



I have not tried this out yet, but I hope it can convert IronPython types to and from json.
  1. Jayrock supports export and importing value types (structs). Below is an example in
  2. an interactive IronPython session where Jayrock is being used to export and import
  3. System.Drawing.Point (struct) to and from JSON:
  5. IronPython 2.0 ( on .NET 2.0.50727.3053
  6. Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
  7. >>> import clr
  8. >>> clr.AddReference('Jayrock.Json')
  9. >>> from Jayrock.Json.Conversion import JsonConvert
  10. >>> clr.AddReference('System.Drawing')
  11. >>> from System.Drawing import Point
  12. >>> print JsonConvert.ExportToString(Point(12,34))
  13. {"x":12,"y":34}
  14. >>> print JsonConvert.Import(Point, '{x:12,y:34}')
  15. {X=12,Y=34}


jqGrid - 如何配置 jsonreader(与 Jayrock 一起使用)?

在 .NET 中使用 Jayrock 不正确地形成 JSON 字符串

Jayrock 导出到字符串的替代方案

为啥 Jayrock(.NET JSON-RPC 框架)不喜欢我的请求?

Jayrock:未导出 Web 方法

将类型切换为 POST 而不是 GET 后 JSON 调用不起作用