




1. 英语日记作文怎么写

Nowadays, with the improvement of the people\'s living standard, some people form a habit of raising *** all or domestic animals as pets. Some raise *** all dogs or cats as their pets while others raise various birds or fishes as their pets. There are still even some people raising snakes and other unusual animals as their pets.

Does anyone have the same opinion of raising animals as pets? No, some people object to the idea of raising animals as pets. To them, animals have their own right to live a natural life like human beings. On the other hand, the way people raise animals as pets have a negative influence on the surroundings such as dogs\' barking at midnight, dogs\' chasing people on the street and so on. What\'s more, some animals will tran *** it some diseases.

In my opinion, I do not like the idea to raise animals at pets. Animals have their own right to lead a life as they like. We should not deprive them of their natural right. In this way, we will live in a peaceful world in harmony with the other living creatures.


2. 日记英语 作文

1,I think most people like traveling because they can feel the beauty of the nature and breathe the fresh air at the same time. What\'s more they can make friends. But there are some disadvantages of travelling, such as, the weather may change quickly and you may be wet in the rain. So my suggestion is that before you travel, you should listen to the weather report and get to know about the weather and you\'d better travel with others so that you are not into trouble.

(A Trip To Beijing),


On summer holiday my parents took me to Beijing. We stayed at Huabei Hotel. On the first day, we went to the Great Wall. The Great Wall is very long and old. It has millions of bricks. Each brick is very big and heavy. Lots of people from different countries like climbing the Great Wall. We felt very tired when we climbed to the top of the Great Wall.

it is very fun!


3. 英语日记怎么写






4. 日记用英语怎么说

日记的英语:diary [\'daɪərɪ]



n. 日志,日记;日记簿。


Exchange diary 交换日记

Future Diary 未来日记

Dear Diary 亲爱的日记

My Diary 我的日记

site diary 地盘工程日志

diary microbiology 乳品微生物学


1、Before we met, you showed me your diary.


2、I know this because, before we met, you showed me your diary and you wrote about this day.


3、Yes, but then I never look at my diary.


4、The Thots application serves as a diary or a personal journal where you can post random thoughts to it.


5、Note that you want to call them in your diary, otherwise you may fet!


6、They were fascinating — a diary of a troubled war from the ground up.


7、All you then do is slot these into the gaps beeen the diary stories.


5. 怎么写英文日记


第一篇 My savings-box 我的存钱罐

I had a baby pig.It was a lovely one.It was as white as snow and with red patterns on its back.It was so fat that it looked like a ball.It had a big mouth and a *** all nose.Its tail was very short.It had four strong leds.Oh,I fot to tell you that there was a hole on(或者是用in我也不太确定)its back.So it was not a real pig but a savings-box.

I like my little"pig" very much and often fed it with my pocket money as food.The pig was very *** iling。It seemed to be saying thanks to me in return.The pig was heavier and heavier,at last,it was full of money.

One day,I was very sad to break the pig into pieces because I was going to contribute the money to the 29th BeiJing Olympic Games.

The night,I dreamed a sweet dream,the money I had saved was sent to BEIJING

第二篇 写得是去给奶奶过生日的事 也很复合实际

It was Grandma"s(应该是一个撇,我打不出来)birthday。Father,mother and I went to visit her.She lives with my uncle in a villagenot too far away.Early in the morning we brought some presents and took the bus to get there

Grandma and uncle were so glad to see us.We gave the presents to Grandma and she was so happy.Then wo sat down to talk,while tncle prepare lunch. The meal was so nice that we all enjoyed it very much. At 4 o"(还是一个撇)clock,we said goodbye and returned


6. 英语日记如何写




有朋友来你家作客,你可以写:We had a wonderful time together. 春节快到了,你或许可以这样写:The Spring Festival is around the corner. It\'s the most important occasion for the family reunion.甚至在夏天与蚊子的“斗争”也可以成为日记的内容:These annoying mosquitoes didn\'t seem to be afraid of the mosquito coil(蚊香)I burned. So I had to hang up a mosquito-. It was fun to lie inside the reading a favorite magazine while those unpleasant *** all insects were looking at me helplessly outside. 实际上,用英语写日记是最有效的练习英语写作的形式。它能够让你从各种生活细节及感受中学到最生活化、最地道的英语词语。

比如:你今天吃了龙虾,英语是 lobster;你想说某个女同学堪称“校花”,那是 school beauty;考试作弊是 cheat in the exam,等等。因此,可以这么说:如果你能流利地写出好的英语日记,你的英语就已经成功了一大半。




这一部分中天气状况比较难写。下面是一些常用的描写天气的英语词语:晴 clear 阴 overcast 多云 cloudy 小雨 light rain大雨 heavy rain 毛毛雨 drizzle 阵雨 shower东风 east wind 南风 south wind 西风 west wind 北风 north wind 西南风 southwester 东南风 southeaster 东北风 northeaster 西北风 northwester 气温 temperature炎热 scorching heat 寒冷 icy cold 下雪 snow 冰雹 hail 虹 rainbow日记正文可以是叙事、描述、说明、议论等各种形式。



3)英语日记中的缩写与省略英语日记中的第一行的月份与星期通常都是缩写的:Sunday----Sun Monday----Mon. Tuesday----Tues. Wednesday----Wed. Thursday----Thur. 或 Thurs. Friday----Fri. Saturday----Sat. January----Jan. February----Feb. March----Mar. April----Apr. May----May. June----Jun. July----Jul. August----Aug. September----Sept. October----Oct. November----Nov. December----Dec. 另外,英语日记中由于频繁出现I,因此,常常省略,如:In the evening went with Xiao Li to the cinema. Finishing exercises, went to play tennis. 但如果省去I,会造成语义不清时,则不可省去:My sister is good at English, but I am just so-so. 实际上,省与不省I,只是作者的一种习惯,为了记日记的方便。最后需要一提的是,英语日记习惯一年一本,因此日期不必写年份,而只是在每年一本的日记本封面上或者在日记的第一页和最后一页加以注明即可。

下面三则学生日记供读者参考:Sun., Feb. 1Overcast The night before the examination The clock struck eleven at night. The whole house was quiet. Everyone was in bed except me. Under the strong light, I looked gloomily before me at a huge pile of that disgusting stuff they call“books”. I was going to have my examination the next day. “Whencan I go to bed?” I asked myself. I did not answer. In fact I dared not. The clock struck 12.“Oh, dear!”I cried. “Ten more books to read before I can go to bed!”We students are the most wretched creatures in the world.考试是学生日记“永恒的主题”,写得真实有趣。Mon., May 9Clear A watermelon Got a present of a watermelon cooled down in the well(在井里冷却过的)from my next-door neighbour. As I was very thirsty, enjoyed it very much. They say the watermelons have turned out very well this summer due to the dry weather.“邻居送西瓜”这样一件小事,充满生活乐趣。


Thurs ., Jan . 7Very fine A sunny dayI got up early today to watch the sunrise. While I waited for the sun to rise, I sat beside my window and thought of my future. 。

7. 英语作文 日记

It\'s sunny in last Saturday. I went to the West Lake to take part in the activity of tirp. The West Lake is far away my home o miles ,so I decide to ride a bike to get here. I set off at 8.00 and went home at 5.00 . There are many interesting things that i experienced. I took many pictures and row a boat in the lake. The most happy thing was watched the animal \'s perform ,and then ,I had a delicious lunch and i saw many parents with their children ,the teachers , the students. When i went home ,a thing appear in my brain, i think this experience not only wide my views,but also make me feel more enthusia *** with my life. 内容都写了,感受也写了! 打到手酸。

8. 英语日记怎么写





















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