Run Keyword If



篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了Run Keyword If相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

参考技术A RobotFramework 的控制流语句:Run Keyword If


场景:1. 一般判断;2.多条件判断; 3. Test Suit 级别判断

数字对比: $value == 1 3 < $value < 18 $value < 0

字符对比: ‘$value’ == 'singlequotes'    "$value" == "doublequotes"   

布尔对比: ‘$value’ == 'true'    "$value" == "false" 

是否包含:$num in @value and '$string' in @value      【字符的要加单引号或者双引号】

列表对比:@list1 == @list2    @list1[1] == “@list2[2]”      【同上】

多个判断:  A AND B AND C

多个执行语句: A and B and C


Run Keyword If  判断条件  其他关键字  

...    ELSE IF   判断条件  其他关键字   

...     ELSE  判断条件  其他关键字

Run Keyword If All Critical Tests Passed

Run Keyword If All Tests Passed

Run Keyword If Any Critical Tests Failed

Run Keyword If Any Tests Failed

Run Keyword If Test Failed

Run Keyword If Test Passed

Run Keyword If Timeout Occurred

Run Keyword And Ignore Error,Run Keyword And Return Status,Run Keyword And Continue On Failure,Run K




*** Test Cases ***
${Run Keyword And Ignore Error status} ${statusValue} Run Keyword And Ignore Error Click Element //span[@title="aaa"]
${Run Keyword And Return status} Run Keyword And Return Status Click Element //span[@title="aaa"]
${message} Set Variable Are your sure?
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Should Be Equal ${message} Are your sure?
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Click Element //span[@title="aaa"]
#执行关键字,匹配失败的信息,如果关键字执行成功,则Run Keyword And Expect Error 失败。比如evaluate 1/0肯定会失败,则catch失败信息
${msg} = Run Keyword And Expect Error * evaluate 1/0
Should Start With ${msg} Evaluating expression ‘1/0‘ failed: ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo
Repeat Keyword 2 Log repeat
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 2s log Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 执行成功
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 2s evaluate 1/0


以上是关于Run Keyword If的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

Run Keyword If

RobotFramework_Run Keyword If

Run keyword And ignore error

Run Keyword If判断的使用

robot framework ——关键字run keyword if 如何在一个条件下接多个执行语句,以及如何写复杂条件句

ES keyword