Thread 是threading模块中最重要的类之一,可以使用它来创建线程。有两种方式来创建线程:一种是通过继承Thread类,重写它的run方法;另一种是创建一个threading.Thread对象,在它的初始化函数 (__init__)中将可调用对象作为参数传入。

1 import threading 2 import time 3 ‘‘‘ 4 没有引入类,直接创建Thread实例,调用threading.Thread()方法 5 ‘‘‘ 6 def loop(i,sleep_time): 7 print(‘loop:‘,i,‘start‘) 8 time.sleep(sleep_time) 9 print(‘loop:‘,i,‘done‘) 10 def main(): 11 sleep_time = [4,2] 12 loops = range(sleep_time.__len__()) 13 thread_list = [] 14 for i in loops: 15 t = threading.Thread(target=loop,args=(i,sleep_time[i])) 16 t.start() 17 thread_list.append(t) 18 for i in thread_list: 19 i.join()#主线程等待所有子线程执行完毕再继续执行 20 print(‘all thread have done!‘) 21 22 if __name__ == "__main__": 23 main()

1 import threading 2 import time 3 ‘‘‘ 4 引入类,实现了面向对象编程的思想,可扩展性强 5 ‘‘‘ 6 class threadFunc(object): 7 def __init__(self,func,i,sleep_time): 8 self.func = func 9 self.i = i 10 self.sleep_time = sleep_time 11 def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):#回调函数执行self.func(*args) 12 self.func(self.i,self.sleep_time) 13 def loop(i,sleep_time): 14 print(‘loop:‘, i, ‘start‘) 15 time.sleep(sleep_time) 16 print(‘loop:‘, i, ‘done‘) 17 def main(): 18 loops = [4,2] 19 nloop = range(loops.__len__()) 20 thread_list = [] 21 for i in nloop: 22 t = threading.Thread(target=threadFunc(loop,i,loops[i])) 23 t.start() 24 thread_list.append(t) 25 for i in thread_list: 26 27 i.join() 28 print(‘all thread have done!‘) 29 30 if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: 31 main()

1 import threading 2 import time 3 4 class Mythread(threading.Thread): 5 def __init__(self,func,args,name = ‘‘): 6 7 ‘‘‘ 8 官方文档 9 If a subclass overrides the constructor, it must make sure to invoke 10 the base class constructor (Thread.__init__()) before doing anything 11 else to the thread. 12 如果子类重写构造函数,则必须确保在对线程执行任何其他操作之前调用基类构造函数(Thread._init_())。 13 ‘‘‘ 14 threading.Thread.__init__(self)#继承父类的__init()__方法很重要 15 self.func = func 16 self.args = args 17 self.name = name 18 def run(self): 19 self.func(*self.args) 20 def loop(i,sleep_time): 21 print(‘loop:‘, i, ‘start‘) 22 time.sleep(sleep_time) 23 print(‘loop:‘, i, ‘done‘) 24 def main(): 25 loops = [4,2] 26 thread_list = [] 27 nloop = range(len(loops)) 28 for i in nloop: 29 t = Mythread(loop,(i,loops[i]),loop.__name__) 30 t.start() 31 thread_list.append(t) 32 for i in thread_list: 33 i.join() 34 print(‘all have done!‘) 35 36 37 if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: 38 main()

1 import threading, time 2 def doWaiting(): 3 print ‘start waiting:‘, time.strftime(‘%H:%M:%S‘) 4 time.sleep(3) 5 print ‘stop waiting‘, time.strftime(‘%H:%M:%S‘) 6 thread1 = threading.Thread(target = doWaiting) 7 thread1.start() 8 time.sleep(1) 9 #确保线程thread1已经启动 10 print ‘start join‘ 11 thread1.join() 12 #将一直堵塞,直到thread1运行结束。 13 print ‘end join‘

1 import threading 2 import time 3 4 gl_num = 0 5 6 def show(arg): 7 global gl_num 8 time.sleep(1) 9 gl_num +=1 10 print (gl_num) 11 12 13 for i in range(10): 14 t = threading.Thread(target=show, args=(i,)) 15 t.start() 16 17 print (‘main thread stop‘) 18 运行结果如下 19 20 main thread stop 21 123 22 23 24 45 25 26 6678 27 28 29 30 9 31 32 Process finished

1 lock = threading.Lock() 2 def show(arg): 3 4 global gl_num 5 lock.acquire() 6 time.sleep(1) 7 gl_num +=1 8 lock.release() 9 print (gl_num) 10 11 thread_list = [] 12 for i in range(10): 13 t = threading.Thread(target=show, args=(i,)) 14 t.start() 15 thread_list.append(t) 16 17 print (‘main thread stop‘) 18 正常输出1-10

1 import threading 2 lock = threading.Lock() 3 #Lock对象 4 lock.acquire() 5 lock.acquire() 6 #产生了死琐。 7 lock.release() 8 lock.release() 9 10 import threading 11 rLock = threading.RLock() 12 #RLock对象 13 rLock.acquire() 14 rLock.acquire() 15 #在同一线程内,程序不会堵塞。 16 rLock.release() 17 rLock.release()
可以把Condiftion理解为一把高级的锁,它提供了比Lock, RLock更高级的功能,允许我们能够控制复杂的线程同步问题。

1 #encoding: utf-8 2 import threading, time 3 4 5 class Seeker(threading.Thread): 6 def __init__(self, cond, name): 7 threading.Thread.__init__(self) 8 self.cond = cond 9 self.name = name 10 11 def run(self): 12 time.sleep(1) # 1.确保seeker晚于hider开始执行 13 print(1) 14 self.cond.acquire() # 4. hider的锁释放了所以这里获得了锁 15 print (‘我把眼睛蒙上了‘) 16 self.cond.notify() # 5.蒙上眼后通知hider,hider线程此时被唤醒并试图获取锁,但是锁还在seeker身上,所以hider被阻塞,seeker继续往下 17 self.cond.wait() # 6. seeker锁被释放并且挂起,hider就获取锁开始继续往下运行了 18 print(2) 19 print (‘我找到你了‘) 20 self.cond.notify() # 9.找到了之后通知hider,hider意图获取锁但不行所以被阻塞,seeker往下 21 self.cond.release() # 10.释放锁 22 print(3) 23 print (‘我赢了‘) 24 25 26 class Hider(threading.Thread): 27 def __init__(self, cond, name): 28 threading.Thread.__init__(self) 29 self.cond = cond 30 self.name = name 31 32 def run(self): 33 self.cond.acquire() # 2.hider获取锁 34 self.cond.wait() # 3.hider被挂起然后释放锁 35 print(4) 36 print (‘我已经藏好了‘) 37 self.cond.notify() # 7.藏好后通知seeker,seeker意图获取锁,但是锁在hider身上所以seeker被阻塞 38 self.cond.wait() # 8.hider被挂起,释放锁,seeker获取锁,seeker继续往下运行 39 print(5) 40 self.cond.release()# 11. 在此句之前一点,seeker释放了锁(#10),hider得到锁,随即这句hider释放锁 41 print (‘被你找到了‘) 42 43 44 cond = threading.Condition() 45 seeker = Seeker(cond, ‘seeker‘) 46 hider = Hider(cond, ‘hider‘) 47 seeker.start() 48 hider.start()
Event.wait() : 堵塞线程,直到Event对象内部标识位被设为True或超时(如果提供了参数timeout)。
Event.clear() : 将标志位置于false状态。
Event.set() : 设置标志位为true
Event.isSet() : 判断标志位状态

1 import threading 2 import time 3 4 def car(event): 5 while True: 6 if event.isSet(): 7 print(‘green or yellow is on ,let`s go!‘) 8 time.sleep(2) 9 else: 10 print(‘red in on ,we must stop!‘) 11 time.sleep(2) 12 13 def light(event): 14 ‘‘‘ 15 红绿灯方法,红灯停,黄灯绿灯行 16 :return: 17 ‘‘‘ 18 while True: 19 event.clear() 20 print("the light is red") 21 time.sleep(6) 22 event.set() 23 print("the light is green") 24 time.sleep(4) 25 print("the light is yellow") 26 time.sleep(2) 27 28 29 30 31 def main(): 32 event = threading.Event() 33 t1 = threading.Thread(target=light,args=(event,)) 34 t2 = threading.Thread(target=car,args=(event,)) 35 t1.start() 36 t2.start() 37 38 if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: 39 main()

1 the light is red 2 red in on ,we must stop! 3 red in on ,we must stop! 4 red in on ,we must stop! 5 the light is green 6 green or yellow is on ,let`s go! 7 green or yellow is on ,let`s go! 8 the light is yellow 9 green or yellow is on ,let`s go! 10 the light is red 11 red in on ,we must stop! 12 red in on ,we must stop! 13 red in on ,we must stop! 14 the light is green 15 green or yellow is on ,let`s go! 16 green or yellow is on ,let`s go! 17 the light is yellow 18 green or yellow is on ,let`s go! 19 the light is red 20 red in on ,we must stop! 21 red in on ,we must stop! 22 red in on ,we must stop! 23 ...
信号量是最古老的同步原语之一。它是一个计数器,当资源消耗时递减,当资源释放时递增。你可以认为信号量代表它们的资源可用或不可用。消耗资源使计数器递减的操作习惯上称为P() (来源于荷兰单词probeer/proberen),也称为wait、try、acquire、pend或procure。相对地,当一个线程对一个资源完成操作时,该资源需要返回资源池中。这个操作一般称为 V()(来源于荷兰单词 verhogen/verhoog),也称为 signal、increment、release、post、vacate。Python 简化了所有的命名,使用和锁的函数/方法一样的名字:acquire 和 release。信号量比锁更加灵活,因为可以有多个线程,每个线程拥有有限资源的一个实例。

1 from threading import BoundedSemaphore,Lock,Thread 2 import time 3 import random 4 5 baozi = BoundedSemaphore(3) 6 lock = Lock() 7 def producer(): 8 for i in range(random.randint(4,6)): 9 lock.acquire() 10 try: 11 baozi.release() 12 except Exception: 13 print("包子普满啦") 14 else: 15 print(‘做了一个包子‘) 16 lock.release() 17 time.sleep(random.randint(1,6)) 18 def customer(): 19 for i in range(random.randint(3,7)): 20 lock.acquire() 21 try: 22 baozi.acquire(blocking=False) 23 except Exception: 24 print(‘包子铺没有包子啦‘) 25 else: 26 print(‘买了一个包子‘) 27 lock.release() 28 time.sleep(random.randint(3, 6)) 29 30 def main(): 31 thread_list = [] 32 pro = Thread(target=producer) 33 thread_list.append(pro) 34 cus = Thread(target=customer) 35 thread_list.append(cus) 36 for i in thread_list: 37 i.start() 38 for i in thread_list: 39 i.join() 40 if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: 41 main() 42 43 44 45 46 ‘‘‘ 47 a = BoundedSemaphore(0) 48 if a.acquire(blocking=False): 49 print(‘ok‘) 50 else: 51 print("empty") 52 ‘‘‘
Queue.Queue(maxsize) FIFO(先进先出队列)
Queue.LifoQueue(maxsize) LIFO(先进后出队列)
Queue.PriorityQueue(maxsize) 为优先度越低的越先出来
Queue.qsize() 返回队列大小
Queue.empty() 判断队列是否为空
Queue.full() 判断队列是否满了
Queue.get([block[,timeout]]) 从队列头删除并返回一个item,block默认为True,表示当队列为空却去get的时候会阻塞线程,等待直到有有item出现为止来get出这个item。如果是False的话表明当队列为空你却去get的时候,会引发异常。在block为True的情况下可以再设置timeout参数。表示当队列为空,get阻塞timeout指定的秒数之后还没有get到的话就引发Full异常。
Queue.put(...[,block[,timeout]]) 向队尾插入一个item,同样若block=True的话队列满时就阻塞等待有空位出来再put,block=False时引发异常。同get的timeout,put的timeout是在block为True的时候进行超时设置的参数。
Queue.task_done() 从场景上来说,处理完一个get出来的item之后,调用task_done将向队列发出一个信号,表示本任务已经完成
Queue.join() 监视所有item并阻塞主线程,直到所有item都调用了task_done之后主线程才继续向下执行。这么做的好处在于,假如一个线程开始处理最后一个任务,它从任务队列中拿走最后一个任务,此时任务队列就空了但最后那个线程还没处理完。当调用了join之后,主线程就不会因为队列空了而擅自结束,而是等待最后那个线程处理完成了。

1 import threading 2 import time 3 import queue 4 5 q = queue.Queue(maxsize=10) 6 7 8 def producer(name): # 生产者 9 count = 1 10 while True: 11 q.put("包子%s" % count) 12 print("生产了包子", count) 13 count += 1 14 time.sleep(0.5) 15 16 17 def consumer(name): # 消费者 18 while True: 19 print("[%s]取到[%s]并且吃了它..." % (name, q.get())) 20 time.sleep(1) 21 22 23 p = threading.Thread(target=producer, args=("Jerry",)) 24 c1 = threading.Thread(target=consumer, args=("Tom",)) 25 c2 = threading.Thread(target=consumer, args=("Tony",)) 26 27 p.start() 28 c1.start() 29 c2.start()

1 import queue 2 import threading 3 import time 4 from threading import Condition 5 class cus_thread(threading.Thread): 6 7 def __init__(self,queue,con): 8 threading.Thread.__init__(self); 9 self.queue = queue 10 self.con = con 11 def run(self): 12 time.sleep(1) 13 q = self.queue 14 while True: 15 self.con.acquire() 16 if not q.empty(): 17 task = q.get() 18 print(‘get task‘,task) 19 self.con.notify() 20 self.con.release() 21 time.sleep(1) 22 else: 23 print("no task") 24 self.con.wait() 25 26 class pro_thread(threading.Thread): 27 def __init__(self,queue,con): 28 threading.Thread.__init__(self) 29 self.queue = queue 30 self.con = con 31 def run(self): 32 q = self.queue 33 while True: 34 self.con.acquire() 35 if q.empty(): 36 q.put(‘111‘) 37 print("add a job") 38 self.con.notify() 39 self.con.release() 40 time.sleep(2) 41 else: 42 self.con.wait() 43 44 45 def main(): 46 con = Condition() 47 thread_list = [] 48 q = queue.Queue() 49 pro = pro_thread(q,con) 50 thread_list.append(pro) 51 cus = cus_thread(q,con) 52 thread_list.append(cus) 53 for i in thread_list: 54 i.start() 55 56 if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: 57 main()