
Posted wumm









15Math.round(11.5)等於多少? Math.round(-11.5)等於多少?



1. if(username.equals(zxx)

2. int  x = 1;

return x==1?true:false;





作用域    当前类 同一package 子孙类 其他package

public    √     √          √       √

protected  √     √          √      ×

friendly   √     √          ×      ×

private    √     ×          ×      ×


















[ 2204阅读 ] 句子简化题 | 细节题 | 排除题 | 推理题 | 目的题 | 句子插入题 | 总结题


[ 句子简化题 ] - [ 细节题 ] - [ 排除题 ] - [ 推理题 ] - [ 目的题 ] - [ 出题规律 ] - [ 句子插入题 ] - [ 总结题 ]

[ 句子简化题 ]

句子简化题 - 题型识别 ]

Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

[ 句子简化题 - 答题方法 ]

1. 找主干  ( 主干内容相近原则 )

        ① 原句中有1个主干时,选项不包含该主干,错误

        ② 原句中有多个主干时,遵循 " 宁多勿少,宁少勿错 "

2. 找逻辑词  ( 逻辑矛盾可排除 )

        转折 和 因,转折 和 果,让步 和 因,让步 和 果

        although a, (but) b        尽管,但是

3. 找绝比概否  ( " 考点 + 内容 " 检验 )

        ① 绝对词:only,unique,rarely,just,have to / must,definitely,never ...

        ② 比较:more,the most,compare,contrast,-er,-est

        ③ 概括:all,whole,entire ...

        ④ 否定:

前缀:in- / im- / illegal / irregular,un-,mis-,anti-,dis- / de-(down),

           nonagricultural sector ...

否定单词:no,not,little,lack,replace,avoid,disregard / ignore / neglect , vanish / perish (死亡,丧生; 毁灭; 腐烂,枯萎; 老化;),hardly,seldom (不常; 很少; 难得;),scarce,difficult,problem / problematic (成问题的,有疑问的)

否定词组:too...to,no longer,rather than (而不是) / other than (除...以外),

lack of (缺乏) / void of (缺乏的),instead of (而不是…),take place of... (代替;)

[ 句子简化题 - 例题示范 ]

Animal Signals in the Rain Forest

In the green-to yellow lighting conditions of the lowest levels of the forest, yellow and green would be the brightest colors, but when an animal is signaling, these colors would not be very visible if the animal was sitting in an area with a yellowish or greenish background.


        1. 找主干

                ① 黄绿最亮

                ② 信号 看不清

        2. 找逻辑词:but

        3. 找考点:比 brightest ,否 not be very visible

When an animal is signaling in an area with green-to yellow lighting condition, it's signal will not be visible if the background is brightly lit.

        1. 文章主语是黄绿色, 选项主语是信号

        2. 文章说的是背景色,选项说的是背景光

In the lowest levels of the forest, an animal's signals are not easily seen unless there is a yellowish or greenish background.

        1. 文章主语是黄绿色, 选项主语是信号

        2. unless = if not,除非

In the green-to-yellow lighting conditions at the lowest levels of the forest, only signals that are themselves green or yellow will be bright enough to be seen in most areas.

        1. 选项中出现了绝对词only,原文没有

Although green and yellow would be the brightest colors near the forest floor, these colors would make poor signals whenever the forest background was also in the green-to-yellow range.

        1. 让步( although (虽然; 尽管;) a, [ but ] b ),but在原文中出现了

        2. 否定词 poor

[ 句子简化题 - 习题练习 ]

[ 习题 ] 句子简化题 细节题 排除题_we1less的博客-CSDN博客

[ 细节题 ] Factual Information Question 细节题 事实信息题

[ 细节题 - 题型识别 ]

 第 1 组:问原因; 没有标点符号的从后看

1. According to paragraph 6,large batches of clay writing tablets were stored because the tablets

2. Paragraph 2 suggests that Thomas Edison’s early efforts to develop a motion-picture camera failed because he could not figure out how to

        问原因 - 方式

3. According to paragraph 3, what was one cause of the economic problems in Europe of the fourteenth century?

4. According to paragraph 4, what may contribute to high mobility costs in Germany, the United Kingdom, and Japan?

5. According to paragraph 3, what is one possible explanation for why American workers change jobs more frequently than workers elsewhere do?

第 2 组:问结果

1. According to paragraph 2, researchers discovered which of the following by playing recordings of songs to chaffinches?


2. According to paragraph 2, what do students reveal about the tendency for workers to change jobs?


3. Which of the following is a probable effect of the fact mentioned in paragraph 4 that there are few available nesting locations near the Humboldt Current?


第 3 组:问结果 | 积极 / 消极

1. According to paragraph 3, what advantage do birds gain by hatching all the colony’s eggs at the same time?


2. According to paragraph 2, why did the government place restrictions on dyers?


第 4 组:EXCEPT 排除题的题干是段落的主旨

1. All of the following are mentioned in paragraph 2 as characteristic of wild chaffinches  EXCEPT :

2. Paragraph 2 claims that yellow-rumped cacique colonies defend themselves from predators in all of the following ways EXCEPT :

[ 细节题 - 答题方法 ] S  D  S  G

S 审题:审题型,问什么 [ 辅助定位答案句 ]

        1 疑问句:疑问词 [ what + 相关词汇 ,why,when,where,who,how ... ]

        2 陈述句:题干最后 [ was 补全主语,becsuse ]

D 定位:从题干找出 2+ 名词,找到原文的定位句

        [ 注:名词为主、考点为辅;名词不与文章标题重复 / 相似;不用人名 ]


       代词:定位句中出现代词 ( 指代前文内容的this ),答案句 = 定位句 + 前句

                  定位句后一句出现代词,                              答案句 = 定位句 + 后句

       并列:定位句后一句出现并列 ( at the same time / and / in addition

                                                                                        答案句 = 定位句 + 后句


S 删减: 找到原文定位句后,定位句与题干重复内容删减,保留剩余部分 [ 审题词校验定位句 ]

G 改写:剩余部分 = 选项的改写形式

[ 细节题 - 习题练习 ]


[ 排除题 ]

[ 排除题 - 题型识别 ] EXPECT / NOT

[ 排除题 - 答题方法 ] S  D  SG

S 审题: 判断题型 EXPECT / NOT,找出该题主要问的内容

D 定位: 提取4选项名词,2+


        不与文章 [ 标题 | 题干 | 其他选项 ] 重复 / 相似


SG 顺序改写: 按照原文句子顺序,分别定位(完整)选项, 选择错误的一项


[ 排除题 - 习题练习 ]


[ 推理题 ]

[ 推理题 - 题型识别 ] infer        imply        suggest        support        conclude  

[ 推理题 - 答题方法 ] S  D  SG

1. S审题  D定位  S删减  G改写  [ 题干有有效定位词 ]         细节题方式

2. S审题  D定位  S + G  顺序改写                                        排除题方式

[ 推理题 - 分类 ]


        ① unlike a, b ...


        a = not b

        ② compare, whereas, while, in contrast, however ...


        a 少 b 多 --> a < b

        a ... are limited,as most ... b



        ① 原文:after, since, later, now, recently, currently ...

        ② 题干:before, prior to , past, last, of his time


推理题规律:答案句通常为 观点句、解释句、过渡句,不是纯例子

[ 推理题 - 习题练习 ]


[ 目的题 ] 考核作者观点

[ 目的题 - 题型识别 ]


        ① 疑问句形式:[ why / what reason ] ... the author ... ?

        ② 陈述句形式:[ the author / passage ] include / offer / mention ... in order to / to suggest / to demonstrate / to emphasize / to

        in order to  为了

[ 目的题 - 分类 ]

[ 分 / 分总 ] 经常出现的情况:

        段落目的 / 段落关系

                ① what is the main purpose ... paragraph X ?

                ② how ... paragraph X related to paragraph Y ? / what ... relationship between paragraph X and paragraph Y ?

                答案句:(段落目的) 某一段的主旨句 / (段落关系) 某两段中间部分 


                ① 定位句为纯例子,答案在例子

                ② 例子与观点合二为一,答案在本句 ( 主干 + 抽象词汇 )

[ 分 / 总分 ] 特殊情况:

        标志词:总结 / 结果

        therefore / thereby / hence / so / thus / this meant that / making / giving / allowing ...

                ① 分 / 总分总:段落靠后位置

                ② 代词:this meant that

[ 目的题 - 例题示范 ]

                                TPO-16 Trade and the Ancient Middle East 
Paragraph 3

This mode of craft production favored the growth of self-governing and ideologically egalitarian craft guilds everywhere in the Middle Eastern city. These were essentially professional associations that provided for the mutual aid and protection of their members, and allowed for the maintenance of professional standards. The
growth of independent guilds was furthered by the fact that surplus was not a result of domestic craft production but resulted primarily from international trading; the government left working people to govern themselves, much as shepherds of tribal confederacies were left alone by their leaders. In the multiplicity of small-scale local egalitarian or quasi-egalitarian organizations for fellowship, worship, and production that flourished in this laissez-faire environment, individuals could interact with one another within a community of harmony and ideological equality, following their own popularly elected leaders and governing themselves by shared consensus while minimizing distinctions of wealth and power.

        guilds  n. (行业)协会;(中世纪的)行会,同业公会

        furthered  v. 促进;增进

        surplus  n. 盈余;剩余;过剩;顺差;过剩量;剩余额

        primarily  adv. 主要地;根本地

        left  leave过去式  v. 让…处于 离开(某人或某处);遗弃;丢弃

        much as  就像 = much as = like

        shepherds  n. 牧羊人;羊倌

16. The author includes the information that surplus was not a result of domestic craft production but resulted primarily from international trading in order to

○support the claim that the mode of production made possible by the craft guilds very good for trade

        the mode of production  生产方式

        trade  n. 贸易;买卖;商业;

○contrast the economic base of the city government with that of the tribal confederacies

        contrast  n. 明显的差异;对比;对照;

○provide a reason why the government allowed the guilds to be self-controlled

○suggest that the government was missing out on a valuable opportunity to tax the guilds

S:The author ... in order to 目的题



G:C 答案标红

[ 目的题 - 习题练习 ]

[ 2204阅读 ] 句子简化题 | 细节题 | 排除题 | 推理题 例题_we1less的博客-CSDN博客

[ 出题规律 ]



        1. 定位:有效定位词不与文章标题重复或相似的内容

        2. 出题点:逻辑词 + 新内容 [ 不与文章标题重复或相似的内容 ]



        Europe's Early See trade with Asia


        成分分析:中心词 (名词)  + 定语


        政治的发展切断了陆路 [ 新 ]


        Trade with ancient Middle East

        Roman Cultural Influence on Britain        [ 时间对比推理 ]

        Effects of Commercial revolution

        比较 / 对比,分类,因果,问题 / 解决方案

[ 句子插入题 ]

[ 句子插入题 - 题型识别 ]

Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.
The cheeping provides important information to the parent, but it could also attract the attention of others.
Where would the sentence best fit?

[ 句子插入题 - 笔记格式 ]

定位:题目主干 + 具体内容 -- 找到原文相似的句子 (定位句)

位置:根据...,放前 / 后

[ 句子插入题 - 题型方法 ]

定位:题目主干 + 具体内容 -- 找到原文相似的句子 (定位句)

        ① 句子主干信息 (具体)

        ② 主干为抽象内容时,选用其他成分的内容来定位


        指代关系:代词,the + 名词,指代前文内容,放在定位句后

                ① 正向考核:题干出现代词

                ② 逆向思维:原文句子出现代词

        段落结构:[ 总 分 ] 题干句子

                ① 总:句子较短,抽象概括,放在定位句前

                ② 分:句子较长,具体细节 (包含 for example),放到定位句后


                题干句子中出现 however / therefor / further / additional / at the same time / and / then / again 等逻辑词,表示题干句子与原文前句内容有密切联系,放到定位句后

[ 句子插入题 - 例题示范 ]

Begging by Nestlings
Many signals that animals make seem to impose on the signalers costs that are overly damaging. ■A classic example is noisy begging by nestling songbirds when
a parent returns to the nest with food. These loud cheeps and peeps might give the location of the nest away to a listening hawk or raccoon, resulting in the death of the defenseless nestlings. ■In fact, when tapes of begging tree swallows were played at an artificial swallow nest containing an egg, the egg in that “noisy” nest was taken or destroyed by predators before the egg in a nearby quiet nest in 29 of 37 trials. ■

3. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. 
The cheeping provides important information to
the parent, but it could also attract the attention of others.
Where would the sentence best fit?

定位:the parent -- a parent

位置:the 放后

[ 句子插入题 - 习题练习 ]

[ 2204阅读 ] 句子简化题 | 细节题 | 排除题 | 推理题 例题_we1less的博客-CSDN博客

[ 总结题 ] 

[ 总结题 - 题型识别 ]

10. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points. Drag your answer choices to the spaces where they belong to remove an answer choice, click on it. To review the passage, click VIEW TEXT
Answer Choices

[ 总结题 - 笔记格式 ]

① 对应段落

② 对应题目

[ 总结题 - 题型方法 ]

1. 审题 [ 正向做题 ] :

        ① 文章标题

        ② 题干句子:主干

2. 借题做题:借助前面题目对应原文答案的内容 [ 提炼 ]

3. 反向排除 [ minor idears 次要信息 ]

        ① 例子:时间、地点、人物、事物等。特殊 ( 不作为排除依据 ) :[ such as ]

        ② 数字:时间 (second,minute,hour,day,week,month,times,degree)

        ③ 片面信息:文章标题 / 主题包含2个以上的内容,选项只有一个

[ 总结题 - 习题练习 ]

Step1: 主题

TPO42-2 Explaining Dinosaur Extinction

Over the years, scientists have proposed a number of theories as to why dinosaurs suddenly became extinct about 65 million years ago. 12

A. Many explanations for dinosaur extinction have been proposed, but most of them are either called into question by known facts or are merely unsupported hypotheses.

        question  n. 问题;疑问;

B. Although mammals and dinosaurs appeared at about the same time in the Late Triassic, the K-T event, which marked the end of the dinosaurs, apparently had relatively little impact on mammals.

        impact  n. 影响;撞击;

C. Focusing on dinosaurs misses the point that the extinction, at about the same time, of the shelled squid-like creatures that dominated the Mesozoic seas was far more scientifically significant.

D. Any satisfactory explanation of the mass extinction of dinosaurs must take into account the fact that the disappearance of dinosaurs was part of global mass extinction.

E. Computerized climate models of global temperature fluctuations support the theory that a huge rock from space hit the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico about 65 million years ago.

F. A huge bolide striking Earth would have created conditions in which most plants 
would have died, thus
explaining the mass extinction of organisms—including 
—further up the food chain. 

TPO 10 p3 Seventeenth-Century European Economic Growth

In late sixteenth-and early seventeenth-century Europe, increased agricultural production and the expansion of trade were important in economic growth

Answer choices 

○ Bringing more land under cultivation produced enough food to create surpluses for trade and investment as well as for supporting the larger populations that led to the growth of rural industry.

○ Most rural villages established an arrangement with a nearby urban center that enabled villagers to take advantage of urban markets to sell any handicrafts they produced. 

        arrangement  n. 商定; 约定;

        urban adj. 城市的;都市的;城镇的

○ Increases in population and the expansion of trade led to increased manufacturing, much of it small-scale in character but some requiring significant capital investment. 

○ Increased capital was required for the production of goods, for storage, for trade, and for the provision of credit throughout of Europe as well as distant markets overseas. 

○ Bills of exchange were invented in medieval Italy but became less important as banks began to provide loans for merchants. 

The expansion of trade was facilitated by developments in banking and financial services and benefitted from the huge influx of capital in the form of gold silver from the Americas. 

真题 Effects of Commercial Revolution 

A. New kinds of urban centers emerged that focused on commerce and encouraged craft and occupational specializations.

B. Rulers in the last millennium began to promote the material prosperity of their people through support and improvement of commerce.

C. More established commercial centers supplied final products to newer regions in exchange for raw materials. 

D. During the first millennium B. C., new political and religious centers arose that based their power on their ability to protect their lands and people.

E. The focus on raw materials switched the balance of power from the manufacturing centers to the control of the exporters of the natural products.

F. Military occupation of neighboring lands became a major means of expanding trade into new territories.

Step2: 借题做题 [ 综合出题情况 & 主题 & 排除法 ]

TPO 10 P2 Variations in the Climate

        Climate n. 气候;气候区;倾向;思潮;风气;环境气氛

1. According to paragraph 1, which of the following must we find out in order to determine the impact of human activities upon climate? 

2. According to paragraph 2, an advantage of proxy records over instrumental records is that 

        instrumental  n. 器乐曲;工具格;工具词

4. According to paragraph 3, scientists are able to reconstruct proxy temperature records by 

6. According to paragraphs 3 and 4, proxy data have suggested all of the following about the climate EXCEPT: 

8. All of the following are mentioned in paragraph 5 as natural causes of climate change EXCEPT 

9. According to paragraph 6, which of the following is true of computer models of the global climate? 

13. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.

Indeed, the contribution of volcanoes and solar activity would more likely have been to actually reduce the rate of warming slightly.

14. A number of different and complex factors influence changes in the global climate over long periods of time. 

Answer choices 

A. In the absence of instrumental records, proxy data allow scientists to infer information about past climates.

B. Scientists see a consistent pattern in the global temperature variations that have occurred in the past. 

        pattern  n. 图案;模式;方式;范例;

C. Computer models are used to estimate how the different causes of climate variability combine to account for the climate variability that occurs. 

D. Scientists have successfully separated natural climate variation from changes related to human activities. 

        separated v. (使)分开,分离;分割;划分;

E. Scientists believe that activities outside the global climate system, such as volcanoes and solar activity may have significant effects on the system.

F. Scientists have concluded that human activity accounts for the rapid global warming in recent decades.​​​​​​​


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