Posted litzhiai
额度 15000或自定义 实现购物商城,买东西加入 购物车,调用信用卡接口结账 可以提现,手续费5% 支持多账户登录 支持账户间转账 记录每月日常消费流水 提供还款接口 ATM记录操作日志 提供管理接口,包括添加账户、用户额度,冻结账户等。。。 用户认证用装饰器
【1】购物商城 【2】用户中心 【3】信用卡中心 【4】后台管理 【5】登录系统 【6】退出
【1】修改密码 【2】额度查询 【3】消费记录 【4】返回
【1】额度查询 【2】提现 【3】转账 【4】还款 【5】返回
【1】创建用户 【2】冻结信用卡 【3】解冻用户
【4】额度调整 【5】退出后台管理
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- 3 # @Time : 2017/10/19 22:18 4 # @Author : lichuan 5 # @File : 6 7 from config import template 8 import time 9 from datetime import datetime 10 from module import common 11 import pickle 12 from log import my_log_settings 13 import logging 14 from module.users import Users 15 import os,sys 16 17 18 #加在日志配置模块 19 my_log_settings.load_my_logging_cfg() 20 #访问日志logger,path=log/access.log 21 acess_logger=logging.getLogger(__name__) 22 #消费日志logger,path=log/shop.log 23 shop_logger=logging.getLogger(\'shop\') 24 25 #用户认证函数 26 # @wraps 27 def auth(func): 28 \'\'\' 29 用户是否已经登录的认证装饰器 30 :param func: 31 :return: 32 \'\'\' 33 def warpper(*args,**kwargs): 34 import pickle 35 # userinfo=pickle.loads(open(\'.json\',\'rb\').read())\\ 36 userinfos = load_user() 37 if len(userinfos)!=0: 38 func(*args,**kwargs) 39 else: 40 login() 41 userinfos = load_user() 42 if len(userinfos)!=0: 43 func(*args,**kwargs) 44 return warpper 45 46 @auth 47 def shop_center(): 48 \'\'\' 49 购物商城界面选择 50 :return: 51 \'\'\' 52 shop={\'apple手机\':7000,\'魅族手机\':2000,\'小米手机\':2500,\'华为手机\':4000,\'小米笔记本\':4000} 53 shop_list=[\'apple手机\',\'魅族手机\',\'小米手机\',\'华为手机\',\'小米笔记本\'] 54 salary=15000 55 userinfo=load_user() 56 # print(userinfo) 57 buy_list={} 58 salary=int(userinfo[\'salary\']) 59 shop_flag=True 60 while shop_flag: 61 print(template.shopping_index_menu) 62 choice=input(\'请选择:\').strip() 63 if not choice.isdigit() or int(choice) not in range(1,7): 64 print(\'输入错误,请重试!\') 65 continue 66 if int(choice) == 6: 67 Users[userinfo[\'name\']]=userinfo 68 dump_user(userinfo) 69 print(\'退出购物商城,再见!\') 70 break 71 else: 72 key=shop_list[int(choice)-1] 73 money=shop[key] 74 if money > salary: 75 print(\'剩余额度不够,请选择别的商品!\') 76 continue 77 else: 78 salary=salary-money 79 username=userinfo[\'name\'] 80\'[%s]购买%s,花费%d元!\' % (username,key,money)) 81 print(\'%s,价值%d元,已购买!\' % (key,money)) 82 print(\'剩余额度:%d元\' % salary) 83 #更新信息到Users配置文件 84 userinfo[\'salary\']=salary 85 if key in buy_list: 86 buy_list[key]+=1 87 else: 88 buy_list[key] = 1 89 userinfo[\'buy_list\']=buy_list 90 Users[userinfo[\'name\']] = userinfo 91 common.update_users(Users) 92 93 #从文件加载登录用户的信息 94 def load_user(): 95 \'\'\' 96 从文件加载登录用户的信息 97 :return: userinfo信息 98 \'\'\' 99 try: 100 with open(\'.pkl\', \'rb\') as read_f: 101 userinfo = {} 102 userinfo = pickle.loads( 103 # print(userinfo) 104 except (FileNotFoundError,EOFError): 105 pass 106 return userinfo 107 108 #将登录用户信息重新写入.pkl 109 def dump_user(users): 110 \'\'\' 111 将users信息重新写入.pkl文件进行保存。 112 :param users:users信息是个字典 113 :return: 114 \'\'\' 115 with open(\'.pkl\', \'w\'): 116 pass 117 with open(\'.pkl\', \'wb\') as read_f: 118 p = pickle.dumps(users) 119 read_f.write(p) 120 121 #用户登录函数 122 def login(): 123 \'\'\' 124 用户登录函数,对用户名密码进行校验,用户密码采用加密模块hashlib进行加盐加密 125 :return: 126 \'\'\' 127 err_count=0 128 login_flag=True 129 while login_flag: 130 username=input(\'please input your username: \').strip() 131 password=input(\'please input your password: \').strip() 132 if username in Users: 133 if Users[username][\'password\'] == common.encrypt(password) and Users[username][\'islocked\'] == 0: 134 userinfo=Users[username] 135 err_count = 0 136 with open(\'.pkl\',\'wb\') as write_f: 137 p=pickle.dumps(userinfo) 138 write_f.write(p) 139\' login success!\') 140 print(str(username)+\' login success!\') 141 login_flag=False 142 elif Users[username][\'islocked\'] != 0: 143 print(\'user is locked ! cannot login!\') 144 err_count = 0 145 login_flag=False 146 break 147 else: 148 print(\'name or password is wrong!!!\') 149\' login Falied ,password is wrong\') 150 err_count+=1 151 #错误登录3次以上,锁定用户 152 if err_count >= 3: 153 Users[username][\'islocked\']=1 154\' user locked!\') 155 print(str(username)+\' user locked!\') 156 common.update_users(Users) 157 break 158 else: 159 print(\'name or password is wrong!\') 160 # err_count+=1 161 162 @auth 163 def user_center(today,weekday): 164 \'\'\' 165 用户登录后进入的用户个人中心界面 166 :param name:用户名称 167 :param today: 168 :param weekday:星期几 169 :return: 170 \'\'\' 171 center_flag=True 172 userinfo=load_user() 173 name=userinfo[\'name\'] 174 while center_flag: 175 print(template.index_user_center.format(name,today,weekday)) 176 choice=input(\'please input your choice:\').strip() 177 if not choice.isdigit() or int(choice) not in range(1,5): 178 print(\'input wrong,please try again!\') 179 continue 180 if int(choice) == 4: 181 print(\'用户中心和您再见!\') 182 center_flag=False 183 break 184 elif int(choice) == 1: 185 common.modify_passwd(userinfo) 186 elif int(choice) == 2: 187 query_salary() 188 elif int(choice) == 3: 189 buylist=common.buy_list(userinfo[\'name\']) 190 for b in buylist: 191 print(b,end=\'\') 192 193 #额度查询函数,显示信用卡基本信息 194 def query_salary(): 195 status_all=[\'正常\',\'被锁定\'] 196 userinfo=load_user() 197 salary=userinfo[\'salary\'] 198 total_salary=userinfo[\'total_salary\'] 199 cardno=userinfo[\'bindcard\'] 200 name=userinfo[\'name\'] 201 status=status_all[0] if userinfo[\'islocked\'] ==0 else status_all[1] 202 print(template.card_info.format(cardno,name,total_salary,salary,status)) 203 # print(template.card_info.format(str(cardno),name,str(total_salary),str(salary),status)) 204 205 #转账函数 206 def forward_cash(): 207 userinfo = load_user() 208 salary = userinfo[\'salary\'] 209 u_card_no = userinfo[\'bindcard\'] 210 card_list=[] 211 print(\'您现在剩余的可用额度为:%d\' %salary) 212 card_no=input(\'请输入对方的卡号:\').strip() 213 money=input(\'请输入转账的金额:\').strip() 214 if not money.isdigit(): 215 print(\'金额输入有误!\') 216 return 217 for k in Users: 218 if Users[k][\'bindcard\'] != u_card_no: 219 card_list.append(Users[k][\'bindcard\']) 220 if card_no not in card_list: 221 print(\'卡号有误\') 222 return 223 if int(money) > salary: 224 print(\'转账金额超出你的信用额度!\') 225 return 226 #减去自己的额度 227 salary=salary-int(money) 228 userinfo[\'salary\']=salary 229 dump_user(userinfo) 230 Users[userinfo[\'name\']][\'salary\']=salary 231 #增加别人的额度 232 for k in Users: 233 if card_no == Users[k][\'bindcard\']: 234 Users[k][\'salary\']+=int(money) 235 common.update_users(Users) 236 print(\'[%s]转账%d元给%s,手续费%d元\' % (userinfo[\'name\'],int(money),card_no)) 237\'[%s]转账%d元给%s\' % (userinfo[\'name\'],int(money),card_no)) 238 239 #提现函数 240 def draw_cash(): 241 cash=input(\'请输入提现金额:\').strip() 242 if not cash.isdigit() or int(cash) < 0: 243 print(\'金额输入错误!\') 244 return 245 userinfo=load_user() 246 salary=userinfo[\'salary\'] 247 if int(cash) > salary: 248 print(\'你的额度是%s,额度不够!\' % salary) 249 return 250 else: 251 salary = salary - int(cash)*1.05 252 userinfo[\'salary\']=salary 253 dump_user(userinfo) 254 Users[userinfo[\'name\']][\'salary\'] = salary 255 common.update_users(Users) 256 query_salary() 257\'[%s]取现%d元,手续费%d元!\' % (userinfo[\'name\'],int(cash),int(cash)*0.05)) 258 print(\'[%s]取现%d元,手续费%d元!\' % (userinfo[\'name\'],int(cash),int(cash)*0.05)) 259 260 #信用卡还款 261 def repay_salary(): 262 repay_money=input(\'请输入还款金额:\').strip() 263 if not repay_money.isdigit(): 264 print(\'金额有误!\') 265 return 266 else: 267 repay_money=int(repay_money) 268 userinfo = load_user() 269 userinfo[\'salary\'] = userinfo[\'salary\']+repay_money 270 dump_user(userinfo) 271 Users[userinfo[\'name\']]=userinfo 272 common.update_users(Users) 273 query_salary() 274\'[%s]还款%d元\' % (userinfo[\'name\'], repay_money)) 275 print(\'[%s]还款%d元\' % (userinfo[\'name\'], repay_money)) 276 277 #信用卡中心程序 278 @auth 279 def card_center(): 280 \'\'\' 281 信用卡中心程序 282 :return: 283 \'\'\' 284 func={ 285 \'1\': query_salary, 286 \'2\': draw_cash, 287 \'3\': forward_cash, 288 \'4\': repay_salary, 289 } 290 card_flag=True 291 while card_flag: 292 #初始化打印信息 293 userinfo=load_user() 294 user_name=userinfo[\'name\'] 295 card_no=userinfo[\'bindcard\'] 296 print(template.index_card_center.format(user_name,card_no)) 297 choice=input(\'请选择:\').strip() 298 if not choice.isdigit() or int(choice) not in range(1,6): 299 print(\'输入错误,请重试!\') 300 continue 301 if int(choice) == 5: 302 print(\'信用卡中心和您再见!\') 303 break 304 else: 305 func[choice]() 306 307 308 #后台管理程序 309 @auth 310 def manager(): 311 func={ 312 \'1\':common.create_card, 313 \'2\':common.lock_card, 314 \'3\':common.unlock_card, 315 \'4\':common.modify_salary, 316 } 317 userinfo=load_user() 318以上是关于Python写的ATM程序的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章