RESTful API 最佳实践

Posted 小家电维修


篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了RESTful API 最佳实践相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

  RESTful 是目前最流行的 API 设计规范,用于 Web 数据接口的设计。

  它的大原则容易把握,但是细节不容易做对。本文总结 RESTful 的设计细节,介绍如何设计出易于理解和使用的 API。


1.URL 设计

1.1 动词 + 宾语

  RESTful 的核心思想就是,客户端发出的数据操作指令都是"动词 + 宾语"的结构。比如,GET /articles这个命令,GET是动词,/articles是宾语。

  动词通常就是五种 HTTP 方法,对应 CRUD 操作。


  根据 HTTP 规范,动词一律大写。


1.2 动词的覆盖


  这时,客户端发出的 HTTP 请求,要加上X-HTTP-Method-Override属性,告诉服务器应该使用哪一个动词,覆盖POST方法。

POST /api/Person/4 HTTP/1.1  
X-HTTP-Method-Override: PUT



1.3 宾语必须是名词

  宾语就是 API 的 URL,是 HTTP 动词作用的对象。它应该是名词,不能是动词。比如,/articles这个 URL 就是正确的,而下面的 URL 不是名词,所以都是错误的。



1.4 复数 URL

  既然 URL 是名词,那么应该使用复数,还是单数?

  这没有统一的规定,但是常见的操作是读取一个集合,比如GET /articles(读取所有文章),这里明显应该是复数。

  为了统一起见,建议都使用复数 URL,比如GET /articles/2要好于GET /article/2。


1.5 避免多级 URL

  常见的情况是,资源需要多级分类,因此很容易写出多级的 URL,比如获取某个作者的某一类文章。

GET /authors/12/categories/2

  这种 URL 不利于扩展,语义也不明确,往往要想一会,才能明白含义。


GET /authors/12?categories=2

  下面是另一个例子,查询已发布的文章。你可能会设计成下面的 URL。

GET /articles/published


GET /articles?published=true



2.1 状态码必须精确

  客户端的每一次请求,服务器都必须给出回应。回应包括 HTTP 状态码和数据两部分。

  HTTP 状态码就是一个三位数,分成五个类别。



  API 不需要1xx状态码,下面介绍其他四类状态码的精确含义。


2.2 2xx 状态码


GET: 200 OK
POST: 201 Created
PUT: 200 OK
DELETE: 204 No Content


  此外,202 Accepted状态码表示服务器已经收到请求,但还未进行处理,会在未来再处理,通常用于异步操作。下面是一个例子。

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted

    "href": "/api/company/job-management/jobs/2130040",
    "id": "2130040"


2.3 3xx 状态码

  API 用不到301状态码(永久重定向)和302状态码(暂时重定向,307也是这个含义),因为它们可以由应用级别返回,浏览器会直接跳转,API 级别可以不考虑这两种情况。

  API 用到的3xx状态码,主要是303 See Other,表示参考另一个 URL。它与302和307的含义一样,也是"暂时重定向",区别在于302和307用于GET请求,而303用于POST、PUT和DELETE请求。收到303以后,浏览器不会自动跳转,而会让用户自己决定下一步怎么办。下面是一个例子。

HTTP/1.1 303 See Other
Location: /api/orders/12345


2.4 4xx 状态码


400 Bad Request:服务器不理解客户端的请求,未做任何处理。

401 Unauthorized:用户未提供身份验证凭据,或者没有通过身份验证。

403 Forbidden:用户通过了身份验证,但是不具有访问资源所需的权限。

404 Not Found:所请求的资源不存在,或不可用。

405 Method Not Allowed:用户已经通过身份验证,但是所用的 HTTP 方法不在他的权限之内。

410 Gone:所请求的资源已从这个地址转移,不再可用。

415 Unsupported Media Type:客户端要求的返回格式不支持。比如,API 只能返回 JSON 格式,但是客户端要求返回 XML 格式。

422 Unprocessable Entity :客户端上传的附件无法处理,导致请求失败。

429 Too Many Requests:客户端的请求次数超过限额。


2.5 5xx 状态码

5xx状态码表示服务端错误。一般来说,API 不会向用户透露服务器的详细信息,所以只要两个状态码就够了。

500 Internal Server Error:客户端请求有效,服务器处理时发生了意外。

503 Service Unavailable:服务器无法处理请求,一般用于网站维护状态。



3.1 不要返回纯本文

  API 返回的数据格式,不应该是纯文本,而应该是一个 JSON 对象,因为这样才能返回标准的结构化数据。所以,服务器回应的 HTTP 头的Content-Type属性要设为application/json。

  客户端请求时,也要明确告诉服务器,可以接受 JSON 格式,即请求的 HTTP 头的ACCEPT属性也要设成application/json。下面是一个例子。

GET /orders/2 HTTP/1.1 
Accept: application/json


3.2 发生错误时,不要返回 200 状态码


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "status": "failure",
    "error": "Expected at least two items in list."



HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json

  "error": "Invalid payoad.",
     "surname": "This field is required."


3.3 提供链接

  API 的使用者未必知道,URL 是怎么设计的。一个解决方法就是,在回应中,给出相关链接,便于下一步操作。这样的话,用户只要记住一个 URL,就可以发现其他的 URL。这种方法叫做 HATEOAS。

  举例来说,GitHub 的 API 都在 这个域名。访问它,就可以得到其他 URL。

  "feeds_url": "",
  "followers_url": "",
  "following_url": "",
  "gists_url": "",
  "hub_url": "",

  上面的回应中,挑一个 URL 访问,又可以得到别的 URL。对于用户来说,不需要记住 URL 设计,只要从 一步步查找就可以了。

  HATEOAS 的格式没有统一规定,上面例子中,GitHub 将它们与其他属性放在一起。更好的做法应该是,将相关链接与其他属性分开。

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "status": "In progress",
   "links": [
     "rel":"cancel", "method": "delete", "href":"/api/status/12345"  ,
     "rel":"edit", "method": "put", "href":"/api/status/12345" 



  RESTful API Design: 13 Best Practices to Make Your Users Happy, by Florimond Manca

  API design, by MicroSoft Azure


Restful Api 最佳实践

Web APIs has become an very important topic in the last year. We at M-Way Solutions are working every day with different backend systems and therefore we know about the importance of a clean API design.


Typically we use a RESTful design for our web APIs. The concept of REST is to separate the API structure into logical resources. There are used the HTTP methods GET, DELETE, POST and PUT to operate with the resources.

These are 10 best practices to design a clean RESTful API:

1. Use nouns but no verbs

For an easy understanding use this structure for every resource:

Resource GET
/cars Returns a list of cars Create a new ticket Bulk update of cars Delete all cars
/cars/711 Returns a specific car Method not allowed (405) Updates a specific ticket Deletes a specific ticket

Do not use verbs:


2. GET method and query parameters should not alter the state

Use PUT, POST and DELETE methods  instead of the GET method to alter the state.
Do not use GET for state changes:

GET /users/711?activate or
GET /users/711/activate


3. Use plural nouns

Do not mix up singular and plural nouns. Keep it simple and use only plural nouns for all resources.

/cars instead of /car
/users instead of /user
/products instead of /product
/settings instead of /setting

4. Use sub-resources for relations

If a resource is related to another resource use subresources.

GET /cars/711/drivers/ Returns a list of drivers for car 711
GET /cars/711/drivers/4 Returns driver #4 for car 711


5. Use HTTP headers for serialization formats

Both, client and server, need to know which format is used for the communication. The format has to be specified in the HTTP-Header.

Content-Type defines the request format.
Accept defines a list of acceptable response formats.



Hypermedia athe Engine oApplication State is a principle that hypertext links should be used to create a better navigation through the API.

  "id": 711,
  "manufacturer": "bmw",
  "model": "X5",
  "seats": 5,
  "drivers": [
    "id": "23",
    "name": "Stefan Jauker",
    "links": [
     "rel": "self",
     "href": "/api/v1/drivers/23"

7. Provide filtering, sorting, field selection and paging for collections


Use a unique query parameter for all fields or a query language for filtering.

GET /cars?color=red Returns a list of red cars
GET /cars?seats<=2 Returns a list of cars with a maximum of 2 seats


Allow ascending and descending sorting over multiple fields.

GET /cars?sort=-manufactorer,+model

This returns a list of cars sorted by descending manufacturers and ascending models.

Field selection

Mobile clients display just a few attributes in a list. They don’t need all attributes of a resource. Give the API consumer the ability to choose returned fields. This will also reduce the network traffic and speed up the usage of the API.

GET /cars?fields=manufacturer,model,id,color


Use limit and offset. It is flexible for the user and common in leading databases. The default should be limit=20 and offset=0

GET /cars?offset=10&limit=5

To send the total entries back to the user use the custom HTTP header: X-Total-Count.

Links to the next or previous page should be provided in the HTTP header link as well. It is important to follow this link header values instead of constructing your own URLs.

Link: <>; rel="next",
<>; rel="last",
<>; rel="first",
<>; rel="prev",


8. Version your API

Make the API Version mandatory and do not release an unversioned API. Use a simple ordinal number and avoid dot notation such as 2.5.

We are using the url for the API versioning starting with the letter „v“



9. Handle Errors with HTTP status codes

It is hard to work with an API that ignores error handling. Pure returning of a HTTP 500 with a stacktrace is not very helpful.


Use HTTP status codes

The HTTP standard provides over 70 status codes to describe the return values. We don’t need them all, but  there should be used at least a mount of 10.

200 – OK – Eyerything is working
201 – OK – New resource has been created
204 – OK – The resource was successfully deleted

304 – Not Modified – The client can use cached data

400 – Bad Request – The request was invalid or cannot be served. The exact error should be explained in the error payload. E.g. „The JSON is not valid“
401 – Unauthorized – The request requires an user authentication
403 – Forbidden – The server understood the request, but is refusing it or the access is not allowed.
404 – Not found – There is no resource behind the URI.
422 – Unprocessable Entity – Should be used if the server cannot process the enitity, e.g. if an image cannot be formatted or mandatory fields are missing in the payload.

500 – Internal Server Error – API developers should avoid this error. If an error occurs in the global catch blog, the stracktrace should be logged and not returned as response.

Use error payloads

All exceptions should be mapped in an error payload. Here is an example how a JSON payload should look like.

  "errors": [
    "userMessage": "Sorry, the requested resource does not exist",
    "internalMessage": "No car found in the database",
    "code": 34,
    "more info": ""


10. Allow overriding HTTP method

Some proxies support only POST and GET methods. To support a RESTful API with these limitations, the API needs a way to override the HTTP method.

Use the custom HTTP Header X-HTTP-Method-Override to overrider the POST Method.


【referred from】

以上是关于RESTful API 最佳实践的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

RESTful API 设计最佳实践

RESTful API 最佳实践


RESTful API 最佳实践(转)

RESTful API 错误最佳实践

RESTful API 设计最佳实践