% 取模,返回商的余数
10/3 3.33333333335
10//3 3 地板除,取整数,不是四舍五入
a = 3 b = 5 -----> a<b and a==4 or b<10 and a>1
‘123‘.isdigit() 判断一个字符串是否可以转换为数字
身份判断:type(123) is int type(‘123‘) is str
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
a=60 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0
b=13 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1
&按位与 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
|按位或 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1

menu = { ‘北京‘:{ ‘海淀‘:{ ‘五道口‘:{ ‘soho‘:{}, ‘网易‘:{}, ‘google‘:{} }, ‘中关村‘:{ ‘爱奇艺‘:{}, ‘汽车之家‘:{}, ‘youku‘:{}, }, ‘上地‘:{ ‘百度‘:{}, }, }, ‘昌平‘:{ ‘沙河‘:{ ‘老男孩‘:{}, ‘北航‘:{}, }, ‘天通苑‘:{}, ‘回龙观‘:{}, }, ‘朝阳‘:{}, ‘东城‘:{}, }, ‘上海‘:{ ‘闵行‘:{ "人民广场":{ ‘炸鸡店‘:{} } }, ‘闸北‘:{ ‘火车战‘:{ ‘携程‘:{} } }, ‘浦东‘:{}, }, ‘山东‘:{}, } break_flag = True while break_flag: for i in menu: print(i) choice1 = input(‘>:‘).strip() if len(choice1)==0:continue if choice1==‘q‘: break_flag = False continue if choice1 in menu: while break_flag: for j in menu[choice1]: print(j) choice2 = input(‘>>:‘).strip() if len(choice2)==0:continue if choice2==‘b‘:break if choice2==‘q‘: break_flag = False continue if choice2 in menu[choice1]: while break_flag: for k in menu[choice1][choice2]: print(k) choice3 = input(‘>>>:‘).strip() if len(choice3)==0:continue if choice3==‘b‘:break if choice3==‘q‘: break_flag = False continue if choice3 in menu[choice1][choice2]: while break_flag: for m in menu[choice1][choice2][choice3]: print(m) choice4 = input(‘>>>>:‘) if len(choice4)==0:continue if choice4==‘b‘:break if choice4==‘q‘: break_flag = False continue

shopping_cart = {} #购物车 product_list = [ [‘iphone‘,5800], [‘小米手机‘,2000], [‘茅台酒‘,650], [‘笔‘,5], [‘电饭锅‘,200] ] salary = int(input(‘Input your salary:‘)) while True: index = 0 for product in product_list: print(index,product) index+=1 choice = input(‘请输入商品编号:‘) if choice.isdigit(): choice = int(choice) if choice>=0 and choice<=len(product_list): product = product_list[choice] if product[1] <= salary: if product[0] in shopping_cart: shopping_cart[product[1]]+=1 else: shopping_cart[product[0]]=[product[1],1] salary-=product[1] print(‘购物车已添加:‘+product[0]+‘ ,您的余额为:‘+str(salary)) else: print("工资不够,商品的价格为:%s ,还差:%s"%(str(product[1]),product[1]-salary)) else: print(‘编号不存在,请重新输入‘) elif choice==‘q‘: print(‘-----------您已购买以下商品-----------‘) id_count = 1 total_cost = 0 print(‘id 商品 单价 数量 总价‘) for key in shopping_cart: print("%s\t\t%s\t\t%s\t\t%s\t\t%s" %(id_count, key, shopping_cart[key][0], shopping_cart[key][1], shopping_cart[key][0]*shopping_cart[key][1] ) ) id_count+=1 total_cost+=shopping_cart[key][0]*shopping_cart[key][1] print(‘您的总花费为:%s‘%total_cost) print(‘您的余额为:%s‘%salary) print(‘----------------end---------------‘) else: print(‘编号输入错误‘)