num=float(input(‘请输入数字>>>‘)) num_sqrt=num**0.5 print(num_sqrt)
import cmath num = int(input(‘>>>‘).strip()) num_sqrt=cmath.sqrt(num) print(‘{0}的平方根为{1:0.3f}+{2:0.3f}j‘.format(num,num_sqrt.real,num_sqrt.imag))
while True: a=float(input(‘三角形第一边长>>>‘)) b=float(input(‘三角形第二边长>>>‘)) c=float(input(‘三角形第三边长>>>‘)) if a+b>c and a-b<c: s=(a+b+c)/2 area=(s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c))**0.5 print(‘面积%f‘%area) break else: print(‘输入的不是三角形‘) continue
celsius=float(input(‘输入摄氏度>>>‘)) fahrenheit=(celsius*1.8)+32 print(‘%f摄氏度转为华氏温度为%f‘%(celsius,fahrenheit))
year=int(input(‘输入一个年份>>>‘)) if(year%4)==0: if(year%100)==0: if(year%400)==0: print(‘{0}是闰年‘.format(year)) else: print(‘不是闰年‘) else: print(‘不是闰年‘) else: print(‘不是闰年‘)
max_level=input(‘输入行数>>‘) max_level=int(max_level) for current_level in range(1,max_level+1): for i in range(max_level-current_level): print(‘ ‘,end=‘‘) for j in range(2*current_level-1): print(‘*‘,end=‘‘) print()
max_level=input(‘输入行数>>‘) max_level=int(max_level) for current_level in range(max_level,0,-1): for i in range(max_level-current_level): print(‘ ‘,end=‘‘) for j in range(2*current_level-1): print(‘*‘,end=‘‘) print()
for i in range(1,10): for j in range(1,i+1): print(‘%s * %s = %s‘%(i,j,i*j),end=‘ |‘) print()
import sys l=sys.argv source_file_path=l[1] dest_file_path=l[2] with open(r‘%s‘%source_file_path,‘rb‘) as s_f, open(r‘%s‘%dest_file_path,‘wb‘) as d_f: for line in s_f: d_f.write(line)
with open(‘db.txt‘,‘r‘,encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f: data=f.read() data=data.replace(‘SB‘,‘aa‘) with open(‘db.txt‘,‘w‘,encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f: f.write(data)
import os target_file=r‘db.txt‘ intermediary_file=r‘a.txt‘ with open(target_file,‘r‘,encoding=‘utf-8‘) as t_f, open(intermediary_file,‘w‘,encoding=‘utf-8‘) as i_f: for line in t_f: if ‘alex‘ in line: line=line.replace(‘alex‘,‘SB‘) i_f.write(line) os.remove(target_file) os.rename(intermediary_file,target_file)
1 import os 2 product_list = [[‘Iphone 7‘, 5800], [‘Coffee‘, 30], [‘疙瘩汤‘, 10], [‘Python Book‘, 99], [‘Bike‘, 199], [‘vivo X9‘, 2499]] 3 shopping_cart = {} 4 current_userinfo = [] 5 6 db_file = r‘db.txt‘ 7 8 while True: 9 print(‘‘‘ 10 1 登陆 11 2 注册 12 3 购物 13 ‘‘‘) 14 15 choice = input(‘>>: ‘).strip() 16 17 if choice == ‘1‘: 18 # 1 登陆 19 tag = True 20 count = 0 21 while tag: 22 if count == 3: 23 print(‘尝试次数过去,退出。。。‘) 24 break 25 uname = input(‘用户名: ‘).strip() 26 pwd = input(‘密码: ‘).strip() 27 28 with open(db_file, ‘r‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘)as f: 29 for line in f: 30 user_info = line.strip(‘\n‘).split(‘,‘) 31 uname_of_db,pwd_of_db,balance_of_db = user_info 32 if uname == uname_of_db and pwd == pwd_of_db: 33 print(‘登陆成功‘) 34 35 # 登陆成功则将用户名和余额添加道列表 36 current_userinfo = [uname_of_db, balance_of_db] 37 print(‘用户信息为: ‘, current_userinfo) 38 tag = False 39 break 40 else: 41 print(‘用户名或密码错误‘) 42 count += 1 43 44 elif choice == ‘2‘: 45 uname = input(‘请输入用户名: ‘).strip() 46 while True: 47 pwd1 = input(‘请输入密码: ‘).strip() 48 pwd2 = input(‘再次确认密码: ‘).strip() 49 if pwd2 == pwd1: 50 break 51 else: 52 print(‘两次输入密码不一致,请重新输入!!!‘) 53 54 balance = input(‘请输入充值金额: ‘).strip() 55 with open(db_file, ‘a‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f: 56 f.write(‘%s,%s,%s\n‘ % (uname, pwd1, balance)) 57 58 elif choice == ‘3‘: 59 if len(current_userinfo) == 0: 60 print(‘请先登陆。。。‘) 61 else: 62 # 登陆成功后,开始购物 63 uname_of_db = current_userinfo[0] 64 balance_of_db = current_userinfo[1] 65 print(‘尊敬的用户[%s] 您的余额为[%s],祝您购物愉快‘ % (uname_of_db, balance_of_db)) 66 67 tag = True 68 while tag: 69 for index, product in enumerate(product_list): 70 print(index, product) 71 choice = input(‘输入商品编号购物,输入q退出>>: ‘).strip() 72 if choice.isdigit(): 73 choice = int(choice) 74 if choice < 0 or choice >= len(product_list): continue 75 76 pname = product_list[choice][0] 77 pprice = product_list[choice][1] 78 if balance_of_db > pprice: 79 if pname in shopping_cart: # 原来已经购买过 80 shopping_cart[pname][‘count‘] += 1 81 else: 82 shopping_cart[pname] = {‘pprice‘: pprice, ‘count‘: 1} 83 84 balance_of_db -= pprice # 扣钱 85 current_userinfo[1] = balance_of_db # 更新用户余额 86 print( 87 "Added product" + pname + "into shopping cart,your current balance" + str( 88 balance_of_db)) 89 else: 90 print("买不起,穷逼!产品价格是{price},你还差{lack_price}".format(price=pprice, 91 lack_price=(pprice - balance_of_db))) 92 print(shopping_cart) 93 elif choice == ‘q‘: 94 print(‘‘‘ 95 --------———已购买商品列表--———————— 96 id 商品 数量 单价 总价 97 98 ‘‘‘) 99 total_cost = 0 100 for i, key in enumerate(shopping_cart): 101 print(‘%22s%18s%18s%18s%18s‘ % ( 102 i, 103 key, 104 shopping_cart[key][‘count‘], 105 shopping_cart[key][‘pprice‘], 106 shopping_cart[key][‘pprice‘] *shopping_cart[key][‘count‘] 107 )) 108 total_cost += shopping_cart[key][‘pprice‘] * shopping_cart[key][‘count‘] 109 110 print(‘‘‘ 111 你的总花费: %s 112 你的余额为: %s 113 -----------------------end----------------------- 114 ‘‘‘ % (total_cost, balance_of_db)) 115 116 while tag: 117 inp = input(‘确认购买(yes/no?)..: ‘).strip() 118 if inp not in [‘Y‘, ‘N‘, ‘y‘, ‘n‘, ‘yes‘, ‘no‘]: continue 119 if inp in [‘Y‘, ‘y‘, ‘yes‘]: 120 # 将余额写入文件 121 122 src_file = db_file 123 dst_file = r‘%s.swap‘ % db_file 124 with open(src_file, ‘r‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as read_f, 125 open(dst_file, ‘w‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as write_f: 126 for line in read_f: 127 if line.startswith(uname_of_db): 128 l = line.strip(‘\n‘).split(‘,‘) 129 l[-1] = str(balance_of_db) 130 line = ‘,‘.join(l) + ‘\n‘ 131 132 write_f.write(line) 133 os.remove(src_file) 134 os.rename(dst_file, src_file) 135 136 print(‘购买成功,请耐心等待发货‘) 137 138 shopping_cart = {} 139 current_userinfo = {} 140 tag = False 141 else: 142 print(‘输入非法‘) 143 else: 144 print(‘非法操作‘)
1 db_path=‘db.txt‘ 2 def uname(): 3 while True: 4 uname = input(‘username>>>‘).strip() 5 if not uname.isalnum():continue 6 with open(r‘%s‘%db_path,‘r‘,encoding=‘utf-8‘)as f: 7 for line in f: 8 if line.startswith(uname): 9 print(‘该用户已注册,请重新输入‘) 10 break 11 else: 12 return uname 13 14 def upwd(): 15 while True: 16 upwd1=input(‘password>>>‘).strip() 17 upwd2=input(‘confirm password>>>‘).strip() 18 if upwd1==upwd2: 19 return upwd1 20 else: 21 print(‘输入不一致,请重新输入‘) 22 23 def balance(): 24 balance=input(‘请输入充值金额>>>‘).strip() 25 if balance.isdigit(): 26 return balance 27 28 def db_handle(*args): 29 info=‘:‘.join(args) 30 with open(r‘%s‘%db_path,‘a‘,encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f: 31 f.write(‘%s\n‘ %(info)) 32 33 def interactive(): 34 username=uname() 35 password=upwd() 36 user_balance=balance() 37 return username,password,user_balance 38 39 username,password,user_balance=interactive() 40 print(username) 41 print(password) 42 print(user_balance) 43 44 db_handle(username,password,user_balance)
1 import datetime 2 def get_yesterday(): 3 today=datetime.date.today() 4 oneday=datetime.timedelta(days=1) 5 yesterday=today-oneday 6 return yesterday 7 8 print(get_yesterday())
1 import calendar 2 year=int(input(‘输入年份>>>‘).strip()) 3 mon=int(input(‘输入月份>>>‘).strip()) 4 month_range=calendar.monthrange(year,mon) 5 week,num=month_range 6 print(‘该月的第一天是星期{week},该月有{num}天‘.format(week=week+1,num=num)) 7 cal=calendar.month(year,mon) 8 print(‘该月的日历为:‘) 9 print(cal)