudT());
 83     // Access all points points by point 
 84     for (int col = 0; col < numCOls; col++)
 85     {
 86         for (int row = 0; row<numRows; row++)
 87         {
 88             double x, y, z;
 89             int refl;
 90             int result = libRef->getScanPoint(0, row, col, &x, &y, &z, &refl);
 92             //Use getXYZScanPoints or getXYZScanPoints2 instead to read multiple scan points in a single call. For example, you can read the scan points column by column with these two methods. 
 93             PointT points;
 94             points.x = x;
 95             points.y = y;
 96             points.z = z;
 97             //int rgb = ((int)r) << 16 | ((int)g) << 8 | ((int)b);
 98             points.a = 255;
 99             points.r = (refl >> 16) & 0x0000ff; //uint8_t r = (rgb >> 16) & 0x0000ff;
100             points.g = (refl >> 8) & 0x0000ff;
101             points.b = (refl)& 0x0000ff;
102             points.rgba = points.a << 24 | points.r << 16 | points.g << 8 | points.b;
103             cloud_pointsPtr->points.push_back(points);
105             /*        double **array2D = new double *[numRows];    //二维数组分配内存
106             for (int i = 0; i<numRows; ++i)
107             {
108             array2D[i] = new double[3];
109             }
110             double *pos = *array2D;
111             */
112             //double *pos = new double[3 * numRows];    //利用一维数组
113             //int *refl = new int[numRows];
114             //int result = libRef->getXYZScanPoints(0, row, col, numRows, pos, refl);
116             ////std::cout << x<<","<<y<<","<<z<< std::endl;
118             //delete[] pos;
119             //delete[] refl;
120             //pos = NULL; refl = NULL;
121         }
122     }
124     // --------------------------------------------
125     // -----Open 3D viewer and add point cloud-----
126     // --------------------------------------------
127     boost::shared_ptr<pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer> viewer(new pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer("3D Viewer"));
128     viewer->setBackgroundColor(0, 0, 0);
129     pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerRGBField<PointT> rgb(cloud_pointsPtr);
130     //pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerCustom<PointT> red(cloud_pointsPtr, 0, 0, 255);
131     viewer->addPointCloud<PointT>(cloud_pointsPtr, "sample cloud");
132     viewer->setPointCloudRenderingProperties(pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_POINT_SIZE, 1, "sample cloud");
133     viewer->addCoordinateSystem(1.0);
134     viewer->initCameraParameters();
136     // Access all points column per column in polar coordinates 
137     //double* positions = new double[numRows*3]; 
138     //int* reflections = new int[numRows]; 
139     //for (int col = 0; col<numCOls; col++)
140     //{ 
141     //    int result = libRef->getPolarScanPoints(0, 0, col, numRows, positions, reflections);
142     //    for (int row=0 ; row<numRows ; row++)
143     //    {     
144     //        double r, phi, theta;     
145     //        int refl;     
146     //        r = positions[3*row+0];     
147     //        phi = positions[3*row + 1];
148     //        theta = positions[3*row+2];     
149     //        refl = reflections[row];     // ...   
150     //    } 
151     //} 
152     //delete[] positions; delete[] reflections;
154     libRef = NULL; liPtr = NULL;
155     CoUninitialize();
156     //--------------------
157     // -----Main loop-----
158     //--------------------
160     while (!viewer->wasStopped())
161     {
162         viewer->spinOnce(100);
163         boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::microseconds(100000));
164     }
165     system("pause");
166     return 0;
167 }


以上是关于基于faro SDK 读取fls原始文件的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章


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Java 添加下载读取PDF附件信息(基于Spire.Cloud.SDK for Java)


此 Canon SDK C++ 代码片段的等效 C# 代码是啥?

IOS SDK开发详解(.framework、.a、Bundle资源文件创建、SDK中使用其他SDK等)