




收集整理一些常用的php类库, 资源以及技巧. 以便在工作中迅速的查找所需…

  • 这个列表中的内容有来自 awesome-php 的翻译, 有来自开发者周刊以及个人的积累等.
  • 一个前端组件的列表 awesome-frontend 推荐



依赖管理( Dependency Management )


框架( Frameworks )


  • Symfony2 – 由独立组件构成的框架(SP2)
  • Zend Framework 2 – 同样是由独立组件构成的框架(ZF2)
  • Laravel 5 – 简洁优雅的PHP Web开发框架(L5)
  • Aura PHP – 独立组件的框架
  • Yii2 – 用于开发大型Web应用的高性能PHP框架
  • Nette – 同样是由独立组件构成的框架
  • PPI Framework 2 – 一个交互性的框架
  • CakePHP – 一个高效的应用开发框架(CP)
  • Phalcon – 一个作为C扩展的框架
  • Yaf – 鸟哥的C扩展的框架
    • swoole-yaf – 基于 Swoole 及 Yaf 的开发框架
    • yaf – 另一个基于 Swoole 及 Yaf 的开发框架
  • Zan PHP Framework – 有赞开源的 PHP 框架

组件( Components )

配置( Configuration )


  • Yaconf – 一个高性能的配置管理扩展
  • config – 一个轻量级的配置加载器, 支持 PHP, INI, XML, JSON, YAML files
  • Zend-config

微框架( Micro Frameworks )



  • Silex – 基于Symphony2组件的微型框架
  • Slim – 另一个简单的微型框架
  • Bullet PHP – 用于构建REST APIs的微型框架
  • Lumen – 基于Laravel的微型框架
  • Proton – 一个微型PHP框架
  • blink – 一个为构建 “long running” 服务而生的 Web 微型高性能框架

路由( Routers )

  • Fast Route – 一个高效路由库
  • Route – 基于Fast Route的路由库
  • Pux – 另一个高效的路由库
  • Klein – 一个灵活的路由库
  • Macaw – 一个简单的 PHP 路由器,超级精简、快速而且很性感。

模板引擎( Templating )


  • Twig – 一种综合的模板语言
  • Twig Cache Extension – 用于Twig的模板片段缓存库
  • Mustache – PHP实现的Mustache模板语言
  • Phly Mustache – 另一个PHP实现的Mustache模板语言
  • MtHaml – PHP实现的HAML模板语言
  • PHPTAL – PHP实现的TAL模板语言
  • Plates – 一个原始的PHP模板库
  • Lex – 一个轻量级模板解析器

静态站生成器( Static Site Generators )


  • Sculpin – 将Markdown和Twig转换为静态html的工具
  • Phrozn – 另一款ithub将Textile、Markdown和Twig转为HTML的工具
  • Spress
  • Couscous – 将Markdown 文档转换成 HTML 发布到Github Page 的工具



  • Guzzle – 一个完整的HTTP客户端
  • Buzz – 另一个HTTP客户端
  • Requests – 一个简单的HTTP库
  • HTTPFul – 一个链式HTTP客户端
  • Goutte – 一个简单的Web抓取器
  • PHP VCR – 一个录制和回放HTTP请求的库
  • php-curl-class – PHP的Curl类

中间件( Middlewares )




  • Purl – 一个URL操作库
  • PHP Domain Parser – 一个本地的后缀解析器
  • Uri – 一个简单的URL操作库

邮件( Email )


文件操作( Files )


  • Gaufrette – 一个文件流的抽象层
  • Flysystem – 另一个文件流的抽象层
  • Canal – 一个检查互联网媒体类型的库
  • Apache MIME Types – 一个解析Apache MIME类型的库
  • Ferret – 一个MIME检测库
  • Hoa Mime – 另一个MIME检测库
  • Lurker – 一个资源跟踪库
  • PHP File Locator – 一个在大型项目中定位文件的库
  • PHP FFmpeg – 一个用于FFmpeg视频包装的库
  • CSV – 一个CSV数据操作库

流( Stream )


  • Streamer – 一个简单的面向对象流包装库

依赖注入( Dependency Injection )


图像( Imagery )


测试( Testing )


  • PHPUnit – 一个单元测试框架
  • DBUnit – PHPUnit的代码测试库
  • ParaTest – PHPUnit的并行测试库
  • PHPSpec – 根据规范的单元测试库
  • Codeception – 一个全栈测试框架
  • AspectMock – PHPUnit/Codeception的模拟框架
  • Atoum – 一个简单的测试库
  • Mockery – 一个用于测试的模拟对象库
  • Phake – 另一个用于测试的模拟对象库
  • Prophecy – 一个强大的模拟框架
  • Faker – 一个伪数据生成库
  • Samsui – 另一个伪数据生成库
  • Alice – 用于生成复杂数据的库
  • Behat – 一个行为驱动开发(BDD)的测试框架
  • Pho – 另一个行为驱动开发的测试框架
  • Mink – Web验收测试
  • HTTP Mock – 一个在单元测试中模拟HTTP请求的库
  • VFS Stream – 一个用于测试的虚拟文件系统流包装
  • VFS – 另一个用于测试的虚拟文件系统
  • Locust – 一个Python开发的现代负载测试库
  • Peridot – 一个事件驱动的测试框架

持续集成( Continuous Integration )


  • Travis CI – 一个持续集成的平台
  • SemaphoreCI – 一个给开源程序和私有项目的持续集成平台
  • PHPCI – 一个PHP的开源持续集成平台
  • Sismo – 一个持续的测试服务器库
  • Jenkins – PHP支持的持续集成平台
  • JoliCi – PHP开发的由Docker支持的持续集成客户端

文档( Documentation )


  • Sami – 一个API文档生成器
  • APIGen – 另一个API文档生成器
  • PHP Documentor 2 – 文档生成器
  • phpDox – 一个PHP项目的文档生成器(不仅仅是API文档)

安全( Security )

用于生成安全的随机数、加密数据、扫描漏洞, 令牌的库

密码( Passwords )


代码分析( Code Analysis )


结构( Architectural )


  • PHP Option – 一个PHP选项类型的库
  • Ruler – 一个简单的无状态的产生环境规则的引擎
  • Finite – 一个简单的PHP有限状态机
  • Compose – 一个功能组合库
  • Monad PHP – 一个简单Monad库
  • Patchwork – 一个重新定义用户的函数库
  • Galapagos – 语言转换进化
  • Design Patterns PHP – 一个使用PHP实现的设计模式实例库
  • Functional PHP – 一个函数式编程库
  • Lib Accessor – 一个简化访问的库
  • Iter – 一个使用生成器提供迭代原语的库

调试和性能( Debugging and Profiling )


  • xDebug – 一个PHP的调试和分析工具
  • whoops
  • PHP Debug Bar – 一个调试工具条
  • PHP Console – Web调试控制台
  • Barbushin PHP Console – 一个使用Google Chrome的Web调试控制工具
  • PHPDBG – 一个交互性的PHP调试器
  • Tracy – 一个简单的错误检测、日志和时间测量库
  • Z-Ray – 一个调试和性能分析的工具
  • xHprof – Facebook开源的PHP性能评测工具
    • – 实现保存xhprof数据以及展示数据的UI
    • xhgui – 另一个保存xhprof数据以及展示数据的UI
  • – 一个低开销的代码探查器
  • Kint – 一个调试和性能分析的工具

构建工具( Build Tools )


  • Go – 一个简单的PHP构建工具
  • Bob – 一个简单的项目自动化工具
  • Phake – 一个PHP克隆库
  • Box – 用来构建PHAR文件的工具
  • Phing – 依据Apache Ant的PHP项目构建系统

任务运行器( Task Runners )


  • Task – 依据Grunt和Gulp的纯PHP任务运行器
  • Robo – 面向对象的PHP任务运行器
  • Bldr – 构建在Symfony组件上的PHP任务运行器

导航( Navigation )


资源管理( Asset Management )


  • Assetic – 一个资源管理的管道库
  • Pipe – 另一个资源管理的管道库
  • Munee – 一个资源优化库
  • JShrink – 一个JavaScript的压缩库
  • Puli – 一个检测资源绝对路径的库

地理定位( Geolocation )


  • GeoCoder – 一个地理编码库
  • GeoTools – 一个地理工具相关的库
  • PHPGeo – 一个简单的地理库
  • GeoJSON – 一个GeoJSON的实现

日期与时间( Date and Time )


  • Carbon – 一个简单的日期时间API扩展
  • ExpressiveDate – 另一个日期时间API扩展
  • CalendR – 一个日历管理的库

事件( Event )


日志( Logging )


  • Monolog – 一个综合的日志类库
  • KLogger – 一个易于使用的PSR-3日志类
  • Analog – 一个机遇闭包的微型日志包
  • SeasLog – 一个高效的日志扩展

电子商务( E-commerce )


  • OmniPay – 一个多网关支付处理的框架
  • Payum – 一个用于支付的抽象库
  • Sylius – 一个开源的电子商务解决方案
  • Thelia – 另一个开源的电子商务解决方案
  • Money – PHP实现的Fowler金钱模式
  • Sebastian Money – 一个处理货币价值的库
  • Swap – 一个汇率库



  • Snappy – 一个PDF和图像的生成库
  • WKHTMLToPDF – 一个将HTML转换为PDF的工具
  • PHPPdf – 一个将XML转化为PDF和图片的库



数据库( Database )


  • Doctrine – 一个完整的DBAL和ORM
  • Doctrine Extensions – 一个Doctrine行为的扩展集合
  • Propel – 一个快速的ORM,迁移和查询库
  • Eloquent – Laravel 5 ORM(L5)
  • LazyRecord – 一个快速的ORM
  • Baum – 一个Eloquent的嵌套集合
  • Spot2 – mysql的ORM映射器
  • RedBean – 一个轻量级、易配置的ORM
  • Pomm – 用于PostgreSQL的一个对象模型管理器
  • ProxyManager – 用于数据映射生成代理对象的工具集合
  • Cake ORM – 对象关系映射器, 实现了使用数据映射模式(CP)
  • Medoo – 一个轻量级的加速开发的ORM

迁移( Migrations )


非关系型数据库( NoSQL )


队列( Queue )


搜索( Search )


命令行( Command Line )


  • symfony/console – Symfony命令行工作组件
  • Boris – 一个微型的PHP REPL
  • PsySH – 另一个PHP REPL
  • Pecan – 一个事件驱动,非阻塞的shell
  • GetOpt – 一个命令行选择解析器
  • OptParse – 另一个命令行选择解析器
  • Commando – 一个简单的命令行选择解析器
  • GetOptionKit – 同样还是一个命令行选择解析器
  • Cron Expression -计算cron运行日期的库
  • ShellWrap – 一个简单的命令行包装库
  • Hoa Console – 另一个命令行库
  • Shunt -一个在多台远程机器上并行运行的命令行库
  • Cilex – 构建命令行工具的小型框架
  • CLImate – 构建命令行工具的框架(可以输出颜色和特殊格式)
  • Webmozart Console

定时任务( Crontab )

定时任务管理 crontab在 PHP 中的相关封装

  • Dispatcher – 基于Laravel的定时任务管理
  • swoole-crontab – 基于swoole的定时器程序,支持秒级处理
  • jobby – 一个 PHP 的定时任务管理器
  • cronlingo – Express crontabs as human friendly phrases

身份验证( Authentication and Authorization )


标记( Markup )


字符串( Strings )


  • ANSI to HTML5 – 一个将ANSI转换为HTML5的库
  • Patchwork UTF-8 – 处理UTF-8格式字符串的便携库
  • Hoa String – 另一个UTF-8格式的字符串库
  • Stringy – 一个多字节支持的字符串操纵库
  • Color Jizz – 一个处理和转换颜色的库
  • UUID – 生成UUIDs的库
  • Slugify – 一个将字符串转换为slug格式的库
  • Urlify – 一个Django URLify.js的PHP端口
  • Text – 一个文本处理库
  • SQL Formatter – 一个用于格式化SQL语句的库
  • UA Parser – 一个解析UA(User Agent)字符串的库
  • Device Detector – 另一个解析UA(User Agent)字符串的库
  • Mobile-Detect – 一个轻量级的检测移动设备的库(包括桌面设备)
  • Browser – 检测关于用户的浏览器环境

数字( Numbers )


  • Numbers PHP – 一个处理数字的库
  • Math – 处理较大数字的库
  • ByteUnits – 一个在二进制和测量系统中解析、格式化和转换字节单位的库
  • PHP Units of Measure – 一个测量单位间转换的库
  • PHP Conversion – 另一个测量单位间转换的库
  • LibPhoneNumber for PHP – PHP实现的Google电话号码处理系统库
  • hashids.php – 用来把整数生成唯一字符串(比如:通过加密解密id来隐藏真实id)

过滤和验证( Filtering ang Validation )



用于开发restful APIs的库和Web框架

  • Apigility – 一个使用Zend Framework2构建的API构建器
  • Hateoas – 一个HATEOAS REST的web服务库
  • HAL – 一个超文本应用语言(HAL)构建库
  • Negotiation – 一个内容协商库
  • Drest -一个将Doctrine实体展现为REST资源结点的库
  • Restler – 一个将PHP方法展现为RESTful web API的轻量级框架
  • fractal – [最佳实践]数据返回的统一化处理

缓存( Caching )


数据结构和存储( Data Structure and Storage )


  • Ardent – 一个数据结构库
  • PHP Collections – 一个简单的集合库
  • Serializer – 用于序列化和反序列化数据的库
  • Zend Serializer – 另一个用于序列化和反序列化数据的库
  • PHP Object Storage – 一个用于对象存储的库
  • Fractal – 一个将复杂数据结构转换为JSON输出的库
  • Totem – 一个管理和创建数据修改集的库
  • PINQ – PHP实时Linq库
  • JsonMapper – 一个将内嵌JSON结构映射到PHP类上的库
  • Cake Collection – 一个简单的集合库

通知( Notifications )


部署( Deployment )


  • Pomander – 一个PHP应用的部署工具
  • Rocketeer – PHP的快速和简单部署器
  • Envoy – 使用PHP运行SSH任务的工具
  • Plum – 一个部署库
  • Deployer – 一个部署工具
  • walle-web – 一个开源的web代码发布管理系统

国际化和本地化(Internationalisation and Localisation)


第三方API( Third Party APIs )


扩展( Extensions )


  • Zephir – 用于开发PHP扩展的一种在PHP和C++间的编译语言
  • PHP CPP – 一个用于开发PHP扩展的C++库

PHP 安装(PHP Installation)


开发环境(Development Environment)


  • Vagrant – 一个轻便的创建开发环境的工具
  • Ansible – 一个简单的业务流程框架
  • Puppet – 服务器自动化框架和应用
  • PuPHPet – 一个用于构建PHP开发虚拟机工具
  • Protobox – 另一个用于构建PHP开发虚拟机工具
  • Phansible – 另一个用于构建PHP开发虚拟机工具
  • centstead – Laravel local development environment base on vagrant and homestead

虚拟机(Virtual Machines)


  • HHVM – Facebook 开源的PHP虚拟机
  • HippyVM – 另一个PHP虚拟机

开发工具(Integrated Development Environment)


Web 应用程序(Web Applications)


  • 3V4L – Online PHP shell
  • DBV – 数据库版本控制应用程序
  • PHP Queue – 管理队列的后端程序
  • MailCatcher – 一个接受和查看邮件的程序
  • Cachet – 一个开源的网站状态展示系统(如: )
  • phpRedisAdmin – Redis 管理工具
  • phpPgAdmin – PostgreSQL管理工具
  • phpMyAdmin – MySQL管理工具
  • rockmongo – MongoDB管理工具



  • – 基于PHP的多线程应用程序服务器

其他( Miscellaneous )



A curated list of amazingly awesome PHP libraries, resources and shiny things.


Please see CONTRIBUTING and CODE-OF-CONDUCT for details.

Table of Contents

Dependency Management

Libraries for dependency and package management.

Dependency Management Extras

Extras related to dependency management.

  • Composed – A library to parse your project’s Composer environment at runtime.
  • Composer Checker – A tool to validate Composer configurations.
  • Composer Merge Plugin – A composer plugin to merge several composer.json files.
  • Composition – A library to check your Composer environment at runtime.
  • NameSpacer – A library to convert from underscores to namespaces.
  • Patch Installer – A library to install patches using Composer.
  • Prestissimo – A composer plugin which enables parallel install process.
  • Satis – A static Composer repository generator.
  • tooly – A library to manage PHAR files in project using Composer.
  • Toran Proxy – A static Composer repository and proxy.


Web development frameworks.

  • Aura PHP – A framework of independent components.
  • CakePHP – A rapid application development framework (CP).
  • Laravel 5 – Another PHP framework (L5).
  • Nette – Another framework comprised of individual components.
  • Phalcon – A framework implemented as a C extension.
  • PPI Framework 2 – An interoperability framework.
  • Symfony 2 – A framework comprised of individual components (SF2).
  • Yii2 – Another PHP framework.
  • Zend Framework 2 – Another framework comprised of individual components (ZF2).
  • Radar – An Action-Domain-Responder implementation for PHP.
  • Ice – Another simple and fast PHP framework delivered as C-extension.

Framework Extras

Extras related to web development frameworks.

  • CakePHP CRUD – A Rapid Application Development (RAD) plugin for CakePHP.
  • Knp RAD Bundle – A Rapid Application Development (RAD) bundle for Symfony 2.
  • Symfony CMF – A Content Management Framework to create custom CMS.


Standalone components from web development frameworks and development groups.

Micro Frameworks

Micro frameworks and routers.

  • Bullet PHP – A micro framework for building REST APIs.
  • Lumen – A micro-framework by Laravel.
  • Proton – A StackPHP compatible micro framework.
  • Silex – A micro framework built around Symfony2 components.
  • Slim – Another simple micro framework.

Micro Framework Extras

Extras related to micro frameworks and routers.


Libraries for handling application routing.

  • Fast Route – A fast routing library.
  • Klein – A flexible router.
  • Pux – Another fast routing library.
  • Route – A routing library built on top of Fast Route.


Libraries and tools for templating and lexing.

  • Foil – Another native PHP templating library.
  • Lex – A lightweight template parser.
  • MtHaml – A PHP implementation of the HAML template language.
  • Mustache – A PHP implementation of the Mustache template language.
  • Phly Mustache – Another PHP implementation of the Mustache template language.
  • PHPTAL – A PHP implementation of the TAL templating language.
  • Plates – A native PHP templating library.
  • Smarty – A template engine to complement PHP.
  • Twig – A comprehensive templating language.
  • Tale Jade – A PHP implementation of the Jade template language.

Static Site Generators

Tools for pre-processing content to generate web pages.

  • Couscous – Couscous turns Markdown documentation into beautiful websites. It’s GitHub Pages on steroids.
  • Phrozn – Another tool that converts Textile, Markdown and Twig into HTML.
  • Sculpin – A tool that converts Markdown and Twig into static HTML.
  • Spress – An extensible tool that converts Markdown and Twig into HTML.


Libraries for working with HTTP.

  • Buzz – Another HTTP client.
  • Guzzle – A comprehensive HTTP client.
  • HTTPFul – A chainable HTTP client.
  • PHP VCR – A library for recording and replaying HTTP requests.
  • Requests – A simple HTTP library.
  • Retrofit – A library to ease creation of REST API clients.
  • zend-diactoros – PSR-7 HTTP Message implementation.


Libraries for scraping websites.

  • Embed – An information extractor from any web service or page.
  • Goutte – A simple web scraper.
  • PHP Spider – A configurable and extensible PHP web spider.


Libraries for building application using middlewares.

  • Expressive – PSR-7 Middleware framework from Zend.
  • PSR7-Middlewares – Inspiring collection of handy middlewares.
  • Relay – A PHP 5.5 PSR-7 middleware dispatcher.
  • Stack – A library of stackable middleware for Silex/Symfony.
  • zend-stratigility – Middleware for PHP built on top of PSR-7.


Libraries for parsing URLs.

  • PHP Domain Parser – A domain suffix parser library.
  • Purl – A URL manipulation library.
  • sabre/uri – A functional URI manipulation library.
  • Uri – Another URL manipulation library.


Libraries for sending and parsing email.


Libraries for file manipulation and MIME type detection.

  • Apache MIME Types – A library that parses Apache MIME types.
  • Canal – A library to determine internet media types.
  • CSV – A CSV data manipulation library.
  • Ferret – A MIME detection library.
  • Flysystem – Another filesystem abstraction layer.
  • Gaufrette – A filesystem abstraction layer.
  • Hoa Mime – Another MIME detection library.
  • Lurker – A resource tracking library.
  • PHP FFmpeg – A wrapper for the FFmpeg video library.


Libraries for working with streams.

  • Streamer – A simple object-orientated stream wrapper library.

Dependency Injection

Libraries that implement the dependency injection design pattern.

  • Acclimate – A common interface to dependency injection containers and service locators.
  • Auryn – A recursive dependency injector.
  • Container – Another flexible dependency injection container.
  • PHP-DI – A dependency injection container that supports autowiring.
  • Pimple – A tiny dependency injection container.
  • Symfony DI – A dependency injection container component (SF2).


Libraries for manipulating images.


Libraries for testing codebases and generating test data.

  • Alice – An expressive fixture generation library.
  • AspectMock – A mocking framework for PHPUnit/Codeception.
  • Atoum – A simple testing library.
  • Behat – A behaviour driven development (BDD) testing framework.
  • Codeception – A full stack testing framework.
  • DBUnit – A database testing library for PHPUnit.
  • Faker – A fake data generator library.
  • HTTP Mock – A library for mocking HTTP requests in unit tests.
  • Kahlan – Full stack Unit/BDD testing framework with built-in stub, mock and code-coverage support.
  • Mink – Web acceptance testing.
  • Mockery – A mock object library for testing.
  • ParaTest – A parallel testing library for PHPUnit.
  • Peridot – An event driven test framework.
  • Phake – Another mock object library for testing.
  • Pho – Another behaviour driven development testing framework.
  • PHP-Mock – A mock library for built-in PHP functions (e.g. time()).
  • PHPSpec – A design by specification unit testing library.
  • PHPT – A test tool used by PHP itself.
  • PHPUnit – A unit testing framework.
  • Prophecy – A highly opinionated mocking framework.
  • Samsui – Another fake data generator library.
  • VFS Stream – A virtual filesystem stream wrapper for testing.
  • VFS – Another virtual filesystem for testing.

Continuous Integration

Libraries and applications for continuous integration.

  • CircleCI – A continuous integration platform.
  • GitlabCi – Let GitLab CI test, build, deploy your code. TravisCi like.
  • Jenkins – A continous integration platform with PHP support.
  • JoliCi – A continuous integration client written in PHP and powered by Docker.
  • PHPCI – An open source continuous integration platform for PHP.
  • SemaphoreCI – A continuous integration platform for open source and private projects.
  • Shippable – A docker based continious integration platform for open source and private projects.
  • Sismo – A continuous testing server library.
  • Travis CI – A continuous integration platform.
  • Wercker – A continuous integration platform


Libraries for generating project documentation.

  • APIGen – Another API documentation generator.
  • – A documentation generator which uses Markdown files.
  • PHP Documentor 2 – A documentation generator.
  • phpDox – A documentation generator for PHP projects (that is not limited to API documentation).
  • Sami – An API documentation generator.


Libraries for generating secure random numbers, encrypting data and scanning for vulnerabilities.

  • Halite – A simple library for encryption using libsodium.
  • HTML Purifier – A standards compliant HTML filter.
  • IniScan – A tool that scans PHP INI files for security.
  • Optimus – Id obfuscation based on Knuth’s multiplicative hashing method.
  • PHP Encryption – Secure PHP Encryption Library.
  • PHP IDS – A structured PHP security layer.
  • PHP SSH – An experimental object orientated SSH wrapper library.
  • PHPSecLib – A pure PHP secure communications library.
  • RandomLib – A library for generating random numbers and strings.
  • SecurityMultiTool – A PHP security library.
  • SensioLabs Security Check – A web tool to check your Composer dependencies for security advisories.
  • TCrypto – A simple encrypted key-value storage library.
  • True Random – A library that generates random numbers using
  • VAddy – A continuous security testing platform for web applications.
  • Zed – An integrated penetration testing tool for web applications.


Libraries and tools for working with and storing passwords.

  • GenPhrase – A library for generating secure random passphrases.
  • Password Compat – A compatibility library for the new PHP 5.5 password functions.
  • Password Policy – A password policy library for PHP and JavaScript.
  • Password Validator – A library for validating and upgrading password hashes.
  • Password-Generator – PHP library to generate random passwords.
  • PHP Password Lib – A library for generating and validating passwords.
  • phpass – A portable password hashing framework.
  • Zxcvbn PHP – A realistic PHP password strength estimate library based on Zxcvbn JS.

Code Analysis

Libraries and tools for analysing, parsing and manipulating codebases.

  • Athletic – An annotation based benchmark framework.
  • Code Climate – An automated code review.
  • Dissect – A set of tools for lexical and syntactical analysis.
  • Exakat – A static analysis engine for PHP.
  • GrumPHP – A composer plugin to defend code quality.
  • Mondrian – A code analysis tool using Graph Theory.
  • PHP Analyser – A library for analysing PHP code to find bugs and errors.
  • PHP Code Sniffer – A library that detects PHP, CSS and JS coding standard violations.
  • PHP CS Fixer – A coding standards fixer library.
  • PHP Manipulator – A library for analysing and modifying PHP Source Code.
  • PHP Mess Detector – A library that scans code for bugs, sub-optimal code, unused parameters and more.
  • PHP Metrics – A static metric library.
  • PHP Migration – A static analyzer for PHP version migration.
  • PHP Parser – A PHP parser written in PHP.
  • PHP Refactoring Browser – A command line utility for refactoring PHP code.
  • PHP Semantic Versioning Checker – A command line utility that compares two source sets and determines the appropriate semantic versioning to apply.
  • phan – A static analyzer based on PHP 7+ and the php-ast extension.
  • PHPCheckstyle – A tool to help adhere to certain coding conventions.
  • PHPCPD – A library that detects copied and pasted code.
  • PhpDependencyAnalysis – A tool to create customisable dependency graphs.
  • PHPLOC – A tool for quickly measuring the size of a PHP project.
  • PHPQA – A tool for running QA tools (phploc, phpcpd, phpcs, pdepend, phpmd, phpmetrics).
  • PHPPHP – A PHP VM implementation in PHP.
  • PHPSandbox – A PHP sandbox environment.
  • Qafoo Quality Analyzer – A tool to visualize metrics and source code.
  • Scrutinizer – A web tool to scrutinise PHP code.
  • UBench – A simple micro benchmark library.


Libraries related to design patterns, programming approaches and ways to organize code.

  • Compose – A function composition library.
  • Design Patterns PHP – A repository of software patterns implemented in PHP.
  • Finite – A simple PHP finite state machine.
  • Functional PHP – A functional programming library.
  • Galapagos – Evolutionary language transformation.
  • Iter – A library that provides iteration primitives using generators.
  • Monad PHP – A simple Monad library.
  • Patchwork – A library for redefining userland functions.
  • PHP Option – An option type library.
  • Pipeline – A pipeline pattern implementation.
  • Ruler – A simple stateless production rules engine.
  • RulerZ – A powerful rule engine and implementation of the Specification pattern.

Debugging and Profiling

Libraries and tools for debugging and profiling code.

  • APM – Monitoring extension collecting errors and statistics into SQLite/MySQL/StatsD.
  • Barbushin PHP Console – Another web debugging console using Google Chrome.
  • – A low-overhead code profiler.
  • Kint – A debugging and profiling tool.
  • PHP Console – A web debugging console.
  • PHP Debug Bar – A debugging toolbar.
  • PHPBench – A benchmarking Framework.
  • PHPDBG – An interactive PHP debugger.
  • – Monitoring and profiling tool
  • Tracy – A simple error detection, logging and time measuring library.
  • xDebug – A debug and profile tool for PHP.
  • XHProf – A profiling tool originally developed by Facebook.
  • Z-Ray – A debug and profile tool for Zend Server.

Build Tools

Project build and automation tools.

  • Bob – A simple project automation tool.
  • Box – A utility to build PHAR files.
  • Construct – A PHP project/micro-package generator.
  • Phake – A rake PHP clone library.
  • Phing – A PHP project build system inspired by Apache Ant.

Task Runners

Libraries for automating and running tasks.

  • Bldr – A PHP Task runner built on Symfony components.
  • Jobby – A PHP cron job manager without modifying crontab.
  • Robo – A PHP Task runner with object-orientated configurations.
  • Task – A pure PHP task runner inspired by Grunt and Gulp.


Tools for building navigation structures.

Asset Management

Tools for managing, compressing and minifying website assets.

  • Assetic – An asset manager pipeline library.
  • JShrink – A JavaScript minifier library.
  • Munee – An asset optimiser library.
  • Pipe – Another asset manager pipeline library.
  • Puli – A library for determining assets absolute paths.
  • BowerPHP – A PHP implementation of Bower. A package manager for the web


Libraries for geocoding addresses and working with latitudes and longitudes.

  • GeoCoder – A geocoding library.
  • GeoJSON – A GeoJSON implementation.
  • GeoTools – A library of geo-related tools.
  • PHPGeo – A simple geo library.

Date and Time

Libraries for working with dates and times.

  • CalendR – A calendar management library.
  • Carbon – A simple DateTime API extension.
  • Chronos – A DateTime API extension supporting both mutable and immutable date/time.
  • ExpressiveDate – Another DateTime API extension.
  • Moment.php – Moment.js inspired PHP DateTime handler with i18n support.


Libraries that are event-driven or implement non-blocking event loops.

  • Amp – An event driven non-blocking I/O library.
  • Broadway – An event source and CQRS library.
  • Cake Event – An event dispatcher library (CP).
  • – Yet another web socket library.
  • Evenement – An event dispatcher library.
  • Event – An event library with a focus on domain events.
  • Hoa EventSource – An event source library.
  • Hoa WebSocket – Another web socket library.
  • Icicle – An asynchronous library with coroutines, non-blocking I/O, and multithreading.
  • Prooph Event Store – An event source component to persist event messages
  • Ratchet – A web socket library.
  • React – An event driven non-blocking I/O library.
  • Rx.PHP – A reactive extension library.
  • Workerman – An event driven non-blocking I/O library.


Libraries for generating and working with log files.

  • Analog – A closure-based micro logging package.
  • KLogger – An easy-to-use PSR-3 compliant logging class.
  • Monolog – A comprehensive logger.


Libraries and applications for taking payments and building online e-commerce stores.

  • Money – A PHP implementation of Fowler’s money pattern.
  • OmniPay – A framework agnostic multi-gateway payment processing library.
  • Payum – A payment abstraction library.
  • Shopware – Highly customizable e-commerce software
  • Swap – An exchange rates library.
  • Sylius – An open source e-commerce solution.


Libraries and software for working with PDF files.

  • Dompdf – A HTML to PDF converter.
  • PHPPdf – A library for generating PDFs and images from XML.
  • Snappy – A PDF and image generation library.
  • WKHTMLToPDF – A tool to convert HTML to PDF.


Libraries for working with office suite documents.

  • ExcelAnt – A library for manipulating Microsoft Excel documents.
  • PHPExcel – A library for working with Microsoft Excel documents.
  • PHPPowerPoint – A library for working with Microsoft PowerPoint Presentations.
  • PHPWord – A library for working with Microsoft Word documents.


Libraries for interacting with databases using object-relational mapping (ORM) or datamapping techniques.

  • Baum – A nested set implementation for Eloquent.
  • Cake ORM – Object-Relational Mapper, implemented using the DataMapper pattern (CP).
  • Doctrine Extensions – A collection of Doctrine behavioural extensions.
  • Doctrine – A comprehensive DBAL and ORM.
  • Eloquent – A simple ORM (L5).
  • LazyRecord – A fast ORM designed for simplicity, extendability and performance.
  • Pomm – An Object Model Manager for PostgreSQL.
  • Propel – A fast ORM, migration library and query builder.
  • ProxyManager – A set of utilities to generate proxy objects for data mappers.
  • RedBean – A lightweight, configuration-less ORM.
  • Spot2 – A MySQL datamapper ORM.


Libraries to help manage database schemas and migrations.

  • Doctrine Migrations – A migration library for Doctrine.
  • Migrations – A migration management library.
  • Phinx – Another database migration library.
  • PHPMig – Another migration management library.
  • Ruckusing – Database migrations for PHP ala ActiveRecord Migrations with support for MySQL, Postgres, SQLite.


Libraries for working with “NoSQL” backends.

  • Monga – A MongoDB abstraction library.
  • MongoQB – A MongoDB query builder library.
  • PHPMongo – A MongoDB ORM.
  • Predis – A feature complete Redis library.


Libraries for working with event and task queues.

  • Bernard – A multibackend abstraction library.
  • BunnyPHP – A performant pure-PHP AMQP (RabbitMQ) sync and also async (ReactPHP) library.
  • Pheanstalk – A Beanstalkd client library.
  • PHP AMQP – A pure PHP AMQP library.
  • Tarantool Queue – PHP bindings for Tarantool Queue.
  • Thumper – A RabbitMQ pattern library.


Libraries and software for indexing and performing search queries on data.

Command Line

Libraries related to the command line.

  • Boris – A tiny PHP REPL.
  • Cilex – A micro framework for building command line tools.
  • CLI Menu – A library for building CLI menus.
  • CLIFramework – A command-line framework supports zsh/bash completion generation, subcommands and option constraints. It also powers phpbrew.
  • CLImate – A library for outputting colours and special formatting.
  • Commando – Another simple command line opt parser.
  • Cron Expression – A library to calculate cron run dates.
  • GetOpt – A command line opt parser.
  • GetOptionKit – Another command line opt parser.
  • Hoa Console – Another command line library.
  • OptParse – Another command line opt parser.
  • Pecan – An event-driven, non-blocking shell.
  • PsySH – Another PHP REPL.
  • ShellWrap – A simple command line wrapper library.
  • Shunt – A library for running commands in parallel on multiple remote machines.

Authentication and Authorization

Libraries for implementing user authentication and authorization.

  • Hawk – A Hawk HTTP authentication library.
  • HybridAuth – An open source social sign on library.
  • Json Web Token – Json Tokens to authenticate and transmit information.
  • Lock – A library for implementing Access Control Lists (ACL) systems.
  • OAuth 1.0 Client – An OAuth 1.0 client library.
  • OAuth 2.0 Client – An OAuth 2.0 client library.
  • OAuth2 Server – Another OAuth2 server implementation.
  • OAuth2 Server – An OAuth2 authentication server, resource server and client library.
  • Opauth – A multi-provider authentication framework.
  • PHP oAuthLib – Another OAuth library.
  • Sentinel Social – A library for social network authentication.
  • Sentinel – A framework agnostic authentication & authorisation library.
  • TwitterOAuth – A Twitter OAuth library.
  • TwitterSDK – A fully tested Twitter SDK.


Libraries for working with markup.

  • Cebe Markdown – An fast and extensible Markdown parser.
  • Ciconia – Another Markdown parser that supports Github flavoured Markdown.
  • CommonMark PHP – A Markdown parser which supports the full CommonMark spec.
  • Decoda – A lightweight markup parser library.
  • Emoji – A library that converts unicode characters and names into emoji images.
  • HTML to Markdown – Converts HTML into Markdown.
  • HTML5 PHP – An HTML5 parser and serializer library.
  • Parsedown – Another Markdown parser.
  • PHP Markdown – A Markdown parser.


Libraries for parsing and manipulating strings.

  • Agent – A PHP desktop/mobile user agent parser, based on Mobiledetect.
  • ANSI to HTML5 – An ANSI to HTML5 converter library.
  • Color Jizz – A library for manipulating and converting colours.
  • Device Detector – Another library for parsing user agent strings.
  • Hoa String – Another UTF-8 string library.
  • Jieba-PHP – A PHP port of Python’s jieba. Chinese text segmentation for natural language processing.
  • Mobile-Detect – A lightweight PHP class for detecting mobile devices (including tablets).
  • Patchwork UTF-8 – A portable library for working with UTF-8 strings.
  • Slugify – A library to convert strings to slugs.
  • SQL Formatter – A library for formatting SQL statements.
  • Stringy – A string manipulation library with multibyte support.
  • Text – A text manipulation library.
  • UA Parser – A library for parsing user agent strings.
  • URLify – A PHP port of Django’s URLify.js.
  • UUID – A library for generating UUIDs.


Libraries for working with numbers.

  • ByteUnits – A library to parse, format and convert byte units in binary and metric systems.
  • LibPhoneNumber for PHP – A PHP implementation of Google’s phone number handling library.
  • Math – A library for working with large numbers.
  • Numbers PHP – A library for working with numbers.
  • PHP Conversion – Another library for converting between units of measure.
  • PHP Units of Measure – A library for converting between units of measure.

Filtering and Validation

Libraries for filtering and validating data.

  • Cake Validation – Another validation library (CP).
  • DMS Filter – An annotation filtering library.
  • Filterus – A simple PHP filtering library.
  • ISO-codes – A library for validating inputs according standards from ISO, International Finance, Public Administrations, GS1, Book Industry, Phone numbers & Zipcodes for many countries
  • MetaYaml – A schema validation library that supports YAML, JSON and XML.
  • Respect Validation – A simple validation library.
  • Upload – A library for handling file uploads and validation.
  • Valitron – Another validation library.
  • Volan – Another simplified validation library.


Libraries and web tools for developing APIs.

  • API Platform – Expose in minutes an hypermedia REST API that embraces JSON-LD, Hydra format.
  • Apigility – An API builder built with Zend Framework 2.
  • Drest – A library for exposing Doctrine entities as REST resource endpoints.
  • HAL – A Hypertext Application Language (HAL) builder library.
  • Hateoas – A HATEOAS REST web service library.
  • Negotiation – A content negotiation library.
  • Restler – A lightweight framework to expose PHP methods as RESTful web API.
  • wsdl2phpgenerator – A tool to generate PHP classes from SOAP WSDL files.


Libraries for caching data.

  • Alternative PHP Cache (APC) – Open opcode cache for PHP.
  • APIx Cache – A thin PSR-6 cache wrapper to various caching backends emphasising cache tagging and indexing.
  • CacheTool – A tool to clear APC/opcode caches from the command line.
  • Cake Cache – A caching library (CP).
  • Doctrine Cache – A caching library.
  • Metaphore – Cache slam defense using a semaphore to prevent dogpile effect.
  • Stash – Another library for caching.
  • Zend Cache – Another caching library (ZF2).

Data Structure and Storage

Libraries that implement data structure or storage techniques.

  • Ardent – A library of data structures.
  • Cake Collection – A simple collections library (CP).
  • Collections – Collections Abstraction library for PHP.
  • Fractal – A library for converting complex data structures to JSON output.
  • Ginq – Another PHP library based on .NET’s LINQ.
  • JsonMapper – A library that maps nested JSON structures onto PHP classes.
  • Knapsack – Collection library inspired by Clojure’s sequences.
  • PHP Collections – A simple collections library.
  • PINQ – A PHP library based on .NET’s LINQ (Language Integrated Query).
  • Serializer – A library for serialising and de-serialising data.
  • Totem – A library to manage and create data changesets.
  • YaLinqo – Yet Another LINQ to Objects for PHP.
  • Zend Serializer – Another library for serialising and de-serialising data (ZF2).


Libraries for working with notification software.

  • JoliNotif – A cross-platform library for desktop notification (support for Growl, notify-send, toaster, etc)
  • Nod – A notification library (e.g., Growl).
  • Notification Pusher – A standalone library for device push notifications.
  • Notificato – A library for handling push notifications.
  • Notificator – A lightweight notification library.
  • Php-pushwoosh – A PHP Library to easily send push notifications with the Pushwoosh REST Web Services.


Libraries for project deployment.

  • Deployer – A deployment tool.
  • Envoy – A tool to run SSH tasks with PHP.
  • Plum – A deployer library.
  • Pomander – A deployment tool for PHP applications.
  • Rocketeer – A fast and easy deployer for the PHP world.

Internationalisation and Localisation

Libraries for Internationalization (I18n) and Localization (L10n).

  • Aura Intl
  • Cake I18n – Message translation and localization for dates and numbers (CP)

Third Party APIs

Libraries for accessing third party APIs.


Libraries to help build PHP extensions.

  • PHP CPP – A C++ library for developing PHP extensions.
  • Zephir – A compiled language between PHP and C++ for developing PHP extensions.


Useful libraries or tools that don’t fit in the categories above.

  • Annotations – An annotations library (part of Doctrine).
  • Cake Utility – Utility classes such as Inflector, String, Hash, Security and Xml (CP).
  • Chief – A command bus library.
  • ClassPreloader – A library for optimising autoloading.
  • Country List – A list of all countries with names and ISO 3166-1 codes.
  • Embera – An Oembed consumer library.
  • Essence – A library for extracting web media.
  • Flux – A regular expression building library.
  • Graphviz – A Graphviz library.
  • Hprose-PHP – A very newbility RPC Library, support 25+ languages now.
  • JSON Lint – A JSON lint utility.
  • JSONPCallbackValidator – A library for validating JSONP callbacks.
  • Jumper – A remote service executor library.
  • LadyBug – A dumper library.
  • Lambda PHP – A Lambda calculus interpreter in PHP.
  • LiteCQRS – A CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Separation) library.
  • Metrics – A simple metrics API library.
  • noCAPTCHA – Helper for Google’s noCAPTCHA (reCAPTCHA).
  • Nmap – A PHP wrapper around Nmap.
  • Opengraph – An opengraph library.
  • Pagerfanta – A pagination library.
  • PHP Expression – A PHP expression language.
  • PHP PassBook – A PHP library for ios PassBook.
  • PHP-GPIO – A library for playing with the Raspberry PI’s GPIO pins.
  • PHPCR – A PHP port of the Java Content Repository (JCR).
  • PHPStack – A TCP/IP stack proof of concept written in PHP.
  • print_o – An object graph visualizer.
  • Procrastinator – A library for running time consuming tasks.
  • Prooph Service Bus – Lightweight message bus supporting CQRS and Micro Services
  • RMT – A library for versioning and releasing software.
  • sabre/vobject – A library for parsing VCard and iCalendar objects.
  • Slimdump – An easy dumper tool for MySQL.
  • Spork – A process forking library.
  • Sslurp – A library that makes dealing with SSL suck less.
  • SuperClosure – A library that allows Closures to be serialized.
  • Symfony VarDumper – A variable dumper component (SF2).
  • Underscore – A PHP port of the Underscore JS library.
  • Whoops – A pretty error handling library.


Software for creating a development environment.

PHP Installation

Tools to help install and manage PHP on your computer.

  • HomeBrew PHP – A PHP tap for HomeBrew.
  • HomeBrew – A package manager for OSX.
  • PHP Brew – A PHP version manager and installer.
  • PHP Build – Another PHP version installer.
  • PHP Env – Another PHP version manager.
  • PHP OSX – A PHP installer for OSX.
  • PHP Switch – Another version manager.
  • VirtPHP – A tool for creating and managing isolated PHP environments.

Development Environment

Software and tools for creating a sandboxed development environment.

  • Ansible – A radically simple orchestration framework.
  • Phansible – A web tool for building PHP development virtual machines with Ansible.
  • Protobox – Another web tool for building PHP development virtual machines.
  • PuPHPet – A web tool for building PHP development virtual machines.
  • Puppet – A server automation framework and application.
  • Vagrant – A portable development environment utility.

Virtual Machines

Alternative PHP virtual machines.

  • Hack – A programming language for HHVM that interoperates seamlessly with PHP.
  • HHVM – A Virtual Machine, Runtime and JIT for PHP by Facebook.
  • HippyVM – Another PHP virtual machine.

Integrated Development Environment

Integrated Development Environments with support for PHP.

Web Applications

Web-based applications and tools.

  • 3V4L – An online PHP & HHVM shell.
  • DBV – A database version control application.
  • PHP Queue – An application for managing queueing backends.
  • MailCatcher – A web tool for capturing and viewing emails.
  • Cachet – The open source status page system.
  • phpBeanstalkdAdmin – Monitoring and administration interface for Beanstalkd.
  • phpRedisAdmin – A simple web interface to manage Redis databases.
  • phpPgAdmin – A web-based administration tool for PostgreSQL.
  • phpMyAdmin – A web interface for MySQL/MariaDB.
  • Adminer – Database management in a single PHP file.
  • Grav – A modern flat-file CMS.


Infrastructure for providing PHP applications and services.

  • – A multithreaded application server for PHP, written in PHP.
  • php-pm – A process manager, supercharger and load balancer for PHP applications.


Various resources, such as books, websites and articles, for improving your PHP development skills and knowledge.

PHP Websites

Useful PHP-related websites.

  • Nomad PHP – A online PHP learning resource.
  • PHP Best Practices – A PHP best practice guide.
  • PHP FIG – The PHP Framework Interoperability Group.
  • PHP Mentoring – Peer to peer PHP mentorship organization.
  • PHP School – Open Source Learning for PHP.
  • PHP Security – A guide to PHP security.
  • PHP The Right Way – A PHP best practice quick reference guide.
  • PHP UG – A website to help people locate their nearest PHP user group (UG).
  • PHP Versions – Lists which versions of PHP are available on several popular web hosts.
  • PHP Weekly – A weekly PHP newsletter.
  • PHPTrends – An overview of fastest growing PHP libraries.
  • Securing PHP – A newsletter about PHP security and library recommendations.
  • Seven PHP – A website that interviews members of the PHP community.

Other Websites

Useful websites related to web development.

PHP Books

Fantastic PHP-related books.

Other Books

Books related to general computing and web development.

PHP Videos

Fantastic PHP-related videos.

PHP Reading

PHP-releated reading materials.

PHP Internals Reading

Reading materials related to the PHP internals or performance.

PHP Magazines

Fantastic PHP-related magazines.

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Operating System: Semaphore



