ACCT3013 Financial 描述分析

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ACCT3013 Financial Statement Analysis
Mid-semester Take-Home Assessment
Semester One, 2023
General information
Due date and time: Wednesday, 11am, 5th April (Sydney Time)
1. You are not permitted to use any artificial intelligence (AI) tools, such as ChatGPT, to
generate any part of your responses. AI tools cannot be relied upon to generate responses
that will adequately address the requirements of this assessment. All responses must be
in your own words.
2. This assessment is worth 15% of your final grade for the unit.
3. Answer all the questions. Please note that the questions are not of equal value and have
sub parts.
4. You are required to provide your narrative responses using the following font: Times
New Roman, Size 12, double spaced.
5. No Submissions will be accepted via email
6. Answers to some questions should not exceed specified word limits (a precise writing
won’t require to write up-to the max limit). Word limits are mentioned in appropriate
sections of the assessment document. The word count is based on the word count
information as presented in Turnitin and this will be checked. As a suggestion, you can
use the following procedure to assist you to track the word count, select the section you
want to check, then use Ctrl+Shift+G to open the Word Count dialog box.
7. Please ensure you submit well before the due time in case there are problems. Turnitin in
Canvas does not automatically email a digital receipt. Once you have successfully
submitted your assignment, a time and date stamp will appear next to your submission.
Should submission problems arise, you should contact the University’s ICT Service Desk
on 02 9351 2000 (option 2 for ICT) or email
8. We don’t expect students to use much of the additional resources/researches apart from
the annual report for this assignment. Use of any resources including annual report must
be appropriately and properly referenced using the American Psychological Association
referencing style 7th (or APA 7th as it is more commonly known).
9. In step two, you will need to download the excel file and find your company that need to
be analysed for your assessment.
10. Once you have identified your company, then go to step 3, download the assessment,
Mid-semester take-home assessment, submit a new word file by addressing all the
questions from the assessment through Turnitin. Use the following file name format:
“ACCT3013_MS1_2023_SID”. You do not need to reiterate the question, just simply
answer as Q1. A).
11. Please make reasonable assumptions if necessary. For the next 48 hours (starting from
11am Monday to 11am Wednesday), any form of communication (including CANVAS
discussion board) regarding the assessment is highly discouraged.
12. As a student of the University of Sydney, you are responsible for taking part in your
education in an honest and authentic manner. It is therefore expected that you take extra
care to ensure that there are no breaches of academic honesty. All assignments will be
manually and electronically checked for plagiarism (copying). Any perceived breaches
of academic honesty will be referred to the Office of Educational Integrity for further
investigation and penalised if verified. You can read more information on what
plagiarism is and how to avoid plagiarism from the University link:
Grade Descriptors
Due to the specific nature of this assignment, students are advised generic submissions will not
score high marks as the assignment requirements will not be met. The following can at best be
considered as a general indication, assuming consistency in quality of component parts.
High Distinction The attempted solution substantially exceeds minimal requirements,
and is consistent and coherent. It excels in substantive content and demonstrates professional
communication skills. It reflects consideration of your own well developed perspectives and is
framed in your own words.
Distinction The attempted solution substantially exceeds minimal requirements across
most tasks and through effective communication demonstrates a strong understanding of the
accounting issues and relevant accounting requirements. Good development of your own
Credit The attempted solution exceeds minimal requirements across most tasks, but is
less well developed, less framing in your own words (e.g. dull reproduction of slabs of text
from others), some errors or omissions in application.
Pass A minimal standard is reached across various aspects of the task.
Fail The task is not completed. The solution does not reflect an appropriate
understanding of the question/assigned task. Poorly developed responses.

WX:codehelp mailto:

MDX 语法:Period.Financial Year.Financial Year 和 Period.Financial Year.Children 之间的区别?

【中文标题】MDX 语法:Period.Financial Year.Financial Year 和 Period.Financial Year.Children 之间的区别?【英文标题】:MDX syntax: Difference between Period.Financial Year.Financial Year and Period.Financial Year.Children? 【发布时间】:2015-08-17 20:06:44 【问题描述】:

我们有一个名为 Revenue 的多维数据集。

    [Measures].[Billable Hours] on columns,
     [Period].[Financial Year].**[Financial Year]** on rows

    [Measures].[Billable Hours] on columns,
     [Period].[Financial Year].**Children** on rows

有一个维度“Period”,我猜属性层次结构是 Financial Year?如果我想要像 2012、2013、2014 这样的行,我必须说 [Period].[Financial Year].Children 或 [Period].[Financial Year].[Financial Year] ]。为了获得 [Period].[Financial Year].[Financial Year],在SSMS 中,我打开了该属性层次结构,将“Financial Year”的成员下方的小点拖了出来,这就是它给我的信息。


    .Children 更可取,还是只是偏好?

    另外,如果要“图表”[Period].[Financial Year].[Financial Year],会是“Dimension.Level.Member”吗? [财政年度]/儿童也是成员,或者如何绘制“整个事物”和







[Period].[Financial Year].[Financial Year]


[Period].[Financial Year].[Financial Year].MEMBERS


[Period].[Financial Year].CHILDREN


[Period].[Financial Year].[All].CHILDREN


所有属性层次结构都有两个级别 - 所有级别和叶级别。 all 级别只有一个成员 [All],而该成员又具有成员 - 叶子。还有叶子层,由叶子组成。

所以看起来你已经利用了[Financial Year]的这两个不同层次的层次结构。


有时您可能想抓取 All 成员和叶子 - 然后您可以执行以下操作:

    [Measures].[Billable Hours] on columns,
     [Period].[Financial Year].MEMBERS on rows

这应该返回一个包含 All 成员的集合?


这个[Period].[Financial Year].[Financial Year]Dimension.Hierarchy.Level。层次结构的 All 成员在此级别不可访问。

重复 Greg Galloway 的评论:

[Period].[Financial Year].CHILDREN 假定 All 成员是 默认成员和上下文中的当前成员,不会作为 适用于所有情况。

最好使用[Period].[Financial Year].[All].CHILDREN[Period].[Financial Year].[Financial Year].MEMBERS


我更喜欢 [Period].[Financial Year].[Financial Year].MEMBERS,因为我认为它是最明确的。我相信 [Period].[Financial Year].CHILDREN 假设 All 成员是默认成员和当前坐标,因此您的里程可能会有所不同。但我同意我看到了很多。 我正在逐步阅读 MDX,跑到第 74 页,它解释了“在属性层次结构中,层次结构的叶级别与属性层次结构本身的名称相同”。这正是我想知道的,但也感谢您的回答。 我自己也很困惑,想着“dimension.level.member”,并没有认识到属性层次结构也像用户定义的层次结构一样,但现在我看到它们是相同的,“Dimension. Hierarchy.Level”,并且使用属性层次结构两次来获取叶子是我在 [Period].**[Financial Year].[Financial Year]** 时感到困惑的,但现在我明白了 @GregGalloway 你想让我编辑这个答案吗? 100% 乐意更改此答案中的任何内容,您认为我应该更改 - 我只是一个学习者。 p.s.很高兴在mdx 问题上见到你,先生 - 这个论坛很好用(比 MS 的 SSAS 论坛更好的技术),但缺少像你这样的真正的mdx 专家贡献者。曾经有一个很好的mdx监督者FrankPI,但我认为他厌倦了缺乏活动或许多问题的琐碎,并离开了。 @whytheq 谢谢。试图帮助缓和。我建议您编辑您的答案并提及 [Period].[Financial Year].CHILDREN 假定 All 成员是上下文中的默认成员和当前成员,并且不会在所有上下文中按预期工作。首选[期间].[财政年度].[全部].CHILDREN 或 [期间].[财政年度].[财政年度].成员【参考方案2】:

约翰,我以前也遇到过类似的情况,并在上面发布了question on SO。

重点在于,写[Dim].[Attribute].CHILDREN 不仅仅是捷径,而是冒险的做法,因为[All]成员,另一个答案谈到的是一个作用域成员,它不能总是假设你实际上是在写[Dim].[Attribute].[All].CHILDREN,除非你写了额外的[All] .最好避免。

另外,[Period].[Financial Year].[Financial Year]不是真正推荐的调用成员的方式。



.MEMBERS 之所以是“建议”方式,是因为 SSAS 引擎在您使用.MEMBERS 函数时会进行额外的检查。

如果一个新手 MDX 编码器不小心使用了一个不存在的层次结构名称(打字错误..使用 Calendar1 而不是 Calendar,引擎出人意料地不会抛出任何错误。(请原谅我在以下图片下方的空白处)


显然,这里应该归咎于引擎,这可能是一个错误。但是,我们必须尽自己的一份力量来使用手头的工具。 以类似的方式,10 次中有 9 次 Dim.Hier.CHILDREN 语法会起作用,但事实是,它具有误导性。新手可能会查看代码并假设层次结构可以有子级。而事实是只有会员才能生孩子。

有点离题,但在 SQL 中,在语句末尾使用分号是标准的ANSI 语法,但很少有人真正使用这种语法。当分号不与某些运算符一起使用时,引擎会通过抛出错误来惩罚我们,例如当我们使用 CTE 时。那么我们应该养成使用更多分号的习惯吗? 该死! 这真的是捷径吗? 不!


你好 Sourav - 这个说法不正确Also, the [Period].[Financial Year].[Financial Year] is not really a suggested way of invoking members.。此快捷方式被设计为语言的一部分。查看 Mosha 的这篇文章以查看它的使用情况… @whytheq - 编辑了我的答案并添加了一些内容。这更像是一种最佳实践。 什么是作用域成员?无法在 Google 上找到定义。只有一个成员才能有孩子,而不是等级制度......但除了“误导”或不抛出错误之外,是否存在 Dim.Hier.Children 会返回与 Dim.Hier.All 不同的结果的情况。孩子们?我只是使用从 SSMS MDX 拖动字段时得到的方法 您看到我在问题中提到的示例了吗?如果没有,这里是:***.com/questions/25786590/… @SouravA 我同意 - 我只是在和你开玩笑,因为我发现你强调使用分号 (sql) 但在屏幕打印 (mdx) 中没有.我知道有区别(cte),但只是觉得很有趣。

以上是关于ACCT3013 Financial 描述分析的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

区块链非金融领域应用报告 | Blockchain in Non-financial Sectors Report

Moo University - Financial Aid POJ 2010(枚举)

MDX 语法:Period.Financial Year.Financial Year 和 Period.Financial Year.Children 之间的区别?

POJ_2010 Moo University - Financial Aid 堆预处理

React-financial-charts 在 div 外显示 svg

Hdoj 1064 Financial Management