论文阅读笔记《Grounded Action Transformation for Robot Learning in Simulation》

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Grounded Action Transformation for Robot Learning in Simulation

发表于AAAI 2017


Hanna J, Stone P. Grounded action transformation for robot learning in simulation[C]//Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 2017, 31(1).


接地模拟学习(Grounded Simulation Learning, GSL)框架:使用从现实环境中搜集的轨迹优化模拟环境,再使用优化后的模拟环境训练策略。该框架假设模拟器是可修改的。


  1. 在模拟环境中使用强化学习算法训练一个控制策略。
  2. 将该策略应用于物理机器人,并记录其执行过程中的状态和动作序列。
  3. 使用这些数据来校准模拟器,使其更好地匹配物理机器人的动力学特性。
  4. 重复步骤1-3,直到在模拟环境中训练出一个更好的控制策略。
图1 接地模拟学习框架示意图。

本文介绍了一种基于GSL框架的模拟器接地新算法——接地动作转换(Grounded Action Transformation, GAT)。用少量的真实世界和模拟数据来学习一个接地函数,允许模拟器在较少依赖人工系统识别的情况下进行修改。









\\(x\\) 是状态分量 \\(s\\) 的子集,也就是对任务有突出贡献的状态向量。

\\(\\mathcalX\\) 是所有 \\(x\\) 可能值的集合。





\\(g\\) 的近似为机器人的运动引入了噪声。为了保证稳定的运动,GAT使用平滑参数 \\(\\alpha\\)。动作转换函数定义为:

\\[g(s_t,a_t):=\\alpha f^-1_sim(s_t,f(s_t,a_t))+(1-\\alpha)a_t \\]

在他们的实验中,他们将 \\(\\alpha\\) 设得尽可能高,以保持行走稳定。


策略计算一个动作,然后传递给动作接地模块。这个模块首先预测在现实世界中所采取的动作所对应的状态变量的值。然后,该模块使用逆动力学模型 \\(f^−1_sim\\) 来计算在模拟中产生相同效果的动作。最后,将策略的操作替换为预测的操作,并将修改后的操作传递给模拟器。

在修改模拟器时,\\(f\\) 网络接收 \\(s_t\\)\\(a_t\\) 作为输入,\\(f^-1_sim\\) 网络接收 \\(s_t\\)\\(f\\) 的输出作为输入。\\(f^-1_sim\\) 的最终输出是替换 操作一个 \\(\\hata_t\\)

图2 基于监督学习的增强模拟器。


GAT使用两个神经网络来近似 \\(f\\)\\(f^-1_sim\\)。每个函数都是一个三层网络,第一层有200个隐藏单元,第二层有180个隐藏单元。

\\(a_t\\) 是一个期望关节角度的向量,\\(f\\) 的动作输入和 \\(f^-1_sim\\) 的动作输出被编码为 \\(x_t\\) 的期望变化,这被发现可以提高预测。他们让 \\(f\\) 预测在 \\(s_t\\) 处执行引起的关节加速度,而不是直接预测 \\(s_t+1\\)。然后,加速度可以被积分并加到 \\(s_t+1\\) 上,从而产生下一个状态。


函数 \\(f\\)\\(f^-1_sim\\) 是通过监督学习来训练的。具体而言,函数 \\(f\\) 是通过收集一小部分真实世界轨迹并构建一个监督学习数据集来学习的。该数据集包含输入状态和输出动作的对应关系,即 \\(\\(s_i,a_i)\\→\\x_i\\\\)。类似地,函数 \\(f^-1_sim\\) 是通过收集模拟轨迹并构建一个监督学习数据集来学习的。该数据集包含输入状态和输出状态的对应关系,即 \\(\\(s_i,x\'_i)\\→\\a_i\\\\)





他们在双足机器人行走任务中评估了GAT。行走采用范围为 \\([0,1]\\) 的目标前进速度参数。他们将这个参数设置为0.75,他们发现这是稳定可靠的最快步行。机器人以这个速度向目标前进。如果机器人与目标的夹角大于5度,它会在继续前进的同时转向目标。在所有环境中,\\(J(θ)\\)是执行 \\(θ\\) 时平均向前行走速度的负数。

图3 这项工作中使用的三个机器人环境。

在物理机器人上,一旦机器人走了4米或摔倒,就停止搜集轨迹。\\(θ_0\\) 产生的轨迹在机器人上持续大约20.5秒。在模拟环境中,在固定时间间隔后或机器人摔倒时停止搜集轨迹。

以前的工作表明,当使用从数据估计的模型时,最好使用更短的动作轨迹,以避免对不准确的模型过拟合。即使对于相同的 \\(s_t\\)\\(a_t\\),虚拟环境中的 \\(s_t+1\\) 也很可能与现实环境中的 \\(s_t+1\\) 不同。由于 \\(s_t\\) 点的状态误差会向前传播到 \\(s_t+1\\),因此这种误差在运行过程中会叠加。

作者使用了协方差矩阵适应进化策略(Covariance Matrix Adaption-Evolutionary Strategy, CMA-ES)算法来优化策略参数 \\(\\theta\\)。具体来说,他们使用CMA-ES算法从一个高斯分布中采样150个候选策略参数,并根据这些参数生成一组新的策略。然后,他们在模拟器中用每个策略的20条轨迹评估这些策略,并选择最好的k个策略用于更新采样分布。更新采样分布是通过最好的k个策略参数的加权平均值来实现的。具体来说,每个策略参数都被赋予一个权重,该权重与该策略在评估中获得的成绩成正比。然后,这些加权策略参数被用于计算新的采样分布,并用于生成下一代候选。作者将此过程重复10次,以找到最佳的 \\(\\theta\\) 值。




  • 没有接地的学习方法。
  • 使用噪声包围盒(NOISE-ENVELOPE)的接地方法,这是一种在模拟器中注入噪声来接地模拟器的方法。具体来说,该方法将标准高斯噪声添加到未grounded模拟器中的机器人动作中,以鼓励CMA-ES算法提出更加鲁棒的策略。这种方法可以减少模拟偏差,并防止策略改进算法过度适应模拟器动力学。
  • 该文提出的Grounded Action Transformation(GAT)算法。






表1 使用GAT算法和其他方法训练机器人行走策略的结果。
  • “% Improve”指的是每种方法在训练过程中,相对于初始策略,平均最大奖励值提高的百分比。
  • “Failures”指的是每种方法在训练过程中,无法找到稳定行走策略的次数。具体来说,算法会在初始策略上进行一定次数的迭代优化,并记录每次迭代后是否找到了稳定行走策略。如果算法无法找到稳定行走策略,则将此次数记录为“Failures”。
  • “Best Gen”指的是每种方法在训练过程中,找到最佳策略时所需的迭代次数。


表1还显示,随着策略改进的进行,策略开始过度适应虚拟环境的动力学。没有接地的环境几乎立即就会过拟合。噪声包围盒对过拟合具有更强的鲁棒性,因为它所提出的策略在有噪声的虚拟环境中都取得了良好的性能。GAT算法所做的基础性工作是将仿真环境与真实环境之间进行校准,使得在仿真环境中执行的动作能够在真实环境中得到相似的结果。但是,这种校准是基于初始策略参数 \\(θ_0\\) 的轨迹分布进行的,因此当策略参数 \\(θ\\) 在改进过程中发生变化时,动作转换函数可能无法产生更加逼真的仿真器。



结果表明,在经过两次迭代后,使用SimSpark和GAT算法可以将NAO机器人的行走速度从19.52厘米/秒提高到27.97厘米/秒,相对于初始策略参数 \\(θ_0\\) 而言,提高了43.27%。同时,在SimSpark和Gazebo两种仿真环境下,使用GAT算法都可以将行走速度提高30%以上。这些结果表明,该方法具有一定的通用性,可以在不同的仿真环境中得到良好的效果。

表2 使用GAT算法和其他方法对比机器人行走速度和提升百分比。


本文提出的算法GAT有一些局限性,主要在于其决策学习一个动作修改函数g的假设,即对于所有可能在物理机器人上观察到的状态转移 \\((s_t, a_t, s_t+1)\\),存在一个动作 \\(\\hata_t\\),当用 \\(\\hata_t\\) 代替 \\(a_t\\) 时会产生相同的状态转移。这个假设通常是成立的,因为可以在仿真中以更多或更少的力执行 \\(\\hata_t\\) 以达到所需的响应。但是,在接触动力学下,外部力会阻碍机器人的行动,这个假设可能会失效。其他任务可能会引入其他形式的模拟器偏差,GAT目前无法处理。

论文笔记A Comprehensive Study of Deep Video Action Recognition

论文链接:A Comprehensive Study of Deep Video Action Recognition


A Comprehensive Study of Deep Video Action Recognition

Yi Zhu, Xinyu Li, Chunhui Liu, Mohammadreza Zolfaghari, Yuanjun Xiong,
Chongruo Wu, Zhi Zhang, Joseph Tighe, R. Manmatha, Mu Li
Amazon Web Services


Video action recognition is one of the representative tasks for video understanding. Over the last decade, we have witnessed great advancements in video action recognition thanks to the emergence of deep learning. But we also encountered new challenges, including modeling long-range temporal information in videos, high computation costs, and incomparable results due to datasets and evaluation protocol variances. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive survey of over 200 existing papers on deep learning for video action recognition. We first introduce the 17 video action recognition datasets that influenced the design of models. Then we present video action recognition models in chronological order: starting with early attempts at adapting deep learning, then to the two-stream networks, followed by the adoption of 3D convolutional kernels, and finally to the recent compute-efficient models. In addition, we benchmark popular methods on several representative datasets and release code for reproducibility. In the end, we discuss open problems and shed light on opportunities for video action recognition to facilitate new research ideas.


1. Introduction

One of the most important tasks in video understanding is to understand human actions. It has many real-world applications, including behavior analysis, video retrieval, human-robot interaction, gaming, and entertainment. Human action understanding involves recognizing, localizing, and predicting human behaviors. The task to recognize human actions in a video is called video action recognition. In Figure 1, we visualize several video frames with the associated action labels, which are typical human daily activities such as shaking hands and riding a bike.


Over the last decade, there has been growing research interest in video action recognition with the emergence of high-quality large-scale action recognition datasets. We summarize the statistics of popular action recognition datasets in Figure 2. We see that both the number of videos and classes increase rapidly, e.g, from 7K videos over 51 classes in HMDB51 [109] to 8M videos over 3, 862 classes in YouTube8M [1]. Also, the rate at which new datasets are released is increasing: 3 datasets were released from 2011 to 2015 compared to 13 released from 2016 to 2020.


Thanks to both the availability of large-scale datasets and the rapid progress in deep learning, there is also a rapid growth in deep learning based models to recognize video actions. In Figure 3, we present a chronological overview of recent representative work. DeepVideo [99] is one of the earliest attempts to apply convolutional neural networks to videos. We observed three trends here. The first trend started by the seminal paper on Two-Stream Networks [187], adds a second path to learn the temporal information in a video by training a convolutional neural network on the optical flow stream. Its great success inspired a large number of follow-up papers, such as TDD [214], LRCN [37], Fusion [50], TSN [218], etc. The second trend was the use of 3D convolutional kernels to model video temporal information, such as I3D [14], R3D [74], S3D [239], Non-local [219], SlowFast [45], etc. Finally, the third trend focused on computational efficiency to scale to even larger datasets so that they could be adopted in real applications. Examples include Hidden TSN [278], TSM [128], X3D [44], TVN [161], etc.

得益于大规模数据集的可用性和深度学习的快速发展,基于深度学习的视频动作识别模型也得到了快速发展。在图3中,我们按时间顺序概述了最近的代表性作品。DeepVideo[99]是最早将卷积神经网络应用于视频的尝试之一。我们观察到三个趋势。第一个趋势是由关于双流网络的开创性论文[187]开始的,增加了第二条路径,通过在光流流上训练卷积神经网络来学习视频中的时间信息。它的巨大成功启发了大量后续的论文,如TDD [214], LRCN [37], Fusion [50], TSN[218]等。第二个趋势是使用3D卷积核对视频时间信息建模,如I3D[14]、R3D[74]、S3D[239]、Non-local[219]、SlowFast[45]等。最后,第三个趋势专注于计算效率,以扩展到更大的数据集,以便它们可以在实际应用中采用。示例包括隐藏TSN[278]、TSM[128]、X3D[44]、TVN[161]等。

Despite the large number of deep learning based models for video action recognition, there is no comprehensive survey dedicated to these models. Previous survey papers either put more efforts into hand-crafted features [77, 173] or focus on broader topics such as video captioning [236], video prediction [104], video action detection [261] and zero-shot video action recognition [96]. In this paper:


We comprehensively review over 200 papers on deep learning for video action recognition. We walk the readers through the recent advancements chronologically and systematically, with popular papers explained in detail.


We benchmark widely adopted methods on the same set of datasets in terms of both accuracy and efficiency.We also release our implementations for full reproducibility .


We elaborate on challenges, open problems, and opportunities in this field to facilitate future research.


The rest of the survey is organized as following. We first describe popular datasets used for benchmarking and existing challenges in section 2. Then we present recent advancements using deep learning for video action recognition in section 3, which is the major contribution of this survey. In section 4, we evaluate widely adopted approaches on standard benchmark datasets, and provide discussions and future research opportunities in section 5.


2. Datasets and Challenges

2.1. Datasets

Deep learning methods usually improve in accuracy when the volume of the training data grows. In the case of video action recognition, this means we need large-scale annotated datasets to learn effective models.


For the task of video action recognition, datasets are often built by the following process: (1) Define an action list, by combining labels from previous action recognition datasets and adding new categories depending on the use case. (2) Obtain videos from various sources, such as YouTube and movies, by matching the video title/subtitle to the action list. (3) Provide temporal annotations manually to indicate the start and end position of the action, and (4) finally clean up the dataset by de-duplication and filtering out noisy classes/samples. Below we review the most popular large-scale video action recognition datasets in Table 1 and Figure 2.


HMDB51 [109] was introduced in 2011. It was collected mainly from movies, and a small proportion from public databases such as the Prelinger archive, YouTube and Google videos. The dataset contains 6, 849 clips divided into 51 action categories, each containing a minimum of 101 clips. The dataset has three official splits. Most previous papers either report the top-1 classification accuracy on split 1 or the average accuracy over three splits.


UCF101 [190] was introduced in 2012 and is an extension of the previous UCF50 dataset. It contains 13,320 videos from YouTube spreading over 101 categories of human actions. The dataset has three official splits similar to HMDB51, and is also evaluated in the same manner.


Sports1M [99] was introduced in 2014 as the first large-scale video action dataset which consisted of more than 1 million YouTube videos annotated with 487 sports classes. The categories are fine-grained which leads to low interclass variations. It has an official 10-fold cross-validation split for evaluation.


ActivityNet [40] was originally introduced in 2015 and the ActivityNet family has several versions since its initial launch. The most recent ActivityNet 200 (V1.3) contains 200 human daily living actions. It has 10, 024 training, 4, 926 validation, and 5, 044 testing videos. On average there are 137 untrimmed videos per class and 1.41 activity instances per video.

ActivityNet[40]最初于2015年推出,ActivityNet家族自最初推出以来有几个版本。最新的ActivityNet 200 (V1.3)包含200个人类日常生活行为。它有10,024个训练视频、4,926个验证视频和5,044个测试视频。平均而言,每个类有137个未修剪的视频,每个视频有1.41个活动实例。

YouTube8M [1] was introduced in 2016 and is by far the largest-scale video dataset that contains 8 million YouTube videos (500K hours of video in total) and annotated with 3, 862 action classes. Each video is annotated with one or multiple labels by a YouTube video annotation system. This dataset is split into training, validation and test in the ratio 70:20:10. The validation set of this dataset is also extended with human-verified segment annotations to provide temporal localization information.


Charades [186] was introduced in 2016 as a dataset for real-life concurrent action understanding. It contains 9, 848 videos with an average length of 30 seconds. This dataset includes 157 multi-label daily indoor activities, performed by 267 different people. It has an official train-validation split that has 7, 985 videos for training and the remaining 1, 863 for validation.


Kinetics Family is now the most widely adopted benchmark. Kinetics400 [100] was introduced in 2017 and it consists of approximately 240k training and 20k validation videos trimmed to 10 seconds from 400 human action categories. The Kinetics family continues to expand, with Kinetics-600 [12] released in 2018 with 480K videos and Kinetics700[13] in 2019 with 650K videos.

Kinetics Family是目前最广泛采用的基准。Kinetics400[100]于2017年推出,由大约240k的训练视频和20k的验证视频组成,从400个人体动作类别中删减到10秒。Kinetics系列继续扩大,2018年发布了Kinetics-600[12],包含480K视频,2019年发布了Kinetics700[13],包含650K视频。

20BN-Something-Something [69] V1 was introduced in 2017 and V2 was introduced in 2018. This family is another popular benchmark that consists of 174 action classes that describe humans performing basic actions with everyday objects. There are 108, 499 videos in V1 and 220, 847 videos in V2. Note that the Something-Something dataset requires strong temporal modeling because most activities cannot be inferred based on spatial features alone (e.g. opening something, covering something with something).

20BN-Something-Something [69] V1于2017年引入,V2于2018年引入。这个系列是另一个流行的基准测试,由174个动作类组成,描述人类对日常物体执行的基本动作。V1中有108,499个视频,V2中有220,847个视频。请注意,something - something数据集需要强大的时间建模,因为大多数活动不能仅根据空间特征推断(例如,打开某物,用某物覆盖某物)。

AVA [70] was introduced in 2017 as the first large-scale spatio-temporal action detection dataset. It contains 430 15-minute video clips with 80 atomic actions labels (only 60 labels were used for evaluation). The annotations were provided at each key-frame which lead to 214, 622 training, 57, 472 validation and 120, 322 testing samples. The AVA dataset was recently expanded to AVA-Kinetics with 352,091 training, 89,882 validation and 182,457 testing samples [117].

AVA[70]于2017年问世,是首个大规模时空动作检测数据集。它包含430个15分钟的视频剪辑,带有80个原子动作标签(只有60个标签用于评估)。在每个关键帧上提供注释,得到214 622个训练,57 472个验证和120 322个测试样本。AVA数据集最近扩展到AVA- kinetics,包含352091个训练、89,882个验证和182,457个测试样本[117]。

Moments in Time [142] was introduced in 2018 and it is a large-scale dataset designed for event understanding. It contains one million 3 second video clips, annotated with a dictionary of 339 classes. Different from other datasets designed for human action understanding, Moments in Time dataset involves people, animals, objects and natural phenomena. The dataset was extended to Multi-Moments in Time (M-MiT) [143] in 2019 by increasing the number of videos to 1.02 million, pruning vague classes, and increasing the number of labels per video.

Moments in Time[142]于2018年引入,是一个旨在理解事件的大规模数据集。它包含100万个3秒的视频片段,用339个类的字典注释。不同于其他为理解人类行为而设计的数据集,瞬间数据集包括人、动物、物体和自然现象。2019年,该数据集扩展到Multi-Moments in Time (M-MiT)[143],将视频数量增加到102万,修剪模糊类,并增加每个视频的标签数量。

HACS [267] was introduced in 2019 as a new large-scale dataset for recognition and localization of human actions collected from Web videos. It consists of two kinds of manual annotations. HACS Clips contains 1.55M 2-second clip annotations on 504K videos, and HACS Segments has 140K complete action segments (from action start to end) on 50K videos. The videos are annotated with the same 200 human action classes used in ActivityNet (V1.3) [40].

HACS[267]是一种新的大规模数据集,用于从网络视频中收集人类行为的识别和定位。它由两种手工注释组成。HACS剪辑包含1.55M 2秒剪辑注释504K视频,HACS片段有140K完整的动作片段(从动作开始到结束)50K视频。这些视频使用ActivityNet (V1.3)[40]中使用的200个人类动作类进行注释。

HVU [34] dataset was released in 2020 for multi-label multi-task video understanding. This dataset has 572K videos and 3, 142 labels. The official split has 481K, 31K and 65K videos for train, validation, and test respectively. This dataset has six task categories: scene, object, action, event, attribute, and concept. On average, there are about 2, 112 samples for each label. The duration of the videos varies with a maximum length of 10 seconds.


AViD [165] was introduced in 2020 as a dataset for anonymized action recognition. It contains 410K videos for training and 40K videos for testing. Each video clip duration is between 3-15 seconds and in total it has 887 action classes. During data collection, the authors tried to collect data from various countries to deal with data bias. They also remove face identities to protect privacy of video makers. Therefore, AViD dataset might not be a proper choice for recognizing face-related actions.


Figure 4. Visual examples from popular video action datasets.
Top: individual video frames from action classes in UCF101 and Kinetics400. A single frame from these scene-focused datasets often contains enough information to correctly guess the category. Middle: consecutive video frames from classes in Something-Something. The 2nd and 3rd frames are made transparent to indicate the importance of temporal reasoning that we cannot tell these two actions apart by looking at the 1st frame alone. Bottom: individual video frames from classes in Moment in Time. Same action could have different actors in different environments.


Before we dive into the chronological review of methods, we present several visual examples from the above datasets in Figure 4 to show their different characteristics. In the top two rows, we pick action classes from UCF101 [190] and Kinetics400 [100] datasets. Interestingly, we find that these actions can sometimes be determined by the context or scene alone. For example, the model can predict the action riding a bike as long as it recognizes a bike in the video frame. The model may also predict the action cricket bowling if it recognizes the cricket pitch. Hence for these classes, video action recognition may become an object/scene classification problem without the need of reasoning motion/temporal information. In the middle two rows, we pick action classes from Something-Something dataset [69]. This dataset focuses on human-object interaction, thus it is more fine-grained and requires strong temporal modeling. For example, if we only look at the first frame of dropping something and picking something up without looking at other video frames, it is impossible to tell these two actions apart. In the bottom row, we pick action classes from Moments in Time dataset [142]. This dataset is different from most video action recognition datasets, and is designed to have large inter-class and intra-class variation that represent dynamical events at different levels of abstraction. For example, the action climbing can have different actors (person or animal) in different environments (stairs or tree).

在按时间顺序回顾这些方法之前,我们在图4中展示了上述数据集中的几个可视化示例,以展示它们的不同特征。在前两行中,我们从UCF101[190]和Kinetics400[100]数据集中选择动作类。有趣的是,我们发现这些行为有时只取决于情境或场景。例如,只要模型识别出视频帧中的自行车,它就可以预测骑自行车的动作。该模型在识别板球场地的情况下,也可以预测板球运动。因此,对于这些类来说,视频动作识别可能成为一个不需要推理运动/时间信息的目标/场景分类问题。在中间的两行中,我们从Something-Something数据集[69]中选择动作类。该数据集关注人-物交互,因此粒度更细,需要强大的时间建模。例如,如果我们只看扔东西和捡东西的第一帧而不看其他视频帧,就不可能区分这两个动作。在最下面一行,我们从Moments In Time数据集[142]中选择动作类。该数据集不同于大多数视频动作识别数据集,设计为具有较大的类间和类内变化,代表不同抽象级别的动态事件。例如,动作攀爬可以有不同的演员(人或动物)在不同的环境(楼梯或树)。

2.2. Challenges

There are several major challenges in developing effective video action recognition algorithms.

In terms of dataset, first, defining the label space for training action recognition models is non-trivial. It’s because human actions are usually composite concepts and the hierarchy of these concepts are not well-defined. Second, annotating videos for action recognition are laborious (e.g., need to watch all the video frames) and ambiguous (e.g, hard to determine the exact start and end of an action). Third, some popular benchmark datasets (e.g., Kinetics family) only release the video links for users to download and not the actual video, which leads to a situation that methods are evaluated on different data. It is impossible to do fair comparisons between methods and gain insights.


In terms of modeling, first, videos capturing human actions have both strong intra- and inter-class variations. People can perform the same action in different speeds under various viewpoints. Besides, some actions share similar movement patterns that are hard to distinguish. Second, recognizing human actions requires simultaneous understanding of both short-term action-specific motion information and long-range temporal information. We might need a sophisticated model to handle different perspectives rather than using a single convolutional neural network. Third, the computational cost is high for both training and inference, hindering both the development and deployment of action recognition models. In the next section, we will demonstrate how video action recognition methods developed over the last decade to address the aforementioned challenges.


3. An Odyssey of Using Deep Learning for Video Action Recognition

In this section, we review deep learning based methods for video action recognition from 2014 to present and introduce the related earlier work in context.


3.1. From hand-crafted features to CNNs

Despite there being some papers using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for video action recognition, [200, 5, 91], hand-crafted features [209, 210, 158, 112], particularly Improved Dense Trajectories (IDT) [210], dominated the video understanding literature before 2015, due to their high accuracy and good robustness. However, handcrafted features have heavy computational cost [244], and are hard to scale and deploy.


With the rise of deep learning [107], researchers started to adapt CNNs for video problems. The seminal work DeepVideo [99] proposed to use a single 2D CNN model on each video frame independently and investigated several temporal connectivity patterns to learn spatio-temporal features for video action recognition, such as late fusion, early fusion and slow fusion. Though this model made early progress with ideas that would prove to be useful later such as a multi-resolution network, its transfer learning performance on UCF101 [190] was 20% less than hand-crafted IDT features (65.4% vs 87.9%). Furthermore, DeepVideo [99] found that a network fed by individual video frames, performs equally well when the input is changed to a stack of frames. This observation might indicate that the learnt spatio-temporal features did not capture the motion well. It also encouraged people to think about why CNN models did not outperform traditional hand-crafted features in the video domain unlike in other computer vision tasks [107, 171].

随着深度学习的兴起[107],研究人员开始使CNN适应视频问题。开创性的工作DeepVideo [99]建议在每个视频帧上独立使用单个2D CNN模型,并研究了几种时间连接模式来学习视频动作识别的时空特征,例如后期融合,早期融合和慢融合。虽然该模型在多分辨率网络等后来被证明是有用的想法方面取得了早期进展,但它在UCF101 [190]上的迁移学习性能比手工制作的IDT特征低20%(65.4%对87.9%)。此外,DeepVideo [99]发现,当输入更改为帧堆栈时,由单个视频帧馈送的网络表现同样出色。这一观察结果可能表明,所学的时空特征没有很好地捕捉到运动。它还鼓励人们思考为什么CNN模型在视频领域的表现不如其他计算机视觉任务的传统手工制作功能[107,171]。

3.2. Two-stream networks

Since video understanding intuitively needs motion information, finding an appropriate way to describe the temporal relationship between frames is essential to improving the performance of CNN-based video action recognition.


Optical flow [79] is an effective motion representation to describe object/scene movement. To be precise, it is the pattern of apparent motion of objects, surfaces, and edges in a visual scene caused by the relative motion between an observer and a scene. We show several visualizations of optical flow in Figure 5. As we can see, optical flow is able to describe the motion pattern of each action accurately. The advantage of using optical flow is it provides orthogonal information compared to the the RGB image. For example, the two images on the bottom of Figure 5 have cluttered backgrounds. Optical flow can effectively remove the nonmoving background and result in a simpler learning problem compared to using the original RGB images as input.


Figure 5. Visualizations of optical flow. We show four image-flow pairs, left is original RGB image and right is the estimated optical flow by FlowNet2 [85]. Color of optical flow indicates the directions of motion, and we follow the color coding scheme of FlowNet2 [85] as shown in top right.


In addition, optical flow has been shown to work well on video problems. Traditional hand-crafted features such as IDT [210] also contain optical-flow-like features, such as Histogram of Optical Flow (HOF) and Motion Boundary Histogram (MBH).

此外,光流已被证明在视频问题上工作得很好。传统手工制作的特征,如IDT[210]也包含类似光流的特征,如光流直方图(Histogram of Optical Flow, HOF)和运动边界直方图(Motion Boundary Histogram, MBH)。

Hence, Simonyan et al. [187] proposed two-stream networks, which included a spatial stream and a temporal stream as shown in Figure 6. This method is related to the two-streams hypothesis [65], according to which the human visual cortex contains two pathways: the ventral stream (which performs object recognition) and the dorsal stream (which recognizes motion). The spatial stream takes raw video frame(s) as input to capture visual appearance information. The temporal stream takes a stack of optical flow images as input to capture motion information between video frames. To be specific, [187] linearly rescaled the horizontal and vertical components of the estimated flow (i.e., motion in the x-direction and y-direction) to a [0, 255] range and compressed using JPEG. The output corresponds to the two optical flow images shown in Figure 6. The compressed optical flow images will then be concatenated as the input to the temporal stream with a dimension of H×W×2L, where H, W and L indicates the height, width and the length of the video frames. In the end, the final prediction is obtained by averaging the prediction scores from both streams.

因此,Simonyan等[187]提出了两流网络,包括一个空间流和一个时间流,如图6所示。这种方法与双流假说(two-streams hypothesis)有关[65],根据该假说,人类视觉皮层包含两条通路:腹侧流(执行物体识别)和背侧流(识别运动)。空间流以原始视频帧(s)为输入,捕获视觉外观信息。时间流以一堆光流图像作为输入,捕获视频帧之间的运动信息。具体来说,[187]将估计流的水平和垂直分量(即x方向和y方向的运动)线性缩放到[0,255]范围,并使用JPEG进行压缩。输出对应于图6所示的两张光流图像。然后将压缩后的光流图像拼接成维度为H×W×2L的时间流的输入,其中H、W和L分别表示视频帧的高度、宽度和长度。最后,将两个流的预测分数取平均值得到最终的预测结果。

By adding the extra temporal stream, for the first time, a CNN-based approach achieved performance similar to the previous best hand-crafted feature IDT on UCF101 (88.0% vs 87.9%) and on HMDB51 [109] (59.4% vs 61.1%). [187] makes two important observations. First, motion information is important for video action recognition. Second, it is still challenging for CNNs to learn temporal information directly from raw video frames. Pre-computing optical flow as the motion representation is an effective way for deep learning to reveal its power. Since [187] managed to close the gap between deep learning approaches and traditional hand-crafted features, many follow-up papers on twostream networks emerged and greatly advanced the development of video action recognition. Here, we divide them into several categories and review them individually.

通过首次添加额外的时间流,基于cnn的方法获得了类似于之前在UCF101 (88.0% vs 87.9%)和HMDB51 [109] (59.4% vs 61.1%)上的最佳手工特性IDT的性能。[187]做了两个重要的观察。首先,运动信息对视频动作识别很重要。其次,对于cnn来说,直接从原始视频帧中学习时间信息仍然具有挑战性。预计算光流作为运动表示是深度学习展示其威力的有效途径。自从[187]成功地缩小了深度学习方法和传统手工特征之间的差距以来,许多关于双流网络的后续论文出现了,极大地推动了视频动作识别的发展。在这里,我们将它们分为几个类别并分别进行回顾。

Figure 6. Workflow of five important papers: two-stream networks [187], temporal segment networks [218], I3D [14], Nonlocal [219] and SlowFast [45]. Best viewed in color.

图6。五篇重要论文的工作流程:双流网络[187],时间段网络[218],I3D [14], Nonlocal[219]和SlowFast[45]。最好用彩色观看。

3.2.1 Using deeper network architectures

Two-stream networks [187] used a relatively shallow network architecture [107]. Thus a natural extension to the two-stream networks involves using deeper networks. However, Wang et al. [215] finds that simply using deeper networks does not yield better results, possibly due to overfitting on the small-sized video datasets [190, 109]. Recall from section 2.1, UCF101 and HMDB51 datasets only have thousands of training videos. Hence, Wang et al. [217] introduce a series of good practices, including crossmodality initialization, synchronized batch normalization, corner cropping and multi-scale cropping data augmentation, large dropout ratio, etc. to prevent deeper networks from overfitting. With these good practices, [217] was able to train a two-stream network with the VGG16 model [188] that outperforms [187] by a large margin on UCF101. These good practices have been widely adopted and are still being used. Later, Temporal Segment Networks (TSN) [218] performed a thorough investigation of network architectures, such as VGG16, ResNet [76], Inception [198], and demonstrated that deeper networks usually achieve higher recognition accuracy for video action recognition. We will describe more details about TSN in section 3.2.4.


3.2.2 Two-stream fusion

Since there are two streams in a two-stream network, there will be a stage that needs to merge the results from both networks to obtain the final prediction. This stage is usually referred to as the spatial-temporal fusion step.


The easiest and most straightforward way is late fusion, which performs a weighted average of predictions from both streams. Despite late fusion being widely adopted [187, 217], many researchers claim that this may not be the optimal way to fuse the information between the spatial appearance stream and temporal motion stream. They believe that earlier interactions between the two networks could benefit both streams during model learning and this is termed as early fusion.


Fusion [50] is one of the first of several papers investigating the early fusion paradigm, including how to perform spatial fusion (e.g., using operators such as sum, max, bilinear, convolution and concatenation), where to fuse the network (e.g., the network layer where early interactions happen), and how to perform temporal fusion (e.g., using 2D or 3D convolutional fusion in later stages of the network). [50] shows that early fusion is beneficial for both streams to learn richer features and leads to improved performance over late fusion. Following this line of research, Feichtenhofer et al. [46] generalizes ResNet [76] to the spatiotemporal domain by introducing residual connections between the two streams. Based on [46], Feichtenhofer et al. [47] further propose a multiplicative gating function for residual networks to learn better spatio-temporal features. Concurrently, [225] adopts a spatio-temporal pyramid to perform hierarchical early fusion between the two streams.


3.2.3 Recurrent neural networks

Since a video is essentially a temporal sequence, researchers have explored Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) for temporal modeling inside a video, particularly the usage of Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) [78].


LRCN [37] and Beyond-Short-Snippets [253] are the first of several papers that use LSTM for video action recognition under the two-stream networks setting. They take the feature maps from CNNs as an input to a deep LSTM network, and aggregate frame-level CNN features into videolevel predictions. Note that they use LSTM on two streams separately, and the final results are still obtained by late fusion. However, there is no clear empirical improvement from LSTM models [253] over the two-stream baseline [187]. Following the CNN-LSTM framework, several variants are proposed, such as bi-directional LSTM [205], CNN-LSTM fusion [56] and hierarchical multi-granularity LSTM network [118]. [125] described VideoLSTM which includes a correlation-based spatial attention mechanism and a lightweight motion-based attention mechanism. VideoLSTM not only show improved results on action recognition, but also demonstrate how the learned attention can be used for action localization by relying on just the action class label. Lattice-LSTM [196] extends LSTM by learning independent hidden state transitions of memory cells for individual spatial locations, so that it can accurately model long-term and complex motions. ShuttleNet [183] is a concurrent work that considers both feedforward and feedback connections in a RNN to learn long-term dependencies. FASTER [272] designed a FAST-GRU to aggregate clip-level features from an expensive backbone and a cheap backbone. This strategy reduces the processing cost of redundant clips and hence accelerates the inference speed.


However, the work mentioned above [37, 253, 125, 196, 183] use different two-stream networks/backbones. The differences between various methods using RNNs are thus unclear. Ma et al. [135] build a strong baseline for fair comparison and thoroughly study the effect of learning spatiotemporal features by using RNNs. They find that it requires proper care to achieve improved performance, e.g., LSTMs require pre-segmented data to fully exploit the temporal information. RNNs are also intensively studied in video action localization [189] and video question answering [274], but these are beyond the scope of this survey.


3.2.4 Segment-based methods

Thanks to optical flow, two-stream networks are able to reason about short-term motion information between frames. However, they still cannot capture long-range temporal information. Motivated by this weakness of two-stream networks , Wang et al. [218] proposed a Temporal Segment Network (TSN) to perform video-level action recognition. Though initially proposed to be used with 2D CNNs, it is simple and generic. Thus recent work using either 2D or 3D CNNs, are still built upon this framework.

由于光流,双流网络能够推理帧之间的短期运动信息。然而,他们仍然不能捕获远程时间信息。基于双流网络的这一弱点,Wang等人[218]提出了一种时间段网络(TSN)来执行视频级别的动作识别。虽然最初建议与2D cnn一起使用,但它简单而通用。因此,最近使用2D或3D cnn的工作仍然建立在这个框架上。

To be specific, as shown in Figure 6, TSN first divides a whole video into several segments, where the segments distribute uniformly along the temporal dimension. Then TSN randomly selects a single video frame within each segment and forwards them through the network. Here, the network shares weights for input frames from all the segments. In the end, a segmental consensus is performed to aggregate information from the sampled video frames. The segmental consensus could be operators like average pooling, max pooling, bilinear encoding, etc. In this sense, TSN is capable of modeling long-range temporal structure because the model sees the content from the entire video. In addition, this sparse sampling strategy lowers the training cost over long video sequences but preserves relevant information.


Given TSN’s good performance and simplicity, most two-stream methods afterwards become segment-based two-stream networks. Since the segmental consensus is simply doing a max or average pooling operation, a feature encoding step might generate a global video feature and lead to improved performance as suggested in traditional approaches [179, 97, 157]. Deep Local Video Feature (DVOF) [114] proposed to treat the deep networks that trained on local inputs as feature extractors and train another encoding function to map the global features into global labels. Temporal Linear Encoding (TLE) network [36] ap- peared concurrently with DVOF, but the encoding layer was embedded in the network so that the whole pipeline could be trained end-to-end. VLAD3 and ActionVLAD [123, 63] also appeared concurrently. They extended the NetVLAD layer [4] to the video domain to perform video-level encoding, instead of using compact bilinear encoding as in [36]. To improve the temporal reasoning ability of TSN, Tempo- ral Relation Network (TRN) [269] was proposed to learn and reason about temporal dependencies between video frames at multiple time scales. The recent state-of-the-art efficient model TSM [128] is also segment-based. We will discuss it in more detail in section 3.4.2.

由于TSN的良好性能和简单性,大多数双流方法后来都变成了基于段的双流网络。由于分段共识只是进行一个最大或平均池操作,因此特征编码步骤可能会生成一个全局视频特征,并像传统方法[179,97,157]中建议的那样,导致性能的提高。深度局部视频特征(Deep Local Video feature, DVOF)[114]提出将对局部输入进行训练的深度网络作为特征提取器,并训练另一个编码函数将全局特征映射到全局标签。时间线性编码(TLE)网络[36]与DVOF并行,但编码层嵌入到网络中,可实现端到端训练。VLAD3和ActionVLAD[123,63]也同时出现。他们将NetVLAD层[4]扩展到视频域以执行视频级的编码,而不是像[36]那样使用紧凑的双线性编码。为了提高TSN的时间推理能力,节拍关系网络(Tempo- ral Relation Network, TRN)[269]被提出来学习和推理视频帧之间在多个时间尺度上的时间依赖性。最近最先进的高效模型TSM[128]也是基于分段的。我们将在3.4.2节中更详细地讨论它。

3.2.5 Multi-stream networks

Two-stream networks are successful because appearance and motion information are two of the most important properties of a video. However, there are other factors that can help video action recognition as well, such as pose, object, audio and depth, etc.


Pose information is closely related to human action. We can recognize most actions by just looking at a pose (skeleton) image without scene context. Although there is previous work on using pose for action recognition [150, 246], P-CNN [23] was one of the first deep learning methods that successfully used pose to improve video action recognition. P-CNN proposed to aggregates motion and appearance information along tracks of human body parts, in a similar spirit to trajectory pooling [214]. [282] extended this pipeline to a chained multi-stream framework, that computed and integrated appearance, motion and pose. They introduced a Markov chain model that added these cues successively and obtained promising results o

以上是关于论文阅读笔记《Grounded Action Transformation for Robot Learning in Simulation》的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

论文阅读笔记——End-to-end Learning of Action Detection from Frame Glimpses in Videos

论文笔记——Intra- and Inter-Action Understanding via Temporal Action Parsing

论文笔记A Comprehensive Study of Deep Video Action Recognition


论文阅读 ActionCLIP: A New Paradigm for Video Action Recognition

论文阅读 ActionCLIP: A New Paradigm for Video Action Recognition