““ AttributeError”,使用python进行网络抓取



篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了““ AttributeError”,使用python进行网络抓取相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


Traceback (most recent call last) in # form cycles) 
   excludedPages = filter(isInternalNode, getChildren("http://www.quora.com/directory")) 
AttributeError: 'filter' object has no attribute 'append'


此代码适用于Python 2-您可以看到print不带(),仅在Python 2中有效。

但是Python 2也有其他差异。在Python 2中,filter()创建list,但在Python 3中,filter()是“惰性”,并且不会立即创建列表,在某些情况下,您必须使用list()filter()转换为list


excludedPages = list(filter(...))


这里是没有错误运行的代码。在代码中,您可以看到注释# changed


    起始页/directory不显示用户列表(可能出于安全性考虑或GDPR General Data Protection Regulation
  • 它使用JavaScript,但是mechanize无法运行JavaScript
  • 所以代码无用:)

    # Grabs N people randomly from the directory using reservoir sampling, then # counts the number of followers they have. I never got to run this script # to completion because Quora blocked the script before I added the rate # limits. import mechanize import random import http.cookiejar as cookielib # changed: in Python 3 module `cookielib` was renamed to `http.cookiejar` import re from time import sleep NUM_SAMPLES = 1000 FOLLOWERS_FILE = "followers.txt" USERS_FILE = "users.txt" ERR_LOG = "errors.txt" err = open(ERR_LOG, 'w') # Randomly chosen Quora users (written in the form of links to Quora # profiles) users = [] curUserIdx = 1 # Regular expressions that will be used multiple times leaf = re.compile("-") # Separator between first and last names! internalNode = re.compile("directory/page") fnum = re.compile("Followers.*>([0-9]+)<.*Following") # We use this function to open pages instead of br.open to avoid putting a # high load on Quora's servers. This means the script takes a lot longer # though - estimated time 1 day for 2 million users. (21400 page accesses # * 4 seconds per access = 23.8 hours.) def openPage(site): print('[DEBUG] openPage:', site) # changed: add only for debug result = br.open(site) # changed: add `result =` sleep(3) return result # changed: add `return result` # Gets child links def getChildren(node): try: openPage(node) print(br.links()) return ["http://www.quora.com" + link.url for link in br.links()] except: print("Could not get children of " + node) err.write("Could not get children of " + node) return [] # Checks to see if the link is a user profile. def isLeaf(node): return leaf.search(node) # Checks to see if the link is an intermediate node in the directory. def isInternalNode(node): return internalNode.search(node) # Checks to see if the page is part of the people directory def inPeopleDirectory(node): try: page = openPage(node) html = page.read() except Exception as ex: # changed: display some info about problem print('ex:', ex) # changed: display some info about problem print("Could not open site " + node) err.write("Could not open site " + node) return False # --- change : add decode with try/except --- try: html = html.decode('utf-8') except: print("Could not decode HTML using UTF-8 " + node) err.write("Could not decode HTML using UTF-8 " + node) return False # --- change : end --- return "People on Quora" in html # Applies reservoir sampling to a candidate leaf def sample(node): # curUserIdx is 1-indexed global users, curUserIdx # Initialize the list if (curUserIdx <= NUM_SAMPLES): users.append(node) # Replace elements else: # random.randint chooses a random integer, inclusive choice = random.randint(1, curUserIdx) if (choice <= NUM_SAMPLES): users[choice - 1] = node curUserIdx += 1 # Gets the number of followers for a user def getFollowers(profile): try: page = openPage(profile) m = fnum.search(page.read()) if m: return m.group(1) except: print("Could not get number of followers for " + profile) err.write("Could not get number of followers for " + profile) # Traverses the tree using depth first search. def crawl(node): for child in getChildren(node): if child in excludedPages: pass elif isLeaf(child): print("Sampling " + child) sample(child) elif isInternalNode(child): print("Crawling internal node " + child) crawl(child) else: print("Passing on link " + child) # Initialize browser br = mechanize.Browser() cj = cookielib.LWPCookieJar() br.set_cookiejar(cj) br.set_handle_equiv(True) br.set_handle_gzip(True) br.set_handle_redirect(True) br.set_handle_referer(True) br.set_handle_robots(False) # Follows refresh 0 but not hangs on refresh > 0 br.set_handle_refresh(mechanize._http.HTTPRefreshProcessor(), max_time=1) # User-Agent br.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008071615 Fedora/3.0.1-1.fc9 Firefox/3.0.1')] # Get list of top level pages (and exclude them from searches, because they # form cycles) excludedPages = list(filter(isInternalNode, getChildren("https://www.quora.com/directory"))) # changed: add `list()` excludedPages.append("https://www.quora.com") excludedPages.append("https://www.quora.com#") excludedPages.append("https://www.quora.com/") excludedPages.append("https://www.quora.com/about/tos") print('[DEBUG] topPages:', list(excludedPages)) # changed: add only for debug topPages = filter(inPeopleDirectory, excludedPages) print('[DEBUG] topPages:', list(topPages)) # changed: add only for debug # Access Quora directory (it's public access!) for page in topPages: crawl(page) # Get followers for each user ff = open(FOLLOWERS_FILE, 'w') uf = open(USERS_FILE, 'w') # Write these in two separate steps in case something goes wrong with # getFollowers. I don't want to lose my random sample, because that is the # hardest part to get. for u in users: uf.write(u + " ") uf.close() for u in users: numFollowers = getFollowers(u) if numFollowers: ff.write(u + " " + getFollowers(u) + " ") ff.close() err.close()

  • 以上是关于““ AttributeError”,使用python进行网络抓取的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章


    AttributeError: 'RDD' 对象没有属性 'show'


    AttributeError:模块 'dbus' 没有属性 'lowlevel'

