using Real Road Networks
Department of Geography and Planning, Southwest Texas State
Management Science Program, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee 37996
The classic problem of finding the shortest path over a network has been the target of many
research efforts over the years. These research efforts have resulted in a number of different
algorithms and a considerable amount of empirical findings with respect to performance.
Unfortunately, prior research does not provide a clear direction for choosing an algorithm when
one faces the problem of computing shortest paths on real road networks. Most of the computational
testing on shortest path algorithms has been based on randomly generated networks,
which may not have the characteristics of real road networks. In this paper, we provide an
objective evaluation of 15 shortest path algorithms using a variety of real road networks. Based
on the evaluation, a set of recommended algorithms for computing shortest paths on real road
networks is identified. This evaluation should be particularly useful to researchers and practitioners
in operations research, management science, transportation, and Geographic Information
The computation of shortest paths is an important
task in many network and transportation related
analyses. The development, computational
testing, and efficient implementation of shortest
path algorithms have remained important research
topics within related disciplines such as operations
research, management science, geography, transportation,
and computer science (DIJKSTRA, 1959;
1985; AHUJA et al., 1990; GOLDBERG and RADZIK,
1993). These research efforts have produced a number
of shortest path algorithms as well as extensive
empirical findings regarding the computational performance
of the algorithms (cf., for instance, GLOVER
et al., 1985; GALLO and PALLOTTINO, 1988;MONDOU,
and RADZIK, 1993).
When faced with the task of computing shortest
paths, one must decide which algorithm to choose.
Depending on the application, algorithm runtime
can be an important consideration in the decision
making process. Although a number of computational
evaluations have been reported in the literature
(e.g., HUNG and DIVOKY, 1988; GALLO and PALLOTTINO,
1988; CHERKASSKY et al., 1993), there is no
clear answer as to which algorithm, or set of algorithms,
runs fastest on real road networks, the most
common type of network faced by practitioners. The
primary goal of this paper is to identify which algorithms
run the fastest on real road networks. A
secondary goal is to better understand the sensitivity
of algorithm performance to input data.
Past computational evaluations were mainly
based on randomly generated networks. The methods
for random network generation varied considerably.
The resulting random networks ranged from
complete networks with uniformly distributed arc
lengths to highly structured grid networks. In comparison
to real road networks, random networks
often differ with respect to the degree of connectivity
as indicated by the arc-to-node ratios. The real networks
studied in this paper have arc-to-node ratios
ranging from 2.66 to 3.28. This is different from
many randomly generated networks described in
the literature where arc-to-node ratios are reported
as high as 10 (cf. GALLO and PALLOTTINO, 1988).
Transportation Science 0041-1655 /98/ 3201-0065 $01.25
Vol. 32, No. 1, February 1998 © 1998 Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences
Another aspect in which random networks can differ
from real networks stems from the fact that random
network arc lengths are usually randomly drawn in
an independent fashion. This can result in network
irregularities whereby a node may be “close” to two
adjacent nodes that are “far” apart. Such irregularities
can strongly favor certain types of algorithms
and drastically slow others. The random network
generators reviewed in the literature had one characteristic
which we felt resulted in significant differences
in real versus random networks, namely, they
apply a process for establishing connectivity or arc
length generation in a homogeneous fashion across a
network. Real network topology often contains areas
of dense urban network surrounded by highly subnetworked
suburban areas which are then further
surrounded by a rural road structure. Certain methods
for random network generation may replicate
one particular area well, for example, grid network
generators for downtown areas, but real networks
contain a mixed pattern of different types of road
network topologies which are virtually impossible to
We have tested a set of 15 shortest path algorithms
using real road networks. The networks used
for testing include road networks from 10 states
across the Midwest and Southeast of the United
States, and the U.S. National Highway Planning
Network (NHPN) which spans the continental
United States. Our relative ranking of the algorithms
differs somewhat from past studies such as
those of GALLO and PALLOTTINO (1988) and
CHERKASSKY et al. (1993). The results should be
useful for researchers and practitioners in different
disciplines, such as operations research, management
science, transportation, and Geographic Information
Systems, who rely on shortest path computations
within certain applications. Our study
focuses on the relative speeds of the various algorithms.
The issues of implementation and storage
requirements are important, however, the availability
of rigorously tested public domain codes allows
practitioners to easily obtain and implement such
codes into their own. The computational results for
this paper were obtained using the set of public
domain C source codes for computing shortest paths
provided by CHERKASSKY et al. (1993) with only
slight modifications. Their implementations proved
to be fast with respect to computation time and
efficient with respect to storage requirements.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 1 provides some background on the
prior study of CHERKASSKY et al. (1993) and summarizes
the algorithms tested in our study. Section 2
details the computational study and results. Section
3 concludes the paper with a set of recommendations
regarding algorithm selection.
AMONG THE EVALUATIONS of shortest path algorithms
reported in the literature (GLOVER et al.,
1985; GALLO and PALLOTTINO, 1988; MONDOU et al.,
1991; and, CHERKASSKY et al., 1993), a recent study
by CHERKASSKY et al. (1993) is the most comprehensive
and up-to-date. CHERKASSKY et al. reported an
evaluation of 17 shortest path algorithms. In their
experiment, CHERKASSKY et al. tested the 17 algorithms
on a number of randomly generated networks
with different characteristics. A main observation
from their study was that no single algorithm
consistently outperformed all others over the various
classes of simulated networks. Among their conclusions,
they suggested that the Dijkstra algorithm
implemented with double buckets (DIKBD) is the
best algorithm for networks with nonnegative arc
lengths, and that the Goldberg–Radzik algorithm
with distance updates during topological ordering
(GOR1) is a good choice for networks with negative
arc lengths.
We will use a test environment similar to that of
CHERKASSKY et al. as a starting point for our research.
Our evaluation differs from their evaluation
in that we use real road networks rather than randomly
generated networks. Of the 17 algorithms
evaluated in the CHERKASSKY et al. paper, only 15
are included in our study. Inasmuch as we do not
consider acyclic networks, the special-purpose algorithm
for acyclic networks tested by CHERKASSKY et
al. was excluded from our study. Also, after some
preliminary testing, we found that an implementation
using stack ordering of labeled node processing
is significantly slower than the rest of the algorithms
and, hence, it too was not considered.
Before continuing, let us formally introduce some
notations and define the shortest path problem. A
network is a graph G 5 (N, A) consisting of an
indexed set of nodes N with n 5 uNu and a spanning
set of directed arcs A with m 5 uAu. Each arc is
represented as an ordered pair of nodes, in the form
from node i to node j, denoted by (i, j). Each arc (i, j)
has an associated numerical value, dij, which represents
the distance or cost incurred by traversing the
arc. In this paper, we assume that bidirectional
travel between a pair of nodes i and j is represented
by two distinct directed arcs (i, j) and (j, i). Given a
directed network G 5 (N, A) with known arc length
dij for each arc (i, j) [ A, the shortest path problem
is to find the shortest distance (least cost) path from
a source node s to every other node in the node set N.
66 / F. B. ZHAN AND C. E. NOON
These one-to-all shortest paths can be represented
as a directed out-tree rooted at the source node s.
This directed tree is referred to as a shortest path
All of the algorithms evaluated in our study are
based on the labeling method, but they differ according
to the rules used to select labeled nodes for
scanning and in the data structures used to manage
the set of labeled nodes. Readers are referred to
and ORLIN (1993) for more comprehensive
discussions of these issues. The specific algorithms
evaluated in our study are summarized in Table I.
Details of the algorithms and their implementations
can be found in CHERKASSKY et al. (1993), or in the
additional references listed in Table I. The algorithms
are divided into the following five categories:
1) Bellman–Ford–Moore, 2) Dijkstra, 3) Incremental
Graph, 4) Threshold, and 5) Topological Ordering.
We further categorize the Dijkstra’s implementations
as either naive, bucket structures, or heap
structures. It should be noted that the worst-case
computational complexities of the tested algorithms
include polynomial (polynomial in m and n), pseudopolynomial
(polynomial in n, m, and C), and exponential
(PAPE algorithm).
The Dijkstra algorithm has a node selection rule
that is distinct from the other algorithms. The rule
ensures that the shortest path tree is constructed by
“permanently labeling” one node at a time. Once a
node is permanently labeled, its optimal shortest
path distance from the source node is known. Hence,
if it is only necessary to find the shortest path from
one node to some other node (the one-to-one shortest
path problem), then Dijkstra’s algorithm can be terminated
as soon as the destination node is permanently
labeled. All other algorithms guarantee optimal
shortest path distance to any destination only
upon termination with the full shortest path tree.
THE DESIGN OF THE experiment includes the preparation
of the network data and the computational
testing itself. Road networks from ten states in the
Midwest and Southeast of the United States, and a
road network consisting of the NHPN, covering the
entire continental United States, were used for testing
the shortest path algorithms. The ten states
chosen for testing provide a good range of rural,
suburban, and urban topology.
Two road network data sets were created and used
in our study. The two sets differ in the size of networks
included. Data set 1 consists of ten low-detail
road networks, one for each of the ten states in our
study. The set was generated using the three highest
levels of roads, namely, interstate highway, principal
arterial roads, and major arterial roads from
U.S. Geological Survey’s Digital Line Graphs. Figure
1 displays the Missouri road network from data
set 1. Data set 2 consists of ten high-detail state road
networks and a U.S. NHPN (abbreviated as US).
Summary of the Fifteen Algorithms Studied
Abbreviation Implementation Description Complexity* Additional References
BF Basic implementation O(nm) Bellman (1958)
BFP With parent-checking O(nm)
DIKQ Naive implementation O(n2) Dijkstra (1959)
Using buckets structure
DIKB Basic implementation O(m 1 nC) Dial (1969)
DIKBM With overflow bag O(m 1 n(C/a 1 a)) Cherkassky et al. (1993)
DIKBA Approximate buckets O(mb 1 n(b 1 C/b))
DIKBD Double buckets O(m 1 n(b 1 C/b))
Using heap structure
DIKF Fibonacci heap O(m 1 n log(n)) Fredman and Tarjan (1987)
DIKH k-array heap O(m log(n)) Corman et al. (1990)
DIKR R-heap O(m 1 n log(C)) Ahuja et al. (1990)
Incremental Graph
PAPE Pape–Levit implementation O(n2n) Pape (1974)
TWOiQ Pallottino implementation O(n2m) Pallottino (1984)
Threshold Algorithm
THRESH O(nm) Glover et al. (1984, 1985)
Topological Ordering
GOR Basic implementation O(nm) Goldberg and Radzik (1993)
GOR1 With distance updates O(nm)
*n, the number of network nodes; m, the number of network arcs; C, the maximum arc length in a network; a and b, input parameters.
The ten high-detail state networks were generated
by adding a fourth level of roads identified as rural
minor arteries to the networks in data set 1. Figure
2 illustrates the Missouri road network from data
set 2.
The road networks were stored and maintained as
a set of nodes and bidirectional links in a geographic
information system. The nodes, links and linklengths
were downloaded from the geographic information
system into ASCII files. Before downloading
the networks to files, a check was made to ensure
that the road networks were fully connected. Two
directed arcs were created for each bidirectional link
in the data sets, hence, the number of arcs was
always equal to twice the number of links. Characteristics
of the 21 test networks are given in Table II.
We found no notable difference in the arc-to-node
ratio across the two data sets. The arc lengths of the
networks are given in decimal geographic degrees.
Since the input to the shortest path codes required
integer distances, the arc lengths were multiplied by
a scaling factor, and the resulting arc lengths were
truncated to integers. This type of scaling and truncation
affects the size of the arc lengths, which may
have performance implications depending on the algorithm.
A study of algorithm sensitivity to the scaling
factor is described in a later part of this section.
The programs were compiled with the GNU gcc
compiler version 2.5.6 using the O4 optimization
option. Our experiments were conducted on a standalone
SUN Sparc-20 workstation, model HS21 with
a 125 MHz Hypersparc processor and 64 Megabytes
of RAM running under the Solaris 2.4 environment.
The reported runtimes represent the CPU time for
computing the shortest path trees and do not include
data input or solution output. For each network, a
sample of 100 nodes was randomly selected at the
outset and designated as the sample source nodes for
that network. For a given combination of road network,
algorithm, and scaling factor, an individual
time estimate for generating each of the 100 shortest
path trees was computed. To ensure accuracy, the
time estimate corresponding to a single source node
was made by averaging the time to generate 1000
identical trees from the source node for the networks
in data set 1. For data set 2, the average time to
generate 10 (rather than 1000) identical trees represented
a source node estimate. Once the 100 individual
source node estimates were compiled, an average
and a ratio of the maximum individual time to
the average were computed.
In our first set of computational results, we summarize
individual algorithm performance corresponding
to a scaling factor of 1000. In a later part of
this section, we analyze the effect of arc lengths on
certain algorithms by altering the scaling factor.
Tables III and IV display the relative speeds of the
algorithms on data sets 1 and 2, respectively, with a
scaling factor of 1000. For each table, the networks
are given in order of increasing number of nodes and
the algorithms are ordered by increasing overall
relative speed ratio (the column displayed in bold).
The last row in each table gives the average cpu time
per shortest path tree for the best performing algorithm
for a given network. The rows corresponding
to the algorithms give the ratio of the average cpu
time per tree for the algorithm to the time of the best
performing algorithm for a network. For example, in
Table III, PAPE was the best performing algorithm
for Nebraska (NE) and had an average cpu time per
tree of 0.46 milliseconds. The worst performing algorithm
on the Nebraska network was DIKF which
Fig. 1. Low-detail road network for Missouri from data set 1.
Fig. 2. High-detail road network for Missouri from data set 2.
68 / F. B. ZHAN AND C. E. NOON
had an average runtime per tree that was 7.59 times
greater than PAPE. Hence, the cpu time for DIKF
can be figured as 7.59 times 0.46, or 3.49 milliseconds.
The columns under the heading “Overall Performance”
display the total of the cpu-time-persource-
node averages for an algorithm across all
networks and that value’s corresponding speed ratio
relative to the fastest algorithm.
The incremental graph algorithms (PAPE and
TWOiQ) dominate all other algorithms across both
data sets. The nearest competing algorithm for both
data sets is the Threshold (THRESH) algorithm
Characteristics of the Networks
Network Name
Number of
of Arcs
Arc/Node 参考技术B attention control based on elevation.
The excavation of the foundation to prevent flood water from entering, after verification by the supervising engineers or set up the basis of legislation reinforced mode, set up to connect the embedded flange bolts and positioning by the supervision engineer nuclear identified proofing concrete after pouring. After passing inspection cover engineering, on-site fill out the "hidden works test records." Back filling layered solid, filled with the foundation or the slope of the surrounding ground level. Excavation of earth and rock dug up a time to return to full compaction of fill.
(7) based on the production after a day fill out the "Construction Record" comprehensive self-inspection, self-test after passing the inspection report to the supervisors, after passing the test, fill out the "single-test application for approval," approved at Management Group.
2, the backbone of the production and construction of
(1) column used in steel plate, angle steel and channel technical specifications should be consistent with the criteria set out in
(2) signs of the pillars of technical specifications and drawings in accordance with the provisions of the production and installation.
(3) the location of each sign, and its relationship with桩号offset the edge of the road can be identified at the scene supervising engineers.
3, marked by the production, installation
(1) Signs should be consistent with the "road traffic sign board technology" requirement.
(2) Signs of aluminum alloy plate used at the time of manufacture, should be consistent with the "aluminum and aluminum alloy sheet of the size and allowable deviation" and "aluminum and aluminum alloy sheet" requirement; Signs of aluminum alloy used in the minimum thickness should be not less than 2 mm.
(3) Signs of the shape, size requirements in line with the drawings. Signs of cutting, cutting, crimping, and ensure smooth edge, Founder, and called for reinforcement.
(4) large-scale guide signs can only be divided into a maximum of four, and should minimize the number of sub-block. Signs should be used splicing docking, the joints of the largest gap of 1 mm. All the joints to strengthen the application of backing, backing plate and logo rivet, rivet spacing should be less than the maximum 200 mm, the minimum width of backing 50 mm, the material backing plate with the same board.
(5) metal cutting: the production of aluminum alloy Signs logo size should be based on cutting, cutting or welding, riveting, and, upon request, red round and punching. These processes must be completed before the tape is affixed. Cut edge should be smooth, punching position is correct, smooth, to prevent scratches and distorted. Labeling requirements, such as crimping, then the application of bending or crimping machine crimping molded.
(6) surface treatment of aluminum alloy plate
1) gas skim PEO three to skim, skim the plate after washing do not need to water.
2) alkaline degreasing the aluminum alloy plate all Baptist people in alkaline washing detergent, and then thoroughly washed with water, and finally with dry or暖风吹infrared drying.
3) Acid skim concentration by 36 ℃ for 6% to 8% of the phosphoric acid pickling, washed using high pressure water, rinse with clean water, and finally with dry or暖风吹infrared drying (in the control of acid skim improve the environment).
4) refers to hand-eluting scouring pad on polishing the plate, with a cloth and water in the plate of bananas on the cleaning and degreasing, and 6% to 8% of the phosphoric acid wash, the plate washed with water, the final dry aluminum board.
After cleaning, the surface plate should check whether there are residual stains, do not have to re-clean plate washing, cleaning up after processing is complete before the tape is affixed shall not directly touch the plate with his hands, and grease should not be longer or exposure to other pollutants.
(7) all the connectors and accessories are carried out to deal with hot-dip galvanizing.
(8) signs of the reverse side of the light reflection properties of materials, color performance, weathering properties, resistant to salt spray corrosion resistance, solvent resistance performance, shock resistance, bending resistance performance, the performance of high and low temperature resistance, adhesive properties, such as technical requirements must be consistent with the relevant provisions of the contract document requirements.
(9) Signs drawings provided surface reflective film, its surface smooth and not have any bulge or damaged. Signs of surface colors, patterns, text in line with the requirements of the drawings.
(10) The tape is pasted, the manual does not allow the use of activated adhesive or solvent. Marked the outermost surface protective layer can be coated, such as a transparent coating. Signs face no greater than 1 mm 2 area of the bubble, and in any area of a 10 × 10cm framework, no two (including two) above the bubble.
(11) should be to minimize tape splicing, when the inevitable emergence of paste seam tape should be used when the product tape splicing to maximum width, so as to overlap the main joints. Signs from the edge of 50 mm, no splicing. The tape paste extrusion profiles in the plate surface, extend the upper and lower edge of the minimum length of 8 mm, and should be closely attached to the upper and lower edge.
(C) The greening works
1, according to the layout drawings greening projects and planting type as requested in the planting season in favor of construction.
2, pre-plant response Interchange embankment and greening within the scope of preparations for cultivation of the surface area.
3, in the course of construction and defects liability period, the greening of management and conservation as well as any amendments and to make up for deficiencies.
Third, the quality of objectives, project objectives (including the total duration, duration the node), the safety objectives
(A) quality objectives
The quality of the project objectives:
Sub-project is part of an inspection pass rate of 100 percent, more than 85% excellent and good rate to ensure that the works meet the quality standards of quality and grade.
(B) the target period
Proposed construction period of 13.5 months, than asking for a 14-month period of 0.5 months in advance.
1, the road works
(1) 713 surface area of 1000 square meters, 2400 square meters / day, on 30 days, construction accounted for 90% of valid time,
Progress on: 2400 × 30 × 90% = 64800 meters / month,
Construction period: 713000 ÷ 64800 = 11 months.
2, traffic safety facilities
Construction of road safety facilities in 10 months to complete.
3, greening works to be adopted seven months to complete.
Sub-projects according to assembly-line, cross-operating construction.
(C) The security objectives
Death due to workers who put an end to accidents, to avoid serious injuries, work-injury rate was controlled at below 0.5 ‰.
Fourth, to ensure that measures
(A) Quality system and assurance measures
1, Quality System
The bid includes road works projects, traffic safety facilities, greening works. The larger the volume of its engineering, construction, more restrictive, in order to ensure on time, high-quality section of this contract to complete the construction tasks, we will adhere to the "long-term, quality first" principle, in accordance with the ISO9001 series standards and the quality of the project management of road traffic characteristics, the development of improve the quality of the project management system, establish a project manager for the team leader, project engineer for the deputy head, engineering, quality, safety, material supply, equipment management and other departments and relevant personnel in charge of quality management to participate in the leading group, and establish and improve quality assurance system.
Quality assurance system shown in figure 1. At the same time, the contract for the construction of the project characteristics and the content of active QC group activities, use the PDCA cycle approach, regular analysis of quality management and project quality, and find out the impact of the main factors the quality of the project, design and supervision with an open mind to listen to the views of engineers to improve measures implemented to ensure that the projects meet the established quality objectives.
2, quality assurance measures
Adhere to the "long-term, quality first" principle, in accordance with ISO9001 standards and quality management in highway engineering characteristics, the quality of the project to develop a sound management system, the establishment of an effective quality assurance system to ensure quality from the organizational measures, management measures and control measures strict approach in three areas, some of the items in the construction of the sub-processes strictly technical in order to achieve the quality of the project planning and excellence goals.
(1) quality management organizational structure and management system 参考技术C 基于高度重视控制。
(3)由36℃酸脱脂浓度为6% ~ 8%的磷酸酸洗、洗使用高压水,然后用清水冲洗干净,最后用干燥的or暖风吹infrared干燥(在控制酸雨的脱脂改善环境)。
四)是指在hand-eluting冲刷垫盘内,抛光和布和水的香蕉在清扫板和脱脂,6% ~ 8%的磷酸洗,用水洗盘子,最终干燥铝板。
进展2400××90%。64800米/ 30 /月,
施工期间:713000÷64800 = 11个月。
(1)质量管理的组织结构和治理体系attention control based on elevation.
The excavation of the foundation to prevent flood water from entering, after verification by the supervising engineers or set up the basis of legislation reinforced mode, set up to connect the embedded flange bolts and positioning by the supervision engineer nuclear identified proofing concrete after pouring. After passing inspection cover engineering, on-site fill out the "hidden works test records." Back filling layered solid, filled with the foundation or the slope of the surrounding ground level. Excavation of earth and rock dug up a time to return to full compaction of fill.
(7) based on the production after a day fill out the "Construction Record" comprehensive self-inspection, self-test after passing the inspection report to the supervisors, after passing the test, fill out the "single-test application for approval," approved at Management Group.
2, the backbone of the production and construction of
(1) column used in steel plate, angle steel and channel technical specifications should be consistent with the criteria set out in
(2) signs of the pillars of technical specifications and drawings in accordance with the provisions of the production and installation.
(3) the location of each sign, and its relationship with桩号offset the edge of the road can be identified at the scene supervising engineers.
3, marked by the production, installation
(1) Signs should be consistent with the "road traffic sign board technology" requirement.
(2) Signs of aluminum alloy plate used at the time of manufacture, should be consistent with the "aluminum and aluminum alloy sheet of the size and allowable deviation" and "aluminum and aluminum alloy sheet" requirement; Signs of aluminum alloy used in the minimum thickness should be not less than 2 mm.
(3) Signs of the shape, size requirements in line with the drawings. Signs of cutting, cutting, crimping, and ensure smooth edge, Founder, and called for reinforcement.
(4) large-scale guide signs can only be divided into a maximum of four, and should minimize the number of sub-block. Signs should be used splicing docking, the joints of the largest gap of 1 mm. All the joints to strengthen the application of backing, backing plate and logo rivet, rivet spacing should be less than the maximum 200 mm, the minimum width of backing 50 mm, the material backing plate with the same board.
(5) metal cutting: the production of aluminum alloy Signs logo size should be based on cutting, cutting or welding, riveting, and, upon request, red round and punching. These processes must be completed before the tape is affixed. Cut edge should be smooth, punching position is correct, smooth, to prevent scratches and distorted. Labeling requirements, such as crimping, then the application of bending or crimping machine crimping molded.
(6) surface treatment of aluminum alloy plate
1) gas skim PEO three to skim, skim the plate after washing do not need to water.
2) alkaline degreasing the aluminum alloy plate all Baptist people in alkaline washing detergent, and then thoroughly washed with water, and finally with dry or暖风吹infrared drying.
3) Acid skim concentration by 36 ℃ for 6% to 8% of the phosphoric acid pickling, washed using high pressure water, rinse with clean water, and finally with dry or暖风吹infrared drying (in the control of acid skim improve the environment).
4) refers to hand-eluting scouring pad on polishing the plate, with a cloth and water in the plate of bananas on the cleaning and degreasing, and 6% to 8% of the phosphoric acid wash, the plate washed with water, the final dry aluminum board.
After cleaning, the surface plate should check whether there are residual stains, do not have to re-clean plate washing, cleaning up after processing is complete before the tape is affixed shall not directly touch the plate with his hands, and grease should not be longer or exposure to other pollutants.
(7) all the connectors and accessories are carried out to deal with hot-dip galvanizing.
(8) signs of the reverse side of the light reflection properties of materials, color performance, weathering properties, resistant to salt spray corrosion resistance, solvent resistance performance, shock resistance, bending resistance performance, the performance of high and low temperature resistance, adhesive properties, such as technical requirements must be consistent with the relevant provisions of the contract document requirements.
(9) Signs drawings provided surface reflective film, its surface smooth and not have any bulge or damaged. Signs of surface colors, patterns, text in line with the requirements of the drawings.
(10) The tape is pasted, the manual does not allow the use of activated adhesive or solvent. Marked the outermost surface protective layer can be coated, such as a transparent coating. Signs face no greater than 1 mm 2 area of the bubble, and in any area of a 10 × 10cm framework, no two (including two) above the bubble.
(11) should be to minimize tape splicing, when the inevitable emergence of paste seam tape should be used when the product tape splicing to maximum width, so as to overlap the main joints. Signs from the edge of 50 mm, no splicing. The tape paste extrusion profiles in the plate surface, extend the upper and lower edge of the minimum length of 8 mm, and should be closely attached to the upper and lower edge.
(C) The greening works
1, according to the layout drawings greening projects and planting type as requested in the planting season in favor of construction.
2, pre-plant response Interchange embankment and greening within the scope of preparations for cultivation of the surface area.
3, in the course of construction and defects liability period, the greening of management and conservation as well as any amendments and to make up for deficiencies.
Third, the quality of objectives, project objectives (including the total duration, duration the node), the safety objectives
(A) quality objectives
The quality of the project objectives:
Sub-project is part of an inspection pass rate of 100 percent, more than 85% excellent and good rate to ensure that the works meet the quality standards of quality and grade.
(B) the target period
Proposed construction period of 13.5 months, than asking for a 14-month period of 0.5 months in advance.
1, the road works
(1) 713 surface area of 1000 square meters, 2400 square meters / day, on 30 days, construction accounted for 90% of valid time,
Progress on: 2400 × 30 × 90% = 64800 meters / month,
Construction period: 713000 ÷ 64800 = 11 months.
2, traffic safety facilities
Construction of road safety facilities in 10 months to complete.
3, greening works to be adopted seven months to complete.
Sub-projects according to assembly-line, cross-operating construction.
(C) The security objectives
Death due to workers who put an end to accidents, to avoid serious injuries, work-injury rate was controlled at below 0.5 ‰.
Fourth, to ensure that measures
(A) Quality system and assurance measures
1, Quality System
The bid includes road works projects, traffic safety facilities, greening works. The larger the volume of its engineering, construction, more restrictive, in order to ensure on time, high-quality section of this contract to complete the construction tasks, we will adhere to the "long-term, quality first" principle, in accordance with the ISO9001 series standards and the quality of the project management of road traffic characteristics, the development of improve the quality of the project management system, establish a project manager for the team leader, project engineer for the deputy head, engineering, quality, safety, material supply, equipment management and other departments and relevant personnel in charge of quality management to participate in the leading group, and establish and improve quality assurance system.
Quality assurance system shown in figure 1. At the same time, the contract for the construction of the project characteristics and the content of active QC group activities, use the PDCA cycle approach, regular analysis of quality management and project quality, and find out the impact of the main factors the quality of the project, design and supervision with an open mind to listen to the views of engineers to improve measures implemented to ensure that the projects meet the established quality objectives.
2, quality assurance measures
Adhere to the "long-term, quality first" principle, in accordance with ISO9001 standards and quality management in highway engineering characteristics, the quality of the project to develop a sound management system, the establishment of an effective quality assurance system to ensure quality from the organizational measures, management measures and control measures strict approach in three areas, some of the items in the construction of the sub-processes strictly technical in order to achieve the quality of the project planning and excellence goals.
(1) quality management organizational structure and management system