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import inspect # 1.判断是不是一个模块 import tornado print(inspect.ismodule(tornado)) # True # 2.判断是不是一个类 Foo = type("Foo", (object, ), {}) print(inspect.isclass(Foo)) # True # 3.判断是不是一个方法。说白了就是判断是不是类里面定义的一个函数, class A: def m(self): ... print(inspect.ismethod(A().m), type(A().m)) # True <class ‘method‘> # 4.判断是不是一个方法描述符。说白了就是首先得是一个类的实例对象,并且这个类里面定义了__get__方法,且没有定义__set__方法 class A: def __get__(self, instance, owner): ... print(inspect.ismethoddescriptor(A())) # 5.判断是不是一个数据描述符。说白了就是首先得是一个类的实例对象,并且这个类里面定义了__get__方法和__set__方法 class A: def __get__(self, instance, owner):... def __set__(self, instance, value):... print(inspect.isdatadescriptor(A())) # True # 6.判断是不是一个函数 print(inspect.isfunction(lambda: ...)) # True # 7.判断是不是一个生成器函数 def foo(): yield 1 print(inspect.isgeneratorfunction(foo)) # True # 同时生成器函数也是一个函数 print(inspect.isfunction(foo)) # True # 8.判断是不是一个协程函数,协程函数必须是由async def语法定义的函数,使用types.coroutine或者asyncio.coroutine装饰的函数都不是 async def foo(): ... print(inspect.iscoroutinefunction(foo)) # True # 9.判断是不是一个异步生成器函数,异步生成器函数是由async def语法定义,并且函数体内部要包含yield的函数 async def foo(): yield 1 print(inspect.isasyncgenfunction(foo)) # True # 10.判断是不是一个异步生成器,就是异步生成器函数加上小括号 print(inspect.isasyncgen(foo())) # True # 11.判断是不是一个生成器, 就是生成器函数加上小括号 def gen(): yield 1 print(inspect.isgenerator(gen())) # True # 12.判断是不是一个协程,就是协程函数加上小括号 async def foo(): ... print(inspect.iscoroutine(foo())) # True # 13.判断是不是一个可以awaitable,说白了就是await一个迭代器对象 async def foo(): await [1, 2, 3].__iter__() print(inspect.isawaitable(foo())) # True # 14.判断是不是一个栈帧 def foo(): # 该函数可以获取栈帧 frame = inspect.currentframe() return frame print(inspect.isframe(foo())) # True # 15.判断是是不是code def foo(): ... print(inspect.iscode(foo.__code__)) # True # 16.获取成员 class A: def __init__(self):... def parse(self): ... import pprint pprint.pprint(inspect.getmembers(A)) ‘‘‘ [(‘__class__‘, <class ‘type‘>), (‘__delattr__‘, <slot wrapper ‘__delattr__‘ of ‘object‘ objects>), (‘__dict__‘, mappingproxy({‘__dict__‘: <attribute ‘__dict__‘ of ‘A‘ objects>, ‘__doc__‘: None, ‘__init__‘: <function A.__init__ at 0x000001FEF344CEA0>, ‘__module__‘: ‘__main__‘, ‘__weakref__‘: <attribute ‘__weakref__‘ of ‘A‘ objects>, ‘parse‘: <function A.parse at 0x000001FEF344CF28>})), (‘__dir__‘, <method ‘__dir__‘ of ‘object‘ objects>), (‘__doc__‘, None), (‘__eq__‘, <slot wrapper ‘__eq__‘ of ‘object‘ objects>), (‘__format__‘, <method ‘__format__‘ of ‘object‘ objects>), (‘__ge__‘, <slot wrapper ‘__ge__‘ of ‘object‘ objects>), (‘__getattribute__‘, <slot wrapper ‘__getattribute__‘ of ‘object‘ objects>), (‘__gt__‘, <slot wrapper ‘__gt__‘ of ‘object‘ objects>), (‘__hash__‘, <slot wrapper ‘__hash__‘ of ‘object‘ objects>), (‘__init__‘, <function A.__init__ at 0x000001FEF344CEA0>), (‘__init_subclass__‘, <built-in method __init_subclass__ of type object at 0x000001FEF2E6F628>), (‘__le__‘, <slot wrapper ‘__le__‘ of ‘object‘ objects>), (‘__lt__‘, <slot wrapper ‘__lt__‘ of ‘object‘ objects>), (‘__module__‘, ‘__main__‘), (‘__ne__‘, <slot wrapper ‘__ne__‘ of ‘object‘ objects>), (‘__new__‘, <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x00007FFFC0D98EC0>), (‘__reduce__‘, <method ‘__reduce__‘ of ‘object‘ objects>), (‘__reduce_ex__‘, <method ‘__reduce_ex__‘ of ‘object‘ objects>), (‘__repr__‘, <slot wrapper ‘__repr__‘ of ‘object‘ objects>), (‘__setattr__‘, <slot wrapper ‘__setattr__‘ of ‘object‘ objects>), (‘__sizeof__‘, <method ‘__sizeof__‘ of ‘object‘ objects>), (‘__str__‘, <slot wrapper ‘__str__‘ of ‘object‘ objects>), (‘__subclasshook__‘, <built-in method __subclasshook__ of type object at 0x000001FEF2E6F628>), (‘__weakref__‘, <attribute ‘__weakref__‘ of ‘A‘ objects>), (‘parse‘, <function A.parse at 0x000001FEF344CF28>)] ‘‘‘ # 17.获取mro,包括自己 class A(object): ... print(inspect.getmro(A)) # (<class ‘__main__.A‘>, <class ‘object‘>) # 18.获取doc print(inspect.getdoc(int)) ‘‘‘ int([x]) -> integer int(x, base=10) -> integer Convert a number or string to an integer, or return 0 if no arguments are given. If x is a number, return x.__int__(). For floating point numbers, this truncates towards zero. If x is not a number or if base is given, then x must be a string, bytes, or bytearray instance representing an integer literal in the given base. The literal can be preceded by ‘+‘ or ‘-‘ and be surrounded by whitespace. The base defaults to 10. Valid bases are 0 and 2-36. Base 0 means to interpret the base from the string as an integer literal. >>> int(‘0b100‘, base=0) 4 ‘‘‘ # 19.查看对象被定义在哪一个文件里面 from pandas import DataFrame print(inspect.getfile(DataFrame)) # # 当然也可以是一个模块 import requests print(inspect.getfile(requests)) # C:python37libsite-packages equests\ # 20.返回一个给定对象的模块名,不过存在不存在,感觉没卵用 print(inspect.getmodulename(r"")) # peeaaawee # 21.和getfile类似 print(inspect.getabsfile(DataFrame)) # # 22.获取参数信息,但需要传入字节码 def foo(a, b=1): ... print(inspect.getargs(foo.__code__)) # Arguments(args=[‘a‘, ‘b‘], varargs=None, varkw=None) print(inspect.getargs(foo.__code__).args) # [‘a‘, ‘b‘] # 23.获取参数信息吗, 传入函数即可 def foo(a, b=1): ... print(inspect.getfullargspec(foo)) # FullArgSpec(args=[‘a‘, ‘b‘], varargs=None, varkw=None, defaults=(1,), kwonlyargs=[], kwonlydefaults=None, annotations={}) print(foo.__defaults__) # (1,)
import inspect def bar(): name = "Mashiro" age = 16 return foo() def foo(): name = "Satori" age = 18 return inspect.currentframe() # frame叫做栈帧,表示当前函数调用栈的某一帧,是一个上下文。正所谓在python中一切皆对象,这个栈帧也是一个对象。 # 函数执行要在相应的栈帧中执行 # 栈帧有一下几大特性, # f_back:调用者的上一级栈帧 # f_code:字节码 # f_lineno:栈帧所在的哪一行 # frame是定义在foo函数里面,所以currentframe拿到的是foo的栈帧 # 但是又是通过bar来调用的,所以foo的上一级栈帧就是bar的栈帧 f = bar() print(f.f_back) # <frame at 0x000001E1FF4CF458, file ‘D:/乱七八糟的/龙卷风/‘, line 5, code bar> print(f.f_code) # <code object foo at 0x000001E1FFEE3F60, file "D:/乱七八糟的/龙卷风/", line 8> print(f.f_lineno) # 13 # 这个f_code里面也有很多的属性 # co_name:获取栈帧所对应的函数名 print(f.f_code.co_name) # foo # co_filename:获取相应的文件名 print(f.f_code.co_filename) # D:/乱七八糟的/龙卷风/ print(f.f_back.f_code.co_name) # bar print(f.f_back.f_code.co_filename) # D:/乱七八糟的/龙卷风/ # 查看当前的局部变量,可以看到由于栈帧还在,所以局部变量依旧存储在堆上 print(f.f_locals) # {‘name‘: ‘Satori‘, ‘age‘: 18} # 同理它的上一级栈帧也是 print(f.f_back.f_locals) # {‘name‘: ‘Mashiro‘, ‘age‘: 16} # 如果是生成器的话,就不需要了 def gen(): yield 1 name = ("xxx", ) yield 2 age = 16 yield 3 gender = "f" yield 4 return g = gen() # 生成器有一个gi_frame属性,可以直接获取 print(g.gi_frame.f_locals) # {} print(next(g)) # 1 print(g.gi_frame.f_locals) # {} print(next(g)) # 2 print(g.gi_frame.f_locals) # {‘name‘: ‘xxx‘} print(next(g)) # 3 print(g.gi_frame.f_locals) # {‘name‘: ‘xxx‘, ‘age‘: 16} print(next(g)) # 4 print(g.gi_frame.f_locals) # {‘name‘: ‘xxx‘, ‘age‘: 16, ‘gender‘: ‘f‘} try: next(g) except StopIteration as e: print(e.value) # result
Python:inspect.ismethod 是如何工作的?
python ``inspect_mate``提供了更多方法来获取有关类属性的信息,而不是标准库``inspect``。