global proc SplitFace(int $SplitEdgeANum , int $SplitEdgeAVal , int $SplitEdgeBNum, int $SplitEdgeBVal, string $MergedFaceVtxs[])
polySplit -ep $SplitEdgeANum $SplitEdgeAVal -ep $SplitEdgeBNum $SplitEdgeBVal;
print ("Splitted edges " + $SplitEdgeANum + " and " + $SplitEdgeBNum);
print "\n";
string $newFaces[] = `polyListComponentConversion -fv -tf -in $MergedFaceVtxs`;
select $newFaces;
global proc spinFaces()
//storing the starting components
string $selFaces[] = `ls -sl -fl`;
//checking for erros
string $TypeCheck = whatComponent($selFaces[0]);
if ($TypeCheck != "f")
error "You must select at least and max 2 quads !!";
if (($selFaces[0] == "")||($selFaces[2]!= "")||(size($selFaces)<2))
error "You must select at least and max 2 quads !!";
// go on...
string $SharedEdge[] = unfilterComponents(`polyListComponentConversion -ff -te -in $selFaces`);
string $SharedEdgeVtxs[] = unfilterComponents(`polyListComponentConversion -fe -tv $SharedEdge`);
string $selFacesVtxs[] = unfilterComponents(`polyListComponentConversion -ff -tv $selFaces`);
//deleting SharedEdge
polyDelEdge $SharedEdge[0];
//storin resultant face
string $MergedFace[] = unfilterComponents(`polyListComponentConversion -fv -tf -in $selFacesVtxs`);
//getting the vertices of MergedFace counter-clockwise
string $MergedFaceVtxFaces[] = unfilterComponents(`polyListComponentConversion -ff -tvf $MergedFace`);
int $i=0;
string $MergedFaceVtxs[];
for ($i=0; $i<size($MergedFaceVtxFaces); $i++)
string $currentVtx[] = `polyListComponentConversion -fvf -tv $MergedFaceVtxFaces[$i]`;
$MergedFaceVtxs[$i] = $currentVtx[0];
//finding next vertex in line with the first vertex of SharedEdge
int $nextVtxAindex = matchItem($SharedEdgeVtxs[0],$MergedFaceVtxs);
string $nextVtxsA;
if ($nextVtxAindex+1<size($MergedFaceVtxs))
$nextVtxA = $MergedFaceVtxs[$nextVtxAindex+1];
$nextVtxA = $MergedFaceVtxs[0];
//finding next vertex in line with the first vertex of SharedEdge
int $nextVtxBindex = matchItem($SharedEdgeVtxs[1],$MergedFaceVtxs);
string $nextVtxsB;
if ($nextVtxBindex+1<size($MergedFaceVtxs))
$nextVtxB = $MergedFaceVtxs[$nextVtxBindex+1];
$nextVtxB = $MergedFaceVtxs[0];
//getting SplitEdgeA and relative num from vertices
string $SplitEdgeA[] = `polyListComponentConversion -fv -te -in $SharedEdgeVtxs[0] $nextVtxA`;
int $SplitEdgeANum = convert2Num($SplitEdgeA[0]);
//getting SplitEdgeB and relative num from vertices
string $SplitEdgeB[] = `polyListComponentConversion -fv -te -in $SharedEdgeVtxs[1] $nextVtxB`;
int $SplitEdgeBNum = convert2Num($SplitEdgeB[0]);
//getting the SplitEdgeAVal
string $infoVtxs[] = polyInfo("-ev", $SplitEdgeA);
string $infoVtxsToked[];
tokenize($infoVtxs[0], " ", $infoVtxsToked);
string $infoVtxsCheck[];
$infoVtxsCheck[0] = $infoVtxsToked[2];
$infoVtxsCheck[1] = $infoVtxsToked[3];
int $SplitEdgeAVal = matchItem(convert2Num($nextVtxA),$infoVtxsCheck);
//getting the SplitEdgeBVal
string $infoVtxs[] = polyInfo("-ev", $SplitEdgeB);
string $infoVtxsToked[];
tokenize($infoVtxs[0], " ", $infoVtxsToked);
string $infoVtxsCheck[];
$infoVtxsCheck[0] = $infoVtxsToked[2];
$infoVtxsCheck[1] = $infoVtxsToked[3];
int $SplitEdgeBVal = matchItem(convert2Num($nextVtxB),$infoVtxsCheck);
SplitFace($SplitEdgeANum, $SplitEdgeAVal,$SplitEdgeBNum,$SplitEdgeBVal,$MergedFaceVtxs);
//variouse procedures to have easier life...
//match an item into a string and gives the index value (it is supposed that the match, if exists,
//happen only once
global proc int matchItem (string $what , string $where[])
int $i=0;
for ($i=0; $i<size($where); $i++)
if ($what == $where[$i])
return $i;
return -1;
//get the component number
global proc int convert2Num(string $what)
string $Num[];
tokenize($what, "[]", $Num);
return int($Num[1]);
//global proc int convert2Num (string $what)
//string $Num[];
//$Num[0] = `match "[0-9]+" $what`;
//return int($Num[0]);
// checking components type
global proc string whatComponent (string $whatisthis)
string $thisis[];
tokenize($whatisthis, ".[", $thisis);
return $thisis[1];
//get the fully unfiltered components (this works only for vtxs, edges, faces, faceVtxs
global proc string[] unfilterComponents (string $filtered[])
int $mask;
if (whatComponent($filtered[0])=="vtx")
else if (whatComponent($filtered[0])=="e")
else if (whatComponent($filtered[0])=="f")
else if (whatComponent($filtered[0])=="vtxFace")
string $unfiltered[] = `filterExpand -sm $mask $filtered`;
return $unfiltered;
选择两个相临面,试着在脚本编辑器里运行这些代码就知道了本回答被提问者采纳 参考技术B 这是个插件 或者是个mel是他另外下载 shelf里没有这样的东西