Posted 徘徊的游鱼
列表是一个使用一对中括号"[ ]" 括起来的有序的集合,可以通过索引访问列表元素,也可以增加和删除元素。
#列表的定义与访问 >>> L = [\'python\', 11, True] >>> print(L) #[\'python\', 11, True] >>> L[-1] # True >>> L[0] # \'python\' >>> L[2] # True
#***************插入******************* >>> L = [\'python\', 11, True] >>> L.append(\'hello\') #append插入 >>> L # [\'python\', 11, True, \'hello\'] >>> L.insert(0,False) #指定位置插入 >>> L #[False, \'python\', 11, True, \'hello\'] >>> L.insert(10,\'world\') #插入索引区别 >>> L #[False, \'python\', 11, True, \'hello\', \'world\'] >>> L[5] #\'world\' #***************删除******************* >>> L = [\'python\', 11, True] >>> L.pop() #True #pop弹出,默认弹出最后一个 >>> L #[\'python\', 11] >>> L.pop(0) #\'python\' #pop指定位置弹出 >>> L #[11] >>> L = [\'python\', 11, True] >>> L.remove(11) #remove删除 >>> L #[\'python\', True] >>> L = ["A","B","C","D","E"] >>> del L[2] #删除一个元素 >>> L #[\'A\', \'B\', \'D\', \'E\'] >>> del L[2:] #删除一个范围内的元素 >>> L #[\'A\', \'B\'] #***************更新******************* >>> L = [\'python\', 11, True] >>> L[2] = False >>> L #[\'python\', 11, False]
#***************排序与索引***************** >>> L.sort(reverse=True) #排序 >>> L #[\'E\', \'D\', \'C\', \'B\', \'A\'] >>> L = ["A",1,"Bob"] #注意不能和数字在一起排序 >>> L.sort() Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#34>", line 1, in <module> L.sort() TypeError: unorderable types: int() < str() >>> L = ["A","1","Bob"] #转换成字符串即可 >>> L.sort() >>> L #[\'1\', \'A\', \'Bob\'] >>> L.reverse() #参考上面reverse=False >>> L #[\'Bob\', \'A\', \'1\']
#***************扩展********************** >>> M = ["1",2,"C"] >>> L.extend(M) >>> L #[\'Bob\', \'A\', \'1\', \'1\', 2, \'C\']
#***************其他用法******************* >>> L = ["A","B","C","D","E"] >>> L.index("B") #1 返回索引值 >>> L.count(\'C\') #1 统计"value"出现的次数
usage: if the first index is ‘0’ or the last one, which could be ignored; Meanwhile slice could appoint the third parameter that means intercept one element out of every N element.
L[1:3]: it means that the index is from one to three, but it doesn’t include this element which index is three.
>>> L = [\'A\',1,True,\'a\'] >>> L[1:3] #[1, True] >>> L = [\'A\',1,True,’a’] >>> L[:2] #[\'A\', 1] >>> L[:] #[\'A\', 1, True, \'a\'] >>> L = range(1,10) >>> L[2::3] #[3, 6, 9] >>> L[2:7:3] #[3, 6] >>> L = range(1,11) >>> L [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] >>> L[-5:-1] [6, 7, 8, 9] >>> L[-5:] [6, 7, 8, 9, 10] >>> L[-5::3] [6, 9]
>>> \'asdfghjkl\'[:3] \'asd\' >>> \'asdfghjkl\'[-3:] \'jkl\' >>> \'asdfghjkl\'[::2] \'adgjl\'
#**********enumerate用法:返回列表的索引以及元素值******************** f = open("file","r",encoding="utf-8") #文件句柄,输出中文时注意文件编码 count = 0 for index, line in enumerate(f): count += 1 print(count) #9 一共有多少行 print(index) #8 最后一个索引值 f.close()
# if there is one element in tuple, there should be add one ‘,’ after element. >>> t = (\'python\',11,True) >>> t[0] \'python\' >>> t = (1) #这只是一个数字,不是元组 >>> t 1 >>> t = (1,) >>> t (1,)
>>> t = (\'a\',\'b\',[\'A\',\'B\']) >>> t (\'a\', \'b\', [\'A\', \'B\']) >>> L = t[2] >>> L[0] = \'X\' >>> L[1] = \'Y‘ >>> t (\'a\', \'b\', [\'X\', \'Y\'])
The unchangeable means tuple appointed should not be changed. Example, if appointed to a, it shouldn’t change to b.
# \\n : Enter \\t: tab \\\\: \\ \\\': \'
raw string: 可以不使用"\\"来转义, 禁止转义。
print(r\'\\(~_~)/(~_~)/\') #\\(~_~)/(~_~)/
print(\'\'\'"To be, or not to be\\": that is the question. Whether it\\\'s nobler in the mind to suffer.\'\'\')
S.lower() | 小写 |
S.upper() | 大写 |
S.swapcase() | 大小写互换 |
S.capitalize() | 首字母大写 |
S.title() | 只有首字母大写,其余为小写 |
S.ljust(width,"fillchar") | 输出width个字符,S左对齐,不足部分用fillchar填充,默认的为空格 |
S.rjust(width,"fillchar") | 右对齐 |, "fillchar") | |
S.zfill(width) | 把S变成width长,并在右对齐,不足部分用0补足,左边补0 |
S.find(substr, [start, [end]]) | 返回S中出现substr的第一个字母的标号,如果S中没有substr则返回-1。start和end作用就相当于在S[start:end]中搜索 |
S.index(substr, [start, [end]]) | 与find()相同,只是在S中没有substr时,会返回一个运行时错误 |
S.rfind(substr, [start, [end]]) | 返回S中最后出现的substr的第一个字母的标号,如果S中没有substr则返回-1,也就是说从右边算起的第一次出现的substr的首字母标号 |
S.rindex(substr, [start, [end]]) | 计算substr在S中出现的次数 |
S.replace(oldstr, newstr, [count]) | 把S中的oldstar替换为newstr,count为替换次数。这是替换的通用形式,还有一些函数进行特殊字符的替换 |
S.strip([chars]) | 把S中前后chars中有的字符全部去掉,可以理解为把S前后chars替换为None |
S.rstrip([chars]) | |
S.lstrip([chars]) | |
S.expandtabs([tabsize]) | 把S中的tab字符替换没空格,每个tab替换为tabsize个空格,默认是8个 |
S.split([sep, [maxsplit]]) | 以sep为分隔符,把S分成一个list。maxsplit表示分割的次数。默认的分割符为空白字符 |
S.rsplit([sep, [maxsplit]]) | |
S.splitlines([keepends]) | 把S按照行分割符分为一个list,keepends是一个bool值,如果为真每行后而会保留行分割符。 |
S.join(seq) | 把seq代表的序列(字符串序列),用S连接起来 |
S.encode([encoding,[errors]]) | 编码 |
S.decode([encoding,[errors]]) | 译码 |
S.startwith(prefix[,start[,end]]) | 是否以prefix开头 |
S.endwith(suffix[,start[,end]]) | 以suffix结尾 |
S.isalnum() | 是否全是字母和数字,并至少有一个字符 |
S.isalpha() | 是否全是字母,并至少有一个字符 |
S.isdigit() | 是否全是数字,并至少有一个字符,如果是全数字返回True,否则返回False. |
S.isspace() | 是否全是空白字符,并至少有一个字符 |
S.islower() | S中的字母是否全是小写 |
S.isupper() | S中的字母是否便是大写 |
S.istitle() | S是否是首字母大写的 |
trantab = str.maketrans(intab, outtab) | 制表 |
S.translate(trantab) | 翻译,和上面的结合使用 |
poem = "gently I go as quietly as I came here" print(poem.capitalize()) #首字母大写 # Gently i go as quietly as i came here print(poem.lower()) #所有字母变成小写 # gently i go as quietly as i came here print(poem.upper()) #GENTLY I GO AS QUIETLY AS I CAME HERE print(poem.swapcase()) # GENTLY i GO AS QUIETLY AS i CAME HERE print(poem.casefold()) #大写全部变小写 #gently i go as quietly as i came here print(,"-")) #输出80个字符,不足80个以“-”在字符串前后补充,字符串居中 #---------------------gently I go as quietly as I came here---------------------- print(poem.ljust(80,"*")) #打印80个字符,字符串在前,不足80的部分用"*"补充 # gently I go as quietly as I came here******************************************* print(poem.rjust(80,"-")) #-------------------------------------------gently I go as quietly as I came here print(poem.zfill(80)) #把字符串变成80个字符宽度,不足80的用0补足 #0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000gently I go as quietly as I came here print(poem.count("e")) #统计 e 出现次数 # 5 print(poem.find("e")) #返回字符串中第一次出现“e”的标号,如果没有则返回-1; # 1 也可以poem.find("e",[start, [end]])设置返回,相当于 poem[start:end] print(poem.rfind("e")) #返回poem中最后一次出现"e"的标号,如果没有则返回-1, #36 print(poem.rindex("e")) #同rfind() #36 print(poem.replace("e","E",2)) #replace(oldstr, newstr, [count]) , 替换 #gEntly I go as quiEtly as I came here print("\\n\\tPython\\t is\\n".strip()) #把前后的空格,换行制表等字符去掉 print("\\n\\tPython\\t is\\n".lstrip()) print("\\n\\tPython\\t is\\n".rstrip()) print("\\n\\tPython\\t is".rstrip("s")) #也可以指定字符去掉 \'\'\' Python is Python is Python is Python i \'\'\' print(poem.encode()) #将字符串编码成bytes格式,解码为poem1.decode() # b\'gently I go as quietly as I came here\' print(poem.endswith("re")) #判断字符串是否以 re结尾 # True print("Python is a programming \\tlanguage".expandtabs(10)) #将\\t转换成10个空格,默认是8个 # Python is a programming language print(poem.find(\'e\')) #查找e,返回第一次找到\'e\'的索引;如果找不到,返回-1 # 1 #------------------------format格式化输出-------------------------- msg = "{} is a programming language, using {}" print(msg.format("Python",3)) # Python is a programming language, using 3 msg = "{1} is a programming language, using {0}" print(msg.format("Python",3)) # 3 is a programming language, using Python msg = "{name} is a programming language, using {version}" print(msg.format(version=3,name="Python")) #Python is a programming language, using 3 print(msg.format_map({ \'name\':\'Python\',\'version\':3})) #Python is a programming language, using 3 print(poem.index(\'h\')) #返回字符串中第一个字符\'h\'的索引,如果没有会出现错误 # 33 print(\'90Ads\'.isalnum()) #字符串是否只包含字母或者数字,其他字符会返回False #True print(\'9\'.isdigit()) #字符串是否是只包含数字,如果包括其他字符,小数点,字母则返回False #True print(\'111\'.isnumeric()) #字符串是否只包含数字或者字符串数字 # True print(poem.isprintable()) #是否可打印 print(\' \'.isspace()) #是否为空格,含有其他字符返回False print(poem.istitle()) #是否为title,即每个单词的首字母是否为大写 print(\'AA133.\'.isupper()) #字符串中字母是否全部为大写,可以包括数字,其他字符等,不能包括小写字母 #True print(poem.split()) #把poem分割成一个list,也可以指定分割符合分割次数,如下,默认分割符为空白符 #[\'gently\', \'I\', \'go\', \'as\', \'quietly\', \'as\', \'I\', \'came\', \'here\'] print(poem.rsplit(" ",2)) #自右向左分割 # [\'gently I go as quietly as I\', \'came\', \'here\'] print("""111111111111 222222222222 3333333333""".splitlines(True)) #按照行分割符分割成一个list,如果为真,每行后会保留分割符 #[\'111111111111\\n\', \'222222222222\\n\', \'3333333333\'] print("-".join(["python","is","a"])) #把["python","is","a"]序列,一个字符一个字符的用“-”串起来 #python-is-a intab = "aeiou" #This is the string having actual characters. outtab = "12345" #This is the string having corresponding mapping character trantab = str.maketrans(intab, outtab) print(poem.translate(trantab)) #g2ntly I g4 1s q532tly 1s I c1m2 h2r2 print("as d".isidentifier()) #检测一段字符串可否被当作标志符,即是否符合变量命名规则 #False print(poem.partition("e")) #如果字符串包含指定的分隔符,则返回一个3元的元组,第一个为分隔符左边的子串,第二个为分隔符本身,第三个为分隔符右边的子串。 #(\'g\', \'e\', \'ntly I go as quietly as I came here\')
可以通过if判断key是否在字典中: if key in dict:
info = { "stu1" : "Jack", "stu2" : "Bob", "stu3" : "Adam" } print(info) # {\'stu1\': \'Jack\', \'stu2\': \'Bob\', \'stu3\': \'Adam\'} #无序的,每次打印顺序会变动 #****************查找 **************************** print(info["stu1"]) #不建议使用这种方式查找,如果所查元素不存在,会出错,Key error print(info.get("stu1")) #查找,如果不存在返回None,安全获取 print("stu2" in info) #如果存在则返回True,判断是否存在;相当于python2.x中的info.has_key(\'stu2\') #True #****************修改 ************************* info["stu3"] = "Mary" #如果存在,则是修改 print(info) #{\'stu2\': \'Bob\', \'stu1\': \'Jack\', \'stu3\': \'Mary\'} #***************创建 ************************* info["stu4"] = "Kerry" #如果不存在,则是创建 print(info) #{\'stu2\': \'Bob\', \'stu1\': \'Jack\', \'stu3\': \'Mary\', \'stu4\': \'Kerry\'} #**************删除 ************************** del info["stu1"] # 删除 del print(info) #{\'stu2\': \'Bob\', \'stu3\': \'Mary\', \'stu4\': \'Kerry\'} info.pop("stu2") #删除 pop(), 建议使用 print(info) #{\'stu3\': \'Mary\', \'stu4\': \'Kerry\'} info.popitem() #删除 popitem(), 随机删除,不建议使用 print(info) #{\'stu3\': \'Mary\'}
#***************多级字典嵌套****************** Earth = { "Asia":{ "China" : ["Beijign","Shanghai"], "Japan" : ["Tokyo","Osaka"] }, "Europe":{ "France" : ["Paris","Lyons"], "England":"London" }, "North America":{ "America":["Washington","New York"], "Canada" :"Ottawa" } } print(Earth["Asia"]["China"]) #[\'Beijign\', \'Shanghai\'] Earth["Asia"]["India"] = "New Delhi" print(Earth["Asia"]) #{\'China\': [\'Beijign\', \'Shanghai\'], \'India\': \'New Delhi\', \'Japan\': [\'Tokyo\', \'Osaka\']}
#***************************字典的循环*********************************** info = { "stu1" : "Jack", "stu2" : "Bob", "stu3" : "Adam" } for i in info: #比下面循环高效,通过键值来查找 print(i,info[i]) # stu3 Adam # stu1 Jack # stu2 Bob for k,v in info.items(): print(k,v)
#******************* 字典其他用法*************************** info = { "stu1" : "Jack", "stu2" : "Bob", "stu3" : "Adam" } b = { "stu8" : "A", "stu1" : "B" } #******************* values() ******************* print(list(info.values())) #以列表返回字典中的所有值 #[\'Adam\', \'Jack\', \'Bob\'] #******************* keys() ******************* print(list(info.keys())) #以列表返回字典中的key #[\'stu1\', \'stu3\', \'stu2\'] #******************* setdefault() ******************* info.setdefault("stu4","Mary") #如果键不存在于字典中,将会添加键并将值设为默认值 print(info) #{\'stu3\': \'Adam\', \'stu2\': \'Bob\', \'stu4\': \'Mary\', \'stu1\': \'Jack\'}
info.setdefault("stu1","Kelly") #如果字典中包含有给定键,则返回该键对应的值,否则返回为该键设置的值 print(info.setdefault("stu1以上是关于Python修炼之路-数据类型的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章