Posted 黑月教主的空间
ChangeServiceConfig ChangeServiceConfig2 CloseServiceHandle ControlService CreateDesktop CreateService CreateWindowStation DeleteService EnumDependentServices EnumServicesStatus EnumServicesStatusEx EnumWindowStations GetProcessWindowStation GetServiceDisplayName GetServiceKeyName GetThreadDesktop GetUserObjectInformation LockServiceDatabase OpenDesktop OpenInputDesktop OpenSCManager OpenService OpenWindowStation QueryServiceConfig QueryServiceConfig2 QueryServiceLockStatus QueryServiceObjectSecurity QueryServiceStatus QueryServiceStatusEx SetServiceObjectSecurity SetServiceStatus SetUserObjectInformation StartService UnlockServiceDatabase
不过pywin32还有一个对win32service模块的包装,叫做 win32serviceutil,使用它可以更方便地对服务进行控制。
InstallService(pythonClassString, serviceName, displayName, startType = None, errorControl = None, bRunInteractive = 0, serviceDeps = None, userName = None, password = None, exeName = None, perfMonIni = None,perfMonDll = None, exeArgs = None,description = None, delayedstart = None) #安装服务 ChangeServiceConfig(pythonClassString, serviceName, startType = None, errorControl = None, bRunInteractive = 0, serviceDeps = None, userName = None, password = None,exeName = None, displayName = None, perfMonIni = None, perfMonDll = None,exeArgs = None, description = None, delayedstart = None) #更改服务设置 #以上两个函数的第一个参数pythonClassString是为Python编写的Windows服务准备的,非Python服务则不需要,直接填None即可 RemoveService(serviceName) #删除服务 ControlService(serviceName, code, machine = None) #控制服务,code的具体定义参考MSDN的对ControlService的介绍 StopService(serviceName, machine = None) #停止服务 StartService(serviceName, args = None, machine = None) #启动服务 RestartService(serviceName, args = None, waitSeconds = 30, machine = None) #重启服务 QueryServiceStatus(serviceName, machine=None) #查询服务状态
比如 win32serviceutil.StopService("Spooler") 就可以停止Spooler服务了。
对于 win32serviceutil.QueryServiceStatus()这个函数,它实际返回的是win32service.QueryServiceStatus的返回结果。
SERVICE_STATUS Object A Win32 service status object is represented by a tuple: Items [0] int : serviceType The type of service. [1] int : serviceState The current state of the service. [2] int : controlsAccepted The controls the service accepts. [3] int : win32ExitCode The win32 error code for the service. [4] int : serviceSpecificErrorCode The service specific error code. [5] int : checkPoint The checkpoint reported by the service. [6] int : waitHint The wait hint reported by the service
import win32service import win32serviceutil import win32api def GetSvcStatus(svcname): svcstatusdic = { #The service continue is pending. win32service.SERVICE_CONTINUE_PENDING:"continue pending", #The service pause is pending. win32service.SERVICE_PAUSE_PENDING:"pause pending", #The service is paused. win32service.SERVICE_PAUSED:"paused" , #The service is running. win32service.SERVICE_RUNNING:"running", #The service is starting. win32service.SERVICE_START_PENDING:"start pending", # The service is stopping. win32service.SERVICE_STOP_PENDING:"stop pending" , #The service is not running. win32service.SERVICE_STOPPED:"stoped" } status = win32serviceutil.QueryServiceStatus(svcname) if status: return svcstatusdic.get(status[1],"unknown") else: return "error" svcname = "Spooler" status = GetSvcStatus(svcname) print("{} current status : {}".format(svcname,status)) if status == "running": win32serviceutil.StopService(svcname) else: win32serviceutil.StartService(svcname) win32api.Sleep(1000) status = GetSvcStatus(svcname) print("After Control,{} current status : {}".format(svcname,status))
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