Python基础教程之第5章 条件, 循环和其它语句



篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了Python基础教程之第5章 条件, 循环和其它语句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

Python 2.7.5 (default, May 15 2013, 22:43:36) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
#Chapter 5 条件, 循环和其它语句
#5.1 print和import的很多其它信息
#对于非常多应用程序来说, 使用logging模块记日志比print语句更合适
#5.1.1 使用逗号输出
#能够看到, 每隔參数之间都自己主动插入了一个空格符
>>> print ‘Age:‘,42
Age: 42
>>> 1,2,3
(1, 2, 3)
>>> print 1,2,3
1 2 3
>>> print (1,2,3)
(1, 2, 3)
>>> name=‘Gumby‘
>>> salution=‘Mr.‘
>>> greeting=‘Hello,‘
>>> print greeting, salution, name
Hello, Mr. Gumby
>>> greeting=‘Hello‘
>>> print greeting, ‘,‘, salution, name
Hello , Mr. Gumby
>>> print greeting + ‘,‘, salution, name
Hello, Mr. Gumby
print ‘Hello,‘,
print ‘world!‘
#输出Hello, world!
#5.1.2 import语句
#import somemodule
#from somemodule import somefunction
#from somemodule import somefunction, anotherfunction, yetanotherfunction
#from somemodule import *
>>> import math as foobar
>>> foobar.sqrt(4)
>>> from math import sqrt as foobar
>>> foobar(4)
#from module1 import open as open1
#from module2 import open as open2
#5.2 赋值魔法
#5.2.1 序列解包(sequence unpacking)
>>> x, y, z = 1, 2, 3
>>> print x, y, z
1 2 3
>>> x, y = y, x
>>> print x, y, z
2 1 3
>>> values = 1,2,3
>>> values
(1, 2, 3)
>>> x,y,z=values
>>> x
>>> y
>>> z
>>> scoundrel={‘name‘:‘Robin‘, ‘girlfriend‘:‘Marion‘}
>>> key, value = scoundrel.popitem()
>>> key
>>> value
>>> x,y,z = 1,2

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#31>", line 1, in <module>
    x,y,z = 1,2
ValueError: need more than 2 values to unpack
>>> x,y,z=1,2,3,4

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#32>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: too many values to unpack
#Python 3.0 中有另外一个解包的特性
#5.2.2 链式赋值

#5.2.3 增量赋值(augmented assignment)
>>> x=2
>>> x += 1
>>> x *= 2
>>> x
>>> fnord = ‘foo‘
>>> fnord += ‘bar‘
>>> fnord *= 2
>>> fnord
#语句块: 缩排的乐趣
#5.4 条件和条件语句
# False None 0 "" ‘‘ () [] {} 会被解释器看做假
>>> True
>>> False
>>> True == 1
>>> False == 0
>>> True + False + 42
#bool函数能够用来(和list, str以及tuple相似)转换其它值
>>> bool(‘I think, therefore I am‘)
>>> bool(42)
>>> bool(‘‘)
>>> bool(0)
>>> bool([])
>>> bool(())
>>> bool({})
#5.4.2 条件运行和if语句
>>> name = raw_input(‘What is your name?

‘) What is your name? Gumby >>> if name.endswith(‘Gumby‘): ... print ‘Hello, Mr. Gumby‘ ... Hello, Mr. Gumby #5.4.3 else子句 >>> name = raw_input(‘What is your name? ‘) What is your name?

Jon >>> if name.endswith(‘Gumby‘): ... print ‘Hello, Mr. Gumby‘ ... else: ... print ‘Hello, stranger‘ ... Hello, stranger #5.4.4 elif子句 >>> num = input(‘Enter a number: ‘) Enter a number: 0 >>> if num > 0: ... print ‘The number is positive‘ ... elif num < 0: ... print ‘The number is negative‘ ... else: ... print ‘The number is zero‘ ... The number is zero #5.4.5 嵌套代码块 >>> name = raw_input(‘What is your name? ‘) What is your name? Mrs. Gumby >>> if name.endswith(‘Gumby‘): ... if name.startswith(‘Mr.‘): ... print ‘Hello, Mr. Gumby‘ ... elif name.startswith(‘Mrs.‘): ... print ‘Hello, Mrs. Gumby‘ ... else: ... print ‘Hello, Gumby‘ ... else: ... print ‘Hello, stranger‘ ... Hello, Mrs. Gumby #链式比較运算 #比較对象的时候能够使用内建的cmp函数 >>> age=10 >>> 0<age<100 True >>> age=-1 >>> 0<age<100 False #相等运算符 >>> "foo" == "foo" True >>> "foo" == "bar" False >>> "foo" = "foo" File "<stdin>", line 1 SyntaxError: can‘t assign to literal #同一性运算符 #避免将is运算符用于比較相似数值和字符串这类不可变值. >>> x=y=[1,2,3] >>> z=[1,2,3] >>> x == y True >>> x == z True >>> x is y True >>> x is z False >>> >>> x is z False >>> x = [1,2,3] >>> y = [2,4] >>> x is not y True >>> del x[2] >>> y[1]=1 >>> y.reverse() >>> x == y True >>> x is y False #in: 成员资格运算符 >>> name = raw_input(‘What is your name? ‘) What is your name?

Jonathan >>> if ‘s‘ in name: ... print ‘Your name contains the letter "s".‘ ... else: ... print ‘Your name does not contain the letter "s".‘ ... Your name does not contain the letter "s". >>> "alpha" < "beta" True >>> ‘FnOrd‘.lower() == ‘Fnord‘.lower() True >>> [1,2] < [2,1] True >>> [2,[1,4]]<[2,[1,5]] True #布尔运算符 >>> number = input(‘Enter a number between 1 and 10: ‘) Enter a number between 1 and 10: 8 >>> if number <= 10: ... if number >=1: ... print ‘Great!‘ ... else: ... print ‘Wrong!‘ ... else: ... print ‘Wrong!‘ ... Great! >>> number = input(‘Enter a number between 1 and 10: ‘) Enter a number between 1 and 10: 6 >>> if number <= 10 and number >= 1: ... print ‘Great!‘ ... else: ... print ‘Wrong!‘ ... Great! >>> number = input(‘Enter a number between 1 and 10: ‘) Enter a number between 1 and 10: 11 >>> if 1 <= number <= 10: ... print ‘Great!‘ ... else: ... print ‘Wrong!‘ ... Wrong! >>> name = raw_input(‘Please enter your name: ‘) or ‘<unknown>‘ Please enter your name: >>> name ‘<unknown>‘ #短路逻辑和条件表达式 #相似C和Java中的三元运算符 >>> name = ‘Jon‘if True else ‘Jack‘ >>> name ‘Jon‘ >>> name = ‘Jon‘if False else ‘Jack‘ >>> name ‘Jack‘ #5.4.7 断言 >>> age = 10 >>> assert 0 < age < 100 >>> age = -1 >>> assert 0 < age < 100 Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> AssertionError #条件后能够加入逗号和字符串,用来解释断言 >>> age = -1 >>> assert 0 < age < 100, ‘The age must be realistic‘ Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> AssertionError: The age must be realistic #5.5 循环 #5.5.1 while循环 >>> x=1 >>> while x <= 100: ... print x ... x +=1 ... 1 2 3 ... 100 >>> x 101 >>> name = ‘‘ >>> while not name: ... name = raw_input(‘Please enter your name: ‘) ... Please enter your name: Please enter your name: Please enter your name: Jon >>> print ‘Hello, %s!‘ % name Hello, Jon! >>> name = ‘‘ >>> while not name or name.isspace(): ... name = raw_input(‘Please enter your name: ‘) ... Please enter your name: Please enter your name: Please enter your name: Chan >>> print ‘Hello, %s!‘ % name Hello, Chan! >>> while not name.strip(): ... name = raw_input(‘Please enter your name: ‘) ... >>> name = ‘‘ >>> while not name.strip(): ... name = raw_input(‘Please enter your name: ‘) ... Please enter your name: Please enter your name: Please enter your name: Kingston >>> print ‘Hello, %s!‘ % name Hello, Kingston! #5.5.2 for循环 >>> words=[‘this‘, ‘is‘, ‘an‘, ‘ex‘, ‘parrot‘] >>> for word in words: ... print word ... this is an ex parrot >>> numbers = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] >>> for number in numbers: ... print number ... 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 >>> range(10) [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] #假设能使用for循环,就尽量不用while循环 #当须要迭代一个巨大的序列时,xrange会比range更高效 >>> for number in range(1,5): ... print number ... 1 2 3 4 #5.5.3 循环遍历字典元素 >>> d={‘x‘:1, ‘y‘:2, ‘z‘:3} >>> for key in d: ... print key, ‘corresponds to‘, d[key] ... y corresponds to 2 x corresponds to 1 z corresponds to 3 >>> for key, value in d.items(): ... print kye, ‘corresponds to‘, value ... Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 2, in <module> NameError: name ‘kye‘ is not defined >>> for key, value in d.items(): ... print key, ‘corresponds to‘, value ... y corresponds to 2 x corresponds to 1 z corresponds to 3 >>> #5.5.4 一些迭代工具 #并行迭代 >>> names = [‘anne‘, ‘beth‘, ‘george‘, ‘damon‘] >>> ages = [12, 45, 32, 102] >>> for in in range(len(names)): SyntaxError: invalid syntax >>> for i in range(len(names)): print names[i], ‘is‘, ages[i], ‘year old‘ anne is 12 year old beth is 45 year old george is 32 year old damon is 102 year old >>> for i in range(len(names)): print names[i], ‘is‘, ages[i], ‘years old‘ anne is 12 years old beth is 45 years old george is 32 years old damon is 102 years old >>> zip(names, ages) [(‘anne‘, 12), (‘beth‘, 45), (‘george‘, 32), (‘damon‘, 102)] >>> for name, age in zip(names, ages): print name, ‘is‘, age, ‘years old‘ anne is 12 years old beth is 45 years old george is 32 years old damon is 102 years old >>> zip(range(5), xrange(100000000)) [(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4)] #在索引上迭代 >>> strings = [‘I am xxx‘, ‘I like losing my face‘, ‘Say goodbye‘] >>> for string in strings: index = strings.index(string) # Search for the string in the list of strings strings[index]=‘[censored]‘ >>> strings [‘[censored]‘, ‘[censored]‘, ‘[censored]‘] >>> strings = [‘I am xxx‘, ‘I like losing my face‘, ‘Say goodbye‘] >>> for string in strings: if ‘xxx‘in strings: index = strings.index(string) # Search for the string in the list of strings strings[index]=‘[censored]‘ >>> strings [‘I am xxx‘, ‘I like losing my face‘, ‘Say goodbye‘] >>> strings = [‘I am xxx‘, ‘I like losing my face‘, ‘Say goodbye‘] >>> for string in strings: if ‘xxx‘ in string: index = strings.index(string) # Search for the string in the list of strings strings[index]=‘[censored]‘ >>> >>> string ‘Say goodbye‘ >>> strings [‘[censored]‘, ‘I like losing my face‘, ‘Say goodbye‘] >>> [‘I am xxx‘, ‘I like losing my face‘, ‘Say goodbye‘] [‘I am xxx‘, ‘I like losing my face‘, ‘Say goodbye‘] >>> index = 0 >>> for string in strings: if ‘xxx‘ in string: strings[index]=‘[censored]‘ index += 1 SyntaxError: invalid syntax >>> index = 0 >>> for string in strings: if ‘xxx‘ in string: strings[index]=‘[censored]‘ index += 1 >>> strings [‘[censored]‘, ‘I like losing my face‘, ‘Say goodbye‘] >>> [‘I am xxx‘, ‘I like losing my face‘, ‘Say goodbye‘, ‘xxx is a sensitive word‘] [‘I am xxx‘, ‘I like losing my face‘, ‘Say goodbye‘, ‘xxx is a sensitive word‘] >>> for index, string in enumerate(strings): if ‘xxx‘ in string: strings[index]=‘[censored]‘ >>> strings [‘[censored]‘, ‘I like losing my face‘, ‘Say goodbye‘] >>> strings = [‘I am xxx‘, ‘I like losing my face‘, ‘Say goodbye‘, ‘xxx is a sensitive word‘] #enumerate函数能够在提供索引的地方迭代索引-值对. >>> for index, string in enumerate(strings): if ‘xxx‘ in string: strings[index]=‘[censored]‘ >>> strings [‘[censored]‘, ‘I like losing my face‘, ‘Say goodbye‘, ‘[censored]‘] #翻转和排序迭代 >>> sorted([4,3,6,8,3]) [3, 3, 4, 6, 8] >>> sorted(‘Hello, world!‘) [‘ ‘, ‘!‘, ‘,‘, ‘H‘, ‘d‘, ‘e‘, ‘l‘, ‘l‘, ‘l‘, ‘o‘, ‘o‘, ‘r‘, ‘w‘] >>> list(reversed(‘Hello, world‘)) [‘d‘, ‘l‘, ‘r‘, ‘o‘, ‘w‘, ‘ ‘, ‘,‘, ‘o‘, ‘l‘, ‘l‘, ‘e‘, ‘H‘] >>> ‘‘.join(reversed(‘Hello, world!‘)) ‘!dlrow ,olleH‘ #5.5.5 跳出循环 #break >>> from math import sqrt >>> for n in range(99, 0, -1); SyntaxError: invalid syntax >>> for n in range(99, 0, -1): root = sqrt(n) if root == int(root): print n break 81 # continue # while True/break习惯使用方法 >>> word = ‘dummy‘ >>> while word: word = raw_input(‘Please enter a word: ‘) # 处理word: print ‘The word was ‘ + word Please enter a word: first The word was first Please enter a word: second The word was second Please enter a word: The word was >>> word = raw_input(‘Please enter a word: ‘) Please enter a word: first >>> while word: print ‘The word was ‘ + word word = raw_input(‘Please enter a word: ‘) The word was first Please enter a word: second The word was second Please enter a word: >>> while True: word = raw_input(‘Please enter a word: ‘) if not word: break print ‘The word was ‘ + word Please enter a word: first The word was first Please enter a word: second The word was second Please enter a word: #5.5.6 循环中else子句 #原始方案 from math import sqrt break_out = False for n in range(99, 81, -1): root = sqrt(n) if root == int(root): break_out = True print n break if not break_out: print "Didn‘t find it!" #结果Didn‘t find it! #改进方案 from math import sqrt for n in range(99, 81, -1): root = sqrt(n) if root == int(root): print n break else: print "Didn‘t find it!" #结果Didn‘t find it! #列表推导式(list comprehension)--轻量级循环 >>> [x*x for x in range(10)] [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81] #能够和if子句联合使用 >>> [x*x for x in range(10) if x % 3 == 0] [0, 9, 36, 81] >>> [(x,y) for x in range(3) for y in range(3)] [(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 0), (2, 1), (2, 2)] >>> >>> result=[] >>> for x in range(3): for y in range(3): result.append((x,y)) >>> result [(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 0), (2, 1), (2, 2)] >>> girls=[‘alice‘, ‘bernice‘, ‘clarice‘] >>> boys=[‘chris‘, ‘arnold‘, ‘bob‘] >>> [b+‘+‘+g for b in boys for g in girls if b[0] == g[0]] [‘chris+clarice‘, ‘arnold+alice‘, ‘bob+bernice‘] #更优方案 >>> girls = [‘alice‘, ‘bernice‘, ‘clarice‘] >>> boys = [‘chris‘, ‘arnold‘, ‘bob‘] >>> letterGirls={} >>> for girl in girls: letterGirls.setdefault(girl[0], []).append(girl) >>> print [b+‘+‘+g for b in boys for g in letterGirls[b[0]]] [‘chris+clarice‘, ‘arnold+alice‘, ‘bob+bernice‘] >>> letterGirls {‘a‘: [‘alice‘], ‘c‘: [‘clarice‘], ‘b‘: [‘bernice‘]} #5.7 三人行 pass, del 和 exec #5.7.1 什么都没发生 >>> name = ‘Bill Gates‘ >>> if name == ‘Ralph Auldus Melish‘: ... print ‘Welcome!‘ ... elif name == ‘Enid‘: ... pass ... elif name == ‘Bill Gates‘: ... print ‘Access Denied‘ ... Access Denied #5.7.2 使用del删除 >>> scoundrel = {‘age‘:42, ‘first name‘:‘Robin‘, ‘last name‘:‘of Locksley‘ >>> robin = scoundrel >>> scoundrel {‘last name‘: ‘of Locksley‘, ‘first name‘: ‘Robin‘, ‘age‘: 42} >>> robin {‘last name‘: ‘of Locksley‘, ‘first name‘: ‘Robin‘, ‘age‘: 42} >>> scoundrel = None >>> scoundrel >>> print scoundrel None >>> robin {‘last name‘: ‘of Locksley‘, ‘first name‘: ‘Robin‘, ‘age‘: 42} >>> x = 1 >>> y = x >>> x=1 >>> del x >>> x Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> NameError: name ‘x‘ is not defined >>> x = [‘Hello‘, ‘world‘] >>> y = x >>> y[1]=‘Python‘ >>> x [‘Hello‘, ‘Python‘] >>> del x >>> y [‘Hello‘, ‘Python‘] #5.7.3 使用exec和eval运行和求值字符串 # exec 在 Python 3.0 中是一个函数而不是语句 >>> exec "print ‘Hello, world!‘" Hello, world! >>> from math import sqrt >>> exec "sqrt=1" >>> sqrt(4) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> TypeError: ‘int‘ object is not callable #命名空间,或称为作用域(scope) #能够通过in <scope> 来实现, 当中的<scope>就是起到放置代码字符串命名空间作用的字典 >>> from math import sqrt >>> scope={} >>> exec ‘sqrt = 1‘ in scope >>> sqrt(4) 2.0 >>> scope [‘sqrt‘] 1 >>> len(scope) 2 >>> scope.keys() [‘__builtins__‘, ‘sqrt‘] # eval--求值字符串 >>> eval(raw_input("Enter an arithmetic express: ")) Enter an arithmetic express: 6 + 18 * 2 42 >>> scope={} >>> scope[‘x‘]=2 >>> scope[‘y‘]=3 >>> eval(‘x * y‘, scope) 6 >>> scope = {} >>> exec ‘x=2‘ in scope >>> eval(‘x*x‘, scope) 4 >>> #5.8 小结 #打印--print语句能够用来打印由逗号隔开的多个值. 假设语句以逗号结尾,随后的print语句会在同一行内接续打印 #导入--能够用as对模块或函数提供别名 #赋值--通过 序列解包 和 链式赋值 功能, 多个变量能够一次性赋值, 通过 增量赋值 能够原地改变变量 #块--块是通过缩排使语句成组的一种方法. 块能够在条件以及循环语句中使用,也能够在函数和类中使用 #条件--几个条件能够串联使用if/elif/else. 另一个变体叫做条件表达式,形如a if b else c. #断言--断言简单来说就是肯定某事(布尔表达式)为真, 也可在它后面跟上这么觉得的原因. #循环--能够使用continue语句跳过块中的其它语句然后继续下一次迭代, 或使用break语句跳出循环 # 还能够选择在循环结尾加上else子句, 当没有运行循环内部的break语句时便会运行else子句中的内容. #列表推导式--是看起来像循环的表达式.通过它, 能够从旧列表中产生新的列表, 对元素应用函数, 过滤掉不须要的元素,等等. #pass, del, exec 和 eval 语句. pass语句什么都不做, 能够作为占位符使用. del语句用来删除变量(名称),或数据结构的一部分, 可是不能用来删除值. # exec语句用与运行Python程序同样的方式来运行字符串. 内建的eval函数对字符串中的表达式进行求值并返回结果. #5.8.1 本章的新函数 #chr(n) 返回序数n所代表的字符的字符串(0<=n<=256) #eval(source[, globals[, locals]]) 将字符串作为表达式计算,而且返回值 #enumerate 产生用于迭代的(索引,值)对 #ord(c) 返回单字符字符串的int值 #range([start,] stop[, step]) 创建整数的列表 #reversed(seq) 产生seq中值的反向副本, 用于迭代 #sorted(seq[, cmp][, key][, reverse]) 返回seq中值排序后的列表副本 #xrange([start,] stop[, step]) 创建xrange对象用于迭代 #zip(seq1, seq2,...) 创建用于并行迭代的新序列

以上是关于Python基础教程之第5章 条件, 循环和其它语句的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

Python基础教程之第3章 使用字符串



读书笔记--《Python基础教程第二版》-- 第五章 条件循环和其他语句

