Posted 大老虎打老虎
import re import requests import pytesseract import time from PIL import Image from bs4 import BeautifulSoup headers = {"User-Agent": "Mozil", "Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8", "Accept-Language": "zh-CN,zh;q=0.9", "Referer": "http:" } session = requests.Session() #可以记录所有请求的cookie # 二值化,即超过下面这个值的像素点二值为黑否则为白 threshold = 100 table = [] for i in range(256): if i < threshold: table.append(0) else: table.append(1) # 由于都是数字 # 对于识别成字母的 采用该表进行修正 rep = {\'O\': \'0\', \'I\': \'1\', \'L\': \'1\', \'Z\': \'2\', \'S\': \'8\', \'$\': \'6\' } def get_verify_code(url): #url为初进网盘地址 image_name = \'picture.jpg\' a = session.get("http:", headers = headers) #session.cookies.update({"referer": r""}) r = session.get(\'\', headers = headers) with open(image_name, \'wb\') as file: file.write(r.content) #打开图片 image =\'picture.jpg\') #转化到灰度图 imgry = image.convert(\'L\') #保存图像\'g\'+image_name) #二值化,采用阈值分割法,threshold为分割点 out = imgry.point(table, \'1\')\'b\'+image_name) #识别 text = pytesseract.image_to_string(out) #对识别后的验证码人为处理 text = text.strip() text = text.upper(); for r in rep: text = text.replace(r, rep[r]) #将非数字的字符进行替换 text = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", text) if(len(text)!= 4): #if num is not equal 4, then it must be wrong and get verify code again text = get_verify_code("1") print(text) return text def build_info(data): #print(data) soup = BeautifulSoup(data, "html.parser") ret = soup.find_all(name=\'table\', attrs=\'style\') print(ret) def get_new_url(url): verify_code = get_verify_code(url) print(verify_code) new_url = str(url) +str(verify_code) + \'.html\' print(new_url) #time.sleep(30) response = session.get(new_url, headers = headers) print(response.status_code) \'\'\'print(response.status_code) # 打印状态码 print(response.url) # 打印请求url print(response.headers) # 打印头信息 print(response.cookies) # 打印cookie信息 print(response.text) # 以文本形式打印网页源码 print(response.content) # 以字节流形式打印 \'\'\' if (response.status_code == 302): print("aleady new location") elif(response.status_code!=200): print("aleady new location") else: #print(response.text) build_info(response.text) if __name__ == "__main__": get_new_url("")
python 新浪微博的登录协助,可以处理验证码所需的情况。(新浪微博登录实现,包含验证码解析)
用python模拟登录(解析cookie + 解析html + 表单提交 + 验证码识别 + excel读写 + 发送邮件)