如何使用 Xbox Series X 驾驶游戏练习车技 All In One
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篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了如何使用 Xbox Series X 驾驶游戏练习车技 All In One相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

xbox android 蓝牙,How to Connect the Xbox Series X or S Controller to Android
What to Know:
Hold down the small button at the top of the controller until the Xbox button begins to flash to turn on Bluetooth pairing.
On your Android phone, tap Settings> Bluetooth, and select your controller under Available Devices.
You can stream games to the Xbox app from your games console and play. Not all Android games are compatible with controllers.
This article teaches you how to connect an Xbox Series X or S controller to your Android smartphone.
How to Connect the Xbox Series X or S Controller to Android
Android smartphones have plenty of games at their disposal so it's smart to be able to connect your Xbox Series X or S controller to your Android phone. Here's how to connect Xbox controller to Android with a focus on pairing up your Xbox Series X or S controller to your phone.
These instructions also work with all Bluetooth-compatible Xbox One controllers as well as the Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Series 2. However, not all Android phone menus are identical and some steps and menu options vary slightly depending on phone.
Turn your Xbox Series X or S controller on by holding down the Xbox logo in the middle of the controller.
Hold down the small button at the top of the controller until the Xbox button begins to flash.
On your Android phone, tap Settings.
Tap Bluetooth.
Your Xbox controller should now appear as one of the devices to pair under Available Devices.
Tap the Xbox controller name and wait a few moments for the pairing to take effect.
The controller is now paired with your Android smartphone.
How to Disconnect Your Xbox Series X or S Controller From Your Android Smartphone
Want to disconnect your Xbox Series X or S controller once you've finished playing? Here's what to do on your Android.
You can also hold down the glowing Xbox button on the controller for a few seconds to switch it off.
Tap Settings.
Tap Bluetooth.
Tap theinext to the named controller.
Tap Disconnect.
If you'd prefer to unpair it, requiring you to pair it again if you want to reuse it, tap unpair.
What Can I Do With the Connected Controller?
Not sure what to do next now you've connected your Xbox Series X or S controller to your Android phone? Here's a quick look at what you can and can't do.
It's possible to stream Xbox games from your console to your Android phone. Via the Xbox app, you can play games directly from your games console without having to sit in front of your TV. It only works via your local network but it can be useful if someone is taking up the TV and you still want to play your favorite game.
You can stream games remotely via the Cloud Gaming app.Got an Xbox Game Pass Ultimate membership? You can stream games using the Cloud Gaming beta app without even needing to download games to your console first. It's a great way of trying out a game without having to wait hours for it to download.
You can play any Android game that supports controllers. Many Android games support controllers so look out for them and play them with your shiny Xbox Series X or S controller rather than rely on touchscreen options.
You can't navigate your Android phone's home screen with the controller. You can't use your Xbox controller like a mouse and switch between apps or negotiate menus with it. It's solely for playing compatible games with and nothing else.
以上是关于如何使用 Xbox Series X 驾驶游戏练习车技 All In One的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
xbox android 蓝牙,How to Connect the Xbox Series X or S Controller to Android
Xbox Series X 完全关机教程 All In One