1. 函数装饰器
#coding=utf-8 def debug(func): def wrapper(*agrs, **kwargs): ‘‘‘包装函数内部文档‘‘‘ print ("[DEBUG]:enter %s()--%s" %(func.__name__, *agrs)) return func(*agrs, **kwargs) return wrapper
@debug def say_hello(parm): ‘‘‘ 提供函数文档字符串‘‘‘ print ("say_hello") if __name__ == "__main__": say_hello("Python") print ("原始函数名:%s" %(say_hello.__name__)) print ("函数文档字符串:%s" %(say_hello.__doc__))
>>> [DEBUG]:enter say_hello()--Python
>>> say_hello
>>> 原始函数名:wrapper
>>> 函数文档字符串:包装函数内部文档
#coding=utf-8 from functools import wraps def debug(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(*agrs, **kwargs): ‘‘‘包装函数内部文档‘‘‘ print ("[DEBUG]:enter %s()--%s" %(func.__name__, *agrs)) return func(*agrs, **kwargs) return wrapper @debug def say_hello(parm): ‘‘‘ 提供函数文档字符串‘‘‘ print ("say_hello") if __name__ == "__main__": say_hello("Python") print ("原始函数名:%s" %(say_hello.__name__)) print ("函数文档字符串:%s" %(say_hello.__doc__))
>>> [DEBUG]:enter say_hello()--Python
>>> say_hello
>>> 原始函数名:say_hello
>>> 函数文档字符串: 提供函数文档字符串
2. 类装饰器
#coding=utf-8 from functools import wraps class debug: def __init__(self, func): self.func = func def __call__(self, *argv, **kwargv): ‘‘‘包装函数内部文档‘‘‘ print ("[DEBUG]:enter %s()--%s" %(self.func.__name__, *argv)) self.func(*argv, **kwargv) def say_hello(something): ‘‘‘ 提供函数文档字符串 ‘‘‘ print ("say_hello", something) if __name__ == "__main__": De = debug(say_hello) De("Python") print ("原始函数名:%s" %(say_hello.__name__)) print ("函数文档字符串:%s" %(say_hello.__doc__))
>>> [DEBUG]:enter say_hello()--Python
>>> say_hello Python
>>> 原始函数名:say_hello
>>> 函数文档字符串: 提供函数文档字符串
3. 参数化装饰器
#coding=utf-8 from functools import wraps #参数化装饰器 def repeat(number=3): def debug(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(*argv, **kwargv): ‘‘‘包装函数内部文档‘‘‘ for _ in range(number): print ("[DUBEG]:enter %s()--%s" %(func.__name__, *argv)) result = func(*argv, **kwargv) return result return wrapper return debug @repeat(2) def say_hello(*agrv, **kwargv): ‘‘‘提供函数文档字符串‘‘‘ print ("say_hello") if __name__ == "__main__": say_hello("Python") print ("原始函数名:%s" %(say_hello.__name__)) print ("函数文档字符串:%s" %(say_hello.__doc__))
>>> [DUBEG]:enter say_hello()--Python
>>> say_hello
>>> [DUBEG]:enter say_hello()--Python
>>> say_hello
>>> 原始函数名:say_hello
>>> 函数文档字符串:提供函数文档字符串
1. 参数检查
#coding=utf-8 ‘‘‘将函数注册到全局字典中,并将其参数和返回值保存在一个类型列表中‘‘‘ funname = {} def parmcheck(in_= (type(None),), out_ =(type(None), )): def fun1(func): func_name = func.__name__ print ("funname:%s" %(func_name)) funname[func.__name__] = (in_, out_) def checkType(elements, types): ‘‘‘用来检查参数类型的子函数‘‘‘ if len(elements) != len(types): raise TypeError("Parm count is wrong!") li = zip(elements, types) typed = enumerate(li) for index,couple in typed: argv, intype = couple if isinstance(argv, intype): print ("parm(%s) and type(%s)are all right" %(argv, intype)) continue raise TypeError("argv %d should be %s" %(argv, intype)) def decoratorfun(*argv): #types = [type(i) for i in range(len(argv))] #checkType(argv, types) checkType(argv, in_) res = func(*argv) #检查输出内容 if type(res) not in (tuple, list): checkable_res = (res, ) else: checkable_res = res checkType(checkable_res, out_) return decoratorfun return fun1 @parmcheck((int,int)) def meth1(a,b): print ("received:%d,%d" %(a, b)) if __name__=="__main__": meth1(1,2) print (funname)
>>> funname:meth1
>>> parm(1) and type(<class ‘int‘>)are all right
>>> parm(2) and type(<class ‘int‘>)are all right
>>> received:1,2
>>> parm(None) and type(<class ‘NoneType‘>)are all right
>>> {‘meth1‘: ((<class ‘int‘>, <class ‘int‘>), (<class ‘NoneType‘>,))}
2. 缓存
#coding = utf-8 import time import pickle import hashlib #全局字典 cache = {} def is_obsolete(entry, duration): print (time.time() - entry["time"]) return time.time() - entry["time"] > duration def compute_key(func, *argv, **kwargv): key = pickle.dumps((func.__name__, argv, kwargv)) return hashlib.sha1(key).hexdigest() def memoize(duration=10): def _memoize(func): def __memoize(*argv, **kwargv): key = compute_key(func,*argv, **kwargv) if ((key in cache) and not is_obsolete(cache[key], duration)): print ("we got a winner") return cache[key][‘value‘] result = func(*argv, **kwargv) cache[key]={"value":result,"time":time.time()} return result return __memoize return _memoize @memoize(3) def fun(a,b): print (a+b) return a+b if __name__=="__main__": fun(2,3) fun(2,2) fun(2,3) print (cache)
>>> 5
>>> 4
>>> 0.0
>>> we got a winner
>>> {‘a99634a4e619a2ad129df1b51002a8c0cb9cca2b‘: {‘value‘: 5, ‘time‘: 1518243058.456
>>> 425}, ‘99683ddc4e22fd3f37e473de5d61699a5c27c2c6‘: {‘value‘: 4, ‘time‘: 151824305
>>> 8.456425}}
3. 代理
代理装饰器使用全局机制来标记和注册函数。比如一个根据当前用户来保护代码访问的安全层可以使用集中式检查器和相关的可调用对象要求的权限来访问,这一模型常用于Python Web框架中,用于定义法布类的安全性
4. 上下文提供者
#coding=utf-8 from threading import RLock lock = RLock() def synchronized(func): def _synchronized(*argv, **kdargv): lock.require() try: return func(*argv, **kdargv) except: print ("fun error!!!") finally: lock.release() return _synchronized