Python pandas 获取Excel重复记录

Posted 船长博客


篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了Python pandas 获取Excel重复记录相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

pip install pandas
pip install xlrd


# We will use data structures and data analysis tools provided in Pandas library
import pandas as pd

# Import retail sales data from an Excel Workbook into a data frame
# path = \'/Documents/analysis/python/examples/2015sales.xlsx\'
path = \'F:/python/an.xlsx\'
xlsx = pd.ExcelFile(path)
df = pd.read_excel(xlsx, \'Sheet1\')

# Let\'s add a new boolean column to our dataframe that will identify a duplicated order line item (False=Not a duplicate; True=Duplicate)
df[\'is_duplicated\'] = df.duplicated([\'ip\'])

# We can sum on a boolean column to get a count of duplicate order line items
# df[\'is_duplicated\'].sum()

# Get the records of duplicated, If you need non-dup just use False instead
df_dup = df.loc[df[\'is_duplicated\'] == True]

# Finally let\'s save our cleaned up data to a csv file
df_dup.to_csv(\'dup.csv\', encoding=\'utf-8\')



以上是关于Python pandas 获取Excel重复记录的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

Python Pandas 数据以日期格式输出到 excel 的问题 [重复]


python pandas读写excel

Pandas to_excel 作为变量(没有目标文件)[重复]

从空格分隔的 .dat 文件中获取日期时间 - python/pandas [重复]

如何在 python 中使用 pandas 获取所有重复项的列表?