Posted kingjinbiao
【中文标题】Python线程化多个bash子进程?【英文标题】:Python threading multiple bash subprocesses? 【发布时间】:2013-01-10 02:30:44 【问题描述】:如何使用线程和子进程模块来生成并行 bash 进程?当我在这里启动线程时,第一个答案是:How to use threading in Python?,bash 进程按顺序运行而不是并行运行。
也许你可以显示一些代码? 考虑到问题的范围,为什么要使用带有子进程的线程? 相关:Python: execute cat subprocess in parallel 【参考方案1】:一个简单的线程示例:
import threading
import Queue
import commands
import time
# thread class to run a command
class ExampleThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, cmd, queue):
self.cmd = cmd
self.queue = queue
def run(self):
# execute the command, queue the result
(status, output) = commands.getstatusoutput(self.cmd)
self.queue.put((self.cmd, output, status))
# queue where results are placed
result_queue = Queue.Queue()
# define the commands to be run in parallel, run them
cmds = ['date; ls -l; sleep 1; date',
'date; sleep 5; date',
'date; df -h; sleep 3; date',
'date; hostname; sleep 2; date',
'date; uname -a; date',
for cmd in cmds:
thread = ExampleThread(cmd, result_queue)
# print results as we get them
while threading.active_count() > 1 or not result_queue.empty():
while not result_queue.empty():
(cmd, output, status) = result_queue.get()
print('%s:' % cmd)
from subprocess import Popen
commands = [
'date; ls -l; sleep 1; date',
'date; sleep 5; date',
'date; df -h; sleep 3; date',
'date; hostname; sleep 2; date',
'date; uname -a; date',
# run in parallel
processes = [Popen(cmd, shell=True) for cmd in commands]
# do other things here..
# wait for completion
for p in processes: p.wait()
from functools import partial
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool
from subprocess import call
pool = Pool(2) # two concurrent commands at a time
for i, returncode in enumerate(pool.imap(partial(call, shell=True), commands)):
if returncode != 0:
print("%d command failed: %d" % (i, returncode))
This answer demonstrates various techniques to limit number of concurrent subprocesses:它展示了基于 multiprocessing.Pool、concurrent.futures、threading + Queue 的解决方案。
from subprocess import Popen
from itertools import islice
max_workers = 2 # no more than 2 concurrent processes
processes = (Popen(cmd, shell=True) for cmd in commands)
running_processes = list(islice(processes, max_workers)) # start new processes
while running_processes:
for i, process in enumerate(running_processes):
if process.poll() is not None: # the process has finished
running_processes[i] = next(processes, None) # start new process
if running_processes[i] is None: # no new processes
del running_processes[i]
在 Unix 上,您可以避免忙循环和block on os.waitpid(-1, 0)
, to wait for any child process to exit。
@j-f-sebastian 有了Popen,我可以使用communicate()处理输出,这样更方便。但我发现 pool.map(Popen, cmds) 并没有真正限制产生的进程数量。难道我做错了什么?另一方面,我能够让 pool.map(call, cmds) 正常工作,但无法捕获其输出(返回代码除外)。有没有办法捕获 call() 的输出? 抱歉,看起来 call() 的输出无法捕获。 :-/ @SaheelGodhane 创建一个等待子进程退出的函数,例如,在其中调用.communicate()
。将 that 函数传递给 pool.map
而不是 Popen
。 Popen
立即返回 将Popen
亲爱的塞巴斯蒂安,我正在尝试做类似的事情,即:首先运行一个子进程 p,一旦 p 运行,然后我调用第二个子进程 p2,我尝试在新的终端窗口中运行 p2 ,但我不能让它与subprocess.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE
一起工作,因为这似乎只适用于Windows 机器。也许你可以帮帮我:(顺便说一下the post