Posted 五月花
可能他会词法分析,聊天内容中的 X和myObjects等都是着色的,我复制到cnblogs发贴的时候颜色丢了。
==============以下是聊天记录 2023-04-20 通过cursor使用gpt4============
To develop a system with scripting capabilities in C#, a popular library to use is the Roslyn Scripting API. This library allows for the execution of C# code at runtime, making it a great choice for implementing scripting functionality.
To use the Roslyn Scripting API, you will need to add the following NuGet package to your project:
Once you have added this package, you can use the CSharpScript class to compile and execute C# code at runtime. Here is an example of how to use the CSharpScript class to execute a simple C# script:
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Scripting; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Scripting; // Define the script code as a string string scriptCode = "int x = 1 + 2;"; // Create a new script object Script script = CSharpScript.Create(scriptCode); // Execute the script and get the result ScriptState result = await script.RunAsync(); // Get the value of the \'x\' variable from the script int x = result.Variables["x"].Value;
In this example, we define a simple C# script that sets the value of the x variable to 1 + 2. We then create a new CSharpScript object with this code and execute it using the RunAsync method. Finally, we retrieve the value of the x variable from the script using the Variables property of the ScriptState object returned by RunAsync.
With the Roslyn Scripting API, you can easily add scripting capabilities to your C# application.
Based on your question, it seems like you are looking for alternative libraries to the Roslyn Scripting API for implementing scripting functionality in C#. While the Roslyn Scripting API is a popular choice, there are other libraries available that you may want to consider.
One such library is the Jurassic library, which is a JavaScript interpreter for .NET. This library allows you to execute JavaScript code at runtime, which can be useful if you want to provide a scripting interface that is more familiar to web developers. Here is an example of how to use the Jurassic library to execute a simple JavaScript script:
using Jurassic; // Define the script code as a string string scriptCode = "var x = 1 + 2;"; // Create a new script engine ScriptEngine engine = new ScriptEngine(); // Execute the script and get the result object result = engine.Evaluate(scriptCode); // Get the value of the \'x\' variable from the script int x = Convert.ToInt32(engine.GetGlobalValue("x"));
In this example, we define a simple JavaScript script that sets the value of the x variable to 1 + 2. We then create a new ScriptEngine object with the Jurassic library and execute the script using the Evaluate method. Finally, we retrieve the value of the x variable from the script using the GetGlobalValue method of the ScriptEngine object.
Another library you may want to consider is the IronPython library, which is a Python interpreter for .NET. This library allows you to execute Python code at runtime, which can be useful if you want to provide a scripting interface that is more familiar to Python developers. Here is an example of how to use the IronPython library to execute a simple Python script:
using IronPython.Hosting; using Microsoft.Scripting.Hosting; // Define the script code as a string string scriptCode = "x = 1 + 2"; // Create a new script engine ScriptEngine engine = Python.CreateEngine(); // Execute the script and get the result ScriptScope scope = engine.CreateScope(); engine.Execute(scriptCode, scope); // Get the value of the \'x\' variable from the script int x = scope.GetVariable<int>("x");
In this example, we define a simple Python script that sets the value of the x variable to 1 + 2. We then create a new ScriptEngine object with the IronPython library and execute the script using the Execute method. Finally, we retrieve the value of the x variable from the script using the GetVariable method of the ScriptScope object.
Overall, while the Roslyn Scripting API is a popular choice for implementing scripting functionality in C#, there are other libraries available that you may want to consider depending on your specific needs and requirements.
Based on your question, it seems like you are interested in passing C# objects as variables to the Roslyn Scripting API, Jurassic, and IronPython libraries.
The Roslyn Scripting API does support passing C# objects as variables to scripts. You can do this by using the ScriptOptions.Default.WithReferences and ScriptOptions.Default.WithImports methods to add any necessary references and imports to the script, and then using the ScriptState.Variables property to pass in the C# object as a variable. Here is an example of how to pass a C# object as a variable to a script using the Roslyn Scripting API:
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Scripting; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Scripting; // Define the script code as a string string scriptCode = "x = myObject.MyProperty;"; // Create a new script object with the necessary references and imports Script script = CSharpScript.Create(scriptCode, ScriptOptions.Default.WithReferences(typeof(MyObject).Assembly), ScriptOptions.Default.WithImports("MyNamespace")); // Create a new script state with the C# object as a variable MyObject myObject = new MyObject(); ScriptState result = await script.RunAsync(new myObject ); // Get the value of the \'x\' variable from the script int x = result.Variables["x"].Value;
In this example, we define a simple C# script that sets the value of the x variable to the value of the MyProperty property of a C# object called myObject. We then create a new CSharpScript object with the necessary references and imports to access the MyObject type and namespace, and execute the script using the RunAsync method with the myObject variable passed in as a parameter. Finally, we retrieve the value of the x variable from the script using the Variables property of the ScriptState object returned by RunAsync.
The Jurassic library also supports passing C# objects as variables to JavaScript scripts. You can do this by using the ScriptEngine.SetGlobalValue method to set the C# object as a global variable in the script engine, and then accessing it from the script using the global object. Here is an example of how to pass a C# object as a variable to a JavaScript script using the Jurassic library:
using Jurassic; // Define the script code as a string string scriptCode = "x = myObject.MyProperty;"; // Create a new script engine ScriptEngine engine = new ScriptEngine(); // Set the C# object as a global variable in the script engine MyObject myObject = new MyObject(); engine.SetGlobalValue("myObject", myObject); // Execute the script and get the result object result = engine.Evaluate(scriptCode); // Get the value of the \'x\' variable from the script int x = Convert.ToInt32(engine.GetGlobalValue("x"));
In this example, we define a simple JavaScript script that sets the value of the x variable to the value of the MyProperty property of a C# object called myObject. We then create a new ScriptEngine object with the Jurassic library, set the myObject variable as a global variable in the script engine using the SetGlobalValue method, and execute the script using the Evaluate method. Finally, we retrieve the value of the x variable from the script using the GetGlobalValue method of the ScriptEngine object.
The IronPython library also supports passing C# objects as variables to Python scripts. You can do this by using the ScriptEngine.Runtime.Globals.SetVariable method to set the C# object as a variable in the script engine, and then accessing it from the script using the variable name. Here is an example of how to pass a C# object as a variable to a Python script using the IronPython library:
using IronPython.Hosting; using Microsoft.Scripting.Hosting; // Define the script code as a string string scriptCode = "x = myObject.MyProperty"; // Create a new script engine ScriptEngine engine = Python.CreateEngine(); // Set the C# object as a variable in the script engine MyObject myObject = new MyObject(); engine.Runtime.Globals.SetVariable("myObject", myObject); // Execute the script and get the result ScriptScope scope = engine.CreateScope(); engine.Execute(scriptCode, scope); // Get the value of the \'x\' variable from the script int x = scope.GetVariable<int>("x");
In this example, we define a simple Python script that sets the value of the x variable to the value of the MyProperty property of a C# object called myObject. We then create a new ScriptEngine object with the IronPython library, set the myObject variable as a variable in the script engine using the SetVariable method of the ScriptEngine.Runtime.Globals property, and execute the script using the Execute method. Finally, we retrieve the value of the x variable from the script using the GetVariable method of the ScriptScope object.
Overall, all three libraries support passing C# objects as variables to scripts, although the specific syntax and methods used may differ slightly between them.
Based on your query, it seems like you are looking for an open-source UI editor that does not require debugging and running Roslyn, and is not too large.
One option you may want to consider is the AvalonEdit library, which is a WPF-based text editor control that supports syntax highlighting, code folding, and other features commonly found in code editors. While it does not have built-in support for Roslyn, it does provide a flexible API that allows you to integrate with Roslyn or other code analysis libraries if needed.
Another option you may want to consider is the ScintillaNET library, which is a .NET wrapper for the Scintilla text editing component. Scintilla supports syntax highlighting, code folding, and other features commonly found in code editors, and has a small footprint compared to some other code editing libraries. While it does not have built-in support for Roslyn, it does provide a flexible API that allows you to integrate with Roslyn or other code analysis libraries if needed.
Overall, while there may not be a specific UI editor that meets all of your requirements, both AvalonEdit and ScintillaNET are open-source libraries that provide a solid foundation for building a custom UI editor with support for syntax highlighting and other code editing features.

1 它回答了7条。我后来也发现,问它的其他问题,基本也会控制在7条之内或者一屏之内。难道是设置了7加减2规则了吗?
2 每个条目都给了一个名字,都是动宾结构。很棒,先概括出来要点,再详细说明,而且每个名字都是6个字,便于记忆!
3 它列出的前6条实践都是聚焦在代码上,没有覆盖到需求与设计环节,也就是说它很可能把软件开发理解为了编码活动。但是最后一条它又提到了质量管理系统,视野又放开了。
4 仔细阅读它列出的前6条,覆盖了编码、测试、静态扫描、集成、代码走查、重构等活动,把与编码有关的活动实际上都覆盖了,还是很完备的。
5 很有意思的是它最后做了一个总结,概括了中心思想。
1 它没有和我澄清对问题含义的理解是否准确,即没有澄清需求,澄清问题。它对软件开发的理解和我说的软件开发可能含义有差别。
2 可能受限于篇幅限制,它没有给出案例、故事来渲染自己的观点,增加感染力与说服力。


接下来,我想试试一个有点难度的问题:如何判断两个现象之间是相关关系,而不是因果关系呢? 这个问题让我自己回答,也没有一个很好的答案,我就想看看它能解答到什么程度。


如果询问它一个较偏僻的问题会是什么结果呢? 我们公司最近在给客户制定COSMIC方法应用到数据仓库类软件的规模度量指南,于是我便用这个小众的话题问问他。




1 ChatGPT已经很优秀了。它能比较完备的的回答问题,能够弥补人类视野的不足。
2 ChatGPT给出的答案针对性、实用性不足。
3 你问我问题,我就回答,ChatGPT没有澄清问题,没有质疑问题本身的合理性,这是和人相比他的薄弱之处吧。
4 ChatGPT还不能替代人做咨询顾问,它只能作为人类咨询顾问的工具。