服务端 php

<?php header("Content-Type:text/html;charset=UTF-8"); // $string: 明文 或 密文 // $operation:DECODE表示解密,其它表示加密 // $key: 密匙 // $expiry:密文有效期 function authcode($string, $operation = ‘DECODE‘, $key = ‘‘, $expiry = 0) { // 动态密匙长度,相同的明文会生成不同密文就是依靠动态密匙 $ckey_length = 4; // 密匙 $key = md5($key ? $key : $GLOBALS[‘discuz_auth_key‘]); // 密匙a会参与加解密 $keya = md5(substr($key, 0, 16)); // 密匙b会用来做数据完整性验证 $keyb = md5(substr($key, 16, 16)); // 密匙c用于变化生成的密文 $keyc = $ckey_length ? ($operation == ‘DECODE‘ ? substr($string, 0, $ckey_length): substr(md5(microtime()), -$ckey_length)) : ‘‘; // 参与运算的密匙 $cryptkey = $keya.md5($keya.$keyc); $key_length = strlen($cryptkey); //明文,前10位用来保存时间戳,解密时验证数据有效性,10到26位用来保存$keyb(密匙b),解密时会通过这个密匙验证数据完整性 // 如果是解码的话,会从第$ckey_length位开始,因为密文前$ckey_length位保存 动态密匙,以保证解密正确 $string = $operation == ‘DECODE‘ ? base64_decode(substr($string, $ckey_length)) : sprintf(‘%010d‘, $expiry ? $expiry + time() : 0).substr(md5($string.$keyb), 0, 16).$string; $string_length = strlen($string); $result = ‘‘; $box = range(0, 255); $rndkey = array(); // 产生密匙簿 for($i = 0; $i <= 255; $i++) { $rndkey[$i] = ord($cryptkey[$i % $key_length]); } // 用固定的算法,打乱密匙簿,增加随机性,好像很复杂,实际上对并不会增加密文的强度 for($j = $i = 0; $i < 256; $i++) { $j = ($j + $box[$i] + $rndkey[$i]) % 256; $tmp = $box[$i]; $box[$i] = $box[$j]; $box[$j] = $tmp; } // 核心加解密部分 for($a = $j = $i = 0; $i < $string_length; $i++) { $a = ($a + 1) % 256; $j = ($j + $box[$a]) % 256; $tmp = $box[$a]; $box[$a] = $box[$j]; $box[$j] = $tmp; // 从密匙簿得出密匙进行异或,再转成字符 $result .= chr(ord($string[$i]) ^ ($box[($box[$a] + $box[$j]) % 256])); } if($operation == ‘DECODE‘) { if((substr($result, 0, 10) == 0 || substr($result, 0, 10) - time() > 0) && substr($result, 10, 16) == substr(md5(substr($result, 26).$keyb), 0, 16)){ return substr($result, 26); } else { return ‘‘; } echo "44444444"; } else { //把动态密匙保存在密文里,这也是为什么同样的明文,生产不同密文后能解密的原因 //因为加密后的密文可能是一些特殊字符,复制过程可能会丢失,所以用base64编码 return $keyc.str_replace(‘=‘, ‘‘, base64_encode($result)); echo "222222"; } } $callback = isset($_REQUEST[‘callback‘]) ? trim($_REQUEST[‘callback‘]) : ‘‘; if (isset($_REQUEST[‘mystr‘])){ $str = $_REQUEST[‘mystr‘]; if (isset($_REQUEST[‘mykey‘])){ $key = $_REQUEST[‘mykey‘]; if (isset($_REQUEST[‘act‘])){ $act = $_REQUEST[‘act‘]; //echo ‘authcode.php?act=ENCODE&mystr=TTTT&mykey=222<br>‘; //echo authcode($str,$act,$key,100); $codeaa=authcode($str,$act,$key,100); echo $callback."({ret:1,msg:‘ok‘,key:‘".$key."‘,code:‘".$codeaa."‘})"; }else{ echo $callback."({ret:0,msg:‘错误‘})"; } }else{ echo $callback."({ret:0,msg:‘错误‘})"; } }else{ echo $callback."({ret:0,msg:‘错误‘})"; }
客户端 html

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title>Ajax Jsonp</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://lib.sinaapp.com/js/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js"></script> </head> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ $.ajax({ type : "GET", async:false, url : "", dataType : "jsonp", data:{ act:"ENCODE", mykey:"222", mystr:"ggg" }, jsonp: "callback", success : function(data){ $("#showcontent").text(data.code) }, error:function(){ alert(‘失败!‘); } }); }); </script> <body> <div id="showcontent">加密后字符为:</div> <!--> </body> </html>
不跨域访问 html

<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>演示:PHP加密解密字符串</title> <style> .demo{width:520px; margin:40px auto 0 auto; min-height:250px;} .input{padding:3px; line-height:22px; border:1px solid #ccc} .btn{overflow: hidden;display:inline-block;*display:inline;padding:4px 20px 4px;font-size:14px;line-height:18px;*line-height:20px;color:#fff;text-align:center;vertical-align:middle;cursor:pointer;background-color:#5bb75b;border:1px solid #cccccc;border-color:#e6e6e6 #e6e6e6 #bfbfbf;border-bottom-color:#b3b3b3;-webkit-border-radius:4px;-moz-border-radius:4px;border-radius:4px; margin-left:2px} #result{margin-top:20px; line-height:26px; color:#f30; word-break:break-all} </style> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://lib.sinaapp.com/js/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js"></script> <script> $(function () { $("#encode").click(function(){ post(‘ENCODE‘);//加密 }); $("#decode").click(function(){ post(‘DECODE‘);//解密 }); }); function post(act){ var str = $("#str").val(); var key = $("#key").val(); $.post("index.php?act="+act,{mystr:str,mykey:key},function(data){ $("#result").html(data); }); } </script> </head> <body> <div id="main"> <div class="demo"> <textarea id="str" class="input" style="width:100%; height:80px">请输入字符串</textarea> 密钥:<input type="text" class="input" id="key" value="www.wmdfw.com"> <input type="button" value="加密" class="btn" id="encode"> <input type="button" value="解密" class="btn" id="decode"> <div id="result"></div> </div> </div> </body> </html>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312" /> <title>字符串加密</title> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> //加密函数开始 function encrypt(str, key) { if(key == null || key.length <= 0) { alert("Please enter a password with which to encrypt the message."); return null; } var prand = ""; for(var i=0; i<key.length; i++) { prand += key.charCodeAt(i).toString(); } var sPos = Math.floor(prand.length / 5); var mult = parseInt(prand.charAt(sPos) + prand.charAt(sPos*2) + prand.charAt(sPos*3) + prand.charAt(sPos*4) + prand.charAt(sPos*5)); var incr = Math.ceil(key.length / 2); var modu = Math.pow(2, 31) - 1; if(mult < 2) { alert("Algorithm cannot find a suitable hash. Please choose a different password. \nPossible considerations are to choose a more complex or longer password."); return null; } var salt = Math.round(Math.random() * 1000000000) % 100000000; prand += salt; while(prand.length > 10) { prand = (parseInt(prand.substring(0, 10)) + parseInt(prand.substring(10, prand.length))).toString(); } prand = (mult * prand + incr) % modu; var enc_chr = ""; var enc_str = ""; for(var i=0; i<str.length; i++) { enc_chr = parseInt(str.charCodeAt(i) ^ Math.floor((prand / modu) * 255)); if(enc_chr < 16) { enc_str += "0" + enc_chr.toString(16); } else enc_str += enc_chr.toString(16); prand = (mult * prand + incr) % modu; } salt = salt.toString(16); while(salt.length < 8)salt = "0" + salt; enc_str += salt; alert(enc_str); document.write("加密后的字符是:"); document.write(enc_str); document.write("<br>"); return enc_str; } //加密函数结束 //解密函数开始 function decrypt(str, key) { if(str == null || str.length < 8) { alert("A salt value could not be extracted from the encrypted message because it‘s length is too short. The message cannot be decrypted."); return; } if(key == null || key.length <= 0) { alert("Please enter a password with which to decrypt the message."); return; } var prand = ""; for(var i=0; i<key.length; i++) { prand += key.charCodeAt(i).toString(); } var sPos = Math.floor(prand.length / 5); var mult = parseInt(prand.charAt(sPos) + prand.charAt(sPos*2) + prand.charAt(sPos*3) + prand.charAt(sPos*4) + prand.charAt(sPos*5)); var incr = Math.round(key.length / 2); var modu = Math.pow(2, 31) - 1; var salt = parseInt(str.substring(str.length - 8, str.length), 16); str = str.substring(0, str.length - 8); prand += salt; while(prand.length > 10) { prand = (parseInt(prand.substring(0, 10)) + parseInt(prand.substring(10, prand.length))).toString(); } prand = (mult * prand + incr) % modu; var enc_chr = ""; var enc_str = ""; for(var i=0; i<str.length; i+=2) { enc_chr = parseInt(parseInt(str.substring(i, i+2), 16) ^ Math.floor((prand / modu) * 255)); enc_str += String.fromCharCode(enc_chr); prand = (mult * prand + incr) % modu; } alert(enc_str); document.write("解密后的字符是:"); document.write(enc_str); return enc_str; } //解密函数结束 /*调用方式 var key="zhouein"; document.write("你输入的key是:"); document.write(key); document.write("<br>"); var ipt="www.wmdfw.com"; encrypt(ipt, key); var opt="83de93d9ba993f2d939ec395ed022f163d"; decrypt(opt, key);*/ </script> </head> <body> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> var key="zhouein"; document.write("你输入的key是:"); document.write(key); document.write("<br>"); var ipt="www.wmdfw.com"; encrypt(ipt, key); var opt="83de93d9ba993f2d939ec395ed022f163d"; decrypt(opt, key); </script> </body> </html>