
Posted nightpxy



6 流的监控以及故障恢复


     结构化流启动后返回的 StreamingQuery 对象.    

    val query = df.writeStream.format("console").start()   // get the query object

    query.id          // get the unique identifier of the running query that persists across restarts from checkpoint data

    query.runId       // get the unique id of this run of the query, which will be generated at every start/restart

    query.name        // get the name of the auto-generated or user-specified name

    query.explain()   // print detailed explanations of the query

    query.stop()      // stop the query

    query.awaitTermination()   // block until query is terminated, with stop() or with error

    query.exception       // the exception if the query has been terminated with error

    query.recentProgress  // an array of the most recent progress updates for this query

    query.lastProgress    // the most recent progress update of this streaming query

  6.2 交互式(同步)监控

    可以直接获取活动查询的当前状态和指标使用 streamingQuery.lastProgress() 和 streamingQuery.status()

    lastProgress() 返回一个 StreamingQueryProgress 对象  它有流的最后一个触发器中取得的progress的全部信息 - 处理了哪些数据,处理率是多少,延迟等等

    streamingQuery.recentProgress 返回最后几个进度的 array

    streamingQuery.status() 返回一个 StreamingQueryStatus 对象 提供有关的信息立即执行的查询 - 触发器是否 active ,数据是否正在处理等

  6.3 异步监控

    在sparkSession上附加一个 StreamingQueryListener.

    一旦你使用 sparkSession.streams.attachListener() 附加你的自定义 StreamingQueryListener 对象,当您启动查询和当有活动查询有进度时停止时,您将收到 callbacks (回调)

  6.4 故障恢复

    如果发生 failure or intentional shutdown (故障或故意关机),您可以恢复之前的查询的进度和状态,并继续停止的位置.(通过 checkpointing and write ahead logs (检查点和预写入日志)完成)

    通过配置 checkpoint location (检查点位置)查询,将保存所有进度信息(即,每个触发器中处理的偏移范围)和正在运行的 aggregates (聚合) 

      .option("checkpointLocation", "path/to/HDFS/dir")






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