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Mybaits 源码解析 ----- Select 语句的执行过程分析(下篇)(Mapper方法是如何调用到XML中的SQL的?)全网最详细,没有之一
1 public <E> List<E> doQuery(MappedStatement ms, Object parameter, RowBounds rowBounds, ResultHandler resultHandler, BoundSql boundSql) throws SQLException { 2 Statement stmt = null; 3 try { 4 Configuration configuration = ms.getConfiguration(); 5 // 创建 StatementHandler 6 StatementHandler handler = configuration.newStatementHandler(wrapper, ms, parameter, rowBounds, resultHandler, boundSql); 7 // 创建 Statement 8 stmt = prepareStatement(handler, ms.getStatementLog()); 9 // 执行查询操作 10 return handler.<E>query(stmt, resultHandler); 11 } finally { 12 // 关闭 Statement 13 closeStatement(stmt); 14 } 15 }
上篇文章我们分析完了第6行代码,在第6行处我们创建了一个PreparedStatementHandler,我们要接着第8行代码开始分析,也就是创建 Statement,先不忙着分析,我们先来回顾一下 ,我们以前是怎么使用jdbc的
public class Login { /** * 第一步,加载驱动,创建数据库的连接 * 第二步,编写sql * 第三步,需要对sql进行预编译 * 第四步,向sql里面设置参数 * 第五步,执行sql * 第六步,释放资源 * @throws Exception */ public static final String URL = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/chenhao"; public static final String USER = "liulx"; public static final String PASSWORD = "123456"; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { login("lucy","123"); } public static void login(String username , String password) throws Exception{ Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement psmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { //加载驱动程序 Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); //获得数据库连接 conn = DriverManager.getConnection(URL, USER, PASSWORD); //编写sql String sql = "select * from user where name =? and password = ?";//问号相当于一个占位符 //对sql进行预编译 psmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); //设置参数 psmt.setString(1, username); psmt.setString(2, password); //执行sql ,返回一个结果集 rs = psmt.executeQuery(); //输出结果 while(rs.next()){ System.out.println(rs.getString("user_name")+" 年龄:"+rs.getInt("age")); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ //释放资源 conn.close(); psmt.close(); rs.close(); } } }
private Statement prepareStatement(StatementHandler handler, Log statementLog) throws SQLException { Statement stmt; // 获取数据库连接 Connection connection = getConnection(statementLog); // 创建 Statement, stmt = handler.prepare(connection, transaction.getTimeout()); // 为 Statement 设置参数 handler.parameterize(stmt); return stmt; }
- 获取数据库连接
- 创建PreparedStatement
- 为PreparedStatement设置运行时参数
protected Connection getConnection(Log statementLog) throws SQLException { //通过transaction来获取Connection Connection connection = this.transaction.getConnection(); return statementLog.isDebugEnabled() ? ConnectionLogger.newInstance(connection, statementLog, this.queryStack) : connection; }
则MyBatis会创建一个JdbcTransactionFactory.class 实例,Executor中的transaction是一个JdbcTransaction.class 实例,其实现Transaction接口,那我们先来看看Transaction
public interface Transaction { //获取数据库连接 Connection getConnection() throws SQLException; //提交事务 void commit() throws SQLException; //回滚事务 void rollback() throws SQLException; //关闭事务 void close() throws SQLException; //获取超时时间 Integer getTimeout() throws SQLException; }
public class JdbcTransaction implements Transaction { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(JdbcTransaction.class); //数据库连接 protected Connection connection; //数据源信息 protected DataSource dataSource; //隔离级别 protected TransactionIsolationLevel level; //是否为自动提交 protected boolean autoCommmit; public JdbcTransaction(DataSource ds, TransactionIsolationLevel desiredLevel, boolean desiredAutoCommit) { dataSource = ds; level = desiredLevel; autoCommmit = desiredAutoCommit; } public JdbcTransaction(Connection connection) { this.connection = connection; } public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException { //如果事务中不存在connection,则获取一个connection并放入connection属性中 //第一次肯定为空 if (connection == null) { openConnection(); } //如果事务中已经存在connection,则直接返回这个connection return connection; } /** * commit()功能 * @throws SQLException */ public void commit() throws SQLException { if (connection != null && !connection.getAutoCommit()) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Committing JDBC Connection [" + connection + "]"); } //使用connection的commit() connection.commit(); } } /** * rollback()功能 * @throws SQLException */ public void rollback() throws SQLException { if (connection != null && !connection.getAutoCommit()) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Rolling back JDBC Connection [" + connection + "]"); } //使用connection的rollback() connection.rollback(); } } /** * close()功能 * @throws SQLException */ public void close() throws SQLException { if (connection != null) { resetAutoCommit(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Closing JDBC Connection [" + connection + "]"); } //使用connection的close() connection.close(); } } protected void openConnection() throws SQLException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Opening JDBC Connection"); } //通过dataSource来获取connection,并设置到transaction的connection属性中 connection = dataSource.getConnection(); if (level != null) { //通过connection设置事务的隔离级别 connection.setTransactionIsolation(level.getLevel()); } //设置事务是否自动提交 setDesiredAutoCommit(autoCommmit); } protected void setDesiredAutoCommit(boolean desiredAutoCommit) { try { if (this.connection.getAutoCommit() != desiredAutoCommit) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Setting autocommit to " + desiredAutoCommit + " on JDBC Connection [" + this.connection + "]"); } //通过connection设置事务是否自动提交 this.connection.setAutoCommit(desiredAutoCommit); } } catch (SQLException var3) { throw new TransactionException("Error configuring AutoCommit. Your driver may not support getAutoCommit() or setAutoCommit(). Requested setting: " + desiredAutoCommit + ". Cause: " + var3, var3); } } }
//数据库连接 protected Connection connection; //数据源信息 protected DataSource dataSource; public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException { //如果事务中不存在connection,则获取一个connection并放入connection属性中 //第一次肯定为空 if (connection == null) { openConnection(); } //如果事务中已经存在connection,则直接返回这个connection return connection; } protected void openConnection() throws SQLException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Opening JDBC Connection"); } //通过dataSource来获取connection,并设置到transaction的connection属性中 connection = dataSource.getConnection(); if (level != null) { //通过connection设置事务的隔离级别 connection.setTransactionIsolation(level.getLevel()); } //设置事务是否自动提交 setDesiredAutoCommit(autoCommmit); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { String resource = "mybatis-config.xml"; InputStream inputStream = Resources.getResourceAsStream(resource); SqlSessionFactory sqlSessionFactory = new SqlSessionFactoryBuilder().build(inputStream); //创建一个SqlSession SqlSession sqlSession = sqlSessionFactory.openSession(); try { EmployeeMapper employeeMapper = sqlSession.getMapper(Employee.class); UserMapper userMapper = sqlSession.getMapper(User.class); List<Employee> allEmployee = employeeMapper.getAll(); List<User> allUser = userMapper.getAll(); Employee employee = employeeMapper.getOne(); } finally { sqlSession.close(); } }
我们看到同一个sqlSession可以获取多个Mapper代理对象,则多个Mapper代理对象中的sqlSession引用应该是同一个,那么多个Mapper代理对象调用方法应该是同一个Connection,直到调用close(),所以说我们的sqlSession是线程不安全的,如果所有的业务都使用一个sqlSession,那Connection也是同一个,一个业务执行完了就将其关闭,那其他的业务还没执行完呢。大家明白了吗?我们回归到源码,connection = dataSource.getConnection();,最终还是调用dataSource来获取连接,那我们是不是要来看看dataSource呢?
我们还是从前面的配置文件来看<dataSource type="UNPOOLED|POOLED">,这里有UNPOOLED和POOLED两种DataSource,一种是使用连接池,一种是普通的DataSource,UNPOOLED将会创将new UnpooledDataSource()实例,POOLED将会new pooledDataSource()实例,都实现DataSource接口,那我们先来看看DataSource接口
public interface DataSource extends CommonDataSource,Wrapper { //获取数据库连接 Connection getConnection() throws SQLException; Connection getConnection(String username, String password) throws SQLException; }
- initializeDriver - 初始化数据库驱动
- doGetConnection - 获取数据连接
- configureConnection - 配置数据库连接
看下我们上面使用JDBC的例子,在执行 SQL 之前,通常都是先获取数据库连接。一般步骤都是加载数据库驱动,然后通过 DriverManager 获取数据库连接。UnpooledDataSource 也是使用 JDBC 访问数据库的,因此它获取数据库连接的过程一样
public class UnpooledDataSource implements DataSource { private ClassLoader driverClassLoader; private Properties driverProperties; private static Map<String, Driver> registeredDrivers = new ConcurrentHashMap(); private String driver; private String url; private String username; private String password; private Boolean autoCommit; private Integer defaultTransactionIsolationLevel; public UnpooledDataSource() { } public UnpooledDataSource(String driver, String url, String username, String password) { this.driver = driver; this.url = url; this.username = username; this.password = password; } private synchronized void initializeDriver() throws SQLException { // 检测当前 driver 对应的驱动实例是否已经注册 if (!registeredDrivers.containsKey(driver)) { Class<?> driverType; try { // 加载驱动类型 if (driverClassLoader != null) { // 使用 driverClassLoader 加载驱动 driverType = Class.forName(driver, true, driverClassLoader); } else { // 通过其他 ClassLoader 加载驱动 driverType = Resources.classForName(driver); } // 通过反射创建驱动实例 Driver driverInstance = (Driver) driverType.newInstance(); /* * 注册驱动,注意这里是将 Driver 代理类 DriverProxy 对象注册到 DriverManager 中的,而非 Driver 对象本身。 */ DriverManager.registerDriver(new DriverProxy(driverInstance)); // 缓存驱动类名和实例,防止多次注册 registeredDrivers.put(driver, driverInstance); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SQLException("Error setting driver on UnpooledDataSource. Cause: " + e); } } } //略... } //DriverManager private final static CopyOnWriteArrayList<DriverInfo> registeredDrivers = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<DriverInfo>(); public static synchronized void registerDriver(java.sql.Driver driver) throws SQLException { if(driver != null) { registeredDrivers.addIfAbsent(new DriverInfo(driver)); } else { // This is for compatibility with the original DriverManager throw new NullPointerException(); } }
在我们使用JDBC的时候,也没有通过DriverManager.registerDriver(new DriverProxy(driverInstance));去注册Driver啊,如果我们使用的是Mysql数据源,那我们来看Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver");这句代码发生了什么
static { try { java.sql.DriverManager.registerDriver(new Driver()); } catch (SQLException E) { throw new RuntimeException("Can\'t register driver!"); } }
在上面例子中使用 JDBC 时,我们都是通过 DriverManager 的接口方法获取数据库连接。我们来看看UnpooledDataSource是如何获取的。
public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException { return doGetConnection(username, password); } private Connection doGetConnection(String username, String password) throws SQLException { Properties props = new Properties(); if (driverProperties != null) { props.putAll(driverProperties); } if (username != null) { // 存储 user 配置 props.setProperty("user", username); } if (password != null) { // 存储 password 配置 props.setProperty("password", password); } // 调用重载方法 return doGetConnection(props); } private Connection doGetConnection(Properties properties) throws SQLException { // 初始化驱动,我们上一节已经讲过了,只用初始化一次 initializeDriver(); // 获取连接 Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, properties); // 配置连接,包括自动提交以及事务等级 configureConnection(connection); return connection; } private void configureConnection(Connection conn) throws SQLException { if (autoCommit != null && autoCommit != conn.getAutoCommit()) { // 设置自动提交 conn.setAutoCommit(autoCommit); } if (defaultTransactionIsolationLevel != null) { // 设置事务隔离级别 conn.setTransactionIsolation(defaultTransactionIsolationLevel); } }
上面方法将一些配置信息放入到 Properties 对象中,然后将数据库连接和 Properties 对象传给 DriverManager 的 getConnection 方法即可获取到数据库连接。我们来看看是怎么获取数据库连接的
private static Connection getConnection(String url, java.util.Properties info, Class<?> caller) throws SQLException { // 获取类加载器 ClassLoader callerCL = caller != null ? caller.getClassLoader() : null; synchronized(DriverManager.class) { if (callerCL == null) { callerCL = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); } } // 此处省略部分代码 // 这里遍历的是在registerDriver(Driver driver)方法中注册的驱动对象 // 每个DriverInfo包含了驱动对象和其信息 for(DriverInfo aDriver : registeredDrivers) { // 判断是否为当前线程类加载器加载的驱动类 if(isDriverAllowed(aDriver.driver, callerCL)) { try { println("trying " + aDriver.driver.getClass().getName()); // 获取连接对象,这里调用了Driver的父类的方法 // 如果这里有多个DriverInfo,比喻Mysql和Oracle的Driver都注册registeredDrivers了 // 这里所有的Driver都会尝试使用url和info去连接,哪个连接上了就返回 // 会不会所有的都会连接上呢?不会,因为url的写法不同,不同的Driver会判断url是否适合当前驱动 Connection con = aDriver.driver.connect(url, info); if (con != null) { // 打印连接成功信息 println("getConnection returning " + aDriver.driver.getClass().getName()); // 返回连接对像 return (con); } } catch (SQLException ex) { if (reason == null) { reason = ex; } } } else { println(" skipping: " + aDriver.getClass().getName()); } } }
PooledDataSource 内部实现了连接池功能,用于复用数据库连接。因此,从效率上来说,PooledDataSource 要高于 UnpooledDataSource。但是最终获取Connection还是通过UnpooledDataSource,只不过PooledDataSource 提供一个存储Connection的功能。
PooledDataSource 需要借助两个辅助类帮其完成功能,这两个辅助类分别是 PoolState 和 PooledConnection。PoolState 用于记录连接池运行时的状态,比如连接获取次数,无效连接数量等。同时 PoolState 内部定义了两个 PooledConnection 集合,用于存储空闲连接和活跃连接。PooledConnection 内部定义了一个 Connection 类型的变量,用于指向真实的数据库连接。以及一个 Connection 的代理类,用于对部分方法调用进行拦截。至于为什么要拦截,随后将进行分析。除此之外,PooledConnection 内部也定义了一些字段,用于记录数据库连接的一些运行时状态。接下来,我们来看一下 PooledConnection 的定义。
class PooledConnection implements InvocationHandler { private static final String CLOSE = "close"; private static final Class<?>[] IFACES = new Class<?>[]{Connection.class}; private final int hashCode; private final PooledDataSource dataSource; // 真实的数据库连接 private final Connection realConnection; // 数据库连接代理 private final Connection proxyConnection; // 从连接池中取出连接时的时间戳 private long checkoutTimestamp; // 数据库连接创建时间 private long createdTimestamp; // 数据库连接最后使用时间 private long lastUsedTimestamp; // connectionTypeCode = (url + username + password).hashCode() private int connectionTypeCode; // 表示连接是否有效 private boolean valid; public PooledConnection(Connection connection, PooledDataSource dataSource) { this.hashCode = connection.hashCode(); this.realConnection = connection; this.dataSource = dataSource; this.createdTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.lastUsedTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.valid = true; // 创建 Connection 的代理类对象 this.proxyConnection = (Connection) Proxy.newProxyInstance(Connection.class.getClassLoader(), IFACES, this); } @Override public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {...} // 省略部分代码 }
下面再来看看 PoolState 的定义。
public class PoolState { protected PooledDataSource dataSource; // 空闲连接列表 protected final List<PooledConnection> idleConnections = new ArrayList<PooledConnection>(); // 活跃连接列表 protected final List<PooledConnection> activeConnections = new ArrayList<PooledConnection>(); // 从连接池中获取连接的次数 protected long requestCount = 0; // 请求以上是关于flex中如何解析xml文件生成sql语句的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章