Neo4J入门笔记[2]---Neo4J GDS 图数据科学库

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篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了Neo4J入门笔记[2]---Neo4J GDS 图数据科学库相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

Neo4J 提供了GDS的库,里面包括了很多算法。GDS的英语全称是Graph Data Science(图数据科学库),其句法流程如下:

Returns the result of the algorithm as a stream of records.

Returns a single record of summary statistics, but does not write to the Neo4j database.

Writes the results of the algorithm to the projected graph and returns a single record of summary statistics.

Writes the results of the algorithm to the Neo4j database and returns a single record of summary statistics.


  • Centrality 中心性算法

  • Community detection 社区探测算法

  • Similarity 相似性算法

  • Path finding 路径发现算法

  • Node embeddings 节点嵌套算法

  • Topological link prediction 拓扑链路预测算法

  • Auxiliary procedures 辅助流程算法

  • Pregel API
    Pregel 是一种以顶点为中心的计算模型,可通过用户定义的计算函数定义您自己的算法

(1)需要GDS的仓库里面 然后复制到 N E O 4 J H O M E / p l u g i n s 目 录 下 。 ( 2 ) 在 NEO4J_HOME/plugins 目录下。 (2)在 NEO4JHOME/plugins(2NEO4J_HOME/conf/neo4j.conf文件里面修改下面的配置**

(4) 输入下面的命令进行验证

RETURN gds.version()


CALL gds.list()
    "name": "",
    "description": "The Delta Stepping shortest path algorithm computes the shortest (weighted) path between one node and any other node in the graph. The computation is run multi-threaded",
    "signature": " :: STRING?, configuration =  :: MAP?) :: (relationshipsWritten :: INTEGER?, mutateMillis :: INTEGER?, postProcessingMillis :: INTEGER?, preProcessingMillis :: INTEGER?, computeMillis :: INTEGER?, configuration :: MAP?)",
    "type": "procedure"
    "name": "",
    "description": "Returns an estimation of the memory consumption for that procedure.",
    "signature": " :: ANY?, algoConfiguration :: MAP?) :: (requiredMemory :: STRING?, treeView :: STRING?, mapView :: MAP?, bytesMin :: INTEGER?, bytesMax :: INTEGER?, nodeCount :: INTEGER?, relationshipCount :: INTEGER?, heapPercentageMin :: FLOAT?, heapPercentageMax :: FLOAT?)",
    "type": "procedure"
    "name": "",
    "description": "The Delta Stepping shortest path algorithm computes the shortest (weighted) path between one node and any other node in the graph. The computation is run multi-threaded",
    "signature": " :: STRING?, configuration =  :: MAP?) :: (postProcessingMillis :: INTEGER?, preProcessingMillis :: INTEGER?, computeMillis :: INTEGER?, configuration :: MAP?)",
    "type": "procedure"
    "name": "",
    "description": "Returns an estimation of the memory consumption for that procedure.",
    "signature": " :: ANY?, algoConfiguration :: MAP?) :: (requiredMemory :: STRING?, treeView :: STRING?, mapView :: MAP?, bytesMin :: INTEGER?, bytesMax :: INTEGER?, nodeCount :: INTEGER?, relationshipCount :: INTEGER?, heapPercentageMin :: FLOAT?, heapPercentageMax :: FLOAT?)",
    "type": "procedure"
    "name": "",
    "description": "The Delta Stepping shortest path algorithm computes the shortest (weighted) path between one node and any other node in the graph. The computation is run multi-threaded",
    "signature": " :: STRING?, configuration =  :: MAP?) :: (index :: INTEGER?, sourceNode :: INTEGER?, targetNode :: INTEGER?, totalCost :: FLOAT?, nodeIds :: LIST? OF INTEGER?, costs :: LIST? OF FLOAT?, path :: PATH?)",
    "type": "procedure"
    "name": "",
    "description": "Returns an estimation of the memory consumption for that procedure.",
    "signature": " :: ANY?, algoConfiguration :: MAP?) :: (requiredMemory :: STRING?, treeView :: STRING?, mapView :: MAP?, bytesMin :: INTEGER?, bytesMax :: INTEGER?, nodeCount :: INTEGER?, relationshipCount :: INTEGER?, heapPercentageMin :: FLOAT?, heapPercentageMax :: FLOAT?)",
    "type": "procedure"
    "name": "",
    "description": "The Delta Stepping shortest path algorithm computes the shortest (weighted) path between one node and any other node in the graph. The computation is run multi-threaded",
    "signature": " :: STRING?, configuration =  :: MAP?) :: (relationshipsWritten :: INTEGER?, writeMillis :: INTEGER?, postProcessingMillis :: INTEGER?, preProcessingMillis :: INTEGER?, computeMillis :: INTEGER?, configuration :: MAP?)",
    "type": "procedure"
    "name": "",
    "description": "Returns an estimation of the memory consumption for that procedure.",
    "signature": " :: ANY?, algoConfiguration :: MAP?) :: (requiredMemory :: STRING?, treeView :: STRING?, mapView :: MAP?, bytesMin :: INTEGER?, bytesMax :: INTEGER?, nodeCount :: INTEGER?, relationshipCount :: INTEGER?, heapPercentageMin :: FLOAT?, heapPercentageMax :: FLOAT?)",
    "type": "procedure"
    "name": "gds.allShortestPaths.dijkstra.mutate",
    "description": "The Dijkstra shortest path algorithm computes the shortest (weighted) path between one node and any other node in the graph.",
    "signature": "gds.allShortestPaths.dijkstra.mutate(graphName :: STRING?, configuration =  :: MAP?) :: (relationshipsWritten :: INTEGER?, mutateMillis :: INTEGER?, postProcessingMillis :: INTEGER?, preProcessingMillis :: INTEGER?, computeMillis :: INTEGER?, configuration :: MAP?)",
    "type": "procedure"
    "name": "gds.allShortestPaths.dijkstra.mutate.estimate",
    "description": "Returns an estimation of the memory consumption for that procedure.",
    "signature": "gds.allShortestPaths.dijkstra.mutate.estimate(graphNameOrConfiguration :: ANY?, algoConfiguration :: MAP?) :: (requiredMemory :: STRING?, treeView :: STRING?, mapView :: MAP?, bytesMin :: INTEGER?, bytesMax :: INTEGER?, nodeCount :: INTEGER?, relationshipCount :: INTEGER?, heapPercentageMin :: FLOAT?, heapPercentageMax :: FLOAT?)",
    "type": "procedure"
    "name": "",
    "description": "The Dijkstra shortest path algorithm computes the shortest (weighted) path between one node and any other node in the graph.",
    "signature": " :: STRING?, configuration =  :: MAP?) :: (index :: INTEGER?, sourceNode :: INTEGER?, targetNode :: INTEGER?, totalCost :: FLOAT?, nodeIds :: LIST? OF INTEGER?, costs :: LIST? OF FLOAT?, path :: PATH?)",
    "type": "procedure"
    "name": "",
    "description": "Returns an estimation of the memory consumption for that procedure.",
    "signature": " :: ANY?, algoConfiguration :: MAP?) :: (requiredMemory :: STRING?, treeView :: STRING?, mapView :: MAP?, bytesMin :: INTEGER?, bytesMax :: INTEGER?, nodeCount :: INTEGER?, relationshipCount :: INTEGER?, heapPercentageMin :: FLOAT?, heapPercentageMax :: FLOAT?)",
    "type": "procedure"
    "name": "gds.allShortestPaths.dijkstra.write",
    "description": "The Dijkstra shortest path algorithm computes the shortest (weighted) path between one node and any other node in the graph.",
    "signature": "gds.allShortestPaths.dijkstra.write(graphName :: STRING?, configuration =  :: MAP?) :: (relationshipsWritten :: INTEGER?, writeMillis :: INTEGER?, postProcessingMillis :: INTEGER?, preProcessingMillis :: INTEGER?, computeMillis :: INTEGER?, configuration :: MAP?)",
    "type": "procedure"
    "name": "gds.allShortestPaths.dijkstra.write.estimate",
    "description": "Returns an estimation of the memory consumption for that procedure.",
    "signature": "gds.allShortestPaths.dijkstra.write.estimate(graphNameOrConfiguration :: ANY?, algoConfiguration :: MAP?) :: (requiredMemory :: STRING?, treeView :: STRING?, mapView :: MAP?, bytesMin :: INTEGER?, bytesMax :: INTEGER?, nodeCount :: INTEGER?, relationshipCount :: INTEGER?, heapPercentageMin :: FLOAT?, heapPercentageMax :: FLOAT?)",
    "type": "procedure"
    "name": "",
    "description": "The All Pairs Shortest Path (APSP) calculates the shortest (weighted) path between all pairs of nodes.",
    "signature": " :: STRING?, configuration =  :: MAP?) :: (sourceNodeId :: INTEGER?, targetNodeId :: INTEGER?, distance :: FLOAT?)",
    "type": "procedure"
    "name": "gds.alpha.backup",
    "description": "The back-up procedure persists graphs and models to disk",
    "signature": "gds.alpha.backup(configuration =  :: MAP?) :: (graphName :: STRING?, modelName :: STRING?, backupTime :: DATETIME?, exportPath :: STRING?, exportMillis :: INTEGER?, status :: STRING?)",
    "type": "procedure"
    "name": "",
    "description": "Harmonic centrality is a way of detecting nodes that are able to spread information very efficiently through a graph.",
    "signature": " :: STRING?, configuration =  :: MAP?) :: (nodeId :: INTEGER?, centrality :: FLOAT?)",
    "type": "procedure"
    "name": "gds.alpha.closeness.harmonic.write",
    "description": "Harmonic centrality is a way of detecting nodes that are able to spread information very efficiently through a graph.",
    "signature": "gds.alpha.closeness.harmonic.write(graphName :: STRING?, configuration =  :: MAP?) :: (nodes :: INTEGER?, preProcessingMillis :: INTEGER?, computeMillis :: INTEGER?, writeMillis :: INTEGER?, writeProperty :: STRING?, centralityDistribution :: MAP?)",
    "type": "procedure"
    "name": "",
    "description": "Evaluates a division of nodes into communities based on the proportion of relationships that cross community boundaries.",
    "signature": " :: STRING?, configuration =  :: MAP?) :: (community :: INTEGER?, conductance :: FLOAT?)",
    "type": "procedure"
    "name": "gds.alpha.config.defaults.list",
    "description": "List defaults; global by default, but also optionally for a specific user and/ or key",
    "signature": "gds.alpha.config.defaults.list(parameters =  :: MAP?) :: (key :: STRING?, value :: ANY?)",
    "type": "procedure"
    "name": "gds.alpha.config.defaults.set",
    "description": "Set a default; global by, default, but also optionally for a specific user",
    "signature": "gds.alpha.config.defaults.set(key :: STRING?, value :: ANY?, username = d81eb72e-c499-4f78-90c7-0c76123606a2 :: STRING?) :: VOID",
    "type": "procedure"
    "name": "gds.alpha.config.limits.list",
    "description": "List limits; global by default, but also optionally for a specific user and/ or key",
    "signature": "gds.alpha.config.limits.list(parameters =  :: MAP?) :: (key :: STRING?, value :: ANY?)",
    "type": "procedure"
    "name": "gds.alpha.config.limits.set",
    "description": "Set a limit; global by, default, but also optionally for a specific user",
    "signature": "gds.alpha.config.limits.set(key :: STRING?, value :: ANY?, username = d81eb72e-c499-4f78-90c7-0c76123606a2 :: STRING?) :: VOID",
    "type": "procedure"
    "name": "gds.alpha.create.cypherdb",
    "description": "Creates a database from a GDS graph.",
    "signature": "gds.alpha.create.cypherdb(dbName :: STRING?, graphName :: STRING?) :: (dbName :: STRING?, graphName :: STRING?, createMillis :: INTEGER?)",
    "type": "procedure"
    "name": "gds.alpha.graph.graphproperty.drop",
    "description": "Removes a graph property from a projected graph.",
    "signature": "gds.alpha.graph.graphProperty.drop(graphName :: STRING?, graphProperty :: STRING?, configuration =  :: MAP?) :: (graphName :: STRING?, graphProperty :: STRING?, propertiesRemoved :: INTEGER?)",
    "type": "procedure"
    "name": "",
    "description": "Streams the given graph property.",
    "signature": " :: STRING?, graphProperty :: STRING?, configuration =  :: MAP?) :: (propertyValue :: ANY?)",
    "type": "procedure"
    "name": "gds.alpha.graph.sample.rwr",
    "description": "Constructs a random subgraph based on random walks with restarts",
    "signature": "gds.alpha.graph.sample.rwr(graphName :: STRING?, fromGraphName :: STRING?, configuration =  :: MAP?) :: (fromGraphName :: STRING?, startNodeCount :: INTEGER?, graphName :: STRING?, nodeCount :: INTEGER?, relationshipCount :: INTEGER?, projectMillis :: INTEGER?)",
    "type": "procedure"
    "name": "gds.alpha.hits.mutate",
    "description": "Hyperlink-Induced Topic Search (HITS) is a link analysis algorithm that rates nodes",
    "signature": "gds.alpha.hits.mutate(graphName :: STRING?, configuration =  :: MAP?) :: (nodePropertiesWritten :: INTEGER?, ranIterations :: INTEGER?, didConverge :: BOOLEAN?, mutateMillis :: INTEGER?, postProcessingMillis :: INTEGER?, preProcessingMillis :: INTEGER?, computeMillis :: INTEGER?, configuration :: MAP?)",
    "type": "procedure"
    "name": "gds.alpha.hits.mutate.estimate",
    "description": "Returns an estimation of the memory consumption for that procedure.",
    "signature": "gds.alpha.hits.mutate.estimate(graphNameOrConfiguration :: ANY?, algoConfiguration :: MAP?) :: (requiredMemory :: STRING?, treeView :: STRING?, mapView :: MAP?, bytesMin :: INTEGER?, bytesMax :: INTEGER?, nodeCount :: INTEGER?, relationshipCount :: INTEGER?, heapPercentageMin :: FLOAT?, heapPercentageMax :: FLOAT?)",
    "type": "procedure"
    "name": "gds.alpha.hits.stats",
    "description": "Hyperlink-Induced Topic Search (HITS) is a link analysis algorithm that rates nodes",
    "signature": "gds.alpha.hits.stats(graphName :: STRING?, configuration =  :: MAP?) :: (ranIterations :: INTEGER?, didConverge :: BOOLEAN?, postProcessingMillis :: INTEGER?, preProcessingMillis :: INTEGER?, computeMillis :: INTEGER?, configuration :: MAP?)",
    "type": "procedure"
    "name": "gds.alpha.hits.stats.estimate",
    "description": "Returns an estimation of the memory consumption for that procedure.",
    "signature": "gds.alpha.hits.stats.estimate(graphNameOrConfiguration :: ANY?, algoConfiguration :: MAP?) :: (requiredMemory :: STRING?, treeView :: STRING?, mapView :: MAP?, bytesMin :: INTEGER?, bytesMax :: INTEGER?, nodeCount :: INTEGER?, relationshipCount :: INTEGER?, heapPercentageMin :: FLOAT?, heapPercentageMax :: FLOAT?)",
    "type": "procedure"
    "name": "",
    "description": "Hyperlink-Induced Topic Search (HITS) is a link analysis algorithm that rates nodes",
    "signature": " :: STRING?, configuration =  :: MAP?) :: (nodeId :: INTEGER?, values :: MAP?)",
    "type": "procedure"
    "name": "",
    "description": "Returns an estimation of the memory consumption for that procedure.",
    "signature": " :: ANY?, algoConfiguration :: MAP?) :: (requiredMemory :: STRING?, treeView :: STRING?, mapView :: MAP?, bytesMin :: INTEGER?, bytesMax :: INTEGER?, nodeCount :: INTEGER?, relationshipCount :: INTEGER?, heapPercentageMin :: FLOAT?, heapPercentageMax :: FLOAT?)",
    "type": "procedure"
    "name": "gds.alpha.hits.write",
    "description": "Hyperlink-Induced Topic Search (HITS) is a link analysis algorithm that rates nodes",
    "signature": "gds.alpha.hits.write(graphName :: STRING?, configuration =  :: MAP?) :: (nodePropertiesWritten :: INTEGER?, ranIterations :: INTEGER?, didConverge :: BOOLEAN?, writeMillis :: INTEGER?, postProcessingMillis :: INTEGER?, preProcessingMillis :: INTEGER?, computeMillis :: INTEGER?, configuration :: MAP?)",
    "type": "procedure"
    "name": "gds.alpha.hits.write.estimate",
    "description": "Returns an estimation of the memory consumption for that procedure.",
    "signature": "gds.alpha.hits.write.estimate(graphNameOrConfiguration :: ANY?, algoConfiguration :: MAP?) :: (requiredMemory :: STRING?, treeView :: STRING?, mapView :: MAP?, bytesMin :: INTEGER?, bytesMax :: INTEGER?, nodeCount :: INTEGER?, relationshipCount :: INTEGER?, heapPercentageMin :: FLOAT?, heapPercentageMax :: FLOAT?)",
    "type": "procedure"
    "name": "",
    "description": "The Greedy algorithm aims to find k nodes that maximize the expected spread of influence in the network.",
    "signature": " :: STRING?, configuration =  :: MAP?) :: (nodeId :: INTEGER?, spread :: FLOAT?)",
    "type": "procedure"
    "name": "gds.alpha.kmeans.mutate",
    "description": "The Kmeans  algorithm clusters nodes into different communities based on Euclidean distance",
    "signature": "gds.alpha.kmeans.mutate(graphName :: STRING?, configuration =  :: MAP?) :: (mutateMillis :: INTEGER?, nodePropertiesWritten :: INTEGER?, communityDistribution :: MAP?, centroids :: LIST? OF LIST? OF FLOAT?, averageDistanceToCentroid :: FLOAT?, averageSilhouette :: FLOAT?, postProcessingMillis :: INTEGER?, preProcessingMillis :: INTEGER?, computeMillis :: INTEGER?, configuration :: MAP?)",
    "type": "procedure"
    "name": "gds.alpha.kmeans.mutate.estimate",
    "description": "Returns an estimation of the memory consumption for that procedure.",
    "signature": "gds.alpha.kmeans.mutate.estimate(graphNameOrConfiguration :: ANY?, algoConfiguration :: MAP?) :: (requiredMemory :: STRING?, treeView :: STRING?, mapView :: MAP?, bytesMin :: INTEGER?, bytesMax :: INTEGER?, nodeCount :: INTEGER?, relationshipCount :: INTEGER?, heapPercentageMin :: FLOAT?, heapPercentageMax :: FLOAT?)",
    "type": "procedure"
    "name": "gds.alpha.kmeans.stats",
    "description": "Executes the algorithm and returns result statistics without writing the result to Neo4j.",
    "signature": "gds.alpha.kmeans.stats(graphName :: STRING?, configuration =  :: MAP?) :: (communityDistribution :: MAP?, centroids :: LIST? OF LIST? OF FLOAT?, averageDistanceToCentroid :: FLOAT?, averageSilhouette :: FLOAT?, postProcessingMillis :: INTEGER?, preProcessingMillis :: INTEGER?, computeMillis :: INTEGER?, configuration :: MAP?)",
    "type": "procedure"
    "name": "gds.alpha.kmeans.stats.estimate",
    "description": "Returns an estimation of the memory consumption for that procedure.",
    "signature": "gds.alpha.kmeans.stats.estimate(graphNameOrConfiguration :: ANY?, algoConfiguration :: MAP?) :: (requiredMemory :: STRING?, treeView :: STRING?, mapView :: MAP?, bytesMin :: INTEGER?, bytesMax :: INTEGER?, nodeCount :: INTEGER?, relationshipCount :: INTEGER?, heapPercentageMin :: FLOAT?, heapPercentageMax :: FLOAT?)",
    "type": "procedure"
    "name": "",
    "description": "The Kmeans  algorithm clusters nodes into different communities based on Euclidean distance",
    "signature": " :: STRING?, configuration =  :: MAP?) :: (nodeId :: INTEGER?, communityId :: INTEGER?, distanceFromCentroid :: FLOAT?, silhouette :: FLOAT?)",
    "type": "procedure"
    "name": "",
    "description": "Returns an estimation of the memory consumption for that procedure.",
    "signature": " :: ANY?, algoConfiguration :: MAP?) :: (requiredMemory :: STRING?, treeView :: STRING?, mapView :: MAP?, bytesMin :: INTEGER?, bytesMax :: INTEGER?, nodeCount :: INTEGER?, relationshipCount :: INTEGER?, heapPercentageMin :: FLOAT?, heapPercentageMax :: FLOAT?)",
    "type": "procedure"
    "name": "gds.alpha.kmeans.write",
    "description": "The Kmeans  algorithm clusters nodes into different communities based on Euclidean distance",
    "signature": "gds.alpha.kmeans.write(graphName :: STRING?, configuration =  :: MAP?) :: (writeMillis :: INTEGER?, nodePropertiesWritten :: INTEGER?, communityDistribution :: MAP?, centroids :: LIST? OF LIST? OF FLOAT?, averageDistanceToCentroid :: FLOAT?, averageSilhouette :: FLOAT?, postProcessingMillis :: INTEGER?, preProcessingMillis :: INTEGER?, computeMillis :: INTEGER?, configuration :: MAP?)",
    "type": "procedure"
    "name": "gds.alpha.kmeans.write.estimate",
    "description": "Returns an estimation of the memory consumption for that procedure.",
    "signature": "gds.alpha.kmeans.write.estimate(graphNameOrConfiguration :: ANY?, algoConfiguration :: MAP?) :: (requiredMemory :: STRING?, treeView :: STRING?, mapView :: MAP?, bytesMin :: INTEGER?, bytesMax :: INTEGER?, nodeCount :: INTEGER?, relationshipCount :: INTEGER?, heapPercentageMin :: FLOAT?, heapPercentageMax :: FLOAT?)",
    "type": "procedure"
    "name": "gds.alpha.knn.filtered.mutate",
    "description": "The k-nearest neighbor graph algorithm constructs relationships between nodes if the distance between two nodes is among the k nearest distances compared to other nodes. KNN computes distances based on the similarity of node properties. Filtered KNN extends this functionality, allowing filtering on source nodes and target nodes, respectively.",
    "signature": "gds.alpha.knn.filtered.mutate(graphName :: STRING?, configuration =  :: MAP?) :: (ranIterations :: INTEGER?, nodePairsConsidered :: INTEGER?, didConverge :: BOOLEAN?, preProcessingMillis :: INTEGER?, computeMillis :: INTEGER?, mutateMillis :: INTEGER?, postProcessingMillis :: INTEGER?, nodesCompared :: INTEGER?, relationshipsWritten :: INTEGER?, similarityDistribution :: MAP?, configuration :: MAP?)",
    "type": "procedure"
    "name": "gds.alpha.knn.filtered.stats",
    "description": "Executes the algorithm and returns result statistics without writing the result to Neo4j.",
    "signature": "gds.alpha.knn.filtered.stats(graphName :: STRING?, configuration =  :: MAP?) :: (ranIterations :: INTEGER?, didConverge :: BOOLEAN?, nodePairsConsidered :: INTEGER?, preProcessingMillis :: INTEGER?, computeMillis :: INTEGER?, postProcessingMillis :: INTEGER?, nodesCompared :: INTEGER?, similarityPairs :: INTEGER?, similarityDistribution :: MAP?, configuration :: MAP?)",
    "type": "procedure"
    "name": "",
    "description": "The k-nearest neighbor graph algorithm constructs relationships between nodes if the distance between two nodes is among the k nearest distances compared to other nodes. KNN computes distances based on the similarity of node properties. Filtered KNN extends this functionality, allowing filtering on source nodes and t

以上是关于Neo4J入门笔记[2]---Neo4J GDS 图数据科学库的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章





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