100+ Python挑战性编程练习
Posted python厚积薄发
篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了100+ Python挑战性编程练习相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
21、机器人从原点(0,0)开始在平面内移动。机器人可以按照给定的步骤向上、向下、向左和向右移动。机器人运动轨迹如右所示: 上 5 下 3 左 3 右2 i;方向后面的数字是步骤。请写一个程序来计算从当前位置经过一系列的移动和原始点的距离。如果距离是一个浮点数,那么只需打印最近的整数。
例如:输入 UP 5 DOWN 3 LEFT 3 RIGHT 2 输出为 2
1 import math 2 pos = [0,0] 3 while True: 4 s = input() 5 if not s: 6 break 7 movement = s.split(" ") 8 direction = movement[0] 9 steps = int(movement[1]) 10 if direction=="UP": 11 pos[0]+=steps 12 elif direction=="DOWN": 13 pos[0]-=steps 14 elif direction=="LEFT": 15 pos[1]-=steps 16 elif direction=="RIGHT": 17 pos[1]+=steps 18 else: 19 pass 20 21 print(int(round(math.sqrt(pos[1]**2+pos[0]**2))))
注意:考察点为-- int(round(math.sqrt(pos[1]**2+pos[0]**2)))
则输出为: (没看明白什么意思,后期在研究)
1 freq = {} # frequency of words in text 文本中单词的频率 2 line = input() 3 for word in line.split(): 4 freq[word] = freq.get(word,0)+1 5 6 words = freq.keys() 7 words.sort() 8 9 for w in words: 10 print("%s:%d" % (w,freq[w]))
23、写一个计算数字平方值的方法 (Using the ** operator)
1 def square(num): 2 return num ** 2 3 4 print(square(2)) 5 print(square(3))
24、Python有许多内置函数,如果您不知道如何使用它,您可以在线阅读文档或查找一些书籍。但是Python对于每个内置函数都有一个内置的文档函数,请编写程序打印一些Python内置函数文档,如abs(), int(), raw_input(),并为自己的函数添加文档。
The built-in document method is __doc__
1 def square(num): 2 \'\'\'Return the square value of the input number. 3 4 The input number must be integer. 5 \'\'\' 6 return num ** 2 7 8 9 print(square(2)) 10 print(square.__doc__) 11 # print(int.__doc__) 12 # print(abs.__doc__)
Define a instance parameter, need add it in __init__ method You can init a object with construct parameter or set the value later.
1 class Person: 2 # Define the class parameter "name" 3 name = "Person" 4 5 def __init__(self, name=None): 6 # self.name is the instance parameter 7 self.name = name 8 9 10 jeffrey = Person("Jeffrey") 11 print("%s name is %s" % (Person.name, jeffrey.name)) 12 13 nico = Person() 14 nico.name = "Nico" 15 print("%s name is %s" % (Person.name, nico.name)) 16 17 # 输出结果为: 18 # Person name is Jeffrey 19 # Person name is Nico
1 def SumFunction(number1, number2): 2 return number1+number2 3 4 print(SumFunction(1,2))
27、定义一个可以将整数转换为字符串并在控制台中打印它的函数。 --Use str() to convert a number to string.
def printValue(n): print(str(n)) printValue(3.0)
28、定义一个函数,该函数可以接收两个字符串形式的整数并计算它们的和,然后在控制台中打印它们。 --Use int() to convert a string to integer.
1 def printValue(s1,s2): 2 print(int(s1)+int(s2)) 3 4 printValue("3","4") #7
1 def printValue(s1,s2): 2 print(s1+s2) 3 4 printValue("3","4") #34
1 def printValue(s1, s2): 2 len1 = len(s1) 3 len2 = len(s2) 4 if len1 > len2: 5 print(s1) 6 7 elif len2 > len1: 8 print(s2) 9 else: 10 print(s1) 11 print(s2) 12 13 14 printValue("fuck", "you")
1 def checkValue(n): 2 if n % 2 == 0: 3 print("It is an even number-偶数") 4 else: 5 print("It is an odd number-奇数") 6 7 8 9 checkValue(72)
1 def printDict(n): 2 d = dict() 3 d[1] = 1 4 d[2] = 2 ** 2 5 d[3] = 3 ** 2 6 d[n] = n ** 2 7 print(d) 8 9 10 11 printDict(78) 12 13 # 输出: {1: 1, 2: 4, 3: 9, 78: 6084}
使用dict[key]=value模式将条目放入字典。 使用**运算符得到一个数的幂。 对循环使用range()。
---->>> 由于下面几题类似,code直接显示。
def printDict(): d = dict() for i in range(1, 21): d[i] = i ** 2 print(d) printDict() #{1: 1, 2: 4, 3: 9, 4: 16, 5: 25, 6: 36, 7: 49, 8: 64, 9: 81, 10: 100, 11: 121, 12: 144, 13: 169, 14: 196, 15: 225, 16: 256, 17: 289, 18: 324, 19: 361, 20: 400}
1 def printDict(): 2 d = dict() 3 for i in range(1, 21): 4 d[i] = i ** 2 5 for (k, v) in d.items(): 6 print(v) 7 8 9 10 printDict()
1 def printDict(): 2 d = dict() 3 for i in range(1, 21): 4 d[i] = i ** 2 5 for k in d.keys(): 6 print(k) 7 8 9 printDict()
1 def printList(): 2 li = list() 3 for i in range(1, 21): 4 li.append(i ** 2) 5 print(li) 6 7 8 printList() 9 # # [1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100, 121, 144, 169, 196, 225, 256, 289, 324, 361, 400]
1 def printList(): 2 li = list() 3 for i in range(1, 21): 4 li.append(i ** 2) 5 print(li[:5]) 6 7 printList() 8 # [1, 4, 9, 16, 25] 我怀疑这老哥是在凑题目总数
1 def printList(): 2 li = list() 3 for i in range(1, 21): 4 li.append(i ** 2) 5 print(li[-5:]) 6 7 printList() 8 # [256, 289, 324, 361, 400]
1 def printTuple(): 2 li = list() 3 for i in range(1, 21): 4 li.append(i ** 2) 5 print(tuple(li)) 6 7 8 printTuple() 9 # (1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100, 121, 144, 169, 196, 225, 256, 289, 324, 361, 400)
1 tp=(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) 2 tp1=tp[:5] 3 tp2=tp[5:] 4 print(tp1) 5 print(tp2)
1 tp=(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) 2 li=list() 3 for i in tp: 4 # print(i) 5 if i%2==0: 6 li.append(i) 7 8 tp2=tuple(li) 9 print(tp2) 10 #(2, 4, 6, 8, 10)
43、Write a program which accepts a string as input to print "Yes" if the string is "yes" or "YES" or "Yes", otherwise print "No".
1 s= input() 2 if s=="yes" or s=="YES" or s=="Yes": 3 print("Yes") 4 else: 5 print("No")
li = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] evenNumbers = filter(lambda x: x%2==0, li) print(evenNumbers)
#<filter object at 0x000001891A2162B0> # 它生成的是一个对象, 这是想表达什么意思?求解
li = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] squaredNumbers = map(lambda x: x**2, li) print(squaredNumbers) # <map object at 0x000002CCD4976208>
li = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] evenNumbers = map(lambda x: x**2, filter(lambda x: x%2==0, li)) print(evenNumbers) # <map object at 0x000001F9391D6BA8>
evenNumbers = filter(lambda x: x%2==0, range(1,21)) print (evenNumbers) # <filter object at 0x00000254AE8F6630>
squaredNumbers = map(lambda x: x**2, range(1,21)) print(squaredNumbers) # <map object at 0x000001F2ABA369E8>
1 class American(object): 2 @staticmethod 3 def printNationality(): 4 print("America") 5 6 anAmerican = American() 7 anAmerican.printNationality() 8 American.printNationality() 9 10 # America 11 # America
1 class American(object): 2 pass 3 4 class NewYorker(American): 5 pass 6 7 anAmerican = American() 8 aNewYorker = NewYorker() 9 print(anAmerican) 10 print(aNewYorker) 11 12 # <__main__.American object at 0x000001A7D04B62B0> 13 # <__main__.NewYorker object at 0x000001A7D04B6A20>
1 class Circle(object): 2 def __init__(self, r): 3 self.radius = r 4 5 def area(self): 6 return self.radius**2*3.14 7 8 aCircle = Circle(521) 9 print(aCircle.area())
1 class Rectangle(object): 2 def __init__(self, l, w): 3 self.length = l 4 self.width = w 5 6 def area(self): 7 return self.length*self.width 8 9 aRectangle = Rectangle(2,10) 10 print(aRectangle.area())
1 class Shape(object): 2 def __init__(self): 3 pass 4 5 def area(self): 6 return 0 7 8 class Square(Shape): 9 def __init__(self, l): 10 Shape.__init__(self) 11 self.length = l 12 13 def area(self): 14 return self.length*self.length 15 16 aSquare= Square(3) 17 print(aSquare.area())
raise RuntimeError(\'something wrong\')
1 def throws(): 2 return 5/0 3 4 try: 5 throws() 6 except ZeroDivisionError: 7 print("division by zero!") 8 except Exception as err : 9 print(\'Caught an exception\') 10 finally: 11 print(\'以上是关于100+ Python挑战性编程练习的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章