Posted liujiacai
https://yq.aliyun.com/articles/26041?spm=5176.10695662.1996646101.searchclickresult.5d947f68X55AxH------[python] 专题八.多线程编程之thread和threading
https://www.u3v3.com/ar/1383-----------python3.6 - threading 多线程编程进阶,线程间并发控制(2)
if daemon is not None:
self._daemonic = daemon
self._daemonic = current_thread().daemon
Python3 线程中常用的两个模块为:
- _thread
- threading(推荐使用)
thread 模块已被废弃。用户可以使用 threading 模块代替。所以,在 Python3 中不能再使用"thread" 模块。为了兼容性,Python3 将 thread 重命名为 "_thread"。
1. threading.Lock()
使用 Thread 对象的 Lock 和 Rlock 可以实现简单的线程同步,这两个对象都有 acquire 方法和 release 方法,对于那些需要每次只允许一个线程操作的数据,可以将其操作放到 acquire 和 release 方法之间。
来看看多个线程同时操作一个变量怎么把内容给改乱了(在windows下不会出现内容混乱情况,可能python在Windows下自动加上锁了;不过在Linux 下可以测试出内容会被改乱):
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import time, threading # 假定这是你的银行存款: balance = 0 def change_it(n): # 先存后取,结果应该为0: global balance balance = balance + n balance = balance - n def run_thread(n): for i in range(100000): change_it(n) t1 = threading.Thread(target=run_thread, args=(5,)) t2 = threading.Thread(target=run_thread, args=(8,)) t1.start() t2.start() t1.join() t2.join() print(balance) 执行结果: [root@localhost ~]# python3 thread_lock.py 5 [root@localhost ~]# python3 thread_lock.py 5 [root@localhost ~]# python3 thread_lock.py 0 [root@localhost ~]# python3 thread_lock.py 8 [root@localhost ~]# python3 thread_lock.py -8 [root@localhost ~]# python3 thread_lock.py 5 [root@localhost ~]# python3 thread_lock.py -8 [root@localhost ~]# python3 thread_lock.py 3 [root@localhost ~]# python3 thread_lock.py 5
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import time, threading balance = 0 lock = threading.Lock() def change_it(n): # 先存后取,结果应该为0: global balance balance = balance + n balance = balance - n def run_thread(n): for i in range(100000): # 先要获取锁: lock.acquire() try: # 放心地改吧: change_it(n) finally: # 改完了一定要释放锁: lock.release() t1 = threading.Thread(target=run_thread, args=(5,)) t2 = threading.Thread(target=run_thread, args=(8,)) t1.start() t2.start() t1.join() t2.join() print(balance) 执行结果: [root@localhost ~]# python3 thread_lock.py 0 [root@localhost ~]# python3 thread_lock.py 0 [root@localhost ~]# python3 thread_lock.py 0 [root@localhost ~]# python3 thread_lock.py 0 [root@localhost ~]# python3 thread_lock.py 0 [root@localhost ~]# python3 thread_lock.py 0
2. threading.Rlock()
import threading lock = threading.Lock() #Lock对象 lock.acquire() lock.acquire() #产生了死琐。 lock.release() lock.release() import threading rLock = threading.RLock() #RLock对象 rLock.acquire() rLock.acquire() #在同一线程内,程序不会堵塞。 rLock.release() rLock.release()
3. threading.Condition()
可以把Condiftion理解为一把高级的琐,它提供了比Lock, RLock更高级的功能,允许我们能够控制复杂的线程同步问题。threadiong.Condition在内部维护一个琐对象(默认是RLock),可以在创建Condigtion对象的时候把琐对象作为参数传入。Condition也提供了acquire, release方法,其含义与琐的acquire, release方法一致,其实它只是简单的调用内部琐对象的对应的方法而已。Condition还提供wait方法、notify方法、notifyAll方法(特别要注意:这些方法只有在占用琐(acquire)之后才能调用,否则将会报RuntimeError异常。):
acquire()/release():获得/释放 Lock
notifyAll(): 如果wait状态线程比较多,notifyAll的作用就是通知所有线程(这个一般用得少)
现在写个捉迷藏的游戏来具体介绍threading.Condition的基本使用。假设这个游戏由两个人来玩,一个藏(Hider),一个找(Seeker)。游戏的规则如下:1. 游戏开始之后,Seeker先把自己眼睛蒙上,蒙上眼睛后,就通知Hider;2. Hider接收通知后开始找地方将自己藏起来,藏好之后,再通知Seeker可以找了; 3. Seeker接收到通知之后,就开始找Hider。Hider和Seeker都是独立的个体,在程序中用两个独立的线程来表示,在游戏过程中,两者之间的行为有一定的时序关系,我们通过Condition来控制这种时序关系。
#!/usr/bin/python3.4 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import threading, time def Seeker(cond, name): time.sleep(2) cond.acquire() print(\'%s :我已经把眼睛蒙上了!\'% name) cond.notify() cond.wait() for i in range(3): print(\'%s is finding!!!\'% name) time.sleep(2) cond.notify() cond.release() print(\'%s :我赢了!\'% name) def Hider(cond, name): cond.acquire() cond.wait() for i in range(2): print(\'%s is hiding!!!\'% name) time.sleep(3) print(\'%s :我已经藏好了,你快来找我吧!\'% name) cond.notify() cond.wait() cond.release() print(\'%s :被你找到了,唉~^~!\'% name) if __name__ == \'__main__\': cond = threading.Condition() seeker = threading.Thread(target=Seeker, args=(cond, \'seeker\')) hider = threading.Thread(target=Hider, args=(cond, \'hider\')) seeker.start() hider.start() 执行结果: seeker :我已经把眼睛蒙上了! hider is hiding!!! hider is hiding!!! hider :我已经藏好了,你快来找我吧! seeker is finding!!! seeker is finding!!! seeker is finding!!! seeker :我赢了! hider :被你找到了,唉~^~!
4. threading.Semaphore和BoundedSemaphore
Semaphore:Semaphore 在内部管理着一个计数器。调用 acquire() 会使这个计数器 -1,release() 则是+1(可以多次release(),所以计数器的值理论上可以无限).计数器的值永远不会小于 0,当计数器到 0 时,再调用 acquire() 就会阻塞,直到其他线程来调用release()
import threading, time def run(n): # 获得信号量,信号量减一 semaphore.acquire() time.sleep(1) print("run the thread: %s" % n) # 释放信号量,信号量加一 semaphore.release() #semaphore.release() # 可以多次释放信号量,每次释放计数器+1 #semaphore.release() # 可以多次释放信号量,每次释放计数器+1 if __name__ == \'__main__\': num = 0 semaphore = threading.Semaphore(2) # 最多允许2个线程同时运行(即计数器值);在多次释放信号量后,计数器值增加后每次可以运行的线程数也会增加 for i in range(20): t = threading.Thread(target=run, args=(i,)) t.start() while threading.active_count() != 1: pass # print threading.active_count() else: print(\'----all threads done---\') print(num)
BoundedSemaphore:类似于Semaphore;不同在于BoundedSemaphore 会检查内部计数器的值,并保证它不会大于初始值,如果超了,就引发一个 ValueError。多数情况下,semaphore 用于守护限制访问(但不限于 1)的资源,如果 semaphore 被 release() 过多次,这意味着存在 bug
import threading, time def run(n): semaphore.acquire() time.sleep(1) print("run the thread: %s" % n) semaphore.release() # 如果再次释放信号量,信号量加一,这是超过限定的信号量数目,这时会报错ValueError: Semaphore released too many times #semaphore.release() if __name__ == \'__main__\': num = 0 semaphore = threading.BoundedSemaphore(2) # 最多允许2个线程同时运行 for i in range(20): t = threading.Thread(target=run, args=(i,)) t.start() while threading.active_count() != 1: pass # print threading.active_count() else: print(\'----all threads done---\') print(num)
5. threading.Event
事件处理的机制:全局定义了一个“Flag”,如果“Flag”值为 False,那么当程序执行 event.wait 方法时就会阻塞;如果“Flag”值为True,那么执行event.wait 方法时便不再阻塞。
用 threading.Event 实现线程间通信,使用threading.Event可以使一个线程等待其他线程的通知,我们把这个Event传递到线程对象中,
import threading, time import random def light(): if not event.isSet(): #初始化evet的flag为真 event.set() #wait就不阻塞 #绿灯状态 count = 0 while True: if count < 10: print(\'\\033[42;1m---green light on---\\033[0m\') elif count < 13: print(\'\\033[43;1m---yellow light on---\\033[0m\') elif count < 20: if event.isSet(): event.clear() print(\'\\033[41;1m---red light on---\\033[0m\') else: count = 0 event.set() #打开绿灯 time.sleep(1) count += 1 def car(n): while 1: time.sleep(random.randrange(3, 10)) #print(event.isSet()) if event.isSet(): print("car [%s] is running..." % n) else: print(\'car [%s] is waiting for the red light...\' % n) event.wait() #红灯状态下调用wait方法阻塞,汽车等待状态 if __name__ == \'__main__\': car_list = [\'BMW\', \'AUDI\', \'SANTANA\'] event = threading.Event() Light = threading.Thread(target=light) Light.start() for i in car_list: t = threading.Thread(target=car, args=(i,)) t.start()
6. threading.active_count()
The returned count is equal to the length of the list returned by enumerate().
import threading, time def run(): thread = threading.current_thread() print(\'%s is running...\'% thread.getName()) #返回线程名称 time.sleep(10) #休眠10S方便统计存活线程数量 if __name__ == \'__main__\': #print(\'The current number of threads is: %s\' % threading.active_count()) for i in range(10): print(\'The current number of threads is: %s\' % threading.active_count()) #返回当前存活线程数量 thread_alive = threading.Thread(target=run, name=\'Thread-***%s***\' % i) thread_alive.start() thread_alive.join() print(\'\\n%s thread is done...\'% threading.current_thread().getName())
7. threading.current_thread()
Return the current Thread object, corresponding to the caller\'s thread of control.
>>> threading.current_thread <function current_thread at 0x00000000029F6C80> >>> threading.current_thread() <_MainThread(MainThread, started 4912)> >>> type(threading.current_thread()) <class \'threading._MainThread\'>
import threading, time def run(n): thread = threading.current_thread() thread.setName(\'Thread-***%s***\' % n) #自定义线程名称 print(\'-\'*30) print("Pid is :%s" % thread.ident) # 返回线程pid #print(\'ThreadName is :%s\' % thread.name) # 返回线程名称 print(\'ThreadName is :%s\'% thread.getName()) #返回线程名称 time.sleep(2) if __name__ == \'__main__\': #print(\'The current number of threads is: %s\' % threading.active_count()) for i in range(3): #print(\'The current number of threads is: %s\' % threading.active_count()) #返回当前存活线程数量 thread_alive = threading.Thread(target=run, args=(i,)) thread_alive.start() thread_alive.join() print(\'\\n%s thread is done...\'% threading.current_thread().getName())
执行结果: Pid is :11792 ThreadName is :Thread-***0*** ------------------------------ Pid is :12124 ThreadName is :Thread-***1*** ------------------------------ Pid is :11060 ThreadName is :Thread-***2*** MainThread thread is done...
8. threading.enumerate()
Return a list of all Thread objects currently alive
import threading, time def run(n): thread = threading.current_thread() thread.setName(\'Thread-***%s***\' % n) print(\'-\'*30) print("Pid is :%s" % thread.ident) # 返回线程pid #print(\'ThreadName is :%s\' % thread.name) # 返回线程名称 print(\'ThreadName is :%s\'% threading.enumerate()) #返回所有线程对象列表 time.sleep(2) if __name__ == \'__main__\': #print(\'The current number of threads is: %s\' % threading.active_count()) threading.main_thread().setName(\'Chengd---python\') for i in range(3): #print(\'The current number of threads is: %s\' % threading.active_count()) #返回当前存活线程数量 thread_alive = threading.Thread(target=run, args=(i,)) thread_alive.start() thread_alive.join() print(\'\\n%s thread is done...\'% threading.current_thread().getName()) 执行结果: Pid is :12096 ThreadName is :[<_MainThread(Chengd---python, started 12228)>, <Thread(Thread-***0***, started 12096)>, <Thread(Thread-2, initial)>] ------------------------------ Pid is :10328 ThreadName is :[<_MainThread(Chengd---python, started 12228)>, <Thread(Thread-***0***, started 12096)>, <Thread(Thread-***1***, started 10328)>, <Thread(Thread-3, initial)>] ------------------------------ Pid is :6032 ThreadName is :[<_MainThread(Chengd---python, started 12228)>, <Thread(Thread-***0***, started 12096)>, <Thread(Thread-***1***, started 10328)>, <Thread(Thread-***2***, started 6032)>] Chengd---python thread is done...
import threading, time def run(n): print(\'-\'*30) print("Pid is :%s" % threading.get_ident()) # 返回线程pid if __name__ == \'__main__\': threading.main_thread().setName(\'Chengd---python\') #自定义线程名 for i in range(3): thread_alive = threading.Thread(target=run, args=(i,)) thread_alive.start() thread_alive.join() print(\'\\n%s thread is done...\'% threading.current_thread().getName()) #获取线程名
10. threading.main_thread()
返回主线程对象,类似 threading.current_thread();只不过一个是返回当前线程对象,一个是返回主线程对象
import threading, time def run(n): print(\'-\'*30) print("Now Pid is :%s" % threading.current_thread().ident) # 返回当前线程pid print("Main Pid is :%s" % threading.main_thread().ident) # 返回主线程pid print(\'Now thread is %s...\' % threading.current_thread().getName()) # 获取当前线程名 print(\'Main thread is %s...\' % threading.main_thread().getName()) # 获取主线程线程名 if __name__ == \'__main__\': threading.main_thread().setName(\'Chengd---python\') #自定义线程名 for i in range(3): thread_alive = threading.Thread(target=run, args=(i,)) thread_alive.start() time.sleep(2) thread_alive.join()
执行结果: ------------------------------ Now Pid is :8984 Main Pid is :3992 Now thread is Thread-1... Main thread is Chengd---python... ------------------------------ Now Pid is :4828 Main Pid is :3992 Now thread is Thread-2... Main thread is Chengd---python... ------------------------------ Now Pid is :12080 Main Pid is :3992 Now thread is Thread-3... Main thread is Chengd---python...
《C#零基础入门之百识百例》(九十七)线程介绍 -- Thread类 -- 开启线程的几种方式