状态压缩 meet in middlepoj3139Balancing the Scale
Posted antiquality
篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了状态压缩 meet in middlepoj3139Balancing the Scale相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
You are given a strange scale (see the figure below), and you are wondering how to balance this scale. After several attempts, you have discovered the way to balance it — you need to put different numbers on different squares while satisfying the following two equations:
x1 * 4 | + | x2 * 3 | + | x3 * 2 | + | x4 | = | x5 | + | x6 * 2 | + | x7 * 3 | + | x8 * 4 |
y1 * 4 | + | y2 * 3 | + | y3 * 2 | + | y4 | = | y5 | + | y6 * 2 | + | y7 * 3 | + | y8 * 4 |
How many ways can you balance this strange scale with the given numbers?

There are multiple test cases in the input file. Each test case consists of 16 distinct numbers in the range [1, 1024] on one separate line. You are allowed to use each number only once.
A line with one single integer 0 indicates the end of input and should not be processed by your program.
For each test case, if it is possible to balance the scale in question, output one number, the number of different ways to balance this scale, in the format as indicated in the sample output. Rotations and reversals of the same arrangement should be counted only once.
Sample Input
87 33 98 83 67 97 44 72 91 78 46 49 64 59 85 88 0
Sample Output
Case 1: 15227223
显然是道meet in middle,但是把什么状态折半呢?
再来考虑如何计算$f[x]$。因为$x$这个状态是选了8个砝码的状态,最普通的计算当然就是$8!$地枚举有多少满足条件。毋庸置疑这里也可以用meet in middle来优化,具体就是用$mp[i][j]$表示$i$这个状态下权值为$j$的方案数。因为8选4之后的4个有$4!$的排列情况,每一种情况的权值都不一样。之后的操作就是比较经典的meet in middle模型了。算出来后再将答案贡献至$f[]$即可。
1 #include<bits/stdc++.h> 2 3 int a[23],s[23],c[13]; 4 int mp[260][10305],f[66003],bel; 5 bool vis[23],tk[13]; 6 int scenario; 7 long long ans; 8 9 void get(int x, int done, bool opt) 10 { 11 if (done==4){ 12 register int statu = 0, tt; 13 c[0] = 0; 14 for (int i=1; i<x; i++) 15 if (tk[i]) statu += 1<<(i-1), c[++c[0]] = a[s[i]]; 16 for (int i=1; i<=4; i++) 17 for (int j=1; j<=4; j++) 18 if (i!=j) 19 for (int k=1; k<=4; k++) 20 if (i!=k&&j!=k) 21 for (int l=1; l<=4; l++) 22 if (i!=l&&j!=l&&k!=l){ 23 tt = i*c[1]+j*c[2]+k*c[3]+l*c[4]; 24 if (!opt) 25 mp[statu][tt]++; 26 else f[bel] += mp[255-statu][tt]; 27 } 28 return; 29 } 30 if (x > 8) return; 31 tk[x] = 1, get(x+1, done+1, opt); 32 tk[x] = 0, get(x+1, done, opt); 33 } 34 void check() 35 { 36 memset(mp, 0, sizeof mp); 37 s[0] = 0, bel = 0; 38 for (int i=1; i<=16; i++) 39 if (vis[i]) s[++s[0]] = i, bel += 1<<(i-1); 40 get(2, 0, 0); 41 tk[1] = 1; 42 get(2, 1, 1); 43 tk[1] = 0; 44 } 45 void dfs(int now, int done, bool opt) 46 { 47 if (done==8){ 48 if (!opt) check(); 49 else{ 50 int status = 0; 51 for (int i=1; i<now; i++) 52 if (vis[i]) status += 1<<(i-1); 53 ans += 1ll*f[status]*f[65535-status]; 54 } 55 return; 56 } 57 if (now > 16) return; 58 vis[now] = 1, dfs(now+1, done+1, opt); 59 vis[now] = 0, dfs(now+1, done, opt); 60 } 61 int main() 62 { 63 while (scanf("%d",&a[1])&&a[1]) 64 { 65 memset(f, 0, sizeof f); 66 for (int i=2; i<=16; i++) scanf("%d",&a[i]); 67 dfs(1, 0, 0); 68 ans = 0; 69 dfs(2, 0, 1); 70 printf("Case %d: %lld ",++scenario,ans); 71 } 72 return 0; 73 }
1 #include<vector> 2 #include<cstdio> 3 #include<cstring> 4 #include<algorithm> 5 6 std::vector<int> f[10251]; 7 int bit[20],a[23],mp[70003],scenario; 8 long long ans; 9 10 bool check(int x) 11 { 12 bit[0] = 0; 13 for (int i=0; i<16; i++) 14 if (x&(1<<i)) 15 bit[++bit[0]] = a[i+1]; 16 return bit[0]==4; 17 } 18 int main() 19 { 20 while (scanf("%d",&a[1])&&a[1]) 21 { 22 memset(mp, 0, sizeof mp); 23 for (int i=2; i<=16; i++) scanf("%d",&a[i]); 24 std::sort(a+1, a+17); 25 for (int i=0; i<=10240; i++) f[i].clear(); 26 for (int i=0; i<=65535; i++) 27 if (check(i)) 28 do{ 29 int tt = bit[1]*1+bit[2]*2+bit[3]*3+bit[4]*4; 30 for (unsigned int j=0; j<f[tt].size(); j++) 31 if ((i&f[tt][j])==0) mp[i|f[tt][j]]++; 32 f[tt].push_back(i); 33 }while (std::next_permutation(bit+1, bit+5)); 34 ans = 0; 35 for (int i=0; i<=65535; i++) 36 ans += 1ll*mp[i]*mp[65535^i]; 37 printf("Case %d: %lld ",++scenario,ans/2); 38 } 39 return 0; 40 }
以上是关于状态压缩 meet in middlepoj3139Balancing the Scale的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
poj 1198 / hdu 1401 Solitaire (记忆化搜索+meet in middle)
meet-in-the-middle 基础算法(优化dfs)