Posted wangmingtao
16、 路径加了<>,就会被识别为一个参数,而不是固定的url字符串
16.1 编程原则:视图函数里面要尽可能间接,函数要见名知意,不能将细节全部写到视图函数里面,那样是强迫让所有看代码的人都来看细节,不对

# -*- coding=utf-8 -*- from flask import Flask, make_response from helper import is_isbn_or_key app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object(‘config‘) @app.route(‘/book/search/<q>/<page>‘) def hello(q, page): isbn_or_key = is_isbn_or_key(q) pass if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: app.run(host=‘‘, debug=app.config[‘DEBUG‘], port=5000)

# -*- coding=utf-8 -*- def is_isbn_or_key(word): isbn_or_key = ‘key‘ if len(word) == 13 and word.isdigit(): isbn_or_key = ‘isbn‘ short_word = word.replace(‘-‘, ‘‘) if ‘-‘ in q and len(short_word) == 10 and short_word.isdigit(): isbn_or_key = ‘isbn‘ return isbn_or_key
16.2 简化代码,if else

# -*- coding=utf-8 -*- import requests class HTTP: def get(self, url, return_json=True): r = requests.get(url) if r.status_code != 200: return {} if return_json else ‘‘ return r.json() if return_json else r.text
16.3 get方法传进来self,但是函数中没有用到

# -*- coding=utf-8 -*- import requests class HTTP: @staticmethod def get(url, return_json=True): r = requests.get(url) if r.status_code != 200: return {} if return_json else ‘‘ return r.json() if return_json else r.text
16.4 staticmethod与classmethod
16.5 clss HTTP与class HTTP(object)
16.6 alt+enter键,自动导入类

# -*- coding=utf-8 -*- import json from flask import Flask from helper import is_isbn_or_key from yushu_book import YuShuBook app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object(‘config‘) @app.route(‘/book/search/<q>/<page>‘) def hello(q, page): isbn_or_key = is_isbn_or_key(q) if isbn_or_key == ‘isbn‘: result = YuShuBook.search_by_isbn(q) else: result = YuShuBook.search_by_keyword(q) return json.dumps(result), 200, {‘content-type‘: ‘application/json‘} if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: app.run(host=‘‘, debug=app.config[‘DEBUG‘], port=5000)

# -*- coding=utf-8 -*- from http import HTTP class YuShuBook: isbn_url = ‘http://t.yushu.im/v2/book/isbn/{}‘ keyword_url = ‘http://t.yushu.im/v2/book/search?q={}&count={}&start={}‘ @classmethod def search_by_isbn(cls, isbn): url = cls.isbn_url.format(isbn) result = HTTP.get(url) return result @classmethod def search_by_keyword(cls, keyword, count=15, start=0): url = cls.isbn_url.format(keyword, count, start) result = HTTP.get(url) return result

# -*- coding=utf-8 -*- def is_isbn_or_key(word): isbn_or_key = ‘key‘ if len(word) == 13 and word.isdigit(): isbn_or_key = ‘isbn‘ short_word = word.replace(‘-‘, ‘‘) if ‘-‘ in q and len(short_word) == 10 and short_word.isdigit(): isbn_or_key = ‘isbn‘ return isbn_or_key

# -*- coding=utf-8 -*- import requests class HTTP: @staticmethod def get(url, return_json=True): r = requests.get(url) if r.status_code != 200: return {} if return_json else ‘‘ return r.json() if return_json else r.text

# -*- coding=utf-8 -*- DEBUG = True
16.7 return jsonify(result)相当于return json.dumps(result), 200, {‘content-type‘: ‘application/json‘}

# -*- coding=utf-8 -*- import json from flask import Flask, jsonify from helper import is_isbn_or_key from yushu_book import YuShuBook app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object(‘config‘) @app.route(‘/book/search/<q>/<page>‘) def hello(q, page): isbn_or_key = is_isbn_or_key(q) if isbn_or_key == ‘isbn‘: result = YuShuBook.search_by_isbn(q) else: result = YuShuBook.search_by_keyword(q) return jsonify(result) if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: app.run(host=‘‘, debug=app.config[‘DEBUG‘], port=5000)
16.8 循环引用
fisher.py from app.web import book
book.py from fisher import app