US firm's official entry into segment to motivate more Chinese peers to join in

Posted sodium酱


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Apple Inc\'s augmented reality headset will help accelerate the development of the AR industrial chain in China, and push the product not only for entertainment but also as a productive tool for work, experts said.

The comments came after the US company unveiled its much-anticipated AR headset Vision Pro on Monday in Cupertino, California, which is the first major new product category Apple launched in almost a decade, and is seen by many as the future of computing.

Zhao Siquan, a senior analyst at the China branch of market research company International Data Corp, said Vision Pro has attracted much attention in the industry, with a large portion of supply chain enterprises in hardware components coming from China.

Apple\'s official entry into the AR market will motivate more Chinese companies to follow up and jointly promote the optimization of the domestic AR industry chain while advancing the development of new display, battery and other components for human-machine interaction, Zhao said.

Unlike rivals\' headsets that need additional buttons, dials and levers for control, Apple said the Vision Pro has a fully three-dimensional user interface controlled by "the most natural and intuitive inputs possible — a user\'s eyes, hands and voice".

Meanwhile, Vision Pro, which resembles high-tech ski goggles, will have its own operating system — visionOS — and a dedicated App Store, and allows users to multitask across different apps in virtual displays.

At the product launch, Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, said: "Today marks the beginning of a new era for computing. Just as the Mac introduced us to personal computing, and iPhone introduced us to mobile computing, Apple Vision Pro introduces us to spatial computing."

Steve Severinghaus, an analyst at research company Insider Intelligence, said differing from Facebook-owner Meta\'s virtual reality devices which focus on 360-degree immersive virtual experiences, Vision Pro clearly situates the user in their real environment.

For instance, Vision Pro has an exterior display that shows the user\'s eyes to people in the outside world. The exterior screen goes dark when a user is fully immersed in a virtual world. When a person approaches a user who is in full virtual mode, the headset will show both the user and the outside person to each other.

Despite Apple\'s optimism about the long-term development of AR, analysts said the high price tag of $3,499 makes the first generation of Vision Pro not necessarily a device for the mass market. It is more like a version for the most dedicated Apple fans, business users and software developers, they said.

Zhao said, "Now, both global and Chinese AR and VR markets are experiencing a decline in shipments, with manufacturers slowing down their new product launches, marketing actions and pace of new content launches."

In the first quarter of this year, the Chinese AR and VR market shipped 173,000 units of devices, marking a year-on-year decrease of 37.6 percent. Among them, 150,000 units were shipped in the VR market, down 42.2 percent year-on-year, but 22,000 units were shipped in the AR market, a year-on-year increase of 35.7 percent, IDC said.

After the release of Vision Pro, most of the top Chinese device makers will also launch new AR or VR products from the end of this year to 2024. Meanwhile, manufacturers without a presence in the sector will also quickly enter the market, which will intensify competition, IDC forecasts.

In the medium to long term, spending on AR and VR in China is expected to hit $13.1 billion by 2026, making it the world\'s second-largest market, IDC added.

Meanwhile, market research company Counterpoint said as artificial intelligence is essential for understanding the surrounding environment and human beings, it is of high importance to better combine AI with AR.

When it comes to the fundamental question — will VR and AR go from niche to mainstream — consultancy Deloitte said in a report that it all depends on how compelling VR and AR content become.

Well aware of the trend, Apple announced on Monday that it is partnering with Disney to bring the latter\'s video streaming service to its Vision Pro headsets.

en_US.UTF-8 语言环境的 Windows 等效项是啥?

【中文标题】en_US.UTF-8 语言环境的 Windows 等效项是啥?【英文标题】:What is the Windows equivalent for en_US.UTF-8 locale?en_US.UTF-8 语言环境的 Windows 等效项是什么? 【发布时间】:2011-05-18 11:52:52 【问题描述】:

如果我想在 Windows 上进行以下工作,正确的语言环境是什么以及如何检测它是否实际存在: Does this code work universaly, or is it just my system?



尽管对命名语言环境没有很好的支持,但 Visual Studio 2010 确实包含 C++11 所需的 UTF-8 转换方面:std::codecvt_utf8 用于 UCS2,std::codecvt_utf8_utf16 用于 UTF-16:

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <locale>
#include <codecvt>
void prepare_file()

    // UTF-8 data
    char utf8[] = '\x7a',                       // latin small letter 'z' U+007a
                   '\xe6','\xb0','\xb4',         // CJK ideograph "water"  U+6c34
                   '\xf0','\x9d','\x84','\x8b'; // musical sign segno U+1d10b
    std::ofstream fout("text.txt");
    fout.write(utf8, sizeof utf8);

void test_file_utf16()

    std::wifstream fin("text.txt");
    fin.imbue(std::locale(fin.getloc(), new std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<wchar_t>));
    std::cout << "Read from file using UTF-8/UTF-16 codecvt\n";
    for(wchar_t c; fin >> c; )
        std::cout << std::hex << std::showbase << c << '\n';

void test_file_ucs2()

    std::wifstream fin("text.txt");
    fin.imbue(std::locale(fin.getloc(), new std::codecvt_utf8<wchar_t>));
    std::cout << "Read from file using UTF-8/UCS2 codecvt\n";
    for(wchar_t c; fin >> c; )
        std::cout << std::hex << std::showbase << c << '\n';

int main()


此输出,在我的 Visual Studio 2010 EE SP1 上

Read from file using UTF-8/UTF-16 codecvt
Read from file using UTF-8/UCS2 codecvt
Press any key to continue . . .





@Nemanja Trifunovic:这正是不是博客的重点。对于像 MessageBoxW 这样的每个 UTF-16 API,都有一个“ANSI”变体 MessageBoxA,它将使用当前的“ANSI”代码页进行 8 位到 UTF-16 的转换。但是,您不能使用 UTF-8 作为当前的“ANSI”代码页。但是,MultiByteToWideChar 不使用当前的 ANSI 代码页。它的第一个参数是要使用的代码页,there UTF-8 (65001) 是允许的。 @MSalters:博客的重点是代码页 65001 不能是 ACP,这意味着它不能用作 C++ 标准库语言环境。我提到的 UTF-8 UTF-16 转换不是博客的重点,而是我对如何在 Windows 上使用 UTF-8 的问题的回答。更简短的回答是:不要在 Windows 上使用 C++ 标准库进行 IO。 @Let_Me_Be:基本上,这归结为 Windows 上的 wchar_t 专门定义为 16 位类型。 C(和 C++)标准要求 wchar_t 能够保存 all 支持的编码中的 any 有效字符。但是没有办法将所有的 Unicode 字符编码为 16 位 - 就是无法做到。因此,Windows C 和 C++ 库实际上支持任何类型的 Unicode。如果你想在 Windows 上使用 Unicode,你必须跳出 C 和 C++ 库。是的,这很愚蠢,但是您对 Microsoft 有什么期望? :P @Let_Me_Be:您混淆了 16 位 wchar_t 和 UTF-16。它们不是同一件事。 UTF-8 和 UTF-16 是编码所有 Unicode 代码点的两种不同方式(其中 far 不仅仅是 65535)。您至少需要 24 位来表示所有 1,000,000 多个 Unicode 代码点。 UTF-16 中的“16”not 表示所有字符都只能使用 16 位表示(例如,某些 Unicode 字符需要 32 位 [两个 16 位 代码单元 ]使用 UTF-16 编码时)。但是 C++ 库需要 wchar_t 才能唯一地表示 每个 支持的字符。 @Let_Me_Be:我确实阅读了您的链接问题,但您似乎没有理解那里的正确答案。部分(甚至全部)Windows API 可以将 wchar_t 字符串解释为 UTF-16 编码数据,但C 和 C++ 库 。如果他们这样做了,那么您可以使用 UTF-8 作为 C 和 C++ 库的语言环境。但是,你不能。这就是您的问题的答案;)【参考方案3】:


Microsoft 表示,UTF-8 语言环境可能会破坏某些函数,因为它们被编写为假设多字节编码每个字符使用不超过 2 个字节,因此代码页具有更多字节,例如 UTF-8(以及 GB 18030、cp54936 ) 无法设置为语言环境。

不过,微软逐渐引入了UTF-8 locale support,并开始再次推荐 ANSI API (-A),而不是像以前那样的 Unicode (-W) 版本

直到最近,Windows 一直强调“Unicode”-W 变体而不是 -A API。但是,最近的版本使用 ANSI 代码页和 -A API 作为向应用程序引入 UTF-8 支持的一种方式。如果为 UTF-8 配置 ANSI 代码页,则-A API 以 UTF-8 运行。此模型的优势在于支持使用-A API 构建的现有代码,无需任何代码更改。

-A vs. -W APIs

首先,他们添加了一个“Beta:使用 Unicode UTF-8 支持全球语言”复选框,因为 Windows 10 Insider build 17035 用于将语言环境代码页设置为 UTF-8

要打开该对话框,请打开开始菜单,输入“区域”并选择区域设置 > 其他日期、时间和区域设置 > 更改日期、时间或数字格式 > 管理


从 Windows 10 build 17134(2018 年 4 月更新)开始,通用 C 运行时支持使用 UTF-8 代码页。这意味着传递给 C 运行时函数的 char 字符串将需要 UTF-8 编码的字符串。要启用 UTF-8 模式,请在使用 setlocale 时使用“UTF-8”作为代码页。例如,setlocale(LC_ALL, ".utf8") 将使用当前默认的 Windows ANSI 代码页 (ACP) 作为语言环境,使用 UTF-8 作为代码页。

UTF-8 Support

您也可以在旧的 Windows 版本中使用它

要在 Windows 10 之前的操作系统(例如 Windows 7)上使用此功能,您必须使用 app-local deployment 或使用版本 17134 或更高版本的 Windows SDK 进行静态链接。对于 17134 之前的 Windows 10 操作系统,仅支持静态链接。

在 2019 年后期,他们增加了程序使用 UTF-8 语言环境的功能,甚至无需在上面设置 UTF-8 beta 标志。使用 MSVC 编译时可以使用 /execution-charset:utf-8/utf-8 选项,或者在 appxmanifest 中设置 ActiveCodePage 属性


新功能的精彩回顾!令人惊讶的是,他们花了这么长时间才说“让我们在 C 字符串中使用 utf-8”。 /utf-8 选项似乎与复选框无关。它设置了二进制文件的执行和源字符集,但我可能错了。【参考方案4】:

根据MSDN,它将被命名为“english_us.65001”。但是代码页 65001 在 Windows 上有些不稳定。


你能否对“有点片状”发表更多评论? @Let_Me_Be:我无法比总结得更好 @MSalters 很抱歉,但我找不到任何最新且足够详细的内容。我从阅读的简短博客文章中了解到,Windows 根本不支持 UTF-8(这没有任何意义)。 @Let_Me_Be:它没有隐式支持。你不能打电话给MessageBoxA("Hellö")。但是,它有明确的支持:MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, utf8input.c_str(), ... @Let_Me_Be:所有这些答案试图说明的是 Windows 上没有 utf-8 语言环境。

以上是关于US firm's official entry into segment to motivate more Chinese peers to join in的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章


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en_US.UTF-8 语言环境的 Windows 等效项是啥?

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