P3457 [POI2007]POW-The Flood

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篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了P3457 [POI2007]POW-The Flood相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


Description 你手头有一张该市的地图。这张地图是边长为 m∗n 的矩形,被划分为m∗n个1∗1的小正方形。对于每个小正方形,地图上已经标注了它的海拔高度以及它是否是该市的一个组成部分。地图上的所有部分都被水淹没了。并且,由于这张地图描绘的地面周围都被高山所环绕,洪水不可能自动向外排出。显然,我们没有必要抽干那些非该市的区域。




以下 m 行,每行 n 个数,其绝对值表示相应格子的海拔高度;若该数为正,表示它是该市的一个区域;否则就不是。

请大家注意:所有格子的海拔高度其绝对值不超过 1000 ,且可以为零.



感谢@FlashHu 提供的翻译


Byteburg, the capital of Byteotia, is a picturesque city situated in a valley in the midst of mountains. Unfortunately, recent heavy rainfall has caused a flood - all the Byteburg is now completely under water. Byteasar, the king of Byteotia, has summoned his most enlightened advisors, including you, to a council. After long deliberations the council agreed to bring a few pumps, set them up in the flooded area and drain Byteburg.

The king has asked you to determine the minimum number of pumps sufficing to drain the city.

You are provided with a map of the city and the valley it is situated in. The map is in the shape of a m×nm imes nm×n rectangle, divided into unitary squares. For each such square the map tells its height above sea level and alsowhether it is a part of Byteburg or not. The whole area depicted in the map is under water. Furthermore, it issurrounded by much higher mountains, making the outflow of water impossible. Obviously, there is no needto drain the area that does not belong to Byteburg.

Each pump can be placed in any unitary square depicted in the map. The pump will be drawing thewater until its square is completely drained. Of course, the communicating tubes principle makes its work, so draining one square results in lowering the water level or complete draining of those squares from which the water can flow down to the one with the pump. Water can flow only between squares with a common side (or, more exact, squares whose projections onto horizontal plane have a common side, since the squares may be at different level). Apart from that, the water obviously only flows down.


Write a programme that:

  • reads description of the map from the standard input,

  • determines the minimum number of pumps needed to drain whole Byteburg,

  • writes out the outcome to the standard output.




In the first line of the standard input there are two integers mmm and nnn , separated by a single space, 1≤n,m≤1 0001 le n, m le 1 0001n,m1 000 . The following mmm lines contain the description of the map. The (i+1)(i+1)(i+1) ‘th line describes the iii ‘th row of unitary squares in the map. It contains nnn integers xi,1,xi,2,...,xinx_{i,1}, x_{i,2}, ..., x_{i_n}xi,1?,xi,2?,...,xin?? , separated by single spaces, −1 000≤xi,j≤1 000-1 000 le x_{i,j} le 1 0001 000xi,j?1 000 , xi,j≠1000x_{i,j} e 1000xi,j?1000 . The number xi,jx_{i,j}xi,j? describes the jjj ‘th square of the iii ‘th line. The ground level in this square is ∣xi,j∣|x_{i,j}|∣xi,j?∣ above sea level. If xi,j>0x_{i,j} > 0xi,j?>0 , then the square is part of Byteburg, otherwise it is outside the city. Notice, that the area of Byteburg need not be connected. In fact the city may have several separate parts.


Your programme should write out one integer to the standard output - the minimum number of pumpsneeded to drain Byteburg.


6 9
-2 -2 -1 -1 -2 -2 -2 -12 -3
-2 1 -1 2 -8 -12 2 -12 -12
-5 3 1 1 -12 4 -6 2 -2
-5 -2 -2 2 -12 -3 4 -3 -1
-5 -6 -2 2 -12 5 6 2 -1
-4 -8 -8 -10 -12 -8 -6 -6 -4





  考虑一个点$a$放了抽水机,另一个点$b$不用放抽水机也能抽干,只有存在$a ightarrow b$的一条路径且经过的点(包括$a$)的海拔不超过$b$的海拔时才能成立。于是考虑对点按海拔从小到大排序,然后扫一遍每个点,对其四个方向上的点进行判断,若邻点海拔不超过当前点的海拔,则合并这两个点(说明只要邻点被抽干则当前点也能被抽干)。对于为城市的点,若其无法被周围的点抽干或者能连通但其周围的点无法连向一个放了抽水机的连通块,则对其打个标记并累加答案,合并集合的过程用并查集维护,然后标记关系也在合并时转移一下就好了。



 1 #include<bits/stdc++.h>
 2 #define il inline
 3 #define ll long long
 4 #define For(i,a,b) for(int (i)=(a);(i)<=(b);(i)++)
 5 #define Bor(i,a,b) for(int (i)=(b);(i)>=(a);(i)--)
 6 using namespace std;
 7 const int N=1005,dx[4]={1,-1,0,0},dy[4]={0,0,1,-1};
 8 int n,m,fa[N*N],id[N][N],vis[N*N],a[N][N],cnt,ans;
 9 struct node{
10     int x,y,h;
11     bool operator<(const node &a)const {return h<a.h;}
12 }mp[N*N];
14 il int gi(){
15     int a=0;char x=getchar();bool f=0;
16     while((x<0||x>9)&&x!=-)x=getchar();
17     if(x==-)x=getchar(),f=1;
18     while(x>=0&&x<=9)a=(a<<3)+(a<<1)+x-48,x=getchar();
19     return f?-a:a;
20 }
22 il int find(int x){return fa[x]==x?x:fa[x]=find(fa[x]);}
24 int main(){
25     n=gi(),m=gi();
26     For(i,1,n) For(j,1,m) {
27         a[i][j]=gi();
28         mp[++cnt].x=i,mp[cnt].y=j,id[i][j]=cnt;
29         mp[cnt].h=(a[i][j]>0?a[i][j]:0-a[i][j]);
30     }
31     sort(mp+1,mp+cnt+1);
32     For(i,1,cnt) fa[i]=i;
33     For(i,1,cnt){
34         For(j,0,3){
35             int xx=mp[i].x+dx[j],yy=mp[i].y+dy[j];
36             if(xx>0&&xx<=n&&yy>0&&yy<=m){
37                 if(mp[i].h>=abs(a[xx][yy])) {
38                     int fx=find(id[xx][yy]),fy=find(id[mp[i].x][mp[i].y]);
39                     vis[fy]|=vis[fx],fa[fx]=fy;
40                 }
41             }
42         }
43         if(mp[i].h!=mp[i+1].h)
44             for(int j=i;mp[j].h==mp[i].h;j--)
45                 if(a[mp[j].x][mp[j].y]>0){
46                     int fx=find(id[mp[j].x][mp[j].y]);
47                     if(!vis[fx]) vis[fx]=1,ans++;
48                 }
50     }
51     cout<<ans;
52     return 0;
53 }


以上是关于P3457 [POI2007]POW-The Flood的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

[POI2007]POW-The Flood

Luogu345: [POI2007]POW-The Flood

LG_3457_[POI2007]POW-The Flood


1101: [POI2007]Zap
